God, Government and the Poor

And this demonstrates the folly of introducing religion into politics. These are the opinions of YOUR religion. Not everyone's religion. Not even all Catholics, really.

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I have my one non-negotiable.. Mind your own business. But since you want to discuss it, let's do that.

Fetuses aren't people, and the problem with you anti-abortion fanatics is that you aren't pro-life, you are pro-birth.

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The reality of the situation is that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant. This is why abortion laws don't work in countries like the Philippines that have them, it's why they didn't work in this country before Roe.

The problem with giving globby the fetus the same rights as a fully grown person, is that you have to take rights away from the fully grown person it is inside. And I just don't mean forcing women to have their rapists' babies, but such things as charging women for assault for not taking proper pre Natal care. Do we arrest women for sipping a glass of wine during pregnancy or sneaking a smoke? Because it sounds like assault to me.

As someone who watched both of his parents die of cancer (and stopped believing in God shortly thereafter), I can't honestly believe that any kind or good deity would want people to suffer for the sake of suffering. When my time comes, I wouldn't want to put those close to me through that.

Now, I do have reservations. Once you put Euthanasia on the menu, the last thing you want is big insurance encouraging that as an option.

Pragmatic view. Far more embryos and Zygotes never attach to the uterine wall and end up in tampons than are ever destroyed in labs. But we don't include little coffins with sanitary pads. We have 450,000 frozen embryos in fertility labs that are never going to be used.

Um, okay. Problem with human cloning is that beyond "We did it" kind of science, there's really no practical use for it. A baby born from Cloning would have all the rights from a baby born from the fun way of doing it.

Now, I could see a time in the future where we could have partial cloning where the could grow an organ in a lab with no chance of rejection because it is a genetic match for the recipient.

Oh, please. There's a whole lot of stuff in the bible that is against "God's Law" that we do every day. Working on the Sabbath. Eating Pork and Shellfish. Not being a virgin on your wedding day. Women wearing pants.

Heck, within my own lifetime, it was considered "sinful" to live together outside of marriage. Now 75% of married couples live together before tying the knot, and no one blinks twice about it. I just had three of my nieces get married this year, and all three lived with their fiancés before marriage, including the couple who are kind of nutty Catholic.

So now that we've dispensed with the "God Says it's bad" argument, we can move on to the "I think it's icky" argument.

99% of straight people have engaged in Fellatio or Cunnilingus. (That's Latin for "Blow Job" and "Muff Dive", by the way.). 37% of heterosexuals have tried anal sex.

Different strokes for different folks.

I am a white dude currently dating an Asian woman. Prior to 1969 (Within my lifetime), that was considered a crime in much of the country. And religion was used to justify it.

On October 28, 1964, after waiting almost a year for a response to their motion, the ACLU attorneys filed a federal class action lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. This prompted the county court judge in the case, Leon M. Bazile (1890–1967), to issue a ruling on the long-pending motion to vacate. Echoing Johann Friedrich Blumenbach's 18th-century interpretation of race, Bazile denied the motion with the words:


So here's the thing. If you don't want to have sex with another dude, that's your own business. If you don't want to date someone of another race, that's completely your prerogative. But don't try to impose your beliefs on the rest of us, thank you.

Did your parents death cause you to stop believing?
I really have the demonic grooming socialist democrats jumping out of their skins today.. My posts to them are like crosses to Dracula.
Recently I posted an article called "30 Good Things President Trump Has Done for America"

At the end of the list the author states this:

"If you believe (as I do) that God is sovereign over the affairs of nations, do you think that Donald Trump’s presidency has been evidence of divine blessing or divine judgment? I admit that perceiving divine purposes in human events is a task that cannot be proved with certainty one way or another, but when I look over this list of 30 actions, it appears to me to be far more characteristic of divine blessing than of divine judgment. If others disagree, I respect your right to have a different opinion, but that is my view"

In my thread a leftwing democrat forum member went on to respond with Scripture about helping the poor. The inference there was that democrats help the poor and Republicans do not.

That is a common belief, and a total lie.

Who has heard the phrase, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life."

This is so applicable today: Democrats love to give a man a fish and feed him for a day, or in our case they love to give people free cheese and food stamps. Republicans want to teach a man to fish and feed him for life, or in our case, create a strong economy with good jobs and allow all Americans the dignity or earning a living. Democrats do not seem to grasp the concept of personal dignity and the Godliness of a honest days labor.

So, when it comes to helping the poor, Republican policies are best. A rising tide lifts all boats.
Under President Trump we reached the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, and in case anyone forgot, Trump achieved the lowest Black and Hispanic unemployment rates on record. As I say, a rising tide lifts all boats.

And as for social issues like sodomy (gay marriage) and killing (abortion) etc., well we all know what God says about those.

Go with GOD and go with GOP

ABC News October 4, 2019, 2:30 PM

Resolved: My post is fact and wins all the debates.
I think that poster meant a person has a legal right to end their own suffering.
I understand. But suicide was always illegal. If it is legal in some states now it is still immoral. That was my point.
I understand. But suicide was always illegal. If it is legal in some states now it is still immoral. That was my point.
I agree it’s immoral, and making a decision that is G-d’s alone. Still, the LAST people we should go after are sick people not in their right mind, when we have thugs assaulting and even killing innocent strangers, raping women, looting stores, etc.
I understand. But suicide was always illegal. If it is legal in some states now it is still immoral. That was my point.
So a person should be forced, against THEIR OWN will, while suffering terribly, because YOU say so. So now tell me YOU believe in liberty and freedom.
If I am suffering and wish to end my suffering, I don't give one shred of care what anyone else thinks. And in this case if they disagree they are anti american.
Did your parents death cause you to stop believing?

Short answer- Yes.

Long answer - It's more complicated than that. Even before they got sick, I was having my doubts. I would say they started when I was introduced to the notion by HG Wells, that Jesus might have just been an ordinary guy who survived Crucifixion, died some time later, but a whole mythology grew up around that.

Then as I learned more about other religions and mythologies and philosophies, I realized how much Christianity borrowed from the Greeks, the Persians and others. As I learned about History, I realized how much of Christianity was Constantine and other Roman Rulers trying to prop up their fading empire with a faith.

But I think the biggest influence is seeing what flaming hypocrites most "Christians" are. They don't treat people the way they'd want to be treated, they don't turn the other cheek, they don't take care of the poor.

And this isn't really a political thing... When I was younger, I was a lot more conservative than I am now (and conservatives were a lot less crazy than they are now.)

But was that crisis a turning point for me? Absolutely.
JoeB, Satan's dupe

Here's the thing. I read the bible, and I wonder who the bad guy was.

Satan only killed 10 people in the whole bible- the Children of Job, on a bet with God. When Job asked God for an answer, God told him, Because I'm Fucking God, that's why!
But here, have some new kids and wealth.

God, in the meantime.

Drowned every person on earth, including all the children, in the Great Flood.
Murdered the first born in Egypt
Tormented the Hebrews for 40 year wandering in the desert in a trip that shouldn't have taken more than a couple of weeks.
Killed some poor guy who tried to keep the Ark of the Covenant from falling off a cart.
Killed the baby of David and Bathsheba to teach David a lesson.
Killed 70,000 Israelites because David took a census
Demanded Jephthah butcher and burn his virgin daughter over a foolish oath.
Killed 42 children because they made fun of a bald prophet. (God isn't just a Hair Club Client, he's also a member!)
Here's the thing. I read the bible, and I wonder who the bad guy was.

Satan only killed 10 people in the whole bible- the Children of Job, on a bet with God. When Job asked God for an answer, God told him, Because I'm Fucking God, that's why!
But here, have some new kids and wealth.

God, in the meantime.

Drowned every person on earth, including all the children, in the Great Flood.
Murdered the first born in Egypt
Tormented the Hebrews for 40 year wandering in the desert in a trip that shouldn't have taken more than a couple of weeks.
Killed some poor guy who tried to keep the Ark of the Covenant from falling off a cart.
Killed the baby of David and Bathsheba to teach David a lesson.
Killed 70,000 Israelites because David took a census
Demanded Jephthah butcher and burn his virgin daughter over a foolish oath.
Killed 42 children because they made fun of a bald prophet. (God isn't just a Hair Club Client, he's also a member!)

We have free will. Wasn't God that did that. Now if we we didn't have free will then yeah but what would be the point of living?
We have free will. Wasn't God that did that. Now if we we didn't have free will then yeah but what would be the point of living?

We have free will, but God punished people in the bible for making the wrong decisions...

And sometimes he punished people for petty reasons.

Now, don't get me wrong, I take a story about God killing King David's Baby about as seriously as I take a story about Zeus turning King Lycus into a wolf.

The thing is, God punished the innocent along with the guilty, that's the whole point of the book of Job.

Oh, I forgot the important one on the list - Sodom and Gommorah.

God killed everyone in the city for being gay or something, but he sent two angels down to rescue Lot. After Lot's wife got turned into a pillar of salt for daring to look back at her home and all her friends being killed, Lot proceeded to get drunk off his ass and have sex with both of his daughters. This is the good person God just had to save?
We have free will, but God punished people in the bible for making the wrong decisions...

And sometimes he punished people for petty reasons.

Now, don't get me wrong, I take a story about God killing King David's Baby about as seriously as I take a story about Zeus turning King Lycus into a wolf.

The thing is, God punished the innocent along with the guilty, that's the whole point of the book of Job.

Oh, I forgot the important one on the list - Sodom and Gommorah.

God killed everyone in the city for being gay or something, but he sent two angels down to rescue Lot. After Lot's wife got turned into a pillar of salt for daring to look back at her home and all her friends being killed, Lot proceeded to get drunk off his ass and have sex with both of his daughters. This is the good person God just had to save?

The point of Job was to show satan that Job would obey God regardless of his condition.

In sodom and gomorrah, God told abraham that he would spare the city if he could just find 10 people. Pride was what destroyed the city.
The point of Job was to show satan that Job would obey God regardless of his condition.

Uh, okay... So God let Satan torture a man and murder his family and destroy his wealth and let his friends mock him for 42 chapters because he wanted to prove a point to Satan? (Who, I might point out, was described as the accuser, and allowed to enter and leave Heaven as he pleased.)

In sodom and gomorrah, God told abraham that he would spare the city if he could just find 10 people. Pride was what destroyed the city.

Um, okay, so that made it okay kill all the children in the city?
More to the point, Lot got drunk and banged his daughters, and this is the guy God had to save?

JoeB worships Satan but does not know it, or maybe he does
If I were to believe in an imaginary Sky Pixie, I would go with Amaterasu... because hey, Asian chicks are hot.


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