God/Job vs. Whore of Babylon: Apocrypha (DNP)


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Sep 22, 2013
Does consumerism/media make you think of Babylon (or federalism)?

This apocrypha-meditation was inspired by Dogma.


As God surveyed the splendour of his creation, he decided to visit Adam who was at the time meditating on the contours of death and doom. God was concerned that Adam was so pensive about fate and decided to give him the alias 'Job.' God told Job not to worry so much about fatalism and instead ponder the majesty of the glorious land and the dignity that comes from it when one toils to cultivate resources and avoids waste and pollution and complacency. Job retorted to God that he appreciated the 'logic' of dignified labors but was concerned that the enigmatic Whore of Babylon would entice all men towards mischief and gluttony. God realized Job was naturally curious about the 'authority' of the Whore of Babylon and motivated Job to join him in a discussion/debate with this enigmatic Whore of Babylon.


The Whore of Babylon was sitting on her throne on a mountaintop and playing with her goblet of fire and blood. The Whore of Babylon stood for all things mysterious and corruptible including the vices of capitalism and consumerism --- piracy, gluttony, etc. God knew the Whore of Babylon understood very well the 'limits' of spiritual patience when it came to matters of great labor and fatigue. She was, after all, a 'messenger' of the immediate pleasures of gratification as a 'preference' over the tedium of normal labor and diligence. The Whore of Babylon was therefore the 'mother of short-cuts.' God convinced the Whore of Babylon to debate with Job and himself about capitalism and ethics and human dignity.


JOB: Why is there so much confusion regarding capitalism?
WHORE: The Democratic National Party (DNP) has 'politicized' the American Dream.
GOD: That's true; the Republicans politicized wealth (not ambition).

JOB: When I watch the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on TV, I worry!
WHORE: That's because the DNC has become a symbol of socialized nationalism.
GOD: 'Socialized nationalism' is another way of referring to customs.

JOB: The DNP is very good as 'social customs.'
WHORE: Yes, the Republicans are more interested in traditions (generally)...
GOD: The Democrats are the more 'trendy' party (in modern times)!

JOB: What do you make of Apple Computers (Steve Jobs)?
WHORE: I like the 1998 iMac and Airport.
GOD: Apple really exploded and made consumerism 'imaginative.'

JOB: If capitalism creates great intrigue, why do we endure vices?
WHORE: Druglords and pirates exploit competitive instincts.
GOD: The function of competitive economics is to facilitate peaceful ambition.

JOB: Yet, it was capitalism that molded the Gulf War.
WHORE: It was also capitalism that 'bred' 9/11 angst.
GOD: Terrorism directed 'against' capitalism represents anarchy meditation.

JOB: Do you like the Trump Administration?
WHORE: I believe Trump cares about powerhouse companies...
GOD: He may be a lot like Ronald Reagan!

JOB: Perhaps America will now see a 'Trumponomics' replace Reaganomics.
WHORE: Consumerism crave trophies of spending (e.g., Amazon.com).
GOD: Inflated consumerism does not facilitate education (e.g., WikiLeaks).

JOB: What about tobacco companies exploiting human vice/gluttony?
WHORE: Cigarettes are addictive...
GOD: The American film The Insider (Michael Mann) exposes 'corporate apathy.'

JOB: Is apathy the same as sloth?
WHORE: Not really; apathy is more mental, while sloth is more visceral/corporeal.
GOD: I agree; apathy refers more to neglect!

JOB: Sometimes government neglect the needs of everyday people.
WHORE: Modern capitalist-patriots demand social forums for the evaluation of 'yearning.'
GOD: Yes, advertising is as important as design...

JOB: I see; Super Bowl ads generate great revenues and reflect modern civilization.
WHORE: Why not hype pornography as a monument to free-speech (and marketing)?
GOD: If we ignore temperance, human beings will feel 'exploited.'

JOB: Maybe the Hallmark Channel (TV) offers programs symbolic of 'customs idealism.'
WHORE: Yes, Hallmark movies/mysteries are family-oriented and encourage festivity.
GOD: I suppose 'media aesthetics' create forms of negotiation!

JOB: However, every time I watch The People's Court (TV), I worry about evil...
WHORE: Evil is real; the only way to 'avoid' evil is to pray about solace!
GOD: Prayer is overlooked when worries about satisfaction arise.

JOB: The best way to satisfy the DNP (Democrats) is to create free-speech marketing.
WHORE: Yes, Facebook is a great example of 'liberal customs marketing' (and consumerism).
GOD: Even Donald Trump has a profile-page on Facebook.

JOB: Salman Rushdie's challenge with Muslim censorship is evidence of consumer-rituals.
WHORE: When Facebook offers pornography, then we should worry about the AntiChrist.
GOD: In some ways, consumerism creates great 'censorship dialogue.'



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