god slimes people's lungs

..how nice of god to slime people's lungs...slowly suffocating them .....what's his purpose for that?
You can ask him when you see him...if you ever see him....
well, I don't think that's possible--since there is no god

Then why are you asking a question like his?
.......either god/relgion is idiotic [ which religions are--since they are made up by humans ] and/or there is no god
.......either god/relgion is idiotic [ which religions are--since they are made up by humans ] and/or there is no god
Things made up by humans: Laws, boats/ships, airliners, cars, castles, mansions, art, music, words, writing, gardens, watches, computers--and on and on. Perhaps we agree that humans came up with all these things through observation and then taking their observations to a higher level. Humans create, but they do not create from nothing, but from a starting point. Due to proper construction, many human creations stand the test of time. Many more become a pile of rubble before the next generation. (Success versus failure.)

Primitive man understood part of our makeup is spirit, and that some of our experiences are more spirit than physical in nature. (Man observing.) Some of the religions built up around these spiritual experiences stood the test of time; others did not. (Success versus failure.)

We see success versus failure in our own life. Many people are successful at building ships, rockets, monuments and gardens. I have succeeded at gardening while failing at all the others. Some people are successful at creating art, music, and poems. I can create a poem, but am a colossal failure at art and music. Some people can find their way up Mount Everest; others find the narrow path into true religion. I fail at the former, succeed at the latter.

Obviously, my failures outnumber my successes, yet I, personally, find no need to deride the successes of others. In fact, I enjoy hearing and reading about them. When hearing about them, I find no need to point out all the failures of ships, buildings, art, and music and reach a conclusion that making the attempt at all is worthless.

While it may be as worthless for you to make the attempt at religion as it would be for me to make that attempt on Everest. perhaps we both can appreciate instead of denigrate what others have even when we don't have that within ourselves.
.......either god/relgion is idiotic [ which religions are--since they are made up by humans ] and/or there is no god
Things made up by humans: Laws, boats/ships, airliners, cars, castles, mansions, art, music, words, writing, gardens, watches, computers--and on and on. Perhaps we agree that humans came up with all these things through observation and then taking their observations to a higher level. Humans create, but they do not create from nothing, but from a starting point. Due to proper construction, many human creations stand the test of time. Many more become a pile of rubble before the next generation. (Success versus failure.)

Primitive man understood part of our makeup is spirit, and that some of our experiences are more spirit than physical in nature. (Man observing.) Some of the religions built up around these spiritual experiences stood the test of time; others did not. (Success versus failure.)

We see success versus failure in our own life. Many people are successful at building ships, rockets, monuments and gardens. I have succeeded at gardening while failing at all the others. Some people are successful at creating art, music, and poems. I can create a poem, but am a colossal failure at art and music. Some people can find their way up Mount Everest; others find the narrow path into true religion. I fail at the former, succeed at the latter.

Obviously, my failures outnumber my successes, yet I, personally, find no need to deride the successes of others. In fact, I enjoy hearing and reading about them. When hearing about them, I find no need to point out all the failures of ships, buildings, art, and music and reach a conclusion that making the attempt at all is worthless.

While it may be as worthless for you to make the attempt at religion as it would be for me to make that attempt on Everest. perhaps we both can appreciate instead of denigrate what others have even when we don't have that within ourselves.
boats/airliners/etc are there--you CAN'T deny they are there......you can PROVE they are there
....when I say ''made up''--I mean invented--not true
..the only people deriding others are the christians---have you seen some of what they say???!!!!!! insults/etc!!!
/ˈˌmād ˈˌəp/


  1. 1.
    wearing makeup.
    "her immaculately made-up face"

    invented; not true.
I mean invented--not true
Ah, but there is truth. I have a nephew who can only see in black and white. Ever try to describe color to a person who can only see black and white? For some reason you cannot see truth in faith, and it is just as hard for me to explain that truth to you as it is to explain color to my nephew.
I mean invented--not true
Ah, but there is truth. I have a nephew who can only see in black and white. Ever try to describe color to a person who can only see black and white? For some reason you cannot see truth in faith, and it is just as hard for me to explain that truth to you as it is to explain color to my nephew.
your analogies are wrong.....airplanes to ??truth? god? !!???
your analogies are wrong.....
Harmonica, it begins with your belief that only the physical is real.

To you, since God is not physical, God is not real. Then there is the issue that I was not using analogies. I was presenting to you the physical evidence (you seem to require) that mankind, too, is a creator, and that our creations begin with observing and imagining the next thing possible that grows from our observations. Next, each is more successful at some of our creations than we are at others. Finally, some of our creations are more lasting than others.

Some of us hold the belief that a human spirit is as real as a human body. Just as the human body can see a log, imagine a canoe, then a sailing ship, then a cruise ship is a part of our creative process. It is doubtful the first human who saw a floating log imagined an ocean liner (at the time, no such thing).

In the same way a human can perceive the human spirit and from there begin the reality of building in that spiritual realm. It all begin with the belief that as humans, we have body, mind, and spirit. No belief in spirit, no observation of spirit, and God is as unreal to you as an ocean liner is to a caveman who resides the hills around an African savannah.
..the only people deriding others are the christians---

Are you our of your fucking mind?

Everywhere, all over the world there are people deriding others every second of the day.

Take this very board for example. Most of the people here take shots at other people and they damn sure ain't all Christians.

Statements like that only cut any credibility you have in an argument.
..the only people deriding others are the christians---

Are you our of your fucking mind?

Everywhere, all over the world there are people deriding others every second of the day.

Take this very board for example. Most of the people here take shots at other people and they damn sure ain't all Christians.

Statements like that only cut any credibility you have in an argument.
..I have discussed civilly and politely on the Religion forum.....and the christians start the insults/etc ......you would think THEY would be kind and civil--but they prove to be hypocrites
.....my ''statements'' are facts
..how nice of god to slime people's lungs...slowly suffocating them .....what's his purpose for that?

You have God confused with Corona virus. :slap:
He can heal it though. Shame we kicked Him out of the country...

They can't kick him out of the country. He lives in the hearts and minds of those who believe.
The gods don’t live in my heart and mind because I don’t “believe”. Those are rather petty gods. I’m going to find some new ones.
..I have discussed civilly and politely on the Religion forum.....and the christians start the insults/etc ......you would think THEY would be kind and civil--but they prove to be hypocrites
.....my ''statements'' are facts
Interesting how you see yourself. God and religion is very holy ground for people of faith. Posts speaking of God are far from civil, polite, or respectful. They are a tasteless combination of insult and ignorance. And you deliberately toss this onto our holy ground.

True, I have found you respectful and civil to members here, but personally, I would rather you be unkind and uncivil to me than seeing disrespect to God. Yes, I know you hold no belief--and the same is true for many in my family. But they have way too much respect for themselves (and me as well) to be disrespectful while discussing issues that are holy to others.
..I have discussed civilly and politely on the Religion forum.....and the christians start the insults/etc ......you would think THEY would be kind and civil--but they prove to be hypocrites
.....my ''statements'' are facts
Interesting how you see yourself. God and religion is very holy ground for people of faith. Posts speaking of God are far from civil, polite, or respectful. They are a tasteless combination of insult and ignorance. And you deliberately toss this onto our holy ground.

True, I have found you respectful and civil to members here, but personally, I would rather you be unkind and uncivil to me than seeing disrespect to God. Yes, I know you hold no belief--and the same is true for many in my family. But they have way too much respect for themselves (and me as well) to be disrespectful while discussing issues that are holy to others.
I can't be disrespectful to god--there is no god
.. I don't say crap like ''fk god/etc'''--unless some jackass starts crap
..I can't be disrespectful by telling facts
I can't be disrespectful to god--there is no god
So God, whom I know is, and whose love I have experienced is not who you are speaking of when you claim "god slimes people's lungs". Just to whom are you referencing then? If you are not referencing God who made Himself known to me when you toss off descriptions just as "sky fairy" of whom are you speaking?

You see, I do not believe in your "god", either. There is no such being as whoever it is you believe you are referencing. So...why do you make something up to discuss here?

I have, however briefly, experienced the living God, and I can give every assurance He is living.

So, if in the future you create another thread, be honest. Entitle it, "My sky fairy slimes people's lungs." And, perhaps post it outside the Religion Forum. The Rubber Room seems like an appropriate place, perhaps.
I can't be disrespectful to god--there is no god
So God, whom I know is, and whose love I have experienced is not who you are speaking of when you claim "god slimes people's lungs". Just to whom are you referencing then? If you are not referencing God who made Himself known to me when you toss off descriptions just as "sky fairy" of whom are you speaking?

You see, I do not believe in your "god", either. There is no such being as whoever it is you believe you are referencing. So...why do you make something up to discuss here?

I have, however briefly, experienced the living God, and I can give every assurance He is living.

So, if in the future you create another thread, be honest. Entitle it, "My sky fairy slimes people's lungs." And, perhaps post it outside the Religion Forum. The Rubber Room seems like an appropriate place, perhaps.

It took an autopsy to find it, so it does happen. It doesn't happen in every death, so COVID-19 can kill by ARDS/pneumonia or slime. I think ARDS/pneumonia kills more people, but slime must be painful. Just a hunch. One doctor in China who did an autopsy on the slime death said it was the most dangerous room in the world to be in. I don't know what he meant by that.
..I have discussed civilly and politely on the Religion forum.....and the christians start the insults/etc ......you would think THEY would be kind and civil--but they prove to be hypocrites
.....my ''statements'' are facts

Nothing civil or polite about you. And you are a liar, a fraud and a baiter under your pretense of politeness and civility. You remind me of the Pharisee, Simon.

You showed your hand too soon with this admission:
..I'm not the one who believes in sky fairies/outrageous stuff/dead rising/birth without sex/etc

Your "statements" are merely opinions of the blind...
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..I have discussed civilly and politely on the Religion forum.....and the christians start the insults/etc ......you would think THEY would be kind and civil--but they prove to be hypocrites
.....my ''statements'' are facts

Nothing civil or polite about you. And you are a liar, a fraud and a baiter under your pretense of politeness and civility. You remind me of the Pharisee, Simon.

You showed your hand too soon with this admission:
..I'm not the one who believes in sky fairies/outrageous stuff/dead rising/birth without sex/etc

Your "statements" are merely opinions of the blind...
hahahahhahahahahaaahah---you prove what I say--thank you
...baiter--liar--fraud ---hahahahhahahahah
..I'm very civil and polite until someone starts crap ...check my posts
...dead rising is outrageous

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