God to the Left of Me - Joker's to The Right...


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
If you are a right-handed Monkey, you are left-brain dominant.

This presumes that those of us who swing but one way have a submissive brain side.

Two separate halves joined with a communication link.

Max-Planck-Gesellschaft said:
Our brain is divided into two hemispheres, which are linked through only a few connections. However, we do not seem to have a problem to create a coherent image of our environment -


What if the voice in your head is just the conversation with yourself made possible with the evolution of words?

What if your mind is like a message board of two members using words to communicate ideas with varying degrees of effectiveness?

What if the ancient stories starring The Family of Abraham are simply a part of the growing documentation of the evolution of words among Earths Monkeys?

"And The Word WAS God."

Of course, but it's the communication between our brain halves over a small link using this new toy called 'Words' as an evolutionary explanation for The Voice of God that I want to discuss.

The invention of language was a red-letter day :thup:
Of course, but it's the communication between our brain halves over a small link using this new toy called 'Words' as an evolutionary explanation for The Voice of God that I want to discuss.

The invention of language was a red-letter day :thup:
I think that inner voice, whether you call it God's voice, conscience, or instinct, delves deeper into that Pink Floyd video than we could ever cover here.

Ever been deer hunting and you know you haven't moved or breathed, or the wind hasn't changed, but suddenly that deer just bolts away?
or God's Voice?

You know my choice. I think He warns us all the time.
You just gotta be still and listen
I hope you're right. It may have been that a mouse scurried over the deer's toe at a lucky time.

It really doesn't seem like God has taken much of an interest in humanity, assuming God is.

I'll bet God is that third voice that I hear.

The one that coaches.​

You're right hortysir....................if you're not listening, you'll never hear God (or conscience, or Higher Power, etc.).

Especially when you're too busy trying to convince yourself that you're a good person.

And.........additionally...............you need to be able to notice when God is close by. What most people call "coincidence", I look at more as God letting me know He's watching.

Too bad many people are too busy telling others how to live and because of that, they are unable to hear God.
You're right hortysir....................if you're not listening, you'll never hear God (or conscience, or Higher Power, etc.).

Especially when you're too busy trying to convince yourself that you're a good person.

And.........additionally...............you need to be able to notice when God is close by. What most people call "coincidence", I look at more as God letting me know He's watching.

Too bad many people are too busy telling others how to live and because of that, they are unable to hear God.
I laugh at "coincidences". But it's a happy laugh to watch Him at work....putting people in just the right place at the right time
I hope you're right. It may have been that a mouse scurried over the deer's toe at a lucky time.

It really doesn't seem like God has taken much of an interest in humanity, assuming God is.

I'll bet God is that third voice that I hear.

The one that coaches.​

TBF, much of humanity has stopped taking an interest in Him, too
Yep. And there's a world of difference between paying lip service to something and actually taking an interest in it.

Too many people today just pay lip service to God rather than being interested in what He actually said.
It's called dissociative disorder.
A lot of the pastors like Rod Parsley have dissociative disorder/split personalities where they think they are talking to God when it's their concious split in 2.
Even thosr new agers angel channelors when not con artist they have dissociative tendencies.
Just test them: do they claim channeling Metatron as an entity, well Metatron is not a person or being specifically.
Metatron is a nere term used meaning Mediator and was used to describe 2 people, Enoch and Michael.
So when channelers claim they channel Michael & Metatron as seperate destinct beings they are lying or clearly dissociative. Same with claims on channeling Melchizedek as a new entity on it's own.
Abraham was being taught by a righteous head priest (a makakh or melchi tsadek) of Shalem, those teachings of love thy neighbor and hospitality were thus used in Torah and oral traditions then borrowed and placed in the teachings of Jesus as if they were his own.
Did Abraham learn this from the future king of hosts or his present day one or was it his subconcious?
If "our" God (not Creation's source) but our perceived God were to create order out of chaos and cause things to be more complete then he'd do it by influencing the archaic age past to be more civilized for a faster brighter future.
Since it is known that we only use a small portion of our brain and we have reached advances in science, where we now can send sound faster then light. There is evidence then that messenging and messengers of the world to come (non linear future) to the linear past is indeed possible a notion and not fantasyland. Are holograms which can be made of photons improbable then why do they describe these eventscas light beings?
In your scepticsm you are not wilking to recognize how advanced the future will be and it's connection to that of the past becomes more evident when we no longer think linear about time.
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It is all beyond me-----I cannot even get the veggies to come out cooked simultaneous with the meat-------really----I steam my broccoli-----it gets limp-----and the roast is still raw----WHERE ARE MICHAEL AND METATRON?
Well you can cook accorn squash, asparagus and fresh beans and rice for over and hour and never get is soft enough or use a pressure cooker in less then a third of the time and it's constistantly done throughout.
That saved time equates to about 10-20 more replies to Penelope for ya. *L*

Does anyone else out there even HAVE voices in their head?

I suppose that if the answer to that question is 'no', discussing the amazing thing that thinking in words is would be kind of pointless.

Hello? Is this thing on?
You know...............sometimes when I'm about to do something stupid, there's a little voice in my head that tells me it's a bad idea.

Sometimes, it also alerts me to some opportunities that I may have otherwise overlooked.

And.................on occasion, when I'm reviewing my day and how I did during it at night, I hear that same voice tell me what I did good and where I can improve.

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