God to the Left of Me - Joker's to The Right...

That's what I'm talking about!

So, is it the voice of, for lack of a better word, 'God', or just your sweet self in conversation?

I know that a similar voice in my own mind reminds me DAILY of the hope that I have in the possibility of a God who knows my name.

Does anyone else out there even HAVE voices in their head?

I suppose that if the answer to that question is 'no', discussing the amazing thing that thinking in words is would be kind of pointless.

Hello? Is this thing on?
I don't know if I'd call it "thinking in words"
It's so hard to voice a thought.
Takes several minutes to convey just a blink of a thought to someone (even longer to type it out with your thumbs)

A couple weeks ago I had a line on what sounded like the perfect job for me.
Had already scheduled an interview for the next day.
I searched these people every which way but loose and couldn't find anything negative about them.
"Food distribution", truck provided on established route.

When I turned in for the night I prayed for His wisdom, just as He had granted Solomon.
There was an instant, clear, distinct answer. I heard it as if my wife had rolled over and whispered into my ear.
One word: Address

I immediately got up and Googled their address, and there were pages of bad reviews.
Turns out it was those jackasses that sell meat out of pickups.
That's why he wanted me to start at the beginning of the month.....there were dozens of complaints of them preying on the elderly around the 3rd.

So, yea, I've heard His voice
That's what I'm talking about!

So, is it the voice of, for lack of a better word, 'God', or just your sweet self in conversation?

I know that a similar voice in my own mind reminds me DAILY of the hope that I have in the possibility of a God who knows my name.

Of course the very next thought is almost always about the smallness of our shared wet rock floating in its sun-beam and the sheer commonality of our star.

Does GOD have Time for an average Monkey like me?
That's what I'm talking about!

So, is it the voice of, for lack of a better word, 'God', or just your sweet self in conversation?

I know that a similar voice in my own mind reminds me DAILY of the hope that I have in the possibility of a God who knows my name.

Of course the very next thought is almost always about the smallness of our shared wet rock floating in its sun-beam and the sheer commonality of our star.

Does GOD have Time for an average Monkey like me?
If you imagine Him as being all-encompassing, that would be like asking if you care about your elbow.

We are just as much a part of Him as He wants to be a part of us
That's what I'm talking about!

So, is it the voice of, for lack of a better word, 'God', or just your sweet self in conversation?

I know that a similar voice in my own mind reminds me DAILY of the hope that I have in the possibility of a God who knows my name.

Yes..............it could be your own sweet self talking you into something that you shouldn't do. David Koresh, Jim Jones and other cult leaders come to mind, because they claim to talk only to God in a move to cultivate power.

I was watching a Jewish scholar on one of the religious channels once, and he said one way to avoid that problem is to make sure that you talk to a trusted friend and sound out what you think you heard against what they think, and in gathering together, you can work out if it's real or not. My room mate and I share similar spiritual values, so she's the one I talk to about stuff like that. Besides, doesn't it say that where ever 2 or more are gathered together in His name, there He is?

However......................there is a much more "dramatic" way to figure out if you actually heard God or not.

Ask Him. Then look for the answers (or "sign" if you will).

They're easy to spot by the way, because He usually sends you a signal in the form of a coincidence directly related to what you asked Him about.

And................be careful about telling Him what you're gonna do, because if you sound sincere, He's gonna put you in a situation to see if you're gonna live up to your word.

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