Godless DemNazis Still Trying To Kill God.

Dems to strike 'so help me God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows

A key committee in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the words "so help you God" from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.

The draft shows that the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to recite only: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

The rules proposal places the words "So help you God" in red brackets, indicating they are slated to be cut. Other rules changes relate to expanding the committee's authority over natural gas in Alaska and fossil-fuel resources.

While many federal oaths include the phrase "So help me God," some -- most notably the presidential oath of office -- do not.

The full committee is set to vote on the new language this week, and the rules would take effect immediately if adopted. Other committees were still in the process of finalizing their rules on Monday.

If you knew god and respect god you wouldn't be so hateful against minorities, immigrants, refugees and everyone that's different from you....you guys are the most hypocrite group assholes ever assembled behind the dumbest leader in human history....and you come and preach about god.
You’re projecting again
One thing I would like to add is that if one is to remove Divine or Supreme Justice from this equation, then there no longer exists "Universal Justice" because if there is no justice to be found beyond the realm of man, then man has made himself the divine, and man is a poor god, and poor arbitrator of justice, because he is imperfect.

You can bribe a man to decide a case in your favor, but you cannot bribe A Supreme Law Giver.

Saying that if there is no justice beyond man means that man is divine is a huge lapse of logic. If there is no God, it does not mean that man is divine.

Religious blathering always makes me laugh! It's fun to figure out exactly where the logic fails.

Reminds me of those Reader's Digest sweepstakes entries I used to receive - it was so much fun to look thru the fine print and figure out how they wiggled out of their lies!
fk your christian hating view. start your own country and leave out god from it, but here, it's what is required to live in ours. we believe in a higher being.

What country do you live in? It sure as hell isn't the United States of America!

In the United States our country was founded upon the dignity of the people, not on any gods or gods. Our Constitution starts with:

"We the People Do Ordain"

That means that our country is NOT ordained by any god. We have both freedom of religion AND freedom from religion.

Furthermore, I do not hate Christians. Just because I do not allow people to force their beliefs upon me does not mean I have any malevolence toward religious people...except those that DO try to force their religion on me. But that's only a minority of the religious people.

Those that DO try to FORCE their beliefs on other people (like you), always profess the their inability to force those beliefs on other people constitutes religious persecution against them - which is a bunch of crap.

Anyway, I surprised to find out that you're not American, I had thought you were.

Are you Iranian perhaps? Saudi? A Taliban?

You sure seem to hold views regarding religious tolerance like an Iranian, Saudi or Taliban....which is it?

Or perhaps you trying to be another Jim Jones or David Koresh?
One thing I would like to add is that if one is to remove Divine or Supreme Justice from this equation, then there no longer exists "Universal Justice" because if there is no justice to be found beyond the realm of man, then man has made himself the divine, and man is a poor god, and poor arbitrator of justice, because he is imperfect.

You can bribe a man to decide a case in your favor, but you cannot bribe A Supreme Law Giver.

Saying that if there is no justice beyond man means that man is divine is a huge lapse of logic. If there is no God, it does not mean that man is divine.

Religious blathering always makes me laugh! It's fun to figure out exactly where the logic fails.

Reminds me of those Reader's Digest sweepstakes entries I used to receive - it was so much fun to look thru the fine print and figure out how they wiggled out of their lies!
fk your christian hating view. start your own country and leave out god from it, but here, it's what is required to live in ours. we believe in a higher being.

What country do you live in? It sure as hell isn't the United States of America!

In the United States our country was founded upon the dignity of the people, not on any gods or gods. Our Constitution starts with:

"We the People Do Ordain"

That means that our country is NOT ordained by any god. We have both freedom of religion AND freedom from religion.

Furthermore, I do not hate Christians. Just because I do not allow people to force their beliefs upon me does not mean I have any malevolence toward religious people...except those that DO try to force their religion on me. But that's only a minority of the religious people.

Those that DO try to FORCE their beliefs on other people (like you), always profess the their inability to force those beliefs on other people constitutes religious persecution against them - which is a bunch of crap.

Anyway, I surprised to find out that you're not American, I had thought you were.

Are you Iranian perhaps? Saudi? A Taliban?

You sure seem to hold views regarding religious tolerance like an Iranian, Saudi or Taliban....which is it?

Or perhaps you trying to be another Jim Jones or David Koresh?
I'm just asking you what it says on your money other than the amount?
Dems to strike 'so help me God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows

A key committee in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the words "so help you God" from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.

The draft shows that the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to recite only: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

The rules proposal places the words "So help you God" in red brackets, indicating they are slated to be cut. Other rules changes relate to expanding the committee's authority over natural gas in Alaska and fossil-fuel resources.

While many federal oaths include the phrase "So help me God," some -- most notably the presidential oath of office -- do not.

The full committee is set to vote on the new language this week, and the rules would take effect immediately if adopted. Other committees were still in the process of finalizing their rules on Monday.


I don't see how this rules changes preclude any oath-taker from saying "so help me God" or Goddess or anything else.Tempest in a teapot.
Dems to strike 'so help me God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows

A key committee in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the words "so help you God" from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.

The draft shows that the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to recite only: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

The rules proposal places the words "So help you God" in red brackets, indicating they are slated to be cut. Other rules changes relate to expanding the committee's authority over natural gas in Alaska and fossil-fuel resources.

While many federal oaths include the phrase "So help me God," some -- most notably the presidential oath of office -- do not.

The full committee is set to vote on the new language this week, and the rules would take effect immediately if adopted. Other committees were still in the process of finalizing their rules on Monday.


I don't see how this rules changes preclude any oath-taker from saying "so help me God" or Goddess or anything else.Tempest in a teapot.

You're right. It doesn't. Same with the military oath of enlistment which was modified a few years back, allowing people to affirm rather than swear, and they could also leave off the "so help me God", if they so chose.

Didn't change a thing for the other applicants who believed in God and wanted to swear as well as say "so help me God" at the end, it was their choice to either do so or not.
One thing I would like to add is that if one is to remove Divine or Supreme Justice from this equation, then there no longer exists "Universal Justice" because if there is no justice to be found beyond the realm of man, then man has made himself the divine, and man is a poor god, and poor arbitrator of justice, because he is imperfect.

You can bribe a man to decide a case in your favor, but you cannot bribe A Supreme Law Giver.

Saying that if there is no justice beyond man means that man is divine is a huge lapse of logic. If there is no God, it does not mean that man is divine.

Religious blathering always makes me laugh! It's fun to figure out exactly where the logic fails.

Reminds me of those Reader's Digest sweepstakes entries I used to receive - it was so much fun to look thru the fine print and figure out how they wiggled out of their lies!
fk your christian hating view. start your own country and leave out god from it, but here, it's what is required to live in ours. we believe in a higher being.

What country do you live in? It sure as hell isn't the United States of America!

In the United States our country was founded upon the dignity of the people, not on any gods or gods. Our Constitution starts with:

"We the People Do Ordain"

That means that our country is NOT ordained by any god. We have both freedom of religion AND freedom from religion.

Furthermore, I do not hate Christians. Just because I do not allow people to force their beliefs upon me does not mean I have any malevolence toward religious people...except those that DO try to force their religion on me. But that's only a minority of the religious people.

Those that DO try to FORCE their beliefs on other people (like you), always profess the their inability to force those beliefs on other people constitutes religious persecution against them - which is a bunch of crap.

Anyway, I surprised to find out that you're not American, I had thought you were.

Are you Iranian perhaps? Saudi? A Taliban?

You sure seem to hold views regarding religious tolerance like an Iranian, Saudi or Taliban....which is it?

Or perhaps you trying to be another Jim Jones or David Koresh?
I'm just asking you what it says on your money other than the amount?

"In God We Trust" on dollars has no legal significance at all. Though I realize that, like most phony Christians, the dollar is your God.

The dollar is made valid by the signature of the Secretary of the Treasury. God has nothing to do with it.

The fact that Americans have pandered to religious people in order keep the country unified, has always been a great mistake. People like you just can not conceive of what America really stands for.
One thing I would like to add is that if one is to remove Divine or Supreme Justice from this equation, then there no longer exists "Universal Justice" because if there is no justice to be found beyond the realm of man, then man has made himself the divine, and man is a poor god, and poor arbitrator of justice, because he is imperfect.

You can bribe a man to decide a case in your favor, but you cannot bribe A Supreme Law Giver.

Saying that if there is no justice beyond man means that man is divine is a huge lapse of logic. If there is no God, it does not mean that man is divine.

Religious blathering always makes me laugh! It's fun to figure out exactly where the logic fails.

Reminds me of those Reader's Digest sweepstakes entries I used to receive - it was so much fun to look thru the fine print and figure out how they wiggled out of their lies!
fk your christian hating view. start your own country and leave out god from it, but here, it's what is required to live in ours. we believe in a higher being.

What country do you live in? It sure as hell isn't the United States of America!

In the United States our country was founded upon the dignity of the people, not on any gods or gods. Our Constitution starts with:

"We the People Do Ordain"

That means that our country is NOT ordained by any god. We have both freedom of religion AND freedom from religion.

Furthermore, I do not hate Christians. Just because I do not allow people to force their beliefs upon me does not mean I have any malevolence toward religious people...except those that DO try to force their religion on me. But that's only a minority of the religious people.

Those that DO try to FORCE their beliefs on other people (like you), always profess the their inability to force those beliefs on other people constitutes religious persecution against them - which is a bunch of crap.

Anyway, I surprised to find out that you're not American, I had thought you were.

Are you Iranian perhaps? Saudi? A Taliban?

You sure seem to hold views regarding religious tolerance like an Iranian, Saudi or Taliban....which is it?

Or perhaps you trying to be another Jim Jones or David Koresh?
I'm just asking you what it says on your money other than the amount?

"In God We Trust" on dollars has no legal significance at all. Though I realize that, like most phony Christians, the dollar is your God.

The dollar is made valid by the signature of the Secretary of the Treasury. God has nothing to do with it.

The fact that Americans have pandered to religious people in order keep the country unified, has always been a great mistake. People like you just can not conceive of what America really stands for.
ok dude. now you're just flailing along. go away, you're just a nat. you got nothing, the money puts your argument into the toilet. so there isn't any other argument.
Saying that if there is no justice beyond man means that man is divine is a huge lapse of logic. If there is no God, it does not mean that man is divine.

Religious blathering always makes me laugh! It's fun to figure out exactly where the logic fails.

Reminds me of those Reader's Digest sweepstakes entries I used to receive - it was so much fun to look thru the fine print and figure out how they wiggled out of their lies!
fk your christian hating view. start your own country and leave out god from it, but here, it's what is required to live in ours. we believe in a higher being.

What country do you live in? It sure as hell isn't the United States of America!

In the United States our country was founded upon the dignity of the people, not on any gods or gods. Our Constitution starts with:

"We the People Do Ordain"

That means that our country is NOT ordained by any god. We have both freedom of religion AND freedom from religion.

Furthermore, I do not hate Christians. Just because I do not allow people to force their beliefs upon me does not mean I have any malevolence toward religious people...except those that DO try to force their religion on me. But that's only a minority of the religious people.

Those that DO try to FORCE their beliefs on other people (like you), always profess the their inability to force those beliefs on other people constitutes religious persecution against them - which is a bunch of crap.

Anyway, I surprised to find out that you're not American, I had thought you were.

Are you Iranian perhaps? Saudi? A Taliban?

You sure seem to hold views regarding religious tolerance like an Iranian, Saudi or Taliban....which is it?

Or perhaps you trying to be another Jim Jones or David Koresh?
I'm just asking you what it says on your money other than the amount?

"In God We Trust" on dollars has no legal significance at all. Though I realize that, like most phony Christians, the dollar is your God.

The dollar is made valid by the signature of the Secretary of the Treasury. God has nothing to do with it.

The fact that Americans have pandered to religious people in order keep the country unified, has always been a great mistake. People like you just can not conceive of what America really stands for.
ok dude. now you're just flailing along. go away, you're just a nat. you got nothing, the money puts your argument into the toilet. so there isn't any other argument.

As I said, money is obviously your god. I prefer the Constitution which is that law of the land.

But keep grasping at straws if you wish.

Welcome to America - a country where you're going to have to put up with us non-religious people whether you like it or not.

If you can take it, then go join ISIS.
fk your christian hating view. start your own country and leave out god from it, but here, it's what is required to live in ours. we believe in a higher being.

What country do you live in? It sure as hell isn't the United States of America!

In the United States our country was founded upon the dignity of the people, not on any gods or gods. Our Constitution starts with:

"We the People Do Ordain"

That means that our country is NOT ordained by any god. We have both freedom of religion AND freedom from religion.

Furthermore, I do not hate Christians. Just because I do not allow people to force their beliefs upon me does not mean I have any malevolence toward religious people...except those that DO try to force their religion on me. But that's only a minority of the religious people.

Those that DO try to FORCE their beliefs on other people (like you), always profess the their inability to force those beliefs on other people constitutes religious persecution against them - which is a bunch of crap.

Anyway, I surprised to find out that you're not American, I had thought you were.

Are you Iranian perhaps? Saudi? A Taliban?

You sure seem to hold views regarding religious tolerance like an Iranian, Saudi or Taliban....which is it?

Or perhaps you trying to be another Jim Jones or David Koresh?
I'm just asking you what it says on your money other than the amount?

"In God We Trust" on dollars has no legal significance at all. Though I realize that, like most phony Christians, the dollar is your God.

The dollar is made valid by the signature of the Secretary of the Treasury. God has nothing to do with it.

The fact that Americans have pandered to religious people in order keep the country unified, has always been a great mistake. People like you just can not conceive of what America really stands for.
ok dude. now you're just flailing along. go away, you're just a nat. you got nothing, the money puts your argument into the toilet. so there isn't any other argument.

As I said, money is obviously your god. I prefer the Constitution which is that law of the land.

But keep grasping at straws if you wish.

Welcome to America - a country where you're going to have to put up with us non-religious people whether you like it or not.

If you can take it, then go join ISIS.
women fk for money, you are fking right it is god!!

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