Godless DemNazis Still Trying To Kill God.

Dems to strike 'so help me God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows

A key committee in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the words "so help you God" from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.

The draft shows that the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to recite only: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

The rules proposal places the words "So help you God" in red brackets, indicating they are slated to be cut. Other rules changes relate to expanding the committee's authority over natural gas in Alaska and fossil-fuel resources.

While many federal oaths include the phrase "So help me God," some -- most notably the presidential oath of office -- do not.

The full committee is set to vote on the new language this week, and the rules would take effect immediately if adopted. Other committees were still in the process of finalizing their rules on Monday.

it's what one does when one supports swearing on shit.

Your promise to tell the truth isn't good enough unless you pinky swear with whoever is your idea of a Supreme Being? Are you then absolved of your oath if you don't believe in God? Swearing an oath to an entity to whom you feel no connection or have any belief in, hardly seems compelling to me, especially if that person is a Buddhist, or a Hindu, since neither worship God. What about people who are atheists? Are they not to be believed because they deny the existence of God and don't wish to be hypocrites?

Making a big deal about taking God out of the promise to tell the truth, is a stupid non-issue, since we've spent the last two years watching Trump's people stand up in Congress and take an oath before God to tell the truth, and a good number of them have now been charged with lying to Congress, and more are to follow.

Obviously, promising God that they will tell the truth when they have promised Donald Trump not to testify against him, has no meaning for members of this Administration, his family, or his business associates.
well why did they implement it in the first place? see if you can't attack the people who put it in place then attack me? is that your game? why does our money have in god we trust on it? what about our pledge of allegiance? it's fking called allegiance for a reason.

Seems you no longer have allegiance to my country.
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Dems to strike 'so help me God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows

A key committee in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the words "so help you God" from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.

The draft shows that the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to recite only: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

The rules proposal places the words "So help you God" in red brackets, indicating they are slated to be cut. Other rules changes relate to expanding the committee's authority over natural gas in Alaska and fossil-fuel resources.

While many federal oaths include the phrase "So help me God," some -- most notably the presidential oath of office -- do not.

The full committee is set to vote on the new language this week, and the rules would take effect immediately if adopted. Other committees were still in the process of finalizing their rules on Monday.

it's what one does when one supports swearing on shit.

Your promise to tell the truth isn't good enough unless you pinky swear with whoever is your idea of a Supreme Being? Are you then absolved of your oath if you don't believe in God? Swearing an oath to an entity to whom you feel no connection or have any belief in, hardly seems compelling to me, especially if that person is a Buddhist, or a Hindu, since neither worship God. What about people who are atheists? Are they not to be believed because they deny the existence of God and don't wish to be hypocrites?

Making a big deal about taking God out of the promise to tell the truth, is a stupid non-issue, since we've spent the last two years watching Trump's people stand up in Congress and take an oath before God to tell the truth, and a good number of them have now been charged with lying to Congress, and more are to follow.

Obviously, promising God that they will tell the truth when they have promised Donald Trump not to testify against him, has no meaning for members of this Administration, his family, or his business associates.
well why did they implement it in the first place? see if you can't attack the people who put it in place then attack me? is that your game? why does our money have in god we trust on it? what about our pledge of allegiance? it's fking called allegiance for a reason.

What people do not understand because we are surrounded by the idiot snow flake millenial generation who have NO CLUE about history, natural law, or the enlightenment is what "In God We Trust" references.

It does not reference any particular God first off.

It only indicates that there is a belief in a singular Creator, but even then this is not the meaning of "In God We Trust" as a motto.

That phrase refers to one thing, and one thing only.... That our Rights are Bestowed upon us by an Authority Higher Than Man, and it is a reference to The Rule of Law for which a Just Society and The Republic cannot exist without.

It tells all who read it that America and the ideas that formed it come from a higher plane of existence than man, and that they are divine, and it is a promise that Man cannot take those rights and liberties away such as occurs in other nations. Our Rights are Guaranteed, by Universal Law, and a Supreme Universal Law Giver and Judge of us all.

So when a person under oath says.......

"So Help Me God" .....

that person is recognizing that if he does not act in accordance with Divine Natural Law, that there is a Universal Judge above men which will ultimately judge him even if human law fails to do so.

It's about accountability to your fellow man, and if you cannot be accountable to your fellow man, you will be held accountable elsewhere, and that elsewhere is in the realm of Divine Justice.
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Dems to strike 'so help me God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows

A key committee in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the words "so help you God" from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.

The draft shows that the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to recite only: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

The rules proposal places the words "So help you God" in red brackets, indicating they are slated to be cut. Other rules changes relate to expanding the committee's authority over natural gas in Alaska and fossil-fuel resources.

While many federal oaths include the phrase "So help me God," some -- most notably the presidential oath of office -- do not.

The full committee is set to vote on the new language this week, and the rules would take effect immediately if adopted. Other committees were still in the process of finalizing their rules on Monday.

it's what one does when one supports swearing on shit.

Your promise to tell the truth isn't good enough unless you pinky swear with whoever is your idea of a Supreme Being? Are you then absolved of your oath if you don't believe in God? Swearing an oath to an entity to whom you feel no connection or have any belief in, hardly seems compelling to me, especially if that person is a Buddhist, or a Hindu, since neither worship God. What about people who are atheists? Are they not to be believed because they deny the existence of God and don't wish to be hypocrites?

Making a big deal about taking God out of the promise to tell the truth, is a stupid non-issue, since we've spent the last two years watching Trump's people stand up in Congress and take an oath before God to tell the truth, and a good number of them have now been charged with lying to Congress, and more are to follow.

Obviously, promising God that they will tell the truth when they have promised Donald Trump not to testify against him, has no meaning for members of this Administration, his family, or his business associates.
well why did they implement it in the first place? see if you can't attack the people who put it in place then attack me? is that your game? why does our money have in god we trust on it? what about our pledge of allegiance? it's fking called allegiance for a reason.

What people do not understand because we are surrounded by the idiot snow flake millenial generation who have NO CLUE about history, natural law, or the enlightenment is what "In God We Trust" references.

It does not reference any particular God first off.

It only indicates that there is a belief in a singular Creator, but even then this is not the meaning of "In God We Trust" as a motto.

That phrase refers to one thing, and one thing only.... That our Rights are Bestowed upon us by an Authority Higher Than Man, and it is a reference to The Rule of Law for which a Just Society and The Republic cannot exist without.

It tells all who read it that America and the ideas that formed it come from a higher plane of existence than man, and that they are divine, and it is a promise that Man cannot take those rights and liberties away such as occurs in other nations. Our Rights are Guaranteed, by Universal Law, and a Supreme Universal Law Giver and Judge of us all.

So when a person under oath says,
"So Help Me God" he is recognizing that if he does not act in accordance with Divine Natural Law, that there is a Universal Judge above men which will ultimately judge him.

It's about accountability to your fellow man, and if you cannot be accountable to your fellow man, you will be held accountable elsewhere, and that elsewhere is in the realm of Divine Justice.

Why, then, didn't the FFs put "so help me god" in the oath for President?
QUOTE="The Original Tree, post: 21752993, member: 60550"]
Dems to strike 'so help me God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows

A key committee in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the words "so help you God" from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.

The draft shows that the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to recite only: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

The rules proposal places the words "So help you God" in red brackets, indicating they are slated to be cut. Other rules changes relate to expanding the committee's authority over natural gas in Alaska and fossil-fuel resources.

While many federal oaths include the phrase "So help me God," some -- most notably the presidential oath of office -- do not.

The full committee is set to vote on the new language this week, and the rules would take effect immediately if adopted. Other committees were still in the process of finalizing their rules on Monday.

it's what one does when one supports swearing on shit.

Your promise to tell the truth isn't good enough unless you pinky swear with whoever is your idea of a Supreme Being? Are you then absolved of your oath if you don't believe in God? Swearing an oath to an entity to whom you feel no connection or have any belief in, hardly seems compelling to me, especially if that person is a Buddhist, or a Hindu, since neither worship God. What about people who are atheists? Are they not to be believed because they deny the existence of God and don't wish to be hypocrites?

Making a big deal about taking God out of the promise to tell the truth, is a stupid non-issue, since we've spent the last two years watching Trump's people stand up in Congress and take an oath before God to tell the truth, and a good number of them have now been charged with lying to Congress, and more are to follow.

Obviously, promising God that they will tell the truth when they have promised Donald Trump not to testify against him, has no meaning for members of this Administration, his family, or his business associates.
well why did they implement it in the first place? see if you can't attack the people who put it in place then attack me? is that your game? why does our money have in god we trust on it? what about our pledge of allegiance? it's fking called allegiance for a reason.

What people do not understand because we are surrounded by the idiot snow flake millenial generation who have NO CLUE about history, natural law, or the enlightenment is what "In God We Trust" references.

It does not reference any particular God first off.

It only indicates that there is a belief in a singular Creator, but even then this is not the meaning of "In God We Trust" as a motto.

That phrase refers to one thing, and one thing only.... That our Rights are Bestowed upon us by an Authority Higher Than Man, and it is a reference to The Rule of Law for which a Just Society and The Republic cannot exist without.

It tells all who read it that America and the ideas that formed it come from a higher plane of existence than man, and that they are divine, and it is a promise that Man cannot take those rights and liberties away such as occurs in other nations. Our Rights are Guaranteed, by Universal Law, and a Supreme Universal Law Giver and Judge of us all.

So when a person under oath says.......

"So Help Me God" .....

that person is recognizing that if he does not act in accordance with Divine Natural Law, that there is a Universal Judge above men which will ultimately judge him even if human law fails to do so.

It's about accountability to your fellow man, and if you cannot be accountable to your fellow man, you will be held accountable elsewhere, and that elsewhere is in the realm of Divine Justice.

Dems to strike 'so help me God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows

A key committee in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the words "so help you God" from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.

The draft shows that the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to recite only: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

The rules proposal places the words "So help you God" in red brackets, indicating they are slated to be cut. Other rules changes relate to expanding the committee's authority over natural gas in Alaska and fossil-fuel resources.

While many federal oaths include the phrase "So help me God," some -- most notably the presidential oath of office -- do not.

The full committee is set to vote on the new language this week, and the rules would take effect immediately if adopted. Other committees were still in the process of finalizing their rules on Monday.

it's what one does when one supports swearing on shit.

Your promise to tell the truth isn't good enough unless you pinky swear with whoever is your idea of a Supreme Being? Are you then absolved of your oath if you don't believe in God? Swearing an oath to an entity to whom you feel no connection or have any belief in, hardly seems compelling to me, especially if that person is a Buddhist, or a Hindu, since neither worship God. What about people who are atheists? Are they not to be believed because they deny the existence of God and don't wish to be hypocrites?

Making a big deal about taking God out of the promise to tell the truth, is a stupid non-issue, since we've spent the last two years watching Trump's people stand up in Congress and take an oath before God to tell the truth, and a good number of them have now been charged with lying to Congress, and more are to follow.

Obviously, promising God that they will tell the truth when they have promised Donald Trump not to testify against him, has no meaning for members of this Administration, his family, or his business associates.
well why did they implement it in the first place? see if you can't attack the people who put it in place then attack me? is that your game? why does our money have in god we trust on it? what about our pledge of allegiance? it's fking called allegiance for a reason.

What people do not understand because we are surrounded by the idiot snow flake millenial generation who have NO CLUE about history, natural law, or the enlightenment is what "In God We Trust" references.

It does not reference any particular God first off.

It only indicates that there is a belief in a singular Creator, but even then this is not the meaning of "In God We Trust" as a motto.

That phrase refers to one thing, and one thing only.... That our Rights are Bestowed upon us by an Authority Higher Than Man, and it is a reference to The Rule of Law for which a Just Society and The Republic cannot exist without.

It tells all who read it that America and the ideas that formed it come from a higher plane of existence than man, and that they are divine, and it is a promise that Man cannot take those rights and liberties away such as occurs in other nations. Our Rights are Guaranteed, by Universal Law, and a Supreme Universal Law Giver and Judge of us all.

So when a person under oath says,
"So Help Me God" he is recognizing that if he does not act in accordance with Divine Natural Law, that there is a Universal Judge above men which will ultimately judge him.

It's about accountability to your fellow man, and if you cannot be accountable to your fellow man, you will be held accountable elsewhere, and that elsewhere is in the realm of Divine Justice.

Why, then, didn't the FFs put "so help me god" in the oath for President?
got your wayback machine ready?
Dems to strike 'so help me God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows

A key committee in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the words "so help you God" from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.

The draft shows that the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to recite only: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

The rules proposal places the words "So help you God" in red brackets, indicating they are slated to be cut. Other rules changes relate to expanding the committee's authority over natural gas in Alaska and fossil-fuel resources.

While many federal oaths include the phrase "So help me God," some -- most notably the presidential oath of office -- do not.

The full committee is set to vote on the new language this week, and the rules would take effect immediately if adopted. Other committees were still in the process of finalizing their rules on Monday.

it's what one does when one supports swearing on shit.

Your promise to tell the truth isn't good enough unless you pinky swear with whoever is your idea of a Supreme Being? Are you then absolved of your oath if you don't believe in God? Swearing an oath to an entity to whom you feel no connection or have any belief in, hardly seems compelling to me, especially if that person is a Buddhist, or a Hindu, since neither worship God. What about people who are atheists? Are they not to be believed because they deny the existence of God and don't wish to be hypocrites?

Making a big deal about taking God out of the promise to tell the truth, is a stupid non-issue, since we've spent the last two years watching Trump's people stand up in Congress and take an oath before God to tell the truth, and a good number of them have now been charged with lying to Congress, and more are to follow.

Obviously, promising God that they will tell the truth when they have promised Donald Trump not to testify against him, has no meaning for members of this Administration, his family, or his business associates.
well why did they implement it in the first place? see if you can't attack the people who put it in place then attack me? is that your game? why does our money have in god we trust on it? what about our pledge of allegiance? it's fking called allegiance for a reason.

What people do not understand because we are surrounded by the idiot snow flake millenial generation who have NO CLUE about history, natural law, or the enlightenment is what "In God We Trust" references.

It does not reference any particular God first off.

It only indicates that there is a belief in a singular Creator, but even then this is not the meaning of "In God We Trust" as a motto.

That phrase refers to one thing, and one thing only.... That our Rights are Bestowed upon us by an Authority Higher Than Man, and it is a reference to The Rule of Law for which a Just Society and The Republic cannot exist without.

It tells all who read it that America and the ideas that formed it come from a higher plane of existence than man, and that they are divine, and it is a promise that Man cannot take those rights and liberties away such as occurs in other nations. Our Rights are Guaranteed, by Universal Law, and a Supreme Universal Law Giver and Judge of us all.

So when a person under oath says,
"So Help Me God" he is recognizing that if he does not act in accordance with Divine Natural Law, that there is a Universal Judge above men which will ultimately judge him.

It's about accountability to your fellow man, and if you cannot be accountable to your fellow man, you will be held accountable elsewhere, and that elsewhere is in the realm of Divine Justice.

Why, then, didn't the FFs put "so help me god" in the oath for President?
It's in different oaths, and was meant to be an example to illustrate what the deeper meaning of the motto "In God We Trust" actually means.

The wording is not as important as the idea, or concept of a level of accountability above and beyond man's.

An oath of this type is an appeal to Supreme and Divine Justice. Some people would call it Karma even...if you wanted to go that route.....but it definitely references Natural Law which is Supreme and Divine.

It's about The Rule of Law and Universal Justice and a level of accountability above man's authority and sphere of influence.
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it's what one does when one supports swearing on shit.

Your promise to tell the truth isn't good enough unless you pinky swear with whoever is your idea of a Supreme Being? Are you then absolved of your oath if you don't believe in God? Swearing an oath to an entity to whom you feel no connection or have any belief in, hardly seems compelling to me, especially if that person is a Buddhist, or a Hindu, since neither worship God. What about people who are atheists? Are they not to be believed because they deny the existence of God and don't wish to be hypocrites?

Making a big deal about taking God out of the promise to tell the truth, is a stupid non-issue, since we've spent the last two years watching Trump's people stand up in Congress and take an oath before God to tell the truth, and a good number of them have now been charged with lying to Congress, and more are to follow.

Obviously, promising God that they will tell the truth when they have promised Donald Trump not to testify against him, has no meaning for members of this Administration, his family, or his business associates.
well why did they implement it in the first place? see if you can't attack the people who put it in place then attack me? is that your game? why does our money have in god we trust on it? what about our pledge of allegiance? it's fking called allegiance for a reason.

What people do not understand because we are surrounded by the idiot snow flake millenial generation who have NO CLUE about history, natural law, or the enlightenment is what "In God We Trust" references.

It does not reference any particular God first off.

It only indicates that there is a belief in a singular Creator, but even then this is not the meaning of "In God We Trust" as a motto.

That phrase refers to one thing, and one thing only.... That our Rights are Bestowed upon us by an Authority Higher Than Man, and it is a reference to The Rule of Law for which a Just Society and The Republic cannot exist without.

It tells all who read it that America and the ideas that formed it come from a higher plane of existence than man, and that they are divine, and it is a promise that Man cannot take those rights and liberties away such as occurs in other nations. Our Rights are Guaranteed, by Universal Law, and a Supreme Universal Law Giver and Judge of us all.

So when a person under oath says,
"So Help Me God" he is recognizing that if he does not act in accordance with Divine Natural Law, that there is a Universal Judge above men which will ultimately judge him.

It's about accountability to your fellow man, and if you cannot be accountable to your fellow man, you will be held accountable elsewhere, and that elsewhere is in the realm of Divine Justice.

Why, then, didn't the FFs put "so help me god" in the oath for President?
It's in different oaths, and was meant to be an example to illustrate what the deeper meaning of the motto "In God We Trust" actually means.

The wording is not as important as the idea, or concept of a level of accountability above and beyond man's.

An oath of this type is an appeal to Supreme and Divine Justice. Some people would call it Karma even...if you wanted to go that route.....but it definitely references Natural Law which is Supreme and Divine.

It's about The Rule of Law and Universal Justice.

It is the oath of office for president. By your standard, that makes the FFs "godless Nazis".

That you want to force people that don't believe in a god to swear an oath to one makes you a theocrat.
I don’t think it’s right to preach Jesus and then be against everything Jesus is for.
How does that work? How can you not feel hypocritical?
Are you talking about Abortion, and Catholics and Christians voting for Democrats?
Jesus never said the word abortion. But he did insist we help poor people. And we help the sick. Not to mention his feelings on rich people.
Republican policies are the opposite of everything Jesus preached.
How so?

Many of the Bible's characters were blessed materially for their faithfulness to God. Wealth is not a sin. However it can be a hindrance if one wanted for instance leave it all behind to go preach the gospel.

And regarding things like Abortion, it is a sin to come between a child and God, and even a bigger sin to do anything harmful at all to a child, spiritually or physically, other than reasonable moral correction:

Matthew 18:1

1 At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who then is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” 2 Jesus called a little child to stand among them.

3 “Truly I tell you,” He said, “unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoever welcomes a little child like this in My name welcomes Me

6 But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. 7 Woe to the world for the causes of sin. These stumbling blocks must come, but woe to the man through whom they come!
You’re proving my point. Jesus never mentioned abortion. But he loves children. Republicans arm school shooters. And they say it’s not my kid so why should I help take care of it. Clearly Republicans don’t like kids.
Actually, it was a bunch of Christians who got together and talked Congress into adopting the slogan on our money, right around the Civil War.

History of 'In God We Trust'

The motto IN GOD WE TRUST was placed on United States coins largely because of the increased religious sentiment existing during the Civil War. Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase received many appeals from devout persons throughout the country, urging that the United States recognize the Deity on United States coins. From Treasury Department records, it appears that the first such appeal came in a letter dated November 13, 1861. It was written to Secretary Chase by Rev. M. R. Watkinson, Minister of the Gospel from Ridleyville, Pennsylvania, and read:

Dear Sir: You are about to submit your annual report to the Congress respecting the affairs of the national finances.
One fact touching our currency has hitherto been seriously overlooked. I mean the recognition of the Almighty God in some form on our coins.

You are probably a Christian. What if our Republic were not shattered beyond reconstruction? Would not the antiquaries of succeeding centuries rightly reason from our past that we were a heathen nation? What I propose is that instead of the goddess of liberty we shall have next inside the 13 stars a ring inscribed with the words PERPETUAL UNION; within the ring the allseeing eye, crowned with a halo; beneath this eye the American flag, bearing in its field stars equal to the number of the States united; in the folds of the bars the words GOD, LIBERTY, LAW.

This would make a beautiful coin, to which no possible citizen could object. This would relieve us from the ignominy of heathenism. This would place us openly under the Divine protection we have personally claimed. From my hearth I have felt our national shame in disowning God as not the least of our present national disasters.

To you first I address a subject that must be agitated.

As a result, Secretary Chase instructed James Pollock, Director of the Mint at Philadelphia, to prepare a motto, in a letter dated November 20, 1861: Dear Sir: No nation can be strong except in the strength of God, or safe except in His defense. The trust of our people in God should be declared on our national coins.
You will cause a device to be prepared without unnecessary delay with a motto expressing in the fewest and tersest words possible this national recognition.

It was found that the Act of Congress dated January 18, 1837, prescribed the mottoes and devices that should be placed upon the coins of the United States. This meant that the mint could make no changes without the enactment of additional legislation by the Congress. In December 1863, the Director of the Mint submitted designs for new one-cent coin, two-cent coin, and three-cent coin to Secretary Chase for approval. He proposed that upon the designs either OUR COUNTRY; OUR GOD or GOD, OUR TRUST should appear as a motto on the coins. In a letter to the Mint Director on December 9, 1863, Secretary Chase stated: I approve your mottoes, only suggesting that on that with the Washington obverse the motto should begin with the word OUR, so as to read OUR GOD AND OUR COUNTRY. And on that with the shield, it should be changed so as to read: IN GOD WE TRUST.
The Congress passed the Act of April 22, 1864. This legislation changed the composition of the one-cent coin and authorized the minting of the two-cent coin. The Mint Director was directed to develop the designs for these coins for final approval of the Secretary. IN GOD WE TRUST first appeared on the 1864 two-cent coin.

Another Act of Congress passed on March 3, 1865. It allowed the Mint Director, with the Secretary's approval, to place the motto on all gold and silver coins that "shall admit the inscription thereon." Under the Act, the motto was placed on the gold double-eagle coin, the gold eagle coin, and the gold half-eagle coin. It was also placed on the silver dollar coin, the half-dollar coin and the quarter-dollar coin, and on the nickel three-cent coin beginning in 1866. Later, Congress passed the Coinage Act of February 12, 1873. It also said that the Secretary "may cause the motto IN GOD WE TRUST to be inscribed on such coins as shall admit of such motto."

The use of IN GOD WE TRUST has not been uninterrupted. The motto disappeared from the five-cent coin in 1883, and did not reappear until production of the Jefferson nickel began in 1938. Since 1938, all United States coins bear the inscription. Later, the motto was found missing from the new design of the double-eagle gold coin and the eagle gold coin shortly after they appeared in 1907. In response to a general demand, Congress ordered it restored, and the Act of May 18, 1908, made it mandatory on all coins upon which it had previously appeared. IN GOD WE TRUST was not mandatory on the one-cent coin and five-cent coin. It could be placed on them by the Secretary or the Mint Director with the Secretary's approval.

The motto has been in continuous use on the one-cent coin since 1909, and on the ten-cent coin since 1916. It also has appeared on all gold coins and silver dollar coins, half-dollar coins, and quarter-dollar coins struck since July 1,1908.
You cannot kill what does not exist. And no Christian can proof that God exists...or ever did exist.

It is the height of stupidity/silliness to swear an oath to something with ZERO scientific proof that it has EVER existed. You might as well swear an oath to Klingons.

I say dump ALL references to God in ALL government literature.
The proof is all around you. You ever see a Mandarin duck? How about your brain? There's no scientific proof you have a brain.

There might be evidence if a “creator”, there is zero proof it is the God of the Bible.

Which is actually how God designed it...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
The evidence is everywhere.

The evidence is everywhere and the proof is nowhere. With proof there is no need for faith. If you had read your Bible you would know that faith is a key component

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I read my bible.

So, you know that faith is a key element in salvation....yet you want to remove faith and replace it with proof...

and you know that Jesus himself told you not to take an oath that swore on the Lord...yet you are still fighting for such a thing to be the law of the land...why is that?
One thing I would like to add is that if one is to remove Divine or Supreme Justice from this equation, then there no longer exists "Universal Justice" because if there is no justice to be found beyond the realm of man, then man has made himself the divine, and man is a poor god, and poor arbitrator of justice, because he is imperfect.

You can bribe a man to decide a case in your favor, but you cannot bribe A Supreme Law Giver.
Your promise to tell the truth isn't good enough unless you pinky swear with whoever is your idea of a Supreme Being? Are you then absolved of your oath if you don't believe in God? Swearing an oath to an entity to whom you feel no connection or have any belief in, hardly seems compelling to me, especially if that person is a Buddhist, or a Hindu, since neither worship God. What about people who are atheists? Are they not to be believed because they deny the existence of God and don't wish to be hypocrites?

Making a big deal about taking God out of the promise to tell the truth, is a stupid non-issue, since we've spent the last two years watching Trump's people stand up in Congress and take an oath before God to tell the truth, and a good number of them have now been charged with lying to Congress, and more are to follow.

Obviously, promising God that they will tell the truth when they have promised Donald Trump not to testify against him, has no meaning for members of this Administration, his family, or his business associates.
well why did they implement it in the first place? see if you can't attack the people who put it in place then attack me? is that your game? why does our money have in god we trust on it? what about our pledge of allegiance? it's fking called allegiance for a reason.

What people do not understand because we are surrounded by the idiot snow flake millenial generation who have NO CLUE about history, natural law, or the enlightenment is what "In God We Trust" references.

It does not reference any particular God first off.

It only indicates that there is a belief in a singular Creator, but even then this is not the meaning of "In God We Trust" as a motto.

That phrase refers to one thing, and one thing only.... That our Rights are Bestowed upon us by an Authority Higher Than Man, and it is a reference to The Rule of Law for which a Just Society and The Republic cannot exist without.

It tells all who read it that America and the ideas that formed it come from a higher plane of existence than man, and that they are divine, and it is a promise that Man cannot take those rights and liberties away such as occurs in other nations. Our Rights are Guaranteed, by Universal Law, and a Supreme Universal Law Giver and Judge of us all.

So when a person under oath says,
"So Help Me God" he is recognizing that if he does not act in accordance with Divine Natural Law, that there is a Universal Judge above men which will ultimately judge him.

It's about accountability to your fellow man, and if you cannot be accountable to your fellow man, you will be held accountable elsewhere, and that elsewhere is in the realm of Divine Justice.

Why, then, didn't the FFs put "so help me god" in the oath for President?
It's in different oaths, and was meant to be an example to illustrate what the deeper meaning of the motto "In God We Trust" actually means.

The wording is not as important as the idea, or concept of a level of accountability above and beyond man's.

An oath of this type is an appeal to Supreme and Divine Justice. Some people would call it Karma even...if you wanted to go that route.....but it definitely references Natural Law which is Supreme and Divine.

It's about The Rule of Law and Universal Justice.

It is the oath of office for president. By your standard, that makes the FFs "godless Nazis".

That you want to force people that don't believe in a god to swear an oath to one makes you a theocrat.
we want allegiance to our country. if you don't wish that allegiance, then leave. it's simple, no one is forcing anyone to do anything accept swear to fellow countrymen.
One thing I would like to add is that if one is to remove Divine or Supreme Justice from this equation, then there no longer exists "Universal Justice" because if there is no justice to be found beyond the realm of man, then man has made himself the divine, and man is a poor god, and poor arbitrator of justice, because he is imperfect.

You can bribe a man to decide a case in your favor, but you cannot bribe A Supreme Law Giver.

Saying that if there is no justice beyond man means that man is divine is a huge lapse of logic. If there is no God, it does not mean that man is divine.

Religious blathering always makes me laugh! It's fun to figure out exactly where the logic fails.

Reminds me of those Reader's Digest sweepstakes entries I used to receive - it was so much fun to look thru the fine print and figure out how they wiggled out of their lies!
One thing I would like to add is that if one is to remove Divine or Supreme Justice from this equation, then there no longer exists "Universal Justice" because if there is no justice to be found beyond the realm of man, then man has made himself the divine, and man is a poor god, and poor arbitrator of justice, because he is imperfect.

You can bribe a man to decide a case in your favor, but you cannot bribe A Supreme Law Giver.

Saying that if there is no justice beyond man means that man is divine is a huge lapse of logic. If there is no God, it does not mean that man is divine.

Religious blathering always makes me laugh! It's fun to figure out exactly where the logic fails.

Reminds me of those Reader's Digest sweepstakes entries I used to receive - it was so much fun to look thru the fine print and figure out how they wiggled out of their lies!
fk your christian hating view. start your own country and leave out god from it, but here, it's what is required to live in ours. we believe in a higher being.
Democrats should give up on trying to kill God and do what they really want to do. They should embrace their honesty and kill all those who believe in God.
The proof is all around you. You ever see a Mandarin duck? How about your brain? There's no scientific proof you have a brain.

There might be evidence if a “creator”, there is zero proof it is the God of the Bible.

Which is actually how God designed it...

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The evidence is everywhere.

The evidence is everywhere and the proof is nowhere. With proof there is no need for faith. If you had read your Bible you would know that faith is a key component

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I read my bible.

So, you know that faith is a key element in salvation....yet you want to remove faith and replace it with proof...

and you know that Jesus himself told you not to take an oath that swore on the Lord...yet you are still fighting for such a thing to be the law of the land...why is that?
The proof is all around you. You ever see a Mandarin duck? How about your brain? There's no scientific proof you have a brain.

There might be evidence if a “creator”, there is zero proof it is the God of the Bible.

Which is actually how God designed it...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
The evidence is everywhere.

The evidence is everywhere and the proof is nowhere. With proof there is no need for faith. If you had read your Bible you would know that faith is a key component

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I read my bible.

So, you know that faith is a key element in salvation....yet you want to remove faith and replace it with proof...

and you know that Jesus himself told you not to take an oath that swore on the Lord...yet you are still fighting for such a thing to be the law of the land...why is that?
I never said that.
Dems to strike 'so help me God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows

A key committee in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the words "so help you God" from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.

The draft shows that the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to recite only: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

The rules proposal places the words "So help you God" in red brackets, indicating they are slated to be cut. Other rules changes relate to expanding the committee's authority over natural gas in Alaska and fossil-fuel resources.

While many federal oaths include the phrase "So help me God," some -- most notably the presidential oath of office -- do not.

The full committee is set to vote on the new language this week, and the rules would take effect immediately if adopted. Other committees were still in the process of finalizing their rules on Monday.

If you knew god and respect god you wouldn't be so hateful against minorities, immigrants, refugees and everyone that's different from you....you guys are the most hypocrite group assholes ever assembled behind the dumbest leader in human history....and you come and preach about god.
I killed God years ago. I didn't mean to. I stepped in the wrong spot, and splooch.

I do wish I hadn't done it. God kept the conservatives in line. Without him, they all turned to evil. Look at them on this thread, all proudly displaying their allegiance to Satan.
QUOTE="Tipsycatlover, post: 21753508, member: 59451"]Democrats should give up on trying to kill God and do what they really want to do. They should embrace their honesty and kill all those who believe in God.[/QUOTE]
Dude, exceptional

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