Godless DemNazis Still Trying To Kill God.

Dems to strike 'so help me God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows

A key committee in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the words "so help you God" from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.

The draft shows that the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to recite only: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

The rules proposal places the words "So help you God" in red brackets, indicating they are slated to be cut. Other rules changes relate to expanding the committee's authority over natural gas in Alaska and fossil-fuel resources.

While many federal oaths include the phrase "So help me God," some -- most notably the presidential oath of office -- do not.

The full committee is set to vote on the new language this week, and the rules would take effect immediately if adopted. Other committees were still in the process of finalizing their rules on Monday.

Only theocrats want to FORCE people to say an oath to their so-called god.
Forced to say what the founders believed in?

That's just so much TDS snake snot you're spewing so prolifically, sweetie.

The founders believed that black people were less than human.

The founders believed it was just and right to own another human being.

The founders believed that women were peppery and not worthy of voting.

But then again you probably agree with all those things...

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So you think ignorant savages should have been taken right out of the jungle, couldn't read or write, no knowledge of science, civilization, etc, and just be given every right that civilization offers?
Go ahead and remove those crosses and Star of Da
Wrong. God isn't the God of Muslims. Go ahead and show me.

Ok. The Muslims consider Abraham as the center of the beginning of their religion.

That was easy.
Yep, but they're wrong. Abraham is their father physically, that's all. If Abraham was their father spiritually, they'd be either Jews or Christians.

...and yet, Muslims vastly outnumber Christians. Imagine that....
You know what would be funny? 60 million american males converting to Muslim. You won't mind that! A few hundred pulse clubs would be the start1

It makes no difference to me whether you fear Muslims so much that it makes you wet your pants, or have panic attacks over Jews moving in to your neighborhood. Like most of the Right, you simply are not happy unless you have some group or another that terrifies you.
So you're a fan of Somali muslims in Minnesota?
You cannot kill what does not exist. And no Christian can proof that God exists...or ever did exist.

It is the height of stupidity/silliness to swear an oath to something with ZERO scientific proof that it has EVER existed. You might as well swear an oath to Klingons.

I say dump ALL references to God in ALL government literature.
The proof is all around you. You ever see a Mandarin duck? How about your brain? There's no scientific proof you have a brain.
Dems to strike 'so help me God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows

A key committee in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the words "so help you God" from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.

The draft shows that the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to recite only: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

The rules proposal places the words "So help you God" in red brackets, indicating they are slated to be cut. Other rules changes relate to expanding the committee's authority over natural gas in Alaska and fossil-fuel resources.

While many federal oaths include the phrase "So help me God," some -- most notably the presidential oath of office -- do not.

The full committee is set to vote on the new language this week, and the rules would take effect immediately if adopted. Other committees were still in the process of finalizing their rules on Monday.

Only theocrats want to FORCE people to say an oath to their so-called god.
Forced to say what the founders believed in?

That's just so much TDS snake snot you're spewing so prolifically, sweetie.

The founders believed that black people were less than human.

The founders believed it was just and right to own another human being.

The founders believed that women were peppery and not worthy of voting.

But then again you probably agree with all those things...

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So you think ignorant savages should have been taken right out of the jungle, couldn't read or write, no knowledge of science, civilization, etc, and just be given every right that civilization offers?

I think they should not have been taken out of the jungle to be our slaves...but clearly such an idea would never occur to you.

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You cannot kill what does not exist. And no Christian can proof that God exists...or ever did exist.

It is the height of stupidity/silliness to swear an oath to something with ZERO scientific proof that it has EVER existed. You might as well swear an oath to Klingons.

I say dump ALL references to God in ALL government literature.
The proof is all around you. You ever see a Mandarin duck? How about your brain? There's no scientific proof you have a brain.

There might be evidence if a “creator”, there is zero proof it is the God of the Bible.

Which is actually how God designed it...

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Dems to strike 'so help me God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows

A key committee in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the words "so help you God" from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.

The draft shows that the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to recite only: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

The rules proposal places the words "So help you God" in red brackets, indicating they are slated to be cut. Other rules changes relate to expanding the committee's authority over natural gas in Alaska and fossil-fuel resources.

While many federal oaths include the phrase "So help me God," some -- most notably the presidential oath of office -- do not.

The full committee is set to vote on the new language this week, and the rules would take effect immediately if adopted. Other committees were still in the process of finalizing their rules on Monday.

Only theocrats want to FORCE people to say an oath to their so-called god.
Forced to say what the founders believed in?

That's just so much TDS snake snot you're spewing so prolifically, sweetie.

The founders believed that black people were less than human.

The founders believed it was just and right to own another human being.

The founders believed that women were peppery and not worthy of voting.

But then again you probably agree with all those things...

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So you think ignorant savages should have been taken right out of the jungle, couldn't read or write, no knowledge of science, civilization, etc, and just be given every right that civilization offers?

I think they should not have been taken out of the jungle to be our slaves...but clearly such an idea would never occur to you.

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I agree. They also shouldn't have been captured by their black brothers and sold to white traders.
You cannot kill what does not exist. And no Christian can proof that God exists...or ever did exist.

It is the height of stupidity/silliness to swear an oath to something with ZERO scientific proof that it has EVER existed. You might as well swear an oath to Klingons.

I say dump ALL references to God in ALL government literature.
The proof is all around you. You ever see a Mandarin duck? How about your brain? There's no scientific proof you have a brain.

There might be evidence if a “creator”, there is zero proof it is the God of the Bible.

Which is actually how God designed it...

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The evidence is everywhere.
Ok. The Muslims consider Abraham as the center of the beginning of their religion.

That was easy.
Yep, but they're wrong. Abraham is their father physically, that's all. If Abraham was their father spiritually, they'd be either Jews or Christians.

...and yet, Muslims vastly outnumber Christians. Imagine that....
You know what would be funny? 60 million american males converting to Muslim. You won't mind that! A few hundred pulse clubs would be the start1

It makes no difference to me whether you fear Muslims so much that it makes you wet your pants, or have panic attacks over Jews moving in to your neighborhood. Like most of the Right, you simply are not happy unless you have some group or another that terrifies you.
So you're a fan of Somali muslims in Minnesota?

No. I am terrified of them, especially the two hiding under my bed. I have not had a good night's sleep in months. This is why I own 23 firearms.
You cannot kill what does not exist. And no Christian can proof that God exists...or ever did exist.

It is the height of stupidity/silliness to swear an oath to something with ZERO scientific proof that it has EVER existed. You might as well swear an oath to Klingons.

I say dump ALL references to God in ALL government literature.
The proof is all around you. You ever see a Mandarin duck? How about your brain? There's no scientific proof you have a brain.

There might be evidence if a “creator”, there is zero proof it is the God of the Bible.

Which is actually how God designed it...

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The evidence is everywhere.

The evidence is everywhere and the proof is nowhere. With proof there is no need for faith. If you had read your Bible you would know that faith is a key component

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Only theocrats want to FORCE people to say an oath to their so-called god.
Forced to say what the founders believed in?

That's just so much TDS snake snot you're spewing so prolifically, sweetie.

The founders believed that black people were less than human.

The founders believed it was just and right to own another human being.

The founders believed that women were peppery and not worthy of voting.

But then again you probably agree with all those things...

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So you think ignorant savages should have been taken right out of the jungle, couldn't read or write, no knowledge of science, civilization, etc, and just be given every right that civilization offers?

I think they should not have been taken out of the jungle to be our slaves...but clearly such an idea would never occur to you.

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I agree. They also shouldn't have been captured by their black brothers and sold to white traders.

And bought by our founders...do you agree with their view on owning other human beings?

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I don’t think it’s right to preach Jesus and then be against everything Jesus is for.
How does that work? How can you not feel hypocritical?
I don’t think it’s right to preach Jesus and then be against everything Jesus is for.
How does that work? How can you not feel hypocritical?
Are you talking about Abortion, and Catholics and Christians voting for Democrats?
I don’t think it’s right to preach Jesus and then be against everything Jesus is for.
How does that work? How can you not feel hypocritical?
Are you talking about Abortion, and Catholics and Christians voting for Democrats?
Jesus never said the word abortion. But he did insist we help poor people. And we help the sick. Not to mention his feelings on rich people.
Republican policies are the opposite of everything Jesus preached.
I don’t think it’s right to preach Jesus and then be against everything Jesus is for.
How does that work? How can you not feel hypocritical?
Are you talking about Abortion, and Catholics and Christians voting for Democrats?
Jesus never said the word abortion. But he did insist we help poor people. And we help the sick. Not to mention his feelings on rich people.
Republican policies are the opposite of everything Jesus preached.
How so?

Many of the Bible's characters were blessed materially for their faithfulness to God. Wealth is not a sin. However it can be a hindrance if one wanted for instance leave it all behind to go preach the gospel.

And regarding things like Abortion, it is a sin to come between a child and God, and even a bigger sin to do anything harmful at all to a child, spiritually or physically, other than reasonable moral correction:

Matthew 18:1

1 At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who then is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” 2 Jesus called a little child to stand among them.

3 “Truly I tell you,” He said, “unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoever welcomes a little child like this in My name welcomes Me

6 But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. 7 Woe to the world for the causes of sin. These stumbling blocks must come, but woe to the man through whom they come!
Last edited:

They are just trying to follow the commands of Jesus...

34 But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. 36 And do not take an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. 37 Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.

No, they're trying to follow the ways of the Bolsheviks and their ideals which you constantly espouse.

They are just trying to follow the commands of Jesus...

34 But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. 36 And do not take an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. 37 Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.

No, they're trying to follow the ways of the Bolsheviks and their ideals which you constantly espouse.

Yet in this case they are the ones following Jesus’ teaching while all the fake Christians ignore Jesus

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They are just trying to follow the commands of Jesus...

34 But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. 36 And do not take an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. 37 Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.

No, they're trying to follow the ways of the Bolsheviks and their ideals which you constantly espouse.

Yet in this case they are the ones following Jesus’ teaching while all the fake Christians ignore Jesus

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So are you a fake Christian?

What do you follow?
You cannot kill what does not exist. And no Christian can proof that God exists...or ever did exist.

It is the height of stupidity/silliness to swear an oath to something with ZERO scientific proof that it has EVER existed. You might as well swear an oath to Klingons.

I say dump ALL references to God in ALL government literature.
The proof is all around you. You ever see a Mandarin duck? How about your brain? There's no scientific proof you have a brain.

There might be evidence if a “creator”, there is zero proof it is the God of the Bible.

Which is actually how God designed it...

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The evidence is everywhere.

The evidence is everywhere and the proof is nowhere. With proof there is no need for faith. If you had read your Bible you would know that faith is a key component

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I read my bible.
Dems to strike 'so help me God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows

A key committee in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the words "so help you God" from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.

The draft shows that the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to recite only: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

The rules proposal places the words "So help you God" in red brackets, indicating they are slated to be cut. Other rules changes relate to expanding the committee's authority over natural gas in Alaska and fossil-fuel resources.

While many federal oaths include the phrase "So help me God," some -- most notably the presidential oath of office -- do not.

The full committee is set to vote on the new language this week, and the rules would take effect immediately if adopted. Other committees were still in the process of finalizing their rules on Monday.

it's what one does when one supports swearing on shit.

Your promise to tell the truth isn't good enough unless you pinky swear with whoever is your idea of a Supreme Being? Are you then absolved of your oath if you don't believe in God? Swearing an oath to an entity to whom you feel no connection or have any belief in, hardly seems compelling to me, especially if that person is a Buddhist, or a Hindu, since neither worship God. What about people who are atheists? Are they not to be believed because they deny the existence of God and don't wish to be hypocrites?

Making a big deal about taking God out of the promise to tell the truth, is a stupid non-issue, since we've spent the last two years watching Trump's people stand up in Congress and take an oath before God to tell the truth, and a good number of them have now been charged with lying to Congress, and more are to follow.

Obviously, promising God that they will tell the truth when they have promised Donald Trump not to testify against him, has no meaning for members of this Administration, his family, or his business associates.
Dems to strike 'so help me God' from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows

A key committee in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the words "so help you God" from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.

The draft shows that the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to recite only: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

The rules proposal places the words "So help you God" in red brackets, indicating they are slated to be cut. Other rules changes relate to expanding the committee's authority over natural gas in Alaska and fossil-fuel resources.

While many federal oaths include the phrase "So help me God," some -- most notably the presidential oath of office -- do not.

The full committee is set to vote on the new language this week, and the rules would take effect immediately if adopted. Other committees were still in the process of finalizing their rules on Monday.

it's what one does when one supports swearing on shit.

Your promise to tell the truth isn't good enough unless you pinky swear with whoever is your idea of a Supreme Being? Are you then absolved of your oath if you don't believe in God? Swearing an oath to an entity to whom you feel no connection or have any belief in, hardly seems compelling to me, especially if that person is a Buddhist, or a Hindu, since neither worship God. What about people who are atheists? Are they not to be believed because they deny the existence of God and don't wish to be hypocrites?

Making a big deal about taking God out of the promise to tell the truth, is a stupid non-issue, since we've spent the last two years watching Trump's people stand up in Congress and take an oath before God to tell the truth, and a good number of them have now been charged with lying to Congress, and more are to follow.

Obviously, promising God that they will tell the truth when they have promised Donald Trump not to testify against him, has no meaning for members of this Administration, his family, or his business associates.

How much dope do you smoke before posting and do you know the difference between Right and Wrong?

Without a Universal Judge and Supreme Being to define Right and Wrong, we are mere animals living by our won rules.

Sorry if that is a hard concept for you to grasp.

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