Godless democrat susan rice says its "problematic" that Secretary of State Pompeo is "overtly religious"

When Italy was dealing with a post war struggle between Socialism and Capitalism, the CIA realized that letting them fall could end up dragging Europe into that slow, creepy, inhumane system that Russia had been spreading. At one point in fact, it didn't look good for capitalism.

It was Christians in Italy, the churches and it's leaders that outreached to Italians and motivated them to vote for capitalism (with assistance and coordination by the CIA). If not for the peaceful and loving religion of Christianity, who knows if Europe would have started another World War.

She should simply say "thank you God!" People of principled Faith are good for liberty and prosperity.
When Italy was dealing with a post war struggle between Socialism and Capitalism, the CIA realized that letting them fall could end up dragging Europe into that slow, creepy, inhumane system that Russia had been spreading. At one point in fact, it didn't look good for capitalism.

It was Christians in Italy, the churches and it's leaders that outreached to Italians and motivated them to vote for capitalism (with assistance and coordination by the CIA). If not for the peaceful and loving religion of Christianity, who knows if Europe would have started another World War.

She should simply say "thank you God!" People of principled Faith are good for liberty and prosperity.
But if you are a left winger, do you want capitalism and freedom?

Outrageous and it illustrates how the democrats fall in line with marxist doctrine.

The headline is totally wrong. Rice is an Episcopalian Christian. She even went to the National Cathedral School. What she actually said was:

"Mike Pompeo has been an overtly religious secretary of state, which in itself is problematic because again he's supposed to represent all of America, all of our religions," Rice told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.

Excerpt from: Susan Rice: 'Problematic' for Pompeo to be 'overtly religious' secretary of state

Putting aside the fact that pompeo should not have been speaking at the RNC at all, and certainly not on an official trip on the taxpayers' dime, I think that she was addressing the problem of public officials who conduct their official business in accordance with their own private faith, rather than as a representative of all Americans regardless of faith. A public official must serve all the people.

Secretary of State is not an elected position. But if a candidate for an elected position were to assert that they would conduct the business of this position in strict accordance with their particular faith, wouldn't that put voters who disagree with the tenets of the candidate's faith in the awkward position of having to reject that candidate solely on the basis of this disagreement to avoid living under the tenets of the candidate's faith?
Outrageous and it illustrates how the democrats fall in line with marxist doctrine.

The headline is totally wrong. Rice is an Episcopalian Christian. She even went to the National Cathedral School. What she actually said was:

"Mike Pompeo has been an overtly religious secretary of state, which in itself is problematic because again he's supposed to represent all of America, all of our religions," Rice told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.

Excerpt from: Susan Rice: 'Problematic' for Pompeo to be 'overtly religious' secretary of state

Putting aside the fact that pompeo should not have been speaking at the RNC at all, and certainly not on an official trip on the taxpayers' dime, I think that she was addressing the problem of public officials who conduct their official business in accordance with their own private faith, rather than as a representative of all Americans regardless of faith. A public official must serve all the people.

Secretary of State is not an elected position. But if a candidate for an elected position were to assert that they would conduct the business of this position in strict accordance with their particular faith, wouldn't that put voters who disagree with the tenets of the candidate's faith in the awkward position of having to reject that candidate solely on the basis of this disagreement to avoid living under the tenets of the candidate's faith?

The real problem is politicians of no faith or weak faith, supporting marxism/socialism.

Democratic Socialism, based on godless Marxism that has resulted in catastrophic failure with over 100 million people murdered by their governments in the 20th century alone, with millions more living in poverty and misery whenever and wherever it’s been tried? Venezuela is a current example.

Yet that is the model that the democratic now wants to impose on America.

In a nutshell the democrtic party has been taken over by radical leftwingers.
Outrageous and it illustrates how the democrats fall in line with marxist doctrine.

The headline is totally wrong. Rice is an Episcopalian Christian. She even went to the National Cathedral School. What she actually said was:

"Mike Pompeo has been an overtly religious secretary of state, which in itself is problematic because again he's supposed to represent all of America, all of our religions," Rice told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.

Excerpt from: Susan Rice: 'Problematic' for Pompeo to be 'overtly religious' secretary of state

Putting aside the fact that pompeo should not have been speaking at the RNC at all, and certainly not on an official trip on the taxpayers' dime, I think that she was addressing the problem of public officials who conduct their official business in accordance with their own private faith, rather than as a representative of all Americans regardless of faith. A public official must serve all the people.

Secretary of State is not an elected position. But if a candidate for an elected position were to assert that they would conduct the business of this position in strict accordance with their particular faith, wouldn't that put voters who disagree with the tenets of the candidate's faith in the awkward position of having to reject that candidate solely on the basis of this disagreement to avoid living under the tenets of the candidate's faith?
It makes Pompeo uniquely unqualified to be seen as a neutral player when it comes down to peace talks between Palestine and Israel....
Susan Rice is politicking for a government position in the totalitarian Biden administration. She seems to be hungry to get back to robbing the taxpayer. It's in her blood now. MAGA, for the children.
Outrageous and it illustrates how the democrats fall in line with marxist doctrine.

The headline is totally wrong. Rice is an Episcopalian Christian. She even went to the National Cathedral School. What she actually said was:

"Mike Pompeo has been an overtly religious secretary of state, which in itself is problematic because again he's supposed to represent all of America, all of our religions," Rice told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.

Excerpt from: Susan Rice: 'Problematic' for Pompeo to be 'overtly religious' secretary of state

Putting aside the fact that pompeo should not have been speaking at the RNC at all, and certainly not on an official trip on the taxpayers' dime, I think that she was addressing the problem of public officials who conduct their official business in accordance with their own private faith, rather than as a representative of all Americans regardless of faith. A public official must serve all the people.

Secretary of State is not an elected position. But if a candidate for an elected position were to assert that they would conduct the business of this position in strict accordance with their particular faith, wouldn't that put voters who disagree with the tenets of the candidate's faith in the awkward position of having to reject that candidate solely on the basis of this disagreement to avoid living under the tenets of the candidate's faith?
It makes Pompeo uniquely unqualified to be seen as a neutral player when it comes down to peace talks between Palestine and Israel....

No matter who participates in the negotiations with the so called palestinians they will never be considered neutral by the palestinians.

Not even to mention it is a waste of time trying to talk to them.

Kinda like trying to talk to Afro Americans....too biased to communicate with in a logical or productive manner.....it is what it is.....some folks will just never see the light and think if they continue to use violence that they will eventually win as in people will give into them....well they might have a point...that is what seems to be happening in the USA as we speak.
Not even to mention it is a waste of time trying to talk to them.

Kinda like trying to talk to Afro Americans....too biased to communicate with in a logical or productive manner.....it is what it is.....some folks will just never see the light and think if they continue to use violence that they will eventually win as in people will give into them....well they might have a point...that is what seems to be happening in the USA as we speak.
One sided conversations with narrow minded walls usually gets you nowhere- black people and Palestinians see through the rhetoric. At some point anyone gets pushed enough they will fight back.
If not for the peaceful and loving religion of Christianity, who knows if Europe would have started another World War.
Is that the same group who believed in Manifest Destiny- the only good Indian is a dead Indian. the Sand Creek Massacre? WAR is the result of one, regardless of his religious (or political) beliefs, inflicting his will on another, officially. Period.
The US had NO business inflicting its will on anyone in any of the wars it's been involved in. The purpose of the US gov't is clearly stated in the pre-amble to the constitution and the "rules" for engaging in conflict are in that document. There is nothing about religion or valuing the means of exchanging goods and services in it either.
The rules for gov't, like the rules for christianity are a good for thee but not for me crowd rhetoric.

AS for the CIA- pfftt- it's religion is self perpetuation. Period. Job justifiction rhetoric for the improperly educated who bow at the alter of GODvernment are merely excuses. It is funded by theft (user fees called taxes) and drug smuggling- how very christian. The CIA was behind the "communist scare" of the early 50's leading to the Vietnam WAR where 1000's were killed- how christian- using lies to persuade- the CIA was behind the Iran conflict of 1953 so Britain could control Iran's natural resources- key is "control"- that is the diametric opposite of Liberty, espoused by "christians" as you claim- never mind the loving bullshit.
Outrageous and it illustrates how the democrats fall in line with marxist doctrine.

They are outraged because he gave his speech in Israel for political reasons, and politics should not be in this equation. Trump did this to attract the Jewish vote in America, and I don't know what kind of peace he has achieved.
Outrageous and it illustrates how the democrats fall in line with marxist doctrine.

The headline is totally wrong. Rice is an Episcopalian Christian. She even went to the National Cathedral School. What she actually said was:

"Mike Pompeo has been an overtly religious secretary of state, which in itself is problematic because again he's supposed to represent all of America, all of our religions," Rice told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.

Excerpt from: Susan Rice: 'Problematic' for Pompeo to be 'overtly religious' secretary of state

Putting aside the fact that pompeo should not have been speaking at the RNC at all, and certainly not on an official trip on the taxpayers' dime, I think that she was addressing the problem of public officials who conduct their official business in accordance with their own private faith, rather than as a representative of all Americans regardless of faith. A public official must serve all the people.

Secretary of State is not an elected position. But if a candidate for an elected position were to assert that they would conduct the business of this position in strict accordance with their particular faith, wouldn't that put voters who disagree with the tenets of the candidate's faith in the awkward position of having to reject that candidate solely on the basis of this disagreement to avoid living under the tenets of the candidate's faith?
It makes Pompeo uniquely unqualified to be seen as a neutral player when it comes down to peace talks between Palestine and Israel....

No matter who participates in the negotiations with the so called palestinians they will never be considered neutral by the palestinians.

Not even to mention it is a waste of time trying to talk to them.

Kinda like trying to talk to Afro Americans....too biased to communicate with in a logical or productive manner.....it is what it is.....some folks will just never see the light and think if they continue to use violence that they will eventually win as in people will give into them....well they might have a point...that is what seems to be happening in the USA as we speak.
^^ I rest my case ^^

Maybe if we send more Ralph Bunches to the Middle East instead of Jerry Falwell style charlitans like Pompeo -- maybe that person can win a Nobel Peace prize too...
Outrageous and it illustrates how the democrats fall in line with marxist doctrine.

The headline is totally wrong. Rice is an Episcopalian Christian. She even went to the National Cathedral School. What she actually said was:

"Mike Pompeo has been an overtly religious secretary of state, which in itself is problematic because again he's supposed to represent all of America, all of our religions," Rice told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.

Excerpt from: Susan Rice: 'Problematic' for Pompeo to be 'overtly religious' secretary of state

Putting aside the fact that pompeo should not have been speaking at the RNC at all, and certainly not on an official trip on the taxpayers' dime, I think that she was addressing the problem of public officials who conduct their official business in accordance with their own private faith, rather than as a representative of all Americans regardless of faith. A public official must serve all the people.

Secretary of State is not an elected position. But if a candidate for an elected position were to assert that they would conduct the business of this position in strict accordance with their particular faith, wouldn't that put voters who disagree with the tenets of the candidate's faith in the awkward position of having to reject that candidate solely on the basis of this disagreement to avoid living under the tenets of the candidate's faith?

The real problem is politicians of no faith or weak faith, supporting marxism/socialism.

Democratic Socialism, based on godless Marxism that has resulted in catastrophic failure with over 100 million people murdered by their governments in the 20th century alone, with millions more living in poverty and misery whenever and wherever it’s been tried? Venezuela is a current example.

Yet that is the model that the democratic now wants to impose on America.

In a nutshell the democrtic party has been taken over by radical leftwingers.

Don't be ridiculous. What you are spouting is just political crap from right-wingers. This has nothing at all to do with socialism or marxism. Despite all the rhetoric about "religious freedom," apparently you oppose religious freedom if the people practicing it do not agree with the views of radical right-wing "Christians." It seems that we are returning to the religious fights among Christians that plagued Europe centuries ago. Radical right-wing "Christians" seem to have a bone to pick with any Christians who do not support radical right-wing political thought, yet these people have a right to act according to their sincerely held beliefs. Rice has every right to pursue her Episcopalian beliefs, given that she understands that it is the duty of every holder of public office to separate their private beliefs from their official duties. Pompeo seems like he doesn't.
The only "problematic" thing is that Susan Rice a a compulsive liar and a traitor.

That's the only problem :mad-61:
Was she the one who was caught trying to extort a foreign leader to rig our election? That`s what traitors do.

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