Gohmert to announce resolution to stop Iran nuclear deal

Bush "lost the peace"?..the peace was won ,Obama surrendered it to isis
Of course he did.

(1) He disbanded the police.

(2) He disbanded the Army.

(3) He outsourced reconstruction to corrupt corporations who should have hired Iraqis at $15 an hour to rebuild the country and infrastructure. That alone would have tied Shi'ites, Sunnis, and Kurds to our regieme.

(4) The Bush-rebuilt Iraqi armed forces simply will not stand up to other Muslims.

(5) Bush could not get a SOFA and created such an atmosphere that American troops had to come home in 2011 or be subject to Iraqi courts.

(6) Only the Arabs and Kurds and Turks and Persians can resolve their issues there, we can't.
Iraq was stable when Obama came into office. Obama cut and ran like the coward he is
Our word as a nation is worthless if we do not live up to our agreements with other nations. Iraq wanted us gone so we went. Put the blame on that fuckhead Al Maliki in Iraq who inflamed tensions with his extreme corruption and brutal sectarian bullshit.
Repeating the false wsr chant is old worn out,repubs want what got Iran to the table in the first place ,sanctions ,not a huge pay day,and continued diffiant retoric from Iran.

Translation please, I don't understand what you want to say.
This deal or war is a false choice...You're welcome

There are various choices. What I'm saying is that if the Republicans get a president they'll be pushing for war in Iran. Doesn't mean it'll happen, but it means they'll push for it.

With this deal war is going to be almost out of the question. War could still happen, but if Iran has something the US wouldn't fight against, ie nukes, then chances of war are severely reduced. Also if they can't use nukes as an excuse for invading, then they've lost their reasoning and they've lost 10 years of public awareness about Iran.

War is almost certain with this deal, as Iran continues to spread terror around the world and build up it's military. Obama is helping them do just that

Well you managed to not get an insult in this time. Well done you, give yourself a pat on the back.

As for your scaremongering, well... I'm going to assume you are Jewish and have some links to Israel, no problem there, other than you might just be massively biased, seeing as it is that very sort of person who is pushing this in the first place.

Iran isn't a shining angel, no one said they were. I don't like countries that push their religion on to people, or who go around causing problems in the world. Then again I could have described the USA there. So.....

How many countries has Iran invaded in the past 20 years? And how many have the US invaded?
Via its terrorist proxies..Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan. They have funded terrorist attacks against Jews in Argentina. I can give you more if you'd like.
Translation please, I don't understand what you want to say.
This deal or war is a false choice...You're welcome

There are various choices. What I'm saying is that if the Republicans get a president they'll be pushing for war in Iran. Doesn't mean it'll happen, but it means they'll push for it.

With this deal war is going to be almost out of the question. War could still happen, but if Iran has something the US wouldn't fight against, ie nukes, then chances of war are severely reduced. Also if they can't use nukes as an excuse for invading, then they've lost their reasoning and they've lost 10 years of public awareness about Iran.

War is almost certain with this deal, as Iran continues to spread terror around the world and build up it's military. Obama is helping them do just that

Well you managed to not get an insult in this time. Well done you, give yourself a pat on the back.

As for your scaremongering, well... I'm going to assume you are Jewish and have some links to Israel, no problem there, other than you might just be massively biased, seeing as it is that very sort of person who is pushing this in the first place.

Iran isn't a shining angel, no one said they were. I don't like countries that push their religion on to people, or who go around causing problems in the world. Then again I could have described the USA there. So.....

How many countries has Iran invaded in the past 20 years? And how many have the US invaded?
Via its terrorist proxies..Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan. They have funded terrorist attacks against Jews in Argentina. I can give you more if you'd like.

And the US has funded terrorist attacks against plenty of people. So....... Fighting against enemies is what goes on. The US is more dangerous than Iran.
Bush "lost the peace"?..the peace was won ,Obama surrendered it to isis
Of course he did.

(1) He disbanded the police.

(2) He disbanded the Army.

(3) He outsourced reconstruction to corrupt corporations who should have hired Iraqis at $15 an hour to rebuild the country and infrastructure. That alone would have tied Shi'ites, Sunnis, and Kurds to our regieme.

(4) The Bush-rebuilt Iraqi armed forces simply will not stand up to other Muslims.

(5) Bush could not get a SOFA and created such an atmosphere that American troops had to come home in 2011 or be subject to Iraqi courts.

(6) Only the Arabs and Kurds and Turks and Persians can resolve their issues there, we can't.
Iraq was stable when Obama came into office. Obama cut and ran like the coward he is
Our word as a nation is worthless if we do not live up to our agreements with other nations. Iraq wanted us gone so we went. Put the blame on that fuckhead Al Maliki in Iraq who inflamed tensions with his extreme corruption and brutal sectarian bullshit.

Bullshit, they didn't want us gone, Iran wanted us gone, Bush's agreement expired, and it was up to Obama to negotiate a new one, but he wanted out , which was a disaster. Yes Al Maliki was also disaster, I'll give you that, but they didn't want us gone, and it shouldn't have been up to Al Maliki and Iran anyway, He's gone, and the disaster exists, because of Obama, his campaign promises, and his love for Iran and the "Supreme leader" as he and Kerry continually, affectionately call him, as they slaughtered their people in the streets and killed our soldiers:mad:
Gomer is hilarious! Is he a Texass Jew?

No he's 1/5 th American Indian and a patriot:thup:

And this your hero? A bible thumping goyim lunatic

Yea you claim to be a Jew?

In the latest spectacular display from the right, Representative Louie Gohmert, a Republican from Texas’ 1st District, used taxpayer dollars to fuel a religious discussion about Hell during a Congressional hearing. The ideo-theological clash occurred during a hearing held by the House Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice when Gohmert, unwilling to take a reverend’s title at face value, choose to confront the faith leader on his beliefs, repeatedly asking him to clarify his Christian beliefs.

Ironically, the hearing in which Congressman Gohmer had the audacity to make the case that non-Christians are going to hell

Watch: Louie Gohmert Condemns Non-Christians to Hell on Floor of Congress
Bush "lost the peace"?..the peace was won ,Obama surrendered it to isis
Of course he did.

(1) He disbanded the police.

(2) He disbanded the Army.

(3) He outsourced reconstruction to corrupt corporations who should have hired Iraqis at $15 an hour to rebuild the country and infrastructure. That alone would have tied Shi'ites, Sunnis, and Kurds to our regieme.

(4) The Bush-rebuilt Iraqi armed forces simply will not stand up to other Muslims.

(5) Bush could not get a SOFA and created such an atmosphere that American troops had to come home in 2011 or be subject to Iraqi courts.

(6) Only the Arabs and Kurds and Turks and Persians can resolve their issues there, we can't.
Iraq was stable when Obama came into office. Obama cut and ran like the coward he is
Our word as a nation is worthless if we do not live up to our agreements with other nations. Iraq wanted us gone so we went. Put the blame on that fuckhead Al Maliki in Iraq who inflamed tensions with his extreme corruption and brutal sectarian bullshit.

Bullshit, they didn't want us gone, Iran wanted us gone, Bush's agreement expired, and it was up to Obama to negotiate a new one, but he wanted out , which was a disaster. Yes Al Maliki was also disaster, I'll give you that, but they didn't want us gone, and it shouldn't have been up to Al Maliki and Iran anyway, He's gone, and the disaster exists, because of Obama, his campaign promises, and his love for Iran and the "Supreme leader" as he and Kerry continually, affectionately call him, as they slaughtered their people in the streets and killed our soldiers:mad:

Oh, so Bush wanted the US out, Good move. Obama wanted the US out. Bad move. I get it.
Bush "lost the peace"?..the peace was won ,Obama surrendered it to isis
Of course he did.

(1) He disbanded the police.

(2) He disbanded the Army.

(3) He outsourced reconstruction to corrupt corporations who should have hired Iraqis at $15 an hour to rebuild the country and infrastructure. That alone would have tied Shi'ites, Sunnis, and Kurds to our regieme.

(4) The Bush-rebuilt Iraqi armed forces simply will not stand up to other Muslims.

(5) Bush could not get a SOFA and created such an atmosphere that American troops had to come home in 2011 or be subject to Iraqi courts.

(6) Only the Arabs and Kurds and Turks and Persians can resolve their issues there, we can't.
Iraq was stable when Obama came into office. Obama cut and ran like the coward he is
Our word as a nation is worthless if we do not live up to our agreements with other nations. Iraq wanted us gone so we went. Put the blame on that fuckhead Al Maliki in Iraq who inflamed tensions with his extreme corruption and brutal sectarian bullshit.

Bullshit, they didn't want us gone, Iran wanted us gone, Bush's agreement expired, and it was up to Obama to negotiate a new one, but he wanted out , which was a disaster. Yes Al Maliki was also disaster, I'll give you that, but they didn't want us gone, and it shouldn't have been up to Al Maliki and Iran anyway, He's gone, and the disaster exists, because of Obama, his campaign promises, and his love for Iran and the "Supreme leader" as he and Kerry continually, affectionately call him, as they slaughtered their people in the streets and killed our soldiers:mad:
What a load of hysterical bullshit revisionism, most of America was weary of wasting money, men and time in that shithole trying to keep an inevitable civil war at bay. Only the conservative warhawks wanted to keep throwing money and blood at the place, we could have stayed there twenty years and got the same result when we left.
Bush "lost the peace"?..the peace was won ,Obama surrendered it to isis
Of course he did.

(1) He disbanded the police.

(2) He disbanded the Army.

(3) He outsourced reconstruction to corrupt corporations who should have hired Iraqis at $15 an hour to rebuild the country and infrastructure. That alone would have tied Shi'ites, Sunnis, and Kurds to our regieme.

(4) The Bush-rebuilt Iraqi armed forces simply will not stand up to other Muslims.

(5) Bush could not get a SOFA and created such an atmosphere that American troops had to come home in 2011 or be subject to Iraqi courts.

(6) Only the Arabs and Kurds and Turks and Persians can resolve their issues there, we can't.
Iraq was stable when Obama came into office. Obama cut and ran like the coward he is
Our word as a nation is worthless if we do not live up to our agreements with other nations. Iraq wanted us gone so we went. Put the blame on that fuckhead Al Maliki in Iraq who inflamed tensions with his extreme corruption and brutal sectarian bullshit.

Bullshit, they didn't want us gone, Iran wanted us gone, Bush's agreement expired, and it was up to Obama to negotiate a new one, but he wanted out , which was a disaster. Yes Al Maliki was also disaster, I'll give you that, but they didn't want us gone, and it shouldn't have been up to Al Maliki and Iran anyway, He's gone, and the disaster exists, because of Obama, his campaign promises, and his love for Iran and the "Supreme leader" as he and Kerry continually, affectionately call him, as they slaughtered their people in the streets and killed our soldiers:mad:
What a load of hysterical bullshit revisionism, most of America was weary of wasting money, men and time in that shithole trying to keep an inevitable civil war at bay. Only the conservative warhawks wanted to keep throwing money and blood at the place, we could have stayed there twenty years and got the same result when we left.
What are good lotto numbers today?
The Republicans in Congress are going to stop something?

LOL--conservatives put a lot of faith in those doormats!! When was the last time Republicans stopped Democrats? In the Bush era? When Hastert was in office?

Give up, citizen! All your elected officials belong to the Obama-borg. Resistance is just for show!
Of course he did.

(1) He disbanded the police.

(2) He disbanded the Army.

(3) He outsourced reconstruction to corrupt corporations who should have hired Iraqis at $15 an hour to rebuild the country and infrastructure. That alone would have tied Shi'ites, Sunnis, and Kurds to our regieme.

(4) The Bush-rebuilt Iraqi armed forces simply will not stand up to other Muslims.

(5) Bush could not get a SOFA and created such an atmosphere that American troops had to come home in 2011 or be subject to Iraqi courts.

(6) Only the Arabs and Kurds and Turks and Persians can resolve their issues there, we can't.
Iraq was stable when Obama came into office. Obama cut and ran like the coward he is
Our word as a nation is worthless if we do not live up to our agreements with other nations. Iraq wanted us gone so we went. Put the blame on that fuckhead Al Maliki in Iraq who inflamed tensions with his extreme corruption and brutal sectarian bullshit.

Bullshit, they didn't want us gone, Iran wanted us gone, Bush's agreement expired, and it was up to Obama to negotiate a new one, but he wanted out , which was a disaster. Yes Al Maliki was also disaster, I'll give you that, but they didn't want us gone, and it shouldn't have been up to Al Maliki and Iran anyway, He's gone, and the disaster exists, because of Obama, his campaign promises, and his love for Iran and the "Supreme leader" as he and Kerry continually, affectionately call him, as they slaughtered their people in the streets and killed our soldiers:mad:
What a load of hysterical bullshit revisionism, most of America was weary of wasting money, men and time in that shithole trying to keep an inevitable civil war at bay. Only the conservative warhawks wanted to keep throwing money and blood at the place, we could have stayed there twenty years and got the same result when we left.
What are good lotto numbers today?
Conservatives like to do the same thing over and over hoping it may actually work out one day so play the same ones you always do, it may actually win you some money after 90 years.
Can Republicans step up and do the right thing?:dunno: A treaty is treaty .

The U.S. congressman for Northeast Texas told a Longview audience Thursday that he plans to announce a resolution this weekend that could make it easier for Congress to stop the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran. "Now that we've seen it, it's clearly a treaty," U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert said of the deal to slow Iran's march to nuclear weapons capability. The Tyler Republican told a lunch audience of Longview Ambucs members the U.S. Constitution requires a high level of Senate support for treaties with other nations

"It does not become effective unless two-thirds of the Senate approves it," he said. "(President Barack Obama) doesn't get a vote — it's two-thirds of the Senate."Gohmert said the pact cut earlier this summer with Iran and four other nations has ingredients common to treaties — arms, ICBMs, sanctions."This is a treaty," he said. "The Iran deal, it's dangerous."

Gohmert to announce resolution to stop Iran nuclear deal - Longview News-Journal
Louis Gohmert announces he will get to attack Iran at ANY COSTS!
Gomer is hilarious! Is he a Texass Jew?

No he's 1/5 th American Indian and a patriot:thup:

And this your hero? A bible thumping goyim lunatic

Yea you claim to be a Jew?

In the latest spectacular display from the right, Representative Louie Gohmert, a Republican from Texas’ 1st District, used taxpayer dollars to fuel a religious discussion about Hell during a Congressional hearing. The ideo-theological clash occurred during a hearing held by the House Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice when Gohmert, unwilling to take a reverend’s title at face value, choose to confront the faith leader on his beliefs, repeatedly asking him to clarify his Christian beliefs.

Ironically, the hearing in which Congressman Gohmer had the audacity to make the case that non-Christians are going to hell

Watch: Louie Gohmert Condemns Non-Christians to Hell on Floor of Congress

His religious faith is of no concern to me, fake Jew. The only faith that concerns me outside of my own is the one who wants me dead. Most real Christians support Israel more than ultra leftist, self hating Jews. A treaty with a muslim nutjob country like Iran should be approved by congress as a treaty, which is what it is. Most Jews ,most Americans ,most of congress, is against this deal, even most of Obama's Jews including your fake, Women "Rabbis"

J Street has undertaken a massive lobbying campaign in favor of the agreement. As part of that effort, it recently secured those 340 rabbinical names. But what is not widely known is that the 340 represent only about one-third of J Street’s own rabbinical supporters. In other words, J Street could not even get a majority of its own rabbis to back the Iran deal.
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