Going After Trump


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
He must be doing something right to get all this reaction.

“Illegal” Claims to be working at a Trump Hotel. - The only problem with this story is that he has a legal work permit based upon a 2012 law. @ WATCH: Illegal Reveals He Works At Trump Hotel. But Here’s One Thing He Didn't Mention...

Facebook founder going after him over the anchor baby congtroversy and Trump's whole immigration stand
. Trump's Battle With One Of America's Most Powerful Men Just Escalated To New Heights

'Anchor Baby' Flap Shows Left Losing Grip
@ Articles: 'Anchor Baby' Flap Shows Left Losing Grip

They're Not Anchor Babies – They're Anchor Democrats

Leave it to Rush. Story @ BOOM: Rush Has New Name for Trump's "Anchor Babies" That Democrat Politicians Will Despise

"He must be doing something right to get all this reaction."

Actually not.

He's getting this reaction because he's wrong, because what he advocates is ignorant, hateful, and factually incorrect – it's the reaction of the majority of the American people who correctly understand that what Trump advocates is fundamentally repugnant to the rule of law and the principles of our Constitutional Republic.
He is taking on the president, BOTH parties AND the leftist media...of course leftist hyperpartisans are annoyed and they feel the winds changing and it scares them to see people aren't buying their dog and pony show any more.
He has made some powerful enemies and they will say or do ANYthing to try to derail him...

people are waking up and saying screw the globalists and their agenda... america first...

and THAT also scares leftists who want to continue to undermine the country.

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