Going Over Fiscal Cliff Not So Bad?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Seriously, raising taxes and cutting spending might inject a strong dose of reality into our federal budgeting process. As has been correctly stated, we need to decide which programs are worth borrowing more money to support. This would become a much more rational conversation if we let the automatic tax increases and spending cuts occur: Then we could decide, on a case by case basis, which programs and tax cuts should be restored.

What say you?
and two weeks after we go over everything can be ajusted as needed by a more Democratic government.
I am kind of torn but I do find it interesting that the deficit hawks who have built a career on talking about cutting spending seem to be the biggest chicken littles here, I guess it really was all about dismantling the welfare state rather than the deficit after all.
How does the Tea Party feel about the cliff? I think by this time a number of Tea Partiers have discovered that government is involved with Medicare and if that's cut, heads will roll. Those will be Republican heads.
Seriously, raising taxes and cutting spending might inject a strong dose of reality into our federal budgeting process. As has been correctly stated, we need to decide which programs are worth borrowing more money to support. This would become a much more rational conversation if we let the automatic tax increases and spending cuts occur: Then we could decide, on a case by case basis, which programs and tax cuts should be restored.

What say you?

I want to go over.

Would probably be the best thing for the country.

One of my biggest criticisms of Obama was his extending the Bush tax cuts.
Seriously, raising taxes and cutting spending might inject a strong dose of reality into our federal budgeting process. As has been correctly stated, we need to decide which programs are worth borrowing more money to support. This would become a much more rational conversation if we let the automatic tax increases and spending cuts occur: Then we could decide, on a case by case basis, which programs and tax cuts should be restored.

What say you?

I want to go over.

Would probably be the best thing for the country.

One of my biggest criticisms of Obama was his extending the Bush tax cuts.

Interesting that your post is the only one addressing the issue. Everyone simply plays the blame game.
It will mean Americans making sacrifices. Paying more....receiving less.

Long overdue

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