Goldfinger's Crime-Wheel (D.O.A.)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a gambling-parable of modernism significance inspired by Goldfinger, Eastern Promises, and Traffic.


As the underdog Philadelphia Eagles (NFL) prepared to challenge the dominating New England Patriots in Super Bowl 52 [2018], trying to avenge their heart-breaking 24-21 loss to the Patriots in Super Bowl 39 [2004], sports-fans and gamblers took bets to see if there was any real sane way to profit from this otherwise rather (unfortunately) predictable professional-football matchup. The Eagles' Nick Foles had the challenge of being the backup-QB (since the Eagles star-phenom QB Carson Wentz was out with an injury!) and still rallying his gritty-scrappy team past the Goliath-like Patriots QB Tom Brady.

Special agent James Bond (an intelligence-officer and spy) of British Intelligence (BI) was assigned to investigate a possible gambling-scam involving the manipulation of Eagles-Patriots odds for Super Bowl 52, a scam possibly connected to a powerful Mexican drug-dealer smuggling arms to the IRA (Irish Republican Army) in Belfast (Northern Ireland). Bond (code name: "007") was informed by BI that a rogue BI agent (code name: "006") was also now employed by this Mexican drug-dealer in the Eagles-Patriots gambling-scam. 007 had to sort out this insanity (with global ramifications) while 'disposing' BI-nemesis 006.

The Mexican drug-dealer was Juan Sanchez, an ex-military man with lucrative connections to the black market munitions 'industry' in Moscow (Russia). Sanchez wanted to capitalize on the Super Bowl as well as the upcoming World Cup soccer tournament in Russia by spiking all kinds of gambling-rings and using the profits to circulate black market munitions around the world (to build his criminal empire 'prestige'). Sanchez started calling himself 'Goldfinger' and dyed his hair blonde (to give himself a more 'European look'). Sanchez was a heavy-set man with rather white skin for a Mexican (his mother was British after all).

007 knew that 006 would start setting up the gambling-ring operations for Goldfinger in Moscow well ahead of the upcoming World Cup tournament. 007 received this information from BI's inside sources as well as from 006's ex-girlfriend (the gorgeous Elana Stepp). 007 arrived in Moscow and began investigating just how deep 006's scheming reached. 007 met a family of Russian post-office workers who had some surprising inside-information about Goldfinger's operations. That's because the head of this household, a 35 year-old postman named Uri Zhivago, was now knee-deep in a gambling-debt to Goldfinger.

ZHIVAGO: I was delivering drugs for Goldfinger across Moscow!
007: I see; you were hiding these drugs in your parcels...
ZHIVAGO: That's correct; I befriended Goldfinger and wanted to gamble.
007: So, you bet on some World Cup games, with Goldfinger's 'inside-info,' eh?
ZHIVAGO: Yes. Goldfinger intends to extort the soccer teams so Italy wins.
007: And you wanted to bet 'ahead of schedule' on Italy?
ZHIVAGO: Exactly. When Goldfinger told me what he was planning, I panicked.
007: What is he planning, Uri (British Intelligence will guarantee your safety)?
ZHIVAGO: Goldfinger wants to use the profits to merge narcotics with weapons.
007: So, Goldfinger intends to forge a 'drug-gun' empire, and you're the informant?
ZHIVAGO: When Goldfinger realized I panicked, he threatened to kill my family.
007: So you used your connections to find me (through BI), and you need my help!
ZHIVAGO: Exactly. I have no idea what I should do.
007: Let me take care of it. Goldfinger wants to make an example of you, I wager.

007 assured Zhivago and set up his family in a secret BI safe-house where he would be safe from the clutches of Goldfinger. 007 then reported to BI that Goldfinger was coordinating this gambling-operation to fund his narcotics-weapons 'empire' (possibly investing in chemical weapons in the future!). 007 then went hunting for 006 and realized the rogue BI-agent was coordinating the World Cup gambling-operations (in Russia) for Goldfinger with Super Bowl gambling-operations in America (to cover Goldfinger's tracks, so to speak!). 007 discovered that 006 intended to release libellous information to the American public that Patriots QB Tom Brady was suspected of using illegal steroids (to affect the gambling-odds prior to the game!).

007 reported to BI that Goldfinger's 'reach' represented a very modern problem of commerce and capital-related social corruption and confusing intrigue, an intrigue that touched the lives of everyday people, low-level criminals, diabolical crime kingpins (such as Goldfinger), and even politicians and diplomats working to unfurl the labyrinths of underworld narcotics and black market munitions in areas of the world where democracy was still 'struggling' (e.g., Russia, South Africa, and Mexico). 007 went hunting for 006, determined to save Uri Zhivago's soul and prove once and for all that all forms of 'monetary evil' would be challenged by 'capitalism-patriots.' 007 daydreamed that when his terrible mission was accomplished, he would sit back and actually allow himself to enjoy Super Bowl 52 (with his new fiancée Elana Stepp).




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