Golly Gee: WashPost's Israeli Firster columnist goes anti-Trump twice this week

Netanyahoo loves all the nice military hardware US taxpayers provide him with redardless of who's in the white house. It's bipartisan.
Netanyahu and every other Zionist is 100% for Hillary because Hillary is the only one certain to NOT RE-OPEN the 911 Investigation.

It is just that simple. Just ask JDAAC homosexual Lindsay Graham, masquerading as a "christian conservative hetro."
Does Bibi think that Hitlery will have his back? :uhoh3:
There is only 2 choices Netty. And one wants to make Israel a Palestinian state....
Trump met with evangelical Christians and all he got was a lousy list

Has Bibi decided Trump isn't the ally he claims to be, or does he like all the nice military hardware HRC would provide him with?

There are no Israel supporters at the Washington Post douche bag. Rather she is a liberal first and that is what guides her.
Jennifer Rubin or Jenghazi, as she is known at the WaPo, is a staunch conservative and pro-Israel. I don't think there are many (any?) "liberal" Likud supporters at the Post.
The Post is overwhelmingly Jewish - duh...

and it was 100% for a US invasion of Iraq in 1991, 1992, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2002, and 2003....

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