Gone are pre-existing conditions if you vote for trump, and I know some trumpers are counting on the ACA

He's been in office almost 4 years...

why hasn't he done that yet?

the ACA is in front of the SC right now - they will be deciding on whether the whole thing, including ALL the protections ( not just the pre existing condition protection ) go ba bye.

mandated yearly physicals,
mammogram & colonoscopy coverage,
maternity care & well child care,
catastrophic cost protections,
annual coverage limit caps, lifetime caps,
children staying on their parents' policies until the age of 26...

just to name a few.

they all get wiped out.
/———/ No adult aged 26 should be on Mommy and Daddy’s insurance plan. Man up and pay your own way.

of course they should ... howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.................. when all that is available are part time jobs that offer no bennies AND the economy ain't gonna get better any time soon due to donny's incompetency ... it's a great protection & the house flipped precisely because obamacare is in danger.
/——/ Post a link proving only part time jobs are available. And prove it’s the president and not blue state governors that are causing the economic slow down. You won’t because you can’t.

most of the uptick in employment gains are because people that were furloughed are coming back or biz'nez's are reopening.

& college grads don't have enough cash to pay for health insurance AND student loans at the same time.

healthcare was the #1 issue in 2018... with this pandemic that donny has managed so piss poorly ... it will be the top issue again.

"Over the last six months, we’ve witnessed one manufacturing miracle after another," the president said on a visit last month to a Whirlpool factory. Ohio was down 48,000 manufacturing workers in July from last year. Pre-pandemic, it had lost 2,200 workers in February from last year.

The trend is mirrored nationwide. Manufacturing across the U.S. is still down 720,000 workers from February despite gaining 29,000 jobs in August, with the pandemic more than wiping out the overall modest gains of 500,000 from Trump's first three years in office — about the same pace of growth as under President Barack Obama. It was not an improvement over prior years — nor did it manage to restore more than a fraction of the jobs lost in the previous decade, according to an August analysis by the Economic Policy Institute.

A Bureau of Labor Statistics analysis released Sept. 1 said that even prepandemic, the sector was on track to lose nearly 450,000 workers by 2029, the most of any area of the economy. At the same time, output has made a notable recovery due to increased automation, with the industrial production index bouncing back to almost 98 in July — less than 10 points down from February.

That disparity means that many of the losses are likely permanent, economists say.

Trump hails ‘manufacturing miracle’ as factories bleed jobs
/—-/ So you think Trump should order Governors to fully reopen their states? If so, I agree.

nope. just the opposite. his short sighted instant gratification defect has cost lives. the states that are fully open - are infested with covidiots chock full of coronavirus.

btw - donny, as much as he'd like to be king... cannot 'order' any states to open up per the 10th amendment of the constitution of the united states.
/—-/ Exactly right. So how is the president supposed to reinvigorate the economy with dopes like Andy Cuomo keeping their foot on the brakes? What is Trump supposed to do?

if donny did what was actually NEEDED to do b4 the virus hit & for a few weeks when covid did arrive ... then we would be in far better shape. the fact that he is too much of a pussy to admit he fucked up & asked his basket dwellers to mask up like they should - we can mitigate this virus & actually open up faster than to ignore the realities.
/—-/ You mean like banning flights from China while Dementia Joe, Deblasio, and Piglosi said it’s all safe and Trump is Xenophobic? You mean like that?

you mean the only good thing he did waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back in march after almost 2 months of doing nothing but praise china?

mistakes were made early on - no doubt about it , because it's a brand spanking new virus & not alot was known then & we are learning every day what works, what doesn't & what can be done NOW.

the (D)s are fully on board with the experts - not relying on donny's hunches & outright lies about this virus.

donny - ignoring the science & the evolving evidence is literally killing the poorly educated who are following his lead like lemmings.

you mean the only good thing he did waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back in march after almost 2 months of doing nothing but praise china?


according to NYTs, he banned flights from China on January 21

i mistook china for the european ban, where the vast majority of cases came from... not china. & the chinese travel ban wasn't all inclusive - some 40K were able to travel here from china - on commercial flights with no restrictions.

not very smart... AND donny CONsistantly praised china for their 'handling' of the virus ... weeks of praise- well into febuary. i can pull up all them thar instances if you'de like.... but something tells me it wouldn't make a trump cheer leader like you to think any differently about the chosen one than you already do. :(

well into february.

wow, a whole 2-3 weeks.

Isn't that the same time period Joe was calling him xenophobic, and Nancy was holding parties in Chinatown?

and, little girl, just because I don't want to drag him out of the WH by his heels, and hang him from the nearest lamppost, like you do, doesn't make me a cheerleader.

uh-huh. biden & nancy pelosi were wrong. but how long will y'all be using those tired old excuses to cover for donny's incompetence NOW? while they evolved like thinking upright bipeds should as the science evolves, donny is still scraping his knuckles along the ground ... going on his hunches & actually refusing to acknowledge that masks & social distancing are helping in the interim whilst waiting for a safe & effective vaccine.

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe
04/15/2020 06:27 PM EDT

POLITICO has compiled a list of 15 times the president hailed China for its push to prevent a pandemic in the early months of 2020 — an effort that ultimately failed:

Jan. 22, Twitter:
“One of the many great things about our just signed giant Trade Deal with China is that it will bring both the USA & China closer together in so many other ways. Terrific working with President Xi, a man who truly loves his country. Much more to come!”
Jan. 24, Twitter:
“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

Jan. 29, Remarks at signing ceremony for the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement:
“And, honestly, I think, as tough as this negotiation was, I think our relationship with China now might be the best it's been in a long, long time. And now it's reciprocal. Before, we were being ripped off badly. Now we have a reciprocal relationship, maybe even better than reciprocal for us.”

Jan. 30, Fox News interview:
"China is not in great shape right now, unfortunately. But they're working very hard. We'll see what happens. But we're working very closely with China and other countries."

Feb. 7, Remarks at North Carolina Opportunity Now Summit in Charlotte, N.C.:
"I just spoke to President Xi last night, and, you know, we're working on the — the problem, the virus. It's a — it's a very tough situation. But I think he's going to handle it. I think he's handled it really well. We're helping wherever we can."

Feb. 7, Twitter:
“Just had a long and very good conversation by phone with President Xi of China. He is strong, sharp and powerfully focused on leading the counterattack on the Coronavirus. He feels they are doing very well, even building hospitals in a matter of only days … Great discipline is taking place in China, as President Xi strongly leads what will be a very successful operation. We are working closely with China to help!

Feb. 7, Remarks before Marine One departure:
"Late last night, I had a very good talk with President Xi, and we talked about — mostly about the coronavirus. They're working really hard, and I think they are doing a very professional job. They're in touch with World — the World — World Organization. CDC also. We're working together. But World Health is working with them. CDC is working with them. I had a great conversation last night with President Xi. It's a tough situation. I think they're doing a very good job.”

Feb. 10, Fox Business interview:
"I think China is very, you know, professionally run in the sense that they have everything under control," Trump said. "I really believe they are going to have it under control fairly soon. You know in April, supposedly, it dies with the hotter weather. And that's a beautiful date to look forward to. But China I can tell you is working very hard."

Feb. 10, campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.:
“I spoke with President Xi, and they’re working very, very hard. And I think it’s all going to work out fine.”

Feb. 13, Fox News interview:
“I think they've handled it professionally and I think they're extremely capable and I think President Xi is extremely capable and I hope that it's going to be resolved."

Feb. 18, remarks before Air Force One departure:
“I think President Xi is working very hard. As you know, I spoke with him recently. He’s working really hard. It’s a tough problem. I think he’s going to do — look, I’ve seen them build hospitals in a short period of time. I really believe he wants to get that done, and he wants to get it done fast. Yes, I think he’s doing it very professionally.”

Feb. 23, remarks before Marine One departure:
"I think President Xi is working very, very hard. I spoke to him. He's working very hard. I think he's doing a very good job. It's a big problem. But President Xi loves his country. He's working very hard to solve the problem, and he will solve the problem. OK?"

Feb. 26, remarks at a business roundtable in New Delhi, India:
“China is working very, very hard. I have spoken to President Xi, and they’re working very hard. And if you know anything about him, I think he’ll be in pretty good shape. They’re — they’ve had a rough patch, and I think right now they have it — it looks like they’re getting it under control more and more. They’re getting it more and more under control.”
Feb. 27, Coronavirus Task Force press conference:

“I spoke with President Xi. We had a great talk. He’s working very hard, I have to say. He’s working very, very hard. And if you can count on the reports coming out of China, that spread has gone down quite a bit. The infection seems to have gone down over the last two days. As opposed to getting larger, it’s actually gotten smaller.”

Feb. 29, Coronavirus Task Force press conference:
“China seems to be making tremendous progress. Their numbers are way down. … I think our relationship with China is very good. We just did a big trade deal. We’re starting on another trade deal with China — a very big one. And we’ve been working very closely. They’ve been talking to our people, we’ve been talking to their people, having to do with the virus.”
15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe

When Trump covered for China’s alleged coronavirus coverup

The Wall Street Journal reports that Trump was advised twice in January to press China to be more transparent about the outbreak in Wuhan. But Trump ignored the advice:

Early this year, several of Mr. Trump’s political advisers inside and outside the campaign urged him to take on China more directly, which they argued would have bipartisan appeal. One idea they suggested was a special commission to investigate the origins of the virus and whether Beijing responded sufficiently to control the outbreak.
Mr. Trump twice declined suggestions from his team in January to press [Chinese President] Xi [Jinping] for more transparency about the virus’s causes and symptoms, in one case saying that the criticism could cause Beijing to be less helpful, said White House officials.

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In fact, Trump didn’t just decline the suggestions; he actually went in the opposite direction. Trump repeatedly praised China’s coronavirus response through late February. And on two different occasions, he actually vouched for China’s transparency, despite the advice.
Trump did so voluntarily on Jan. 24, tweeting, “The United States greatly appreciates [China’s] efforts and transparency.” He was then asked directly on Feb. 7 whether he was “concerned that China is covering up the full extent of coronavirus.” He said flatly, “No. … They’re working really hard, and I think they are doing a very professional job.”

U.S. exported millions in masks and ventilators ahead of the coronavirus crisis
Dian Zhang, Erin Mansfield, Dinah Voyles Pulver
April 2, 2020 Updated April 3, 2020

U.S. exports of surgical masks, ventilators and other personal protective gear to China skyrocketed in January and February, when the coronavirus was wreaking havoc in the country where it began and as U.S. intelligence agencies warned it would soon spread.
U.S. exported millions in masks and ventilators ahead of the coronavirus crisis


rah rah rah!
for PECs. They are not only for the ACA, they help all insurances except what tramp came out with short term plans, they only cover you if your young and healthy.

Short term plans were created to help fill temporary gaps in coverage that can occur in certain situations. These types of plans are typically not good substitutes for traditional health plans. They do not have to adhere to ACA standards. They provide limited benefits with generally much higher costs.
What is Short Term Health Insurance? | Cigna
They pretty much the same as cobra. I know a lot of you are on Medicare, but don't you want people younger to have PEC's coverage, your children and your grandkids?

Be wary of signing up for Advantage Plans.

Say bye if you vote for tramp.

He doesn't have a plan.

The republicans want to go back to pre the ACA.

Rump has a medical plan for the poor. Don't get sick but if you do, die quietly and quickly. Burial on the Government's dime is much cheaper.
/-----/ " Don't get sick but if you do, die quietly and quickly. "
It was Obozo who told a woman that her elderly mother shouldn't get a pacemaker in spite of her quality of life. She should just take a pill and go home to die. Man, that is liberal compassion for ya.
And before you libtard stooges call me a liar, see for yourself: Obama: Maybe You're "Better Off" Taking Painkillers And Forgoing Surgery | RealClearPolitics

& now for some truth.

/—-/ Here’s some truth for you. You ended the video before Obozo finished his sentence: “ Mr. Obama replied. After discussing ways "we as a culture and as a society [can start] to make better decisions within our own families and for ourselves," he continued that in general "at least we can let doctors know and your mom know that, you know what? Maybe this isn't going to help. Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller."
for PECs. They are not only for the ACA, they help all insurances except what tramp came out with short term plans, they only cover you if your young and healthy.

Short term plans were created to help fill temporary gaps in coverage that can occur in certain situations. These types of plans are typically not good substitutes for traditional health plans. They do not have to adhere to ACA standards. They provide limited benefits with generally much higher costs.
What is Short Term Health Insurance? | Cigna
They pretty much the same as cobra. I know a lot of you are on Medicare, but don't you want people younger to have PEC's coverage, your children and your grandkids?

Be wary of signing up for Advantage Plans.

Say bye if you vote for tramp.

He doesn't have a plan.

The republicans want to go back to pre the ACA.

Rump has a medical plan for the poor. Don't get sick but if you do, die quietly and quickly. Burial on the Government's dime is much cheaper.
/-----/ " Don't get sick but if you do, die quietly and quickly. "
It was Obozo who told a woman that her elderly mother shouldn't get a pacemaker in spite of her quality of life. She should just take a pill and go home to die. Man, that is liberal compassion for ya.
And before you libtard stooges call me a liar, see for yourself: Obama: Maybe You're "Better Off" Taking Painkillers And Forgoing Surgery | RealClearPolitics

& now for some truth.

/—-/ Here’s some truth for you. You ended the video before Obozo finished his sentence: “ Mr. Obama replied. After discussing ways "we as a culture and as a society [can start] to make better decisions within our own families and for ourselves," he continued that in general "at least we can let doctors know and your mom know that, you know what? Maybe this isn't going to help. Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller."

You have to remember, playtime doesn't just have a D behind her name, she has a

behind it.
He's been in office almost 4 years...

why hasn't he done that yet?

the ACA is in front of the SC right now - they will be deciding on whether the whole thing, including ALL the protections ( not just the pre existing condition protection ) go ba bye.

mandated yearly physicals,
mammogram & colonoscopy coverage,
maternity care & well child care,
catastrophic cost protections,
annual coverage limit caps, lifetime caps,
children staying on their parents' policies until the age of 26...

just to name a few.

they all get wiped out.

The BS flag has been thrown.

"mandated yearly physicals"
There are not now or ever were "mandatory" physicals.

Wrong again, vaccinations have always been covered and always will. If you want to cry about a small co-pay go cry somewhere else.

"mammogram & colonoscopy coverage"
Always have and always will be, see above about co-pays.

"maternity care & well child care"
Maternity was always elective and cost prohibitive (individual market), well baby care has always had coverage

"catastrophic cost protections,
annual coverage limit caps, lifetime caps"

There has always been caps on out of pocket expenses son. No yearly caps and the lifetime cap was typically 1 million. In 20 years as an agent I never had 1 client spend that much.

"mandated yearly physicals"
There are not now or ever were "mandatory" physicals.

i meant mandated COVERAGE.


Wrong again, vaccinations have always been covered and always will. If you want to cry about a small co-pay go cry somewhere else.

bullshit. group insurance is different than individual coverage which is what the ACA is. when my kid was going to college ... the health ins. thru the school was cheap cheap cheap .. but covered shit. it DID NOT even cover a flu shot.

"mammogram & colonoscopy coverage"

Always have and always will be, see above about co-pays.

BULLSHIT. again - it did not cover them thru individual policies unless you paid ala cart.

"maternity care & well child care"

Maternity was always elective and cost prohibitive (individual market), well baby care has always had coverage

BULLSHIT. 'cost effective'... so much for that 'right to life, every life is precious' pablum that (R)s want to go back to 'eh?
so the ACA eliminated that 'cost effectiveness' crap.

catastrophic cost protections,
annual coverage limit caps, lifetime caps"

There has always been caps on out of pocket expenses son. No yearly caps and the lifetime cap was typically 1 million. In 20 years as an agent I never had 1 client spend that much.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aagain the policy my healthy (barely outa his teens) had a $25K annual limit with a $50K lifetime cap.

oh one more thing that if the ACA get's canned...

no more MANDATED protection that 80% of an individual policy holder's premium MUST go for their healthcare & 85% of a group insured policy holder, instead of in the pocket of some pencil pushing entity whose sole job is to find ways to deny coverage.
Last edited:
He's been in office almost 4 years...

why hasn't he done that yet?

the ACA is in front of the SC right now - they will be deciding on whether the whole thing, including ALL the protections ( not just the pre existing condition protection ) go ba bye.

mandated yearly physicals,
mammogram & colonoscopy coverage,
maternity care & well child care,
catastrophic cost protections,
annual coverage limit caps, lifetime caps,
children staying on their parents' policies until the age of 26...

just to name a few.

they all get wiped out.
/———/ No adult aged 26 should be on Mommy and Daddy’s insurance plan. Man up and pay your own way.

of course they should ... howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.................. when all that is available are part time jobs that offer no bennies AND the economy ain't gonna get better any time soon due to donny's incompetency ... it's a great protection & the house flipped precisely because obamacare is in danger.
/——/ Post a link proving only part time jobs are available. And prove it’s the president and not blue state governors that are causing the economic slow down. You won’t because you can’t.

most of the uptick in employment gains are because people that were furloughed are coming back or biz'nez's are reopening.

& college grads don't have enough cash to pay for health insurance AND student loans at the same time.

healthcare was the #1 issue in 2018... with this pandemic that donny has managed so piss poorly ... it will be the top issue again.

"Over the last six months, we’ve witnessed one manufacturing miracle after another," the president said on a visit last month to a Whirlpool factory. Ohio was down 48,000 manufacturing workers in July from last year. Pre-pandemic, it had lost 2,200 workers in February from last year.

The trend is mirrored nationwide. Manufacturing across the U.S. is still down 720,000 workers from February despite gaining 29,000 jobs in August, with the pandemic more than wiping out the overall modest gains of 500,000 from Trump's first three years in office — about the same pace of growth as under President Barack Obama. It was not an improvement over prior years — nor did it manage to restore more than a fraction of the jobs lost in the previous decade, according to an August analysis by the Economic Policy Institute.

A Bureau of Labor Statistics analysis released Sept. 1 said that even prepandemic, the sector was on track to lose nearly 450,000 workers by 2029, the most of any area of the economy. At the same time, output has made a notable recovery due to increased automation, with the industrial production index bouncing back to almost 98 in July — less than 10 points down from February.

That disparity means that many of the losses are likely permanent, economists say.

Trump hails ‘manufacturing miracle’ as factories bleed jobs
/—-/ So you think Trump should order Governors to fully reopen their states? If so, I agree.

nope. just the opposite. his short sighted instant gratification defect has cost lives. the states that are fully open - are infested with covidiots chock full of coronavirus.

btw - donny, as much as he'd like to be king... cannot 'order' any states to open up per the 10th amendment of the constitution of the united states.
/—-/ Exactly right. So how is the president supposed to reinvigorate the economy with dopes like Andy Cuomo keeping their foot on the brakes? What is Trump supposed to do?

if donny did what was actually NEEDED to do b4 the virus hit & for a few weeks when covid did arrive ... then we would be in far better shape. the fact that he is too much of a pussy to admit he fucked up & asked his basket dwellers to mask up like they should - we can mitigate this virus & actually open up faster than to ignore the realities.
/—-/ You mean like banning flights from China while Dementia Joe, Deblasio, and Piglosi said it’s all safe and Trump is Xenophobic? You mean like that?

you mean the only good thing he did waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back in march after almost 2 months of doing nothing but praise china?

mistakes were made early on - no doubt about it , because it's a brand spanking new virus & not alot was known then & we are learning every day what works, what doesn't & what can be done NOW.

the (D)s are fully on board with the experts - not relying on donny's hunches & outright lies about this virus.

donny - ignoring the science & the evolving evidence is literally killing the poorly educated who are following his lead like lemmings.

you mean the only good thing he did waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back in march after almost 2 months of doing nothing but praise china?


according to NYTs, he banned flights from China on January 21

i mistook china for the european ban, where the vast majority of cases came from... not china. & the chinese travel ban wasn't all inclusive - some 40K were able to travel here from china - on commercial flights with no restrictions.

not very smart... AND donny CONsistantly praised china for their 'handling' of the virus ... weeks of praise- well into febuary. i can pull up all them thar instances if you'de like.... but something tells me it wouldn't make a trump cheer leader like you to think any differently about the chosen one than you already do. :(
/—-/ While all this was going on, Congress was too busy trying to overturn the 2016 election to have one single hearing on the Coronavirus. Not one.

LOL!!!!! that job was for HHS. they failed. bigley....

Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

By Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor
7 Min Read

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.

The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.

Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”

The sources said the National Security Council (NSC), which advises the president on security issues, ordered the classification.“This came directly from the White House,” one official said.
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources
He's been in office almost 4 years...

why hasn't he done that yet?

the ACA is in front of the SC right now - they will be deciding on whether the whole thing, including ALL the protections ( not just the pre existing condition protection ) go ba bye.

mandated yearly physicals,
mammogram & colonoscopy coverage,
maternity care & well child care,
catastrophic cost protections,
annual coverage limit caps, lifetime caps,
children staying on their parents' policies until the age of 26...

just to name a few.

they all get wiped out.
/———/ No adult aged 26 should be on Mommy and Daddy’s insurance plan. Man up and pay your own way.

of course they should ... howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.................. when all that is available are part time jobs that offer no bennies AND the economy ain't gonna get better any time soon due to donny's incompetency ... it's a great protection & the house flipped precisely because obamacare is in danger.
/——/ Post a link proving only part time jobs are available. And prove it’s the president and not blue state governors that are causing the economic slow down. You won’t because you can’t.

most of the uptick in employment gains are because people that were furloughed are coming back or biz'nez's are reopening.

& college grads don't have enough cash to pay for health insurance AND student loans at the same time.

healthcare was the #1 issue in 2018... with this pandemic that donny has managed so piss poorly ... it will be the top issue again.

"Over the last six months, we’ve witnessed one manufacturing miracle after another," the president said on a visit last month to a Whirlpool factory. Ohio was down 48,000 manufacturing workers in July from last year. Pre-pandemic, it had lost 2,200 workers in February from last year.

The trend is mirrored nationwide. Manufacturing across the U.S. is still down 720,000 workers from February despite gaining 29,000 jobs in August, with the pandemic more than wiping out the overall modest gains of 500,000 from Trump's first three years in office — about the same pace of growth as under President Barack Obama. It was not an improvement over prior years — nor did it manage to restore more than a fraction of the jobs lost in the previous decade, according to an August analysis by the Economic Policy Institute.

A Bureau of Labor Statistics analysis released Sept. 1 said that even prepandemic, the sector was on track to lose nearly 450,000 workers by 2029, the most of any area of the economy. At the same time, output has made a notable recovery due to increased automation, with the industrial production index bouncing back to almost 98 in July — less than 10 points down from February.

That disparity means that many of the losses are likely permanent, economists say.

Trump hails ‘manufacturing miracle’ as factories bleed jobs
/—-/ So you think Trump should order Governors to fully reopen their states? If so, I agree.

nope. just the opposite. his short sighted instant gratification defect has cost lives. the states that are fully open - are infested with covidiots chock full of coronavirus.

btw - donny, as much as he'd like to be king... cannot 'order' any states to open up per the 10th amendment of the constitution of the united states.

So you want to cry about the economy and keep everything closed. You're a smart one aren't you?

you aren't very good at critical thinking....

i want what needs to be done to stop the dying & what we should have done early on was close it down for a relative short amt of time... mandated masks, enabled the DPA, & get the PPP into the right hands with oversight to prevent abuse.

donny wanted to ignore it & wish it away...

another huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge FAIL.
That's the point of having insurance before something bad happens....

After all, you don't insure your house after it burns down, do you????

Piss poor analogy.
Explain why

I already did. read the posts.
You’re missing the key point. We are the fattest and unhealthiest country. Maybe less fast food, fatty and you won’t have worry about pre-existing conditions. Doesn’t all your Jew hatred burn calories?

I'm sure the board members don't want to talk about me, so I refer you to the OP.
The OP should be concentrated on why so many have preexisting conditions. Why do you keep deflecting?

I know you are trying to derail this post so I reported you.
You reported me because you’re a lying loser. If we get rid of preexisting conditions then people may eat healthier, exercise and have fewer preexisting conditions. How is that not related to the OP? Please explain that you ignorant Holocaust denying bitch.
Start a thread.
Nope. I am replying to yours as to why preexisting conditions are stupid. We need to force people to get healthier and not bail them out. Report that but it’s on topic. You just don’t like it.

guess you didn't realize that having had covid - you are now a pre conditioned patient.

best not lose yer insurance, zoggy. under trump's non existant healthcare plan --- you are now blacklisted.

I don't think pre-existing condition clauses work that way - but nice try.

group insurance typically doesn't deny a policy or makes one pay a higher premium for coverage.

individual policies did pre ACA & that will come back if obamacare is struck down. if he is getting his insurance thru his workplace, then he best not lose his job & gets an individual trump policy.
for PECs. They are not only for the ACA, they help all insurances except what tramp came out with short term plans, they only cover you if your young and healthy.

Short term plans were created to help fill temporary gaps in coverage that can occur in certain situations. These types of plans are typically not good substitutes for traditional health plans. They do not have to adhere to ACA standards. They provide limited benefits with generally much higher costs.
What is Short Term Health Insurance? | Cigna
They pretty much the same as cobra. I know a lot of you are on Medicare, but don't you want people younger to have PEC's coverage, your children and your grandkids?

Be wary of signing up for Advantage Plans.

Say bye if you vote for tramp.

He doesn't have a plan.

The republicans want to go back to pre the ACA.

Rump has a medical plan for the poor. Don't get sick but if you do, die quietly and quickly. Burial on the Government's dime is much cheaper.
/-----/ " Don't get sick but if you do, die quietly and quickly. "
It was Obozo who told a woman that her elderly mother shouldn't get a pacemaker in spite of her quality of life. She should just take a pill and go home to die. Man, that is liberal compassion for ya.
And before you libtard stooges call me a liar, see for yourself: Obama: Maybe You're "Better Off" Taking Painkillers And Forgoing Surgery | RealClearPolitics

& now for some truth.

/—-/ Here’s some truth for you. You ended the video before Obozo finished his sentence: “ Mr. Obama replied. After discussing ways "we as a culture and as a society [can start] to make better decisions within our own families and for ourselves," he continued that in general "at least we can let doctors know and your mom know that, you know what? Maybe this isn't going to help. Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller."

the conversation was posted in its entirety by daryl i believe.
Last edited:
for PECs. They are not only for the ACA, they help all insurances except what tramp came out with short term plans, they only cover you if your young and healthy.

Short term plans were created to help fill temporary gaps in coverage that can occur in certain situations. These types of plans are typically not good substitutes for traditional health plans. They do not have to adhere to ACA standards. They provide limited benefits with generally much higher costs.
What is Short Term Health Insurance? | Cigna
They pretty much the same as cobra. I know a lot of you are on Medicare, but don't you want people younger to have PEC's coverage, your children and your grandkids?

Be wary of signing up for Advantage Plans.

Say bye if you vote for tramp.

He doesn't have a plan.

The republicans want to go back to pre the ACA.

Rump has a medical plan for the poor. Don't get sick but if you do, die quietly and quickly. Burial on the Government's dime is much cheaper.
/-----/ " Don't get sick but if you do, die quietly and quickly. "
It was Obozo who told a woman that her elderly mother shouldn't get a pacemaker in spite of her quality of life. She should just take a pill and go home to die. Man, that is liberal compassion for ya.
And before you libtard stooges call me a liar, see for yourself: Obama: Maybe You're "Better Off" Taking Painkillers And Forgoing Surgery | RealClearPolitics

& now for some truth.

/—-/ Here’s some truth for you. You ended the video before Obozo finished his sentence: “ Mr. Obama replied. After discussing ways "we as a culture and as a society [can start] to make better decisions within our own families and for ourselves," he continued that in general "at least we can let doctors know and your mom know that, you know what? Maybe this isn't going to help. Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller."

You have to remember, playtime doesn't just have a D behind her name, she has a
View attachment 391265

behind it.

^^^ fake news ^^^

i bet i've voted for more (R)s than you ever did a (D) willy ol' boy.

sis boom BAH!
That's the point of having insurance before something bad happens....

After all, you don't insure your house after it burns down, do you????

Piss poor analogy.
Explain why

I already did. read the posts.
You’re missing the key point. We are the fattest and unhealthiest country. Maybe less fast food, fatty and you won’t have worry about pre-existing conditions. Doesn’t all your Jew hatred burn calories?

I'm sure the board members don't want to talk about me, so I refer you to the OP.
The OP should be concentrated on why so many have preexisting conditions. Why do you keep deflecting?

I know you are trying to derail this post so I reported you.
You reported me because you’re a lying loser. If we get rid of preexisting conditions then people may eat healthier, exercise and have fewer preexisting conditions. How is that not related to the OP? Please explain that you ignorant Holocaust denying bitch.
Start a thread.
Nope. I am replying to yours as to why preexisting conditions are stupid. We need to force people to get healthier and not bail them out. Report that but it’s on topic. You just don’t like it.

guess you didn't realize that having had covid - you are now a pre conditioned patient.

best not lose yer insurance, zoggy. under trump's non existant healthcare plan --- you are now blacklisted.

I don't think pre-existing condition clauses work that way - but nice try.

group insurance typically doesn't deny a policy or makes one pay a higher premium for coverage.

individual policies did pre ACA & that will come back if obamacare is struck down. if he is getting his insurance thru his workplace, then he best not lose his job & gets an individual trump policy.

Uh - no. You were suggesting that because someone has had covid once they wouldn't be covered if they got it again. It doesn't work that way.
That's the point of having insurance before something bad happens....

After all, you don't insure your house after it burns down, do you????

Piss poor analogy.
Explain why

I already did. read the posts.
You’re missing the key point. We are the fattest and unhealthiest country. Maybe less fast food, fatty and you won’t have worry about pre-existing conditions. Doesn’t all your Jew hatred burn calories?

I'm sure the board members don't want to talk about me, so I refer you to the OP.
The OP should be concentrated on why so many have preexisting conditions. Why do you keep deflecting?

I know you are trying to derail this post so I reported you. This easy, if you vote for tramp gone are the Pec's. Why don't you start a thread on what causes PEC's.

So why didn’t you answer Will’s point? If he is going to end PEC’s, why hasn’t he done so already?

He is waiting on the Supreme Court, you know he is trying to end PEC's and the ACA.

Waiting for the SC to do what?

It up at the SC and tramp wants it to be gone.
What is up to the SC? You keep dodging.
CNBC is fake news. Anything else?

holy crap azog - you really didn't know it's b4 the SC? they will be hearing the case after the election. do yer own research then.
That's the point of having insurance before something bad happens....

After all, you don't insure your house after it burns down, do you????

Piss poor analogy.
Explain why

I already did. read the posts.
You’re missing the key point. We are the fattest and unhealthiest country. Maybe less fast food, fatty and you won’t have worry about pre-existing conditions. Doesn’t all your Jew hatred burn calories?

I'm sure the board members don't want to talk about me, so I refer you to the OP.
The OP should be concentrated on why so many have preexisting conditions. Why do you keep deflecting?

I know you are trying to derail this post so I reported you.
You reported me because you’re a lying loser. If we get rid of preexisting conditions then people may eat healthier, exercise and have fewer preexisting conditions. How is that not related to the OP? Please explain that you ignorant Holocaust denying bitch.
Start a thread.
Nope. I am replying to yours as to why preexisting conditions are stupid. We need to force people to get healthier and not bail them out. Report that but it’s on topic. You just don’t like it.

guess you didn't realize that having had covid - you are now a pre conditioned patient.

best not lose yer insurance, zoggy. under trump's non existant healthcare plan --- you are now blacklisted.

I don't think pre-existing condition clauses work that way - but nice try.

group insurance typically doesn't deny a policy or makes one pay a higher premium for coverage.

individual policies did pre ACA & that will come back if obamacare is struck down. if he is getting his insurance thru his workplace, then he best not lose his job & gets an individual trump policy.

Uh - no. You were suggesting that because someone has had covid once they wouldn't be covered if they got it again. It doesn't work that way.

noooooooooooooooo.............. i know what i said. you chose to read it that way per your bias.

the fact is - he may or may not be covered, but if he is - - - then having a pre existing condition will cost him more in premiums... perhaps more than he can afford.
That's the point of having insurance before something bad happens....

After all, you don't insure your house after it burns down, do you????

Piss poor analogy.
Explain why

I already did. read the posts.
You’re missing the key point. We are the fattest and unhealthiest country. Maybe less fast food, fatty and you won’t have worry about pre-existing conditions. Doesn’t all your Jew hatred burn calories?

I'm sure the board members don't want to talk about me, so I refer you to the OP.
The OP should be concentrated on why so many have preexisting conditions. Why do you keep deflecting?

I know you are trying to derail this post so I reported you.
You reported me because you’re a lying loser. If we get rid of preexisting conditions then people may eat healthier, exercise and have fewer preexisting conditions. How is that not related to the OP? Please explain that you ignorant Holocaust denying bitch.
Start a thread.
Nope. I am replying to yours as to why preexisting conditions are stupid. We need to force people to get healthier and not bail them out. Report that but it’s on topic. You just don’t like it.

guess you didn't realize that having had covid - you are now a pre conditioned patient.

best not lose yer insurance, zoggy. under trump's non existant healthcare plan --- you are now blacklisted.

I don't think pre-existing condition clauses work that way - but nice try.

group insurance typically doesn't deny a policy or makes one pay a higher premium for coverage.

individual policies did pre ACA & that will come back if obamacare is struck down. if he is getting his insurance thru his workplace, then he best not lose his job & gets an individual trump policy.

Uh - no. You were suggesting that because someone has had covid once they wouldn't be covered if they got it again. It doesn't work that way.

noooooooooooooooo.............. i know what i said. you chose to read it that way per your bias.

the fact is - he may or may not be covered, but if he is - - - then having a pre existing condition will cost him more in premiums... perhaps more than he can afford.

Sure, dance, dance, dance. ;)
He's been in office almost 4 years...

why hasn't he done that yet?

the ACA is in front of the SC right now - they will be deciding on whether the whole thing, including ALL the protections ( not just the pre existing condition protection ) go ba bye.

mandated yearly physicals,
mammogram & colonoscopy coverage,
maternity care & well child care,
catastrophic cost protections,
annual coverage limit caps, lifetime caps,
children staying on their parents' policies until the age of 26...

just to name a few.

they all get wiped out.
Those aren't "protections". They're mandates forcing all insurance to cover the same shit - even if customers don't want it.\

lol .... it's basic coverage. like group health insurance. want even more? then go to silver or gold policies.
That's the point of having insurance before something bad happens....

After all, you don't insure your house after it burns down, do you????

Piss poor analogy.
Explain why

I already did. read the posts.
You’re missing the key point. We are the fattest and unhealthiest country. Maybe less fast food, fatty and you won’t have worry about pre-existing conditions. Doesn’t all your Jew hatred burn calories?

I'm sure the board members don't want to talk about me, so I refer you to the OP.
The OP should be concentrated on why so many have preexisting conditions. Why do you keep deflecting?

I know you are trying to derail this post so I reported you.
You reported me because you’re a lying loser. If we get rid of preexisting conditions then people may eat healthier, exercise and have fewer preexisting conditions. How is that not related to the OP? Please explain that you ignorant Holocaust denying bitch.
Start a thread.
Nope. I am replying to yours as to why preexisting conditions are stupid. We need to force people to get healthier and not bail them out. Report that but it’s on topic. You just don’t like it.

guess you didn't realize that having had covid - you are now a pre conditioned patient.

best not lose yer insurance, zoggy. under trump's non existant healthcare plan --- you are now blacklisted.

I don't think pre-existing condition clauses work that way - but nice try.

group insurance typically doesn't deny a policy or makes one pay a higher premium for coverage.

individual policies did pre ACA & that will come back if obamacare is struck down. if he is getting his insurance thru his workplace, then he best not lose his job & gets an individual trump policy.

Uh - no. You were suggesting that because someone has had covid once they wouldn't be covered if they got it again. It doesn't work that way.

noooooooooooooooo.............. i know what i said. you chose to read it that way per your bias.

the fact is - he may or may not be covered, but if he is - - - then having a pre existing condition will cost him more in premiums... perhaps more than he can afford.

The republicans have always vote against their best interest.
That's the point of having insurance before something bad happens....

After all, you don't insure your house after it burns down, do you????

Piss poor analogy.
Explain why

I already did. read the posts.
You’re missing the key point. We are the fattest and unhealthiest country. Maybe less fast food, fatty and you won’t have worry about pre-existing conditions. Doesn’t all your Jew hatred burn calories?

I'm sure the board members don't want to talk about me, so I refer you to the OP.
The OP should be concentrated on why so many have preexisting conditions. Why do you keep deflecting?

I know you are trying to derail this post so I reported you.
You reported me because you’re a lying loser. If we get rid of preexisting conditions then people may eat healthier, exercise and have fewer preexisting conditions. How is that not related to the OP? Please explain that you ignorant Holocaust denying bitch.
Start a thread.
Nope. I am replying to yours as to why preexisting conditions are stupid. We need to force people to get healthier and not bail them out. Report that but it’s on topic. You just don’t like it.

guess you didn't realize that having had covid - you are now a pre conditioned patient.

best not lose yer insurance, zoggy. under trump's non existant healthcare plan --- you are now blacklisted.

I don't think pre-existing condition clauses work that way - but nice try.

group insurance typically doesn't deny a policy or makes one pay a higher premium for coverage.

individual policies did pre ACA & that will come back if obamacare is struck down. if he is getting his insurance thru his workplace, then he best not lose his job & gets an individual trump policy.

Uh - no. You were suggesting that because someone has had covid once they wouldn't be covered if they got it again. It doesn't work that way.

noooooooooooooooo.............. i know what i said. you chose to read it that way per your bias.

the fact is - he may or may not be covered, but if he is - - - then having a pre existing condition will cost him more in premiums... perhaps more than he can afford.

Sure, dance, dance, dance. ;)

looks like you & papageorgio played hookey together.
When you sell a customer something that is worthless that's fraud.

Sorry. That's not the definition of fraud. Worth is subjective. If someone else thinks it IS worth it, you have no business "correcting" them.

donny sold worthless crap education thru his university.

was that fraud?

why yes, yes it was... & you believe he will make sure pre existing conditions are protected?

trump humping dupes just keep getting duped.
That's the point of having insurance before something bad happens....

After all, you don't insure your house after it burns down, do you????

Piss poor analogy.
Explain why

I already did. read the posts.
You’re missing the key point. We are the fattest and unhealthiest country. Maybe less fast food, fatty and you won’t have worry about pre-existing conditions. Doesn’t all your Jew hatred burn calories?

I'm sure the board members don't want to talk about me, so I refer you to the OP.
The OP should be concentrated on why so many have preexisting conditions. Why do you keep deflecting?

I know you are trying to derail this post so I reported you.
You reported me because you’re a lying loser. If we get rid of preexisting conditions then people may eat healthier, exercise and have fewer preexisting conditions. How is that not related to the OP? Please explain that you ignorant Holocaust denying bitch.
Start a thread.
Nope. I am replying to yours as to why preexisting conditions are stupid. We need to force people to get healthier and not bail them out. Report that but it’s on topic. You just don’t like it.

guess you didn't realize that having had covid - you are now a pre conditioned patient.

best not lose yer insurance, zoggy. under trump's non existant healthcare plan --- you are now blacklisted.

I don't think pre-existing condition clauses work that way - but nice try.

group insurance typically doesn't deny a policy or makes one pay a higher premium for coverage.

individual policies did pre ACA & that will come back if obamacare is struck down. if he is getting his insurance thru his workplace, then he best not lose his job & gets an individual trump policy.

Uh - no. You were suggesting that because someone has had covid once they wouldn't be covered if they got it again. It doesn't work that way.

noooooooooooooooo.............. i know what i said. you chose to read it that way per your bias.

the fact is - he may or may not be covered, but if he is - - - then having a pre existing condition will cost him more in premiums... perhaps more than he can afford.

The republicans have always vote against their best interest.
The republicans have always vote against their best interest.

Not in their opinion.

But they do seem to vote against YOUR best interests.
When you sell a customer something that is worthless that's fraud.

Sorry. That's not the definition of fraud. Worth is subjective. If someone else thinks it IS worth it, you have no business "correcting" them.

donny sold worthless crap education thru his university.

was that fraud?

why yes, yes it was... & you believe he will make sure pre existing conditions are protected?

trump humping dupes just keep getting duped.

I'm afraid you might be too stupid to understand this, but selling something that you think is worthless isn't fraud. Fraud is lying. If an insurance salesman says a policy covers birth control and physicals, but it actually doesn't - that's fraud. As long as the insurance companies are honest about what their policies cover, and what they don't, that's not fraud.
When you sell a customer something that is worthless that's fraud.

Sorry. That's not the definition of fraud. Worth is subjective. If someone else thinks it IS worth it, you have no business "correcting" them.

donny sold worthless crap education thru his university.

was that fraud?

why yes, yes it was... & you believe he will make sure pre existing conditions are protected?

trump humping dupes just keep getting duped.

I'm afraid you might be too stupid to understand this, but selling something that you think is worthless isn't fraud. Fraud is lying. If an insurance salesman says a policy covers birth control and physicals, but it actually doesn't - that's fraud. As long as the insurance companies are honest about what their policies cover, and what they don't, that's not fraud.

donny wasn't honest.

donny lied, donny was fraudulent.

donny is lying to you. & you will still ankle grab for him because dupes love to be duped instead of facing the truth.

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