Gone...Did Some Searching...and Came Back Against the Right!


The Raven King
Mar 6, 2014
So, over the past few months, I've read quite a bit of material and novels that have proposed rather interesting views on politics. Also, I have matured quite a bit IMO and that has also changed my opinion, same with several recent events, such as the Ferguson Shooting.
My new philosophy is that police are a good thing. I now love the police and support them 100%. Also, I have decided that elections are completely unnecessary. Policies should be decided through popular sentiment, thus making America a more true democracy. If bad things happen as a result, then public sentiment changes. Politicians thus exist to simply persuade the public. Also, the federal government should give most authority to the states. The federal government should also respond quickly and harshly to anyone who opposes the US's superiority and ruling power. Threats to the public's safety should be cracked down on immediately. As such, safety is more important than freedom. Also, the US should take a more active role in controlling the world's policy.
My new philosophy is that police are a good thing.
As it happens, I agree, overall.
I now love the police and support them 100%.
100%? If the police decide to beat a confession out of someone they're pretty sure committed a crime, do you back that, too?

Also, I have decided that elections are completely unnecessary.
Interesting. Some countries are run without them, of course. Surely you saw some of those during your "research", right" Can you name some?

Policies should be decided through popular sentiment,
How do you know what "popular sentiment" states this week? And if it changes its mind next week, then what do you do?

thus making America a more true democracy.
In your extensive "research", you've probably found some countries that were run more like pure democracies than the U.S. (a Republic) presently is. What did your research tell you about the result of that? How did it compare to a republic, and to a monarchy, and to a dictatorship?

If bad things happen as a result, then public sentiment changes.
Is that the only thing that can change public sentiment? Can you name some others?

Politicians thus exist to simply persuade the public.
That's one of their functions, but not the only one.

Also, the federal government should give most authority to the states.
You're about 3/4 of the way toward conservatism here - the idea that governing should be done, wherever possible, by the body closest and most local to the people.

But, who did you say should give power to the states? Are you sure THAT is who should give it?

The federal government should also respond quickly and harshly to anyone who opposes the US's superiority and ruling power.
Does the Federal government ALWAYS superiority and ruling power? Suppose it starts getting "quick and harsh" in an area where in fact it doesn't have superiority... such as in an area of authority that has been given to the states as you described above?

Threats to the public's safety should be cracked down on immediately.
If some guy backs out of his driveway without looking, is it the Federal government who should crack down on him immediately?

As such, safety is more important than freedom.

I agree sometimes. But since the only way an automobile is truly safe, is to never drive it, should all cars be eliminated since safety is more important than freedom?

Also, the US should take a more active role in controlling the world's policy.
Controlling it how?

You've made a good start. But you may find that you've uncovered more questions than answers. As such, your progress to date is barely a start.

Carry on.
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“Also, I have matured quite a bit IMO...”

In your opinion, but not in fact.

Your posts are just as ignorant, ridiculous, and inane.

And that you believe security is more important than freedom is indeed typically conservative.
“Also, I have matured quite a bit IMO...”

In your opinion, but not in fact.

Your posts are just as ignorant, ridiculous, and inane.

And that you believe security is more important than freedom is indeed typically conservative.

Sadly true.

Wait...did we just agree on something?
So, over the past few months, I've read quite a bit of material and novels that have proposed rather interesting views on politics. Also, I have matured quite a bit IMO and that has also changed my opinion, same with several recent events, such as the Ferguson Shooting.
My new philosophy is that police are a good thing. I now love the police and support them 100%. Also, I have decided that elections are completely unnecessary. Policies should be decided through popular sentiment, thus making America a more true democracy. If bad things happen as a result, then public sentiment changes. Politicians thus exist to simply persuade the public. Also, the federal government should give most authority to the states. The federal government should also respond quickly and harshly to anyone who opposes the US's superiority and ruling power. Threats to the public's safety should be cracked down on immediately. As such, safety is more important than freedom. Also, the US should take a more active role in controlling the world's policy.

I'd hate to see what you were like before you matured.
So, over the past few months, I've read quite a bit of material and novels that have proposed rather interesting views on politics. Also, I have matured quite a bit IMO and that has also changed my opinion, same with several recent events, such as the Ferguson Shooting.
My new philosophy is that police are a good thing. I now love the police and support them 100%. Also, I have decided that elections are completely unnecessary. Policies should be decided through popular sentiment, thus making America a more true democracy. If bad things happen as a result, then public sentiment changes. Politicians thus exist to simply persuade the public. Also, the federal government should give most authority to the states. The federal government should also respond quickly and harshly to anyone who opposes the US's superiority and ruling power. Threats to the public's safety should be cracked down on immediately. As such, safety is more important than freedom. Also, the US should take a more active role in controlling the world's policy.

I'd hate to see what you were like before you matured.

Hopefully it wasn't or will ever be like Clay who has yet to mature from the nasty and ugly stage in life
“Also, I have matured quite a bit IMO...”

In your opinion, but not in fact.

Your posts are just as ignorant, ridiculous, and inane.

And that you believe security is more important than freedom is indeed typically conservative.

you're still contriving the lies we see. When can we expect you to mature out of nasty and liar?
This is obviously a satirical thread. I've never met anyone that dumb.
So, over the past few months, I've read quite a bit of material and novels that have proposed rather interesting views on politics. Also, I have matured quite a bit IMO and that has also changed my opinion, same with several recent events, such as the Ferguson Shooting.
My new philosophy is that police are a good thing. I now love the police and support them 100%. Also, I have decided that elections are completely unnecessary. Policies should be decided through popular sentiment, thus making America a more true democracy. If bad things happen as a result, then public sentiment changes. Politicians thus exist to simply persuade the public. Also, the federal government should give most authority to the states. The federal government should also respond quickly and harshly to anyone who opposes the US's superiority and ruling power. Threats to the public's safety should be cracked down on immediately. As such, safety is more important than freedom. Also, the US should take a more active role in controlling the world's policy.
Your opinion is noted.
Obviously this is not a discussion.
So, over the past few months, I've read quite a bit of material and novels that have proposed rather interesting views on politics. Also, I have matured quite a bit IMO and that has also changed my opinion, same with several recent events, such as the Ferguson Shooting.
My new philosophy is that police are a good thing. I now love the police and support them 100%. Also, I have decided that elections are completely unnecessary. Policies should be decided through popular sentiment, thus making America a more true democracy. If bad things happen as a result, then public sentiment changes. Politicians thus exist to simply persuade the public. Also, the federal government should give most authority to the states. The federal government should also respond quickly and harshly to anyone who opposes the US's superiority and ruling power. Threats to the public's safety should be cracked down on immediately. As such, safety is more important than freedom. Also, the US should take a more active role in controlling the world's policy.
Your opinion is noted.
Obviously this is not a discussion.

I thought Harrys decoder ring might help. I didn't get it. :dunno:
lso, I have decided that elections are completely unnecessary. Policies should be decided through popular sentiment, thus making America a more true democracy.

Nay, this is what we call anarchy. We wouldn't be a nation of laws, but a nation of whims.
So, over the past few months, I've read quite a bit of material and novels that have proposed rather interesting views on politics. Also, I have matured quite a bit IMO and that has also changed my opinion, same with several recent events, such as the Ferguson Shooting.
My new philosophy is that police are a good thing. I now love the police and support them 100%. Also, I have decided that elections are completely unnecessary. Policies should be decided through popular sentiment, thus making America a more true democracy. If bad things happen as a result, then public sentiment changes. Politicians thus exist to simply persuade the public. Also, the federal government should give most authority to the states. The federal government should also respond quickly and harshly to anyone who opposes the US's superiority and ruling power. Threats to the public's safety should be cracked down on immediately. As such, safety is more important than freedom. Also, the US should take a more active role in controlling the world's policy.

I can honestly say that I understood every single word of this OP . . . but when I put them together, they made no frigging sense at all.
Safety is not more important than freedom.

After this OP of yours, nothing you write on the board in the future will be given serious consideration by me...

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