Gone...Did Some Searching...and Came Back Against the Right!

So, over the past few months, I've read quite a bit of material and novels that have proposed rather interesting views on politics. Also, I have matured quite a bit IMO and that has also changed my opinion, same with several recent events, such as the Ferguson Shooting.
My new philosophy is that police are a good thing. I now love the police and support them 100%. Also, I have decided that elections are completely unnecessary. Policies should be decided through popular sentiment, thus making America a more true democracy. If bad things happen as a result, then public sentiment changes. Politicians thus exist to simply persuade the public. Also, the federal government should give most authority to the states. The federal government should also respond quickly and harshly to anyone who opposes the US's superiority and ruling power. Threats to the public's safety should be cracked down on immediately. As such, safety is more important than freedom. Also, the US should take a more active role in controlling the world's policy.
Time for more reading.

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