Good Economic News Today.... I Guess


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012

Did the economy create jobs or were they always tthere and nobody would take them?

I suspect the latter.

Most people know that there are more jobs that there are people willing to take them. Services are suffering, there seems to be no work ethic anymore, Bobby and Sue are quite happy living in Mom and Dad's Basement and getting College loans to live on.

I don't get it. Why are there 7 Million Able Bodied men refusing to go to work?

More than 770,000 manufacturing jobs are open right now, according to the latest federal count, from November. The number has surged in recent years as companies reinvest in American-made products — or try to.

With manufacturing workers earning more than $30 an hour on average, Timmons said the problem is not the pay, but the perception.

"It used to be dirty, dark, and dangerous," he said. "Today it's very sleek. It's very technology-driven."

“They are affirmatively not looking for work. They've punched out. They're done,” TV host Mike Rowe said on The Brian Kilmeade Show, citing research from economist Nick Eberstadt.

“So what's really happening in the country now that scares me right to my core fundamentally is that we've never had so much unrealized opportunity and so little enthusiasm for it.”

The question is -- Why? I have my suspicions but they can't proven unless you talk to at leats a million of those 7 million disinterested men.

It won't be long until one of our resident dim apologists notices the big hiring increase today and touts how wonderful Joey Diapers is.

And I gotta wonder..... Are they part of the problem? I'm retired. I don't have a whole lot else to do. Why are all these dims spending all day on their computers?

Did the economy create jobs or were they always tthere and nobody would take them?

I suspect the latter.

Most people know that there are more jobs that there are people willing to take them. Services are suffering, there seems to be no work ethic anymore, Bobby and Sue are quite happy living in Mom and Dad's Basement and getting College loans to live on.

I don't get it. Why are there 7 Million Able Bodied men refusing to go to work?

The question is -- Why? I have my suspicions but they can't proven unless you talk to at leats a million of those 7 million disinterested men.

It's odd that you ask that question when the answers are provided in the links you posted.

That said, what are your suspicions?

It won't be long until one of our resident dim apologists notices the big hiring increase today and touts how wonderful Joey Diapers is.

Job numbers are better then expected.

Is that not good news?

And I gotta wonder..... Are they part of the problem? I'm retired. I don't have a whole lot else to do. Why are all these dims spending all day on their computers?
Not a Dem but I'm on my computer right now playing BG3.

Maybe you should try it?

You know what they say, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Did the economy create jobs or were they always tthere and nobody would take them?

I suspect the latter.

Most people know that there are more jobs that there are people willing to take them. Services are suffering, there seems to be no work ethic anymore, Bobby and Sue are quite happy living in Mom and Dad's Basement and getting College loans to live on.
The political selling point is in creating millions of hamburger flippers parttime and calling them jobs.

Did the economy create jobs or were they always tthere and nobody would take them?

I suspect the latter.

Most people know that there are more jobs that there are people willing to take them. Services are suffering, there seems to be no work ethic anymore, Bobby and Sue are quite happy living in Mom and Dad's Basement and getting College loans to live on.

I don't get it. Why are there 7 Million Able Bodied men refusing to go to work?

The question is -- Why? I have my suspicions but they can't proven unless you talk to at leats a million of those 7 million disinterested men.

It won't be long until one of our resident dim apologists notices the big hiring increase today and touts how wonderful Joey Diapers is.

And I gotta wonder..... Are they part of the problem? I'm retired. I don't have a whole lot else to do. Why are all these dims spending all day on their computers?
I was disinterested in my late 50s and retired at 60, just because I could, having multiple retirements assured and some paying. Obviously, I could have worked more years, but I just was not interested in selling my services any longer, preferring to do as I please, because I set it up to be able to do as I please by that age. Works for me.

Did the economy create jobs or were they always tthere and nobody would take them?

I suspect the latter.

Most people know that there are more jobs that there are people willing to take them. Services are suffering, there seems to be no work ethic anymore, Bobby and Sue are quite happy living in Mom and Dad's Basement and getting College loans to live on.

I don't get it. Why are there 7 Million Able Bodied men refusing to go to work?

The question is -- Why? I have my suspicions but they can't proven unless you talk to at leats a million of those 7 million disinterested men.

It won't be long until one of our resident dim apologists notices the big hiring increase today and touts how wonderful Joey Diapers is.

And I gotta wonder..... Are they part of the problem? I'm retired. I don't have a whole lot else to do. Why are all these dims spending all day on their computers?
Plus in another month they will adjust down to half just like every month.

Did the economy create jobs or were they always tthere and nobody would take them?

I suspect the latter.

Most people know that there are more jobs that there are people willing to take them. Services are suffering, there seems to be no work ethic anymore, Bobby and Sue are quite happy living in Mom and Dad's Basement and getting College loans to live on.

I don't get it. Why are there 7 Million Able Bodied men refusing to go to work?

The question is -- Why? I have my suspicions but they can't proven unless you talk to at leats a million of those 7 million disinterested men.

It won't be long until one of our resident dim apologists notices the big hiring increase today and touts how wonderful Joey Diapers is.

And I gotta wonder..... Are they part of the problem? I'm retired. I don't have a whole lot else to do. Why are all these dims spending all day on their computers?
I thought all of these millions of illegal immigrants were supposed to take all the jobs that Americans don't want to do. That's what Piglosi said. Round up the homeless and make them start doing something for the aid they receive.
I think the jobs were in various industries.

Wages are up stronger as well.
We can tell that everything is good, by the gleefulness in the comments. Is the very wealthy class doing it in your bottom end again?
I thought all of these millions of illegal immigrants were supposed to take all the jobs that Americans don't want to do. That's what Piglosi said. Round up the homeless and make them start doing something for the aid they receive.
They do, they are, as fast as they can be put to work. It's the best solution for an economy that's not viable without cheap labour!

It's the secret to success in an ant's nest too. Manipulate supply and demand of workers for the benefit of the queen. The working class will gladly give their lives for her.

Did the economy create jobs or were they always tthere and nobody would take them?

I suspect the latter.

Most people know that there are more jobs that there are people willing to take them. Services are suffering, there seems to be no work ethic anymore, Bobby and Sue are quite happy living in Mom and Dad's Basement and getting College loans to live on.

I don't get it. Why are there 7 Million Able Bodied men refusing to go to work?

The question is -- Why? I have my suspicions but they can't proven unless you talk to at leats a million of those 7 million disinterested men.

It won't be long until one of our resident dim apologists notices the big hiring increase today and touts how wonderful Joey Diapers is.

And I gotta wonder..... Are they part of the problem? I'm retired. I don't have a whole lot else to do. Why are all these dims spending all day on their computers?

Hmmm....lets unpack this:

First you say:
Why are there 7 Million Able Bodied men refusing to go to work?

Then you follow up with:

I don't have a whole lot else to do.

Sounds to me like you’re part of the problem. Get it?
They do, they are, as fast as they can be put to work. It's the best solution for an economy that's not viable without cheap labour!

It's the secret to success in an ant's nest too. Manipulate supply and demand of workers for the benefit of the queen. The working class will gladly give their lives for her.
You're a blithering idiot, duck. Send you nonsense to Turdeau, I hear he has a moratorium on euthanizing the mentally ill in Canada. You're safe--for now.
I was disinterested in my late 50s and retired at 60, just because I could, having multiple retirements assured and some paying. Obviously, I could have worked more years, but I just was not interested in selling my services any longer, preferring to do as I please, because I set it up to be able to do as I please by that age. Works for me.
I don't blame you.

Getting close to retiring too at 62. Lots of travel plans.

Not waiting on SS either. Taking it at 62.

Will be nice to leave the job market and relax.
I thought all of these millions of illegal immigrants were supposed to take all the jobs that Americans don't want to do. That's what Piglosi said. Round up the homeless and make them start doing something for the aid they receive.
The Criminal Unions would scream "Bloody Murder" if you did that.

It has been said, correctly in my opinion, that in the Middle Ages and before, Guilds kept the World in the Dark Ages for at least 700 years longer than necessary. IMO, that is a fact.

Unions have an honorable goal but they end up, all of them, being fucking evil. Like, why do goobermint workers need a Union? You can't fire them anyway.

One of the reasons America grew so fast, became the world leader in innovation and out-paced even the genius Germans and the superb British Business mind is we didn't have the Guilds holding us back. As soon as the Union movement set in, we stalled. Unions start out as good men trying to do the right thing but they always end up being shit.

Power corrupts.

Did the economy create jobs or were they always tthere and nobody would take them?

I suspect the latter.

Most people know that there are more jobs that there are people willing to take them. Services are suffering, there seems to be no work ethic anymore, Bobby and Sue are quite happy living in Mom and Dad's Basement and getting College loans to live on.

I don't get it. Why are there 7 Million Able Bodied men refusing to go to work?

The question is -- Why? I have my suspicions but they can't proven unless you talk to at leats a million of those 7 million disinterested men.

It won't be long until one of our resident dim apologists notices the big hiring increase today and touts how wonderful Joey Diapers is.

And I gotta wonder..... Are they part of the problem? I'm retired. I don't have a whole lot else to do. Why are all these dims spending all day on their computers?

Are these one of those numbers they then revise a few months down the road lower?

That seems to happen a lot recently.
The Criminal Unions would scream "Bloody Murder" if you did that.

It has been said, correctly in my opinion, that in the Middle Ages and before, Guilds kept the World in the Dark Ages for at least 700 years longer than necessary. IMO, that is a fact.

Unions have an honorable goal but they end up, all of them, being fucking evil. Like, why do goobermint workers need a Union? You can't fire them anyway.

One of the reasons America grew so fast, became the world leader in innovation and out-paced even the genius Germans and the superb British Business mind is we didn't have the Guilds holding us back. As soon as the Union movement set in, we stalled. Unions start out as good men trying to do the right thing but they always end up being shit.

Power corrupts.
Interesting take.

It would be even more interesting for you to say that in front of the union loving Trump supporting linemen I know.

Those red hats take their union pretty seriously...especially after another winter of risking their lives in the freezing cold to get the power back on.

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