"Good guy" with gun shoots car jacking victim, then flees.

It certainly isn't a bad guy who is mostly getting shot.

What data points are you using to conclude that?

Justifiable homicide. Only about 230 criminals killed in defense each year. Compared to 8500!olinnocent victims, 500 accidental, 20k suicides. Criminals least likely to be shot and killed.

Not all criminals run off with a gun shot are killed or even hit and wounded, and most of the time, just seeing the gun was enough for them to change plans. It is the abortion of the crime that is the key stat, not how many criminals are actually killed.

That doesn't change that criminals are the least likely to be shot, which is what i said.

And which entirely misses the point of crimes being AVERTED.

Aren't we discussing who actually gets shot? Criminals get shot and killed the least.
If I were that person, I'd turn myself in. The family of the gunshot victim deserves to know.
What data points are you using to conclude that?

Justifiable homicide. Only about 230 criminals killed in defense each year. Compared to 8500!olinnocent victims, 500 accidental, 20k suicides. Criminals least likely to be shot and killed.

Not all criminals run off with a gun shot are killed or even hit and wounded, and most of the time, just seeing the gun was enough for them to change plans. It is the abortion of the crime that is the key stat, not how many criminals are actually killed.

That doesn't change that criminals are the least likely to be shot, which is what i said.

And which entirely misses the point of crimes being AVERTED.

Aren't we discussing who actually gets shot? Criminals get shot and killed the least.

Yeah dude. That's what we want to change. I want so many people armed, that Criminals get shot the most.

Pretty easy to point out criminals get shot the least..... what shock...... every time a police officer pulls a guy and shoots a known criminal with a warrant, people on the left parade around in the streets protesting.

Every time a lawful citizen has a gone, whether they accidentally shoot someone or not, you parade around in the streets demanding no one be allow to own a gun.

And every time a criminal shoots someone, you parade around in the streets demanding law abiding citizens not have guns.

Now you boldly proclaim that criminals are the least likely to be shot with guns? No freakin duh stupid. Forest Gump could figure that one out. "Momma tol me every time you attack police, and attack lawful citizen for stopping criminals, criminals gonna git shot less".

File that brilliant observation of the obvious under "Dur".

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