good information

no1tovote4 said:
Then it seems to me that you are deliberately ignoring that this person took advantage. Regardless of not telling your friends about it the same effect takes place. It is simply double standard to assume that girls are victims but for a boy it is a 'right of passage'. In either instance the likelihood that the victims might be willing doesn't change the fact that they are victims of predatory action.

I think it depends on the people. I disagree with you, but next time I talk to a psychiatrist or psychologist I will run it by them.
I love it. He says "I was not a victim," yet people want to force the victim status upon him. So silly.
The ClayTaurus said:
I love it. He says "I was not a victim," yet people want to force the victim status upon him. So silly.

Many thirteen year old girls would say "I was not a victim" when speaking of the thirty year old man that took advantage of them. What would you say to them?
no1tovote4 said:
Many thirteen year old girls would say "I was not a victim" when speaking of the thirty year old man that took advantage of them. What would you say to them?
13 year old girls and Nuc are different. I'll concede my statement was probably a bit too generic.
The ClayTaurus said:
13 year old girls and Nuc are different. I'll concede my statement was probably a bit too generic.

When I was a teen I would have told you that the female babysitter that molested me as a child hadn't victimized me either (I wouldn't have said this about the male neighbor), I would have been wrong. The question would be better stated, "If you don't realize that you are a victim were you victimized?"
no1tovote4 said:
When I was a teen I would have told you that the female babysitter that molested me as a child hadn't victimized me either (I wouldn't have said this about the male neighbor), I would have been wrong. The question would be better stated, "If you don't realize that you are a victim were you victimized?"
That depends entirely on who gets to label you a victim then.
Johnney said:
well if an adult is dicking someone underage they deserve to be on this list. circumstances or not

Right...but that's not who populates the lists in some cases.

My neighbor pleaded no-contest to peeking into a changing room. He's got to register as a sex-offender for 10 years.

A guy I read about was 23 and met a girl at a club. As it was a 21 and over club, he made his move, got his freak-on with her, later to be arrested for having sex with a 16 year old girl. Nevermind she used a fake ID. Nevermind the girl could easily pass for 21 visually, ESPECIALLY in the setting of a club. I forgot how long he's going to have to register...

That's the sorta stuff which bothers me.

The ClayTaurus said:
That depends entirely on who gets to label you a victim then.

Not necessarily. If I took twenty dollars from my mother's purse and she never realized it is she a victim? If she later realized it, but then decided that she would have given it to me willingly would she still be a victim?

IMO - in my example above, my mother is a victim regardless of whether she wants to be seen as one. Just as the teen is a victim regardless of their POV. They may not understand exactly how they were victimized but it doesn't take culpability from the elder that took advantage.
Nuc said:
An 18 year old boy with a 16 year old girl? Be realistic. He's not a sex offender. It renders the term meaningless.

When I was 15 I had a thing going on with one of my teachers who was 26. I didn't and still don't think she was a sex offender. But I guess if my parents did she'd be on this list. Which is stupid.
seducing an underage boy...yeah shes not an offender...
and its not stupid. youd have babies making babies if it were up to you it seems. an adult is an adult. doesnt matter if its an 18 year old or 20 year old. if you cant tell the difference between under age and at leeast 18 years old, better be finding an ID.
dmp said:
Right...but that's not who populates the lists in some cases.

My neighbor pleaded no-contest to peeking into a changing room. He's got to register as a sex-offender for 10 years.

A guy I read about was 23 and met a girl at a club. As it was a 21 and over club, he made his move, got his freak-on with her, later to be arrested for having sex with a 16 year old girl. Nevermind she used a fake ID. Nevermind the girl could easily pass for 21 visually, ESPECIALLY in the setting of a club. I forgot how long he's going to have to register...

That's the sorta stuff which bothers me.

the peeping tom got what he deserved. and if there was an uderage girl in a 21+ club, that guy i feel would have a valid reason for a lawsuite. but then again its not up to me. if it were we'd all have micro chips put in with at least birthdate and dna on them. specially children
Johnney said:
the peeping tom got what he deserved. and if there was an uderage girl in a 21+ club, that guy i feel would have a valid reason for a lawsuite. but then again its not up to me. if it were we'd all have micro chips put in with at least birthdate and dna on them. specially children
Not a very trusting person, eh?
Johnny said:
if it were we'd all have micro chips put in with at least birthdate and dna on them. specially children
*Gasp!* Dost thou speakest of the MARK OF THE BEAST! Speakest not! :dance:
dmp said:
but what if he wasn't guilty??
nto guilty and can prove hes not guilty? by all means have at it. but jsut becasue someone says they arent guilty doesnt mean nothing. my sister had a neighbor that was bsuted for kiddie porn, he swore he didnt do it. but they had been tracking him for some time and he had the goods on his computer and the USPS had a case for him recieving it through the mail.
but he swore he didnt do it.
The ClayTaurus said:
Not a very trusting person, eh?
i trust me and someone else, and if your not that person, then you dont know it.
Johnney said:
not guilty and can prove hes not guilty?

He doesn't have to prove he's 'not guilty'...It's up to 'The Man' to prove he IS. That's just it, he was never convicted for a crime, yet he must register.

Unless he's lying to me, and WAS convicted.

dmp said:
He doesn't have to prove he's 'not guilty'...It's up to 'The Man' to prove he IS. That's just it, he was never convicted for a crime, yet he must register.

Unless he's lying to me, and WAS convicted.

thats just it, if he was not guilty why plead out?

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