Good Job Officer (video)

Here is my opinion which won't be the popular opinion.

First of all the cop is a piss poor shot.

Second the cop caused this by putting himself in danger. Yes, the man should have complied but he was drunk thus any behavior can be expected.

Thirdly the cop could have well be shot by someone in the house, or someone in the house could have came out and to help the shot man.

The cop had the car, had the address and knew where the man would be. In my opinion he should not have fought with the man alone, he should have waited for back up. Considering all he really wanted the man for was DUI the situation should never have escalated to the point of someone being shot. The cop being sober is the only one capable of making a rational decision.

WOW liberal redardation never ceases to amaze. You do nothing but blame the cop. Pathetic....but...expected from a lib.

Yes...the cop put himself in danger. That's kinda a cops job. See dangerous unlawful situation....go fix it.

Yes...anyone from the house could've ambushed him. That's why he A) called backup and B) needed to immediately get the situation under control liberals are SO IN LOVE with this shit about "Oh you have his tag and know where he lived". what? Wouldn't that encourage every DUI driver to flee to get home? Guess can't charge him with DUI without sobriety tests done right there. If he goes inside....and they negotiate for 2 hours to get him out....he can say he drank alcohol inside. No DUI.

And seeing as DUI drivers kill MORE PEOPLE PER YEAR THAN ARE MURDERED BY GUNS....I'd think you liberal idiots would be ok with it.

*not to mention if he gets inside...he can ditch any contraband he has. Like the gun he was illegally possessing.

Libtards do not want the laws to be enforced on black male criminals. They would rather the moron be allowed to break any laws that they want rather than to put the bastard down like the rabid dogs they are. It matters not at all to them that the members of the law abiding members of the black community have to live with the added crime from all the criminals that the law lets go.
Here is my opinion which won't be the popular opinion.

First of all the cop is a piss poor shot.

Second the cop caused this by putting himself in danger. Yes, the man should have complied but he was drunk thus any behavior can be expected.

Thirdly the cop could have well be shot by someone in the house, or someone in the house could have came out and to help the shot man.

The cop had the car, had the address and knew where the man would be. In my opinion he should not have fought with the man alone, he should have waited for back up. Considering all he really wanted the man for was DUI the situation should never have escalated to the point of someone being shot. The cop being sober is the only one capable of making a rational decision.
Everything you said is valid, but the cop was right to shoot him when the guy pulled out his gun.

Of course, but the cop could have prevented that from happening.
Yeah with his magic wand and bag of tricks.

Grow the hell up, doofus.
Here is my opinion which won't be the popular opinion.

First of all the cop is a piss poor shot.

Second the cop caused this by putting himself in danger. Yes, the man should have complied but he was drunk thus any behavior can be expected.

Thirdly the cop could have well be shot by someone in the house, or someone in the house could have came out and to help the shot man.

The cop had the car, had the address and knew where the man would be. In my opinion he should not have fought with the man alone, he should have waited for back up. Considering all he really wanted the man for was DUI the situation should never have escalated to the point of someone being shot. The cop being sober is the only one capable of making a rational decision.
Everything you said is valid, but the cop was right to shoot him when the guy pulled out his gun.
Then you dont agree with everything the libtard said.

The libtard said "the cop caused this by putting himself in danger."

That has to be one of the most idiotic comments about a cop vrs criminal confrontation I think I have ever read. Ever.

And there is nothing to suggest the cop is a bad shot. He hit his target every time.
It's simply baffling how retarded liberals become when discussing cop stories.

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