Good Job Teachers!!!

Public education is more about political correctness than actual student learning. The curriculum that has been forced on teachers has reduced standardized test scores in many areas. Students should be taught basic reading, math and life skills before they graduate, instead of group think and political indoctrination.
Oh yeah and is it bad that I had to use my fingers for the math problem? The final part of it I mean. XD
Public education is more about political correctness than actual student learning. The curriculum that has been forced on teachers has reduced standardized test scores in many areas. Students should be taught basic reading, math and life skills before they graduate, instead of group think and political indoctrination.
What makes you think they are being taught group think and political indoctrination?
I don't remember ever taking a book home and having to read it or having homework. I don't know what percent of public school students are allowed to get away with this, but it's a much bigger number that private schools. Private school parents are paying so they care. And a lot of public school parents care too so those kids take homework home and they get A's and B's. I got B-'s and C's.

Howard Stern admits this too. He went to Boston University. How he got in he doesn't know. I got in to Eastern Michigan University because of Wrestling. Boston had this program for retards called basic studies. 2 years. If you passed all those classes you went for your real major after that. So both of us had to learn how to be students our freshman year of college.

High school allowed us to be slackers. They need the graduates. If I don't pass it makes my teacher look bad and the school loses money? So they pass us. Many Americans graduate high school really really stupid.

High school "allowed" you to be slackers???

Whose fault is that really?

Anyone in this thread--whose fault is it that bobo had no idea how to be a student until remedial college? His teachers' fault or his fault?
Man, this doesn't seem real lol but I do have to say that the capital of The United States question confused me because even though I knew that Washington DC was the capital, I thought it was just a nickname lol so I had to look it up.

I didn't know who exactly fought in the civil war except the north and the south, and I didn't know if 1776 counted as the year that The United States of America was established or not, because it seems to me I remember that we actually officially gained our independence a few years after the declaration was signed, unless they're talking about when our country was first discovered, (which wasn't originally by Columbia) but I still know more than these idiots considering all of that LOL XD

Who? Our country was not discovered by anyone named "Columbia" or even "Columbus" flor that matter. Did you flunk history?
Public education is more about political correctness than actual student learning. The curriculum that has been forced on teachers has reduced standardized test scores in many areas. Students should be taught basic reading, math and life skills before they graduate, instead of group think and political indoctrination.

Political talking points. Good job regurgitating
it's working for me. I'll post it again. It's how the video is set up. it gives you his info on his site and then you click on it again.

Hey brain trust. Once you "defund public education" what comes next? Tell us what happens to my students who are 10 and severely disabled and still get their pants changed.

Answers below:
That people still fall for these videos is what is the most remarkable of all.

Ask 1000 kids something and make a video of the 10 worst answer and then say that all students are morons.
High school "allowed" you to be slackers???

Whose fault is that really?

Anyone in this thread--whose fault is it that bobo had no idea how to be a student until remedial college? His teachers' fault or his fault?
My fault and my parents. I'm just stating a fact and I explained why this happens more in public schools and less in private. I did not blame teachers. I'd pass the slackers too. Look at how we turn out. Great!

That's probably why they passed me. If I had a bad attitude maybe they wouldn't.

I passed a lot of college classes too by getting points for participating in class. Maybe my grades weren't so good but I tried.

God I wish I would have finished my masters. I was 1/3 the way through when I quit because I got a better job. It would be great for an anti school liberal like me to have a masters. Granted it was University of Phoenix but what's the diff? It's an accredited school just like Harvard. And before you say it's not as good as Harvard, neither was the University you attended.
So many "experts" here who go on and on about what happens in public schools vs private when they really have no idea what goes on in either.
I don't remember ever taking a book home and having to read it or having homework. I don't know what percent of public school students are allowed to get away with this, but it's a much bigger number that private schools. Private school parents are paying so they care. And a lot of public school parents care too so those kids take homework home and they get A's and B's. I got B-'s and C's.

Howard Stern admits this too. He went to Boston University. How he got in he doesn't know. I got in to Eastern Michigan University because of Wrestling. Boston had this program for retards called basic studies. 2 years. If you passed all those classes you went for your real major after that. So both of us had to learn how to be students our freshman year of college.

High school allowed us to be slackers. They need the graduates. If I don't pass it makes my teacher look bad and the school loses money? So they pass us. Many Americans graduate high school really really stupid.
It's intentional. It's sabotage. The government, and political parties thrive when the People don't hold them accountable, hence public "education"
Man, this doesn't seem real lol but I do have to say that the capital of The United States question confused me because even though I knew that Washington DC was the capital, I thought it was just a nickname lol so I had to look it up.

I didn't know who exactly fought in the civil war except the north and the south, and I didn't know if 1776 counted as the year that The United States of America was established or not, because it seems to me I remember that we actually officially gained our independence a few years after the declaration was signed, unless they're talking about when our country was first discovered, (which wasn't originally by Columbia) but I still know more than these idiots considering all of that LOL XD
That's because the teachers sucked and didn't know how to make their classes interesting.

If I taught history I would start with prehistoric man a million years ago. Oh wait, some parents would object because they believe the planet is only 5000 years old. Would I get in trouble? LOL.

Anyways, I would take the students quickly throughout human history but the land on whatever era we were focusing on and go into details.

If I taught math I would not just accept everyone nodding their heads that they are following along. The dumb fucking teacher must know 1/3 of the class is not following along. Make everyone demonstrate they understand how to do what she's showing. Fucking idiots.

So Sue, who's fault is it I didn't try? My fault, my parents but also the teachers who were boring af. YOU are probably boring AF sue. LOL
If University of Phoenix is on the list, they shouldn't be. They mostly have a bad reputation because all the traditional colleges bad mouth them. I was an enrollment counselor at University of Phoenix and I had to deal with it.

When I went to a traditional college, I had a 45 minute class 3 days a week Mon, Wed and Fri and I had a 1 hour class Tue and Thursday. The only people who can go to a college like this and graduate in a reasonable amount of time is someone who's not working full time. University of Phoenix you do a lot of work on your own but you only meet with your class one day a week for 4 hours. This is a school for busy working adults.

And after Phoenix became so successful, most traditional universities now offer programs that busy working adults can do. Before Phoenix they refused to change their ways. You're welcome.

At Phoenix you do a powerpoint presentation to the class once a week. You work with a team of other classmates. Companies like people who can work with other people. You work solo not in a team so maybe you don't understand. We read a lot. We wrote a lot of papers. Did a lot of research. Got up and presented to the group.

Basically, everything a company wants from an employee. What are traditional schools doing better???
Without even graduating from the University of Phoenix with a masters, I got a job because I killed it on the interview just enthusiastically talking about the program I was in at the University of Phoenix. This is why I quit. I got a good job and said fuck it. But I went into that interview and talked all about Phoenix, said nothing about my bachelor from Eastern Michigan University. What did I learn at EMU? Shit! 120 credit hours of crap. Social studies, electives, social sciences, humanities, sex ed, science, math, gym class, Art, English and Technical Communication, Etymology, Foreign Languages, Music, Philosophy, Speech and Media Studies, and Theatre

University of Phoenix doesn't make busy working adults take gym.

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