Good lord!


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
I say that, a lot- for good reason- reason is a sound explanation, btw, for you self anointed erudite acolytes of the church of godvernment who feel making more criminals is the answer to what you feel is wrong- that's a definite, "good lord!"

I digress, which is not hard to do dealing with message board posters who are so awash in their preconceived notions that they can't stay on topic- they have to use a pejorative messenger attack, because, well, pejorative- the message is irrelevant-

Anyway, I'm going go post a link that is a definite "good lord" moment- as I read it several things came to mind. The one that counted, to me, is in your face demands by whomever/whatever for shining a light hoping (a semi-quite demand) that something be done- usually a law because, well, criminal is hurting someone's feelings because they are left out, or, not given due attention-

I'll admit, and am in fact quite proud of the fact, that I'm a bit of an anomaly- but, I'm not too different in many ways- one of those ways is; I don't like, nor will I condone, in your face to force your beliefs/prejudices, wants or desires using the godvernment and it's corps of presstituties to plead your case, or make criminal a thought or action that hurts your feelings-

Boys and Girls (or whatever you feel you are), I present to you:

Queer Farmers

Queer beekeepers, urban agriculturalists, and rural livestock workers are challenging not only conventional farming and food production practices, but also the image of farming itself

The pepper harvest is shaping up to be a big one this year.
I digress, which is not hard to do dealing with message board posters who are so awash in their preconceived notions that they can't stay on topic- they have to use a pejorative messenger attack, because, well, pejorative- the message is irrelevant-

Queer Farmers
:gay: :auiqs.jpg:

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