Good luck, Mayor de Blasio


Feb 14, 2011
I hear your priority is addressing income inequality.

Good luck to you. If the mega-metropolitan areas fix their income inequality issues that is good for the nation. I truly wish you well.

And if you drive some of your wealthy people away with the taxes, then that could be good for some of us in the outlying areas. Unless of course the people who are running away from high taxation bring failed liberal theories with them and try to turn their new havens into the places they left.
Just what NY needs, another commie wanna be dictator, they got rid of the blooming idiot and now this guy. They get what they deserve.
They chose it and I hope it works for them. I want the homeless children in New York to find safe places to live and study. I have similarly positive feelings about Vermont and their coming single-payer experiment. I wish them well. I'm in favor of solutions.

Not in favor of forcing nonsolutions on the whole nation under cover of lies while castigating dissent. But I'm in favor of states and municipalities trying to fix their own problems. And if these new policies work out for New York and Vermont then that's wonderful.
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You do know he's not a governor don't you? His edicts don't go beyond the city limits of New York City.

The income inequality issues will be fixed by the simple expediency of having the rich leave. Then NYC will be equal. Everyone will be equally poor.

I made a big booboo.


Some of the rich may leave. Many will stick around even with a greater tax burden because they value New York life so highly.

Lawyers will have a windfall helping them hide their money.

And some of those tax shelters might even be good investments.

New Yorkers voted for what they wanted. I have no dog in the fight.
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You do know he's not a governor don't you? His edicts don't go beyond the city limits of New York City.

The income inequality issues will be fixed by the simple expediency of having the rich leave. Then NYC will be equal. Everyone will be equally poor.

the NYC is jealous of Detroit :D
Income inequality, now at its worst ever, can't be fixed until trickle down tax rates pandering to the rich are changed...All day pre-school de Blasio talked about would be helpful to the poor...

Listened to Rush a while today, talking about how 270 sq ft apartments for the poor is a Dem plot to bring down everyone's standard of living....bought off a-hole all the way...
I hear your priority is addressing income inequality.

Good luck to you. If the mega-metropolitan areas fix their income inequality issues that is good for the nation. I truly wish you well.

And if you drive some of your wealthy people away with the taxes, then that could be good for some of us in the outlying areas. Unless of course the people who are running away from high taxation bring failed liberal theories with them and try to turn their new havens into the places they left.

Expect an influx of homeless horses and carriages to the outlying areas.
Income inequality, now at its worst ever, can't be fixed until trickle down tax rates pandering to the rich are changed...All day pre-school de Blasio talked about would be helpful to the poor...

Listened to Rush a while today, talking about how 270 sq ft apartments for the poor is a Dem plot to bring down everyone's standard of living....bought off a-hole all the way...

You listen to Rush?

That explains alot.
Every now and then NYC experiences flight of businesses to Joisey.
But maybe, this time, those fleeing businesses will choose more wisely.
And, of course, in greater number.
Hopefully NYC's choice won't be the mistake America's was.
This "Mayor" is going to raise taxes on the wealthy in NYC so that the "poor" will have more "opportunities".

Isn't that nice!

Whatever monies are collected will merely disappear - just like the fed. The "millions" will go into some politicians pockets and nothing will change. THAT is liberalism at it's finest.
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When the rich leave the 1% will be redefined down. Finally those still managing to have a job making $20,000 a year will be the rich 1% and have to supporr everyone else.
You do know he's not a governor don't you? His edicts don't go beyond the city limits of New York City.

The income inequality issues will be fixed by the simple expediency of having the rich leave. Then NYC will be equal. Everyone will be equally poor.

The LAST thing NYC needs to worry about is having too few rich people. Southern Manhattan in particular is practically a wealthy people's golf club. In the last 20 years rich people have been crowding out lower income people in S. Manhattan, NYC to the point that there is no poor neighborhoods left anymore. Look at these maps, NYC is "gaining" wealthy people, not losing them.

AllAnalytics - Michael Steinhart - Census Map Visualizes Income, Education & More
You do know he's not a governor don't you? His edicts don't go beyond the city limits of New York City.

The income inequality issues will be fixed by the simple expediency of having the rich leave. Then NYC will be equal. Everyone will be equally poor.

The LAST thing NYC needs to worry about is having too few rich people. Southern Manhattan in particular is practically a wealthy people's golf club. In the last 20 years rich people have been crowding out lower income people in S. Manhattan, NYC to the point that there is no poor neighborhoods left anymore. Look at these maps, NYC is "gaining" wealthy people, not losing them.

AllAnalytics - Michael Steinhart - Census Map Visualizes Income, Education & More

It's like Malibu. Foreign rich people own property there. They just don't live there.
in 2 years DeBlasio will be as popular as Hollande is in France....

Indeed. I read this today at breakfast. Yes, it deals with Obama, but it could just as easily apply to ANY Dem politician:

History repeats. And, those who fail to study history are destined to fail.

This holiday season I sat with my sons to watch a “guy’s movie.” It’s our annual holiday tradition. We chose the movie “Braveheart.” It’s my favorite movie of all-time, but this was the first time I watched “Braveheart” since Obama became President. It was an eerie experience because I realized we’re watching history repeat.

“Braveheart” is the story of America today — the middle class fighting for its very survival.

“Braveheart” is the story of Scotland’s battle for freedom and self-determination against the powerful British empire. It’s the same battle America’s middle class and small businesses are fighting today against Washington D.C.

It’s the same battle America’s middle class & small businesses are fighting against Washington.
The hero of “Braveheart” is Sir William Wallace, a passionate, enthusiastic, heroic, and principled leader and warrior. Wallace didn’t fight for personal gain. He fought only to achieve freedom for his people and he was willing to die for that cause. The Tea Party is today’s Sir William Wallace.

The evil, bad guy in “Braveheart” is the King of England – Edward Longshanks. Obama is today’s version of King Edward Longshanks.

Just like Obama today, the King was out to control the people lock, stock, and barrel. Just like Obama, he believed your money is his money. Just like Obama, he believed every decision should be made by government, every conversation should be listened to, and your rights and guns must be confiscated as a threat to his rule.

And, just like Obama, the old King of England is arrogant and vicious. King Edward stopped at nothing to hide his true intensions and repeatedly broke his word to get his way and set up his enemies for defeat.

There is no other way to put it…just like King Edward, Obama is a liar.

“If you like your health insurance, you can keep your insurance.”

“I did not know about the IRS persecution of conservative and Tea Party groups.”

“I did not know the U.S. Ambassador in Benghazi requested more security.”

“Benghazi didn’t involve terrorism…it was a protest about a movie.”

“I did not know about the Fast & Furious arms deal.”

“I did not know about the NSA snooping on world leaders.”

“I did not know about the snooping on the American people and even the Associated Press.”

“I have the most transparent administration in history.”

“I’m a friend of the energy industry.”

And don’t forget the two absolute worst lies of all:

“I’m the best friend of small business.”

“My policies are about saving the middle class.”

Obama is a liar as bad as, or worse, than King Edward. Our own King Obama tells the people anything to distract them, while he takes control of your lives and livelihood. He uses the power of government to get his way, to silence dissent, to steal your property, to control your lives. Obama sics the government on his own people – IRS, NSA, EPA, SEC, Homeland Security – you name the government agency and they are at war with the people they are supposed to serve.

Like King Edward, Obama’s goal (and his every policy) is aimed at creating a two-class society – leaving only the super rich (wealthy royalty) and the masses (serfs). Tyrants can only survive in a two-class society where the super rich are easily bribed and the poor are beholden to government.

The super rich and corporate titans are easily bribed with bailouts, stimulus, government contracts, corporate welfare, and, of course, special interest carve-outs for the richest and biggest companies with armies of lawyers, accountants and lobbyists. The super rich will sell out the middle class in a nano-second for an extra dollar. Ask Warren Buffett about that.

And of course, tyrants love the masses of poor folks. Ironically, keeping them helpless, hopeless and clueless makes them dependent on government – the very group that destroyed their middle class life in the first place. The poor huddled masses and serfs now have little choice but to vote for the tyrant who gives them welfare, food stamps, disability, endless unemployment, free contraception, and, let’s not forget unlimited, free healthcare.

Keeping the people hopeless & dependent is the perfect mix for how arrogant kings stay in power.

This is no secret. It’s exactly how Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, or the former Soviet leaders stayed in power for so long. Keeping the people helpless, hopeless, desperate and dependent is the perfect mix for how corrupt tyrants, tin pot dictators and arrogant kings stay in power.

The only group a tyrant can’t abide is the middle class. It has to go. Just like in “Braveheart,” the middle class doesn’t fit into the plans of a tyrant like Obama.

The middle class is not easily bribed. They actually believe in silly ideas like freedom, patriotism, capitalism, and upward mobility. They believe in personal responsibility and don’t want government dependency. They will stand and fight for things like God, country, American exceptionalism, and Judeo-Christian values. They are willing to die for those principles.

Obama knows that. Remember his own words during the 2008 Presidential primaries. Obama said that “working class people get frustrated and bitter, and cling to guns or religion…”

So, just like in “Braveheart,” Obama must eliminate the middle class. They must be driven into poverty so they are part of the poor, desperate, dependent, huddled masses- dependent on government to survive, addicted to government checks. That’s how you get them to cling to government, instead of guns or religion.

What Does a Historic Freedom Fighter Have to do with the Tea Party? He Blazes the Way
William Wallace, played by Mel Gibson, fought for Scottish freedom – just like middle class Americans need to fight against President Obama today.

“Braveheart” is like today’s America in one other important way. For hundreds of years the noblemen of Scotland sold out their own people through “negotiating” and “compromise.” The excuse of these frightened cowards, traitors and sellouts was that the Scottish people could never defeat the powerful British. “So why try? We’re better off settling.”

That was the excuse. But in reality these noblemen sold out the people for their own personal gain – titles of royalty, land, and fancy estates. The people got nothing, while the noblemen got rich and fat, while acting like they were the friends of the people.

The noblemen of “Braveheart” are today’s GOP leaders in Washington D.C. Just like the GOP leadership today, the Scottish rulers cut deals and “compromised” with the King of England to turn the people (the middle class) into serfs.

The good news is that “Braveheart” had a happy ending. After centuries of slavery, cowardice and traitorous behavior by their leaders, the Scottish people rose up and defeated the British. Starving outmanned, and outnumbered, the peasants defeated the “unbeatable” British army and won their freedom – inspired by Sir William Wallace.

What Does a Historic Freedom Fighter Have to do with the Tea Party? He Blazes the Way

Wayne Allen Root
This "Mayor" is going to raise taxes on the wealthy in NYC so that the "poor" will have more "opportunities".

Isn't that nice!

Whatever monies are collected will merely disappear - just like the fed. The "millions" will go into some politicians pockets and nothing will change. THAT is liberalism at it's finest.
The entire State is infested. Florida just took over as the 3rd most populated State...NY and other liberal Blue states are bleeding people because of their policies.

The rich will leave NYC too...and what will they be left with?

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