Good News From Texas

It's a private business. Let them turn away business if they want. The so-called "gun show loophole" is a non-issue anyway.


and Austin? LOL

there are plenty if cities which will LOVE to host the gun show.
Why does the left always want to stick to the little guy's trying to make a living?
Gun shop dealers have back ground checks at the gun shows.
The small little guys don't.
None of the criminals or murderers in this nation buys from gun shows.
All this does it make it very hard for small entrepreneurs to stay in business.
Not to mention the private citizen who would essentially be barred from selling his guns at the Austin gun show. I'm aware that he can still sell privately, however he loses his audience which puts him at an unfair disadvantage.
Why does the left always want to stick to the little guy's trying to make a living?
Gun shop dealers have back ground checks at the gun shows.
The small little guys don't.
None of the criminals or murderers in this nation buys from gun shows.
All this does it make it very hard for small entrepreneurs to stay in business.

It's not about facts; it's about what feels right. That's all that matters to those people.
how many wanted mental background checks after sandyhook?

Before sandy hook the state of Connecticut had some of the toughest gun laws in the nation.
Did those gun laws prevent sandy hook?

No because Sandy Hook had nothing to do with gun control, it had more to do with another failed liberal plan,sensitive mental health care. The mental health industry here doesn't want to label anyone,follows Obama's lead in not taking responsibility and giving meaningless services to avoid responsibility or tosses the kid back and forth between the various powers getting nothing done and allowing the person to slip through the cracks. Right now another Adam Lanza is being created and will have the same results. Everybody knew Lanza had issues, they just passed him back and forth until he turned of age and didn't have to deal with him anymore and 26 people paid the price to keep the status quo.
Could the tide be turning?


Isn't Austin full of liberal transplants?
Could the tide be turning?


Isn't Austin full of liberal transplants?

Yes, it's a horrible place now. Horrible. All the big cities are shit now because of the yankee assholes that have moved here and brought their stupid ideas with them.

They're like locusts. Eat up, use up and shit all over their own region and then move on to greener pastures to shit all over them.

Stupid fuckers. I loath them. Deservedly so too.
Good News From Texas



Thought the good news might've been that Texas had bulldozed its death which it's killing human beings.
Could the tide be turning?


Isn't Austin full of liberal transplants?

Yes, it's a horrible place now. Horrible. All the big cities are shit now because of the yankee assholes that have moved here and brought their stupid ideas with them.

They're like locusts. Eat up, use up and shit all over their own region and then move on to greener pastures to shit all over them.

Stupid fuckers. I loath them. Deservedly so too.
Reminds me of Phoenix. Not the place it used to be.
Could the tide be turning?


Isn't Austin full of liberal transplants?

Yes, it's a horrible place now. Horrible. All the big cities are shit now because of the yankee assholes that have moved here and brought their stupid ideas with them.

They're like locusts. Eat up, use up and shit all over their own region and then move on to greener pastures to shit all over them.

Stupid fuckers. I loath them. Deservedly so too.

I get what you're saying cause I live in CT but Yankee does not = Liberal. There are still some of us Northerners (Yankees)who are conservative although not as many as there used to be unfortunately. Yes the libs have screwed up the North, what passes as reason up here sometimes make me want to move South. Don't let them turn Texas/The South into Liberal Land or the USA is lost IMHO.
Isn't Austin full of liberal transplants?

Yes, it's a horrible place now. Horrible. All the big cities are shit now because of the yankee assholes that have moved here and brought their stupid ideas with them.

They're like locusts. Eat up, use up and shit all over their own region and then move on to greener pastures to shit all over them.

Stupid fuckers. I loath them. Deservedly so too.

I get what you're saying cause I live in CT but Yankee does not = Liberal. There are still some of us Northerners (Yankees)who are conservative although not as many as there used to be unfortunately. Yes the libs have screwed up the North, what passes as reason up here sometimes make me want to move South. Don't let them turn Texas/The South into Liberal Land or the USA is lost IMHO.

You are right and I'm sorry. We just get soooo very frustrated with the ones that come here and piss, moan and complain about how we do things, things that have worked for us and attempt to change it all to meet their expectations.

This after they have moved here for a reason. That reason being they can't get work and live where they were because of how they have ruined their own.

Again, I apologize to you and any other decent conservative "yankee".

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