Good News From Texas

Could the tide be turning?


Makes sense...
BTW, to which "tide" do you refer?
I know this kind of news makes you wet your underoos.
If you're thinking Texas is going Blue, forget it.
The backlash against Obama and his lib/socialist agenda is gaining momentum.
Yes, it's a horrible place now. Horrible. All the big cities are shit now because of the yankee assholes that have moved here and brought their stupid ideas with them.

They're like locusts. Eat up, use up and shit all over their own region and then move on to greener pastures to shit all over them.

Stupid fuckers. I loath them. Deservedly so too.

I get what you're saying cause I live in CT but Yankee does not = Liberal. There are still some of us Northerners (Yankees)who are conservative although not as many as there used to be unfortunately. Yes the libs have screwed up the North, what passes as reason up here sometimes make me want to move South. Don't let them turn Texas/The South into Liberal Land or the USA is lost IMHO.

You are right and I'm sorry. We just get soooo very frustrated with the ones that come here and piss, moan and complain about how we do things, things that have worked for us and attempt to change it all to meet their expectations.

This after they have moved here for a reason. That reason being they can't get work and live where they were because of how they have ruined their own.

Again, I apologize to you and any other decent conservative "yankee".

Thanks :) and I agree with you. Liberal thinking is odd.

Liberal Logic 101: Do as I say and not as I do.

We should write everything in Spanish and promote gay marriage to be all inclusive. when libs move to a conservative area they expect everyone else to adjust to them and take on their values rather then embrace the people and values of that area.
the voters in this country don't agree with you.


Again...Which voters are those?
Hey soup for brains....answer this....Should you get your way and the nation's law abiding citizens are disarmed, what say you about the criminals?
Is it ok that THEY get to keep their weapons?
It is my hope fot become a crime victim. Some punk piece of shit robs you at gunpoint.
How quickly you will become a law and order pro gun conservative..
Bernie Goetz was a flaming lib who got sick of being mugged. He was frustrated with the process of obtaining a gun permit...So he bought a gun by other means. Having that gun saved his life.
Oh, but we just CAN'T have that....
how many wanted mental background checks after sandyhook?

Before sandy hook the state of Connecticut had some of the toughest gun laws in the nation.
Did those gun laws prevent sandy hook?

Umm Nope....
Interesting to note that those states with restrictive gun laws have large cities with even larger violent crime problems....Most violent crimes are committed with firearms.
Those gun laws work so well.
I get what you're saying cause I live in CT but Yankee does not = Liberal. There are still some of us Northerners (Yankees)who are conservative although not as many as there used to be unfortunately. Yes the libs have screwed up the North, what passes as reason up here sometimes make me want to move South. Don't let them turn Texas/The South into Liberal Land or the USA is lost IMHO.

You are right and I'm sorry. We just get soooo very frustrated with the ones that come here and piss, moan and complain about how we do things, things that have worked for us and attempt to change it all to meet their expectations.

This after they have moved here for a reason. That reason being they can't get work and live where they were because of how they have ruined their own.

Again, I apologize to you and any other decent conservative "yankee".

Thanks :) and I agree with you. Liberal thinking is odd.

Liberal Logic 101: Do as I say and not as I do.

We should write everything in Spanish and promote gay marriage to be all inclusive. when libs move to a conservative area they expect everyone else to adjust to them and take on their values rather then embrace the people and values of that area.
Yeah...I wonder how many of those blue state limousine liberals use armed security for protection.
This simply means that all gun shows will now be only professional gun sellers. The "gun show loophole" was not about anything except private citizens selling their privately owned guns.

Since they will not have access to the system to do background checks, they won't be able to sell at a gun show.

But they will still be able to sell their privately owned guns to other private citizens without a background check.

Two questions:

1. Is it wise to allow private citizens to sell guns to other private citizens without a background check?

2. Does a private citizen have a duty to make sure unstable persons do not have in their possession, custody or control a gun?
This simply means that all gun shows will now be only professional gun sellers. The "gun show loophole" was not about anything except private citizens selling their privately owned guns.

Since they will not have access to the system to do background checks, they won't be able to sell at a gun show.

But they will still be able to sell their privately owned guns to other private citizens without a background check.

Two questions:

1. Is it wise to allow private citizens to sell guns to other private citizens without a background check?

2. Does a private citizen have a duty to make sure unstable persons do not have in their possession, custody or control a gun?
If you believe we are all our brother's keeper, then yes.
This simply means that all gun shows will now be only professional gun sellers. The "gun show loophole" was not about anything except private citizens selling their privately owned guns.

Since they will not have access to the system to do background checks, they won't be able to sell at a gun show.

But they will still be able to sell their privately owned guns to other private citizens without a background check.

Two questions:

1. Is it wise to allow private citizens to sell guns to other private citizens without a background check?

2. Does a private citizen have a duty to make sure unstable persons do not have in their possession, custody or control a gun?
If you believe we are all our brother's keeper, then yes.

How glib (that's not a compliment). Apparently both questions are too highbrow for you. It's sad that you don't understand the essence of duty within our legal framework.
Hey dumb ass they do background checks at gunshows Do you fucking understand this?
They complete an ATF FROM 4473

Of course he doesn't understand it. To understand it, he'd have to know something about the issue and then he'd have to stop posting, because the "gun show loophole" doesn't really exist.
LOL, Austin is as Lib as it with it CandyBitch.

I'm embarrassed by it. Austin and Houston are cesspools of liberal values. Dallas isn't nearly as bad but it's getting worse.

San Antonio is full of Hispanics and have a different culture there, but still they vote democrat.

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