Good News From Texas

Could the tide be turning?


Darn...from your title I thought Texas was seceding.

hell in ten years it will be a Dem stronghold

LOL, Austin is as Lib as it with it CandyBitch.

candycorn is as far left as moonbat can get.
She is marginalized as a kook.

52% of the electorate will be female this upcoming 2016.
And the GOP rank and file cannot go 5 minutes without using the words "slut" or "bitch".
A democratic nominee for President can count on approximately 254 electoral votes before the first ballot is counted:

California 55
New York 29
Illinois 20
Pennsylvania 20
Michigan 16
New Jersey 14
Virginia 13
Washington 12
Massachusetts 11
Maryland 10
Minnesota 10
Connecticut 7
Oregon 7
New Mexico 5
Hawaii 4
Maine 4
New Hampshire 4
Rhode Island 4
Delaware 3
Vermont 3
Washington, D.C.* 3

You may be able to take VA out of the mix but please notice that I left out states Obama won last time around...Wisconsin, Ohio, and Florida. You need 270 to win the Presidency...It's almost a slam dunk.

This is why you guys winning the Senate is crucial; you're likely not going to be in the Oval office anytime soon. But, there you sit; angry at the teacher that flunked you, the mother that told you to clean up your room, the girlfriend that thought your backhair was gross and you call women you don't know...detestable names. For no reason at all.
LOL, Austin is as Lib as it with it CandyBitch.

candycorn is as far left as moonbat can get.
She is marginalized as a kook.

52% of the electorate will be female this upcoming 2016.
And the GOP rank and file cannot go 5 minutes without using the words "slut" or "bitch".
A democratic nominee for President can count on approximately 254 electoral votes before the first ballot is counted:

California 55
New York 29
Illinois 20
Pennsylvania 20
Michigan 16
New Jersey 14
Virginia 13
Washington 12
Massachusetts 11
Maryland 10
Minnesota 10
Connecticut 7
Oregon 7
New Mexico 5
Hawaii 4
Maine 4
New Hampshire 4
Rhode Island 4
Delaware 3
Vermont 3
Washington, D.C.* 3

You may be able to take VA out of the mix but please notice that I left out states Obama won last time around...Wisconsin, Ohio, and Florida. You need 270 to win the Presidency...It's almost a slam dunk.

This is why you guys winning the Senate is crucial; you're likely not going to be in the Oval office anytime soon. But, there you sit; angry at the teacher that flunked you, the mother that told you to clean up your room, the girlfriend that thought your backhair was gross and you call women you don't know...detestable names. For no reason at all.

Candy you ARE a bitch, you think it makes you look strong, it doesn't.

Embrace what you project.
detestable names. For no reason at all.

Too funny, you may well be the least self aware poster here.
LOL, Austin is as Lib as it with it CandyBitch.

candycorn is as far left as moonbat can get.
She is marginalized as a kook.

52% of the electorate will be female this upcoming 2016.
And the GOP rank and file cannot go 5 minutes without using the words "slut" or "bitch".
A democratic nominee for President can count on approximately 254 electoral votes before the first ballot is counted:

California 55
New York 29
Illinois 20
Pennsylvania 20
Michigan 16
New Jersey 14
Virginia 13
Washington 12
Massachusetts 11
Maryland 10
Minnesota 10
Connecticut 7
Oregon 7
New Mexico 5
Hawaii 4
Maine 4
New Hampshire 4
Rhode Island 4
Delaware 3
Vermont 3
Washington, D.C.* 3

You may be able to take VA out of the mix but please notice that I left out states Obama won last time around...Wisconsin, Ohio, and Florida. You need 270 to win the Presidency...It's almost a slam dunk.

This is why you guys winning the Senate is crucial; you're likely not going to be in the Oval office anytime soon. But, there you sit; angry at the teacher that flunked you, the mother that told you to clean up your room, the girlfriend that thought your backhair was gross and you call women you don't know...detestable names. For no reason at all.

You are forgetting something. The radical feminist movement which you apparently cannot let go of, has been marginalized.
You insult women by implying their numbers would translate to the non-thinking non-discerning vote democrat in lockstep.
Your kind believes women should vote with their lady parts and not their brains.
My wife would kick your ass because it is screeching feminazi's like you who ruin it for thinking, producing women of this nation.
You can take your left over Gloria Steinem MS Magazine bullshit and shove it into the flower vase on the dashboard of that faggoty ass VW bug you drive..Or is it a Toyota Prius?

I bet you could suck start a Chevrolet.
You bore me with your radical feminist vapidity.
Share it with someone who cares.
detestable names. For no reason at all.

Too funny, you may well be the least self aware poster here.

She's on a different planet.
She's hypersensitive about her femininity and insecure about her standing here among the public.
She has to shove her feminist views into every thread in which she posts.
It's gotten old....What's next, she'd gonna start posting links to Helen Reddy songs?
What really fires me up about people such candycorn is she is another typical liberal. One who places people into groups for the purpose of pitting them against one another.
She views herself as a victim in perpetuity based solely on her gender.
"I am. Therefore I deserve"..
candycorn is as far left as moonbat can get.
She is marginalized as a kook.

52% of the electorate will be female this upcoming 2016.
And the GOP rank and file cannot go 5 minutes without using the words "slut" or "bitch".
A democratic nominee for President can count on approximately 254 electoral votes before the first ballot is counted:

California 55
New York 29
Illinois 20
Pennsylvania 20
Michigan 16
New Jersey 14
Virginia 13
Washington 12
Massachusetts 11
Maryland 10
Minnesota 10
Connecticut 7
Oregon 7
New Mexico 5
Hawaii 4
Maine 4
New Hampshire 4
Rhode Island 4
Delaware 3
Vermont 3
Washington, D.C.* 3

You may be able to take VA out of the mix but please notice that I left out states Obama won last time around...Wisconsin, Ohio, and Florida. You need 270 to win the Presidency...It's almost a slam dunk.

This is why you guys winning the Senate is crucial; you're likely not going to be in the Oval office anytime soon. But, there you sit; angry at the teacher that flunked you, the mother that told you to clean up your room, the girlfriend that thought your backhair was gross and you call women you don't know...detestable names. For no reason at all.

Candy you ARE a bitch, you think it makes you look strong, it doesn't.

Embrace what you project.
Her bitchiness makes her look hysterical. Bitchy women think they are being resolute. As a result believe they project some sort of authority or control. When the result is people just get tired of it and walk away.
I would much rather see a woman exude confidence, deal with things on a scale of reality and use their intelligence as means to an end.
BTW, I think candycorn thinks the Electoral College has a fraternity she needs to hang out with.
52% of the electorate will be female this upcoming 2016.
And the GOP rank and file cannot go 5 minutes without using the words "slut" or "bitch".
A democratic nominee for President can count on approximately 254 electoral votes before the first ballot is counted:

California 55
New York 29
Illinois 20
Pennsylvania 20
Michigan 16
New Jersey 14
Virginia 13
Washington 12
Massachusetts 11
Maryland 10
Minnesota 10
Connecticut 7
Oregon 7
New Mexico 5
Hawaii 4
Maine 4
New Hampshire 4
Rhode Island 4
Delaware 3
Vermont 3
Washington, D.C.* 3

You may be able to take VA out of the mix but please notice that I left out states Obama won last time around...Wisconsin, Ohio, and Florida. You need 270 to win the Presidency...It's almost a slam dunk.

This is why you guys winning the Senate is crucial; you're likely not going to be in the Oval office anytime soon. But, there you sit; angry at the teacher that flunked you, the mother that told you to clean up your room, the girlfriend that thought your backhair was gross and you call women you don't know...detestable names. For no reason at all.

Candy you ARE a bitch, you think it makes you look strong, it doesn't.

Embrace what you project.
Her bitchiness makes her look hysterical. Bitchy women think they are being resolute. As a result believe they project some sort of authority or control. When the result is people just get tired of it and walk away.
I would much rather see a woman exude confidence, deal with things on a scale of reality and use their intelligence as means to an end.
BTW, I think candycorn thinks the Electoral College has a fraternity she needs to hang out with.

Quite happy with the 240+ EVs in the Dem pocketbook before it starts. That you guys are actively trying to screw up your senatorial chances is a nice bonus.
Candy you ARE a bitch, you think it makes you look strong, it doesn't.

Embrace what you project.
Her bitchiness makes her look hysterical. Bitchy women think they are being resolute. As a result believe they project some sort of authority or control. When the result is people just get tired of it and walk away.
I would much rather see a woman exude confidence, deal with things on a scale of reality and use their intelligence as means to an end.
BTW, I think candycorn thinks the Electoral College has a fraternity she needs to hang out with.

Quite happy with the 240+ EVs in the Dem pocketbook before it starts. That you guys are actively trying to screw up your senatorial chances is a nice bonus.

Blah blah blah....You keep believing that will get you somewhere.
Your side had it's chance. "Hope and Change".....We got a full to capacity vomit bag.
Her bitchiness makes her look hysterical. Bitchy women think they are being resolute. As a result believe they project some sort of authority or control. When the result is people just get tired of it and walk away.
I would much rather see a woman exude confidence, deal with things on a scale of reality and use their intelligence as means to an end.
BTW, I think candycorn thinks the Electoral College has a fraternity she needs to hang out with.

Quite happy with the 240+ EVs in the Dem pocketbook before it starts. That you guys are actively trying to screw up your senatorial chances is a nice bonus.

Blah blah blah....You keep believing that will get you somewhere.
Your side had it's chance. "Hope and Change".....We got a full to capacity vomit bag.

Four years after the hope and change thing, Obama won the country again, as much as you people like to say he's a failure. Things are changing and if republicans don't become more moderate, they'll keep on losing more and more elections.
Quite happy with the 240+ EVs in the Dem pocketbook before it starts. That you guys are actively trying to screw up your senatorial chances is a nice bonus.

Blah blah blah....You keep believing that will get you somewhere.
Your side had it's chance. "Hope and Change".....We got a full to capacity vomit bag.

Four years after the hope and change thing, Obama won the country again, as much as you people like to say he's a failure. Things are changing and if republicans don't become more moderate, they'll keep on losing more and more elections.

He didn't "win the country". His election was based on lower GOP voter turnout.
Christ, even moderates have had it with this guy and his shit.
But for urban centers which mindlessly vote democrat in lockstep, your side would not stand a chance.
How you believe the Senate is yours to keep is a mystery.
Oh, I don't think sour puss corn needs you to stick up for her...She's got enough bitch in her to roll you down a hill into traffic.
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