Good Question.Will Climate Change Back To Global Warming Through September Again?

You have a list of all the scientist in the world ?

No I don't. But the vast majority of those who study climate are on my side. And no, if you think scientists fudge numbers to get money, you don't know anything about scientists. And do you know how many of the thousands of those who specialise in climate science would have to be in on the conspiracy to try and diddle you idiots out of tax-payers money to 'fund' their 'bogus' findings? You couldn't make this shit up.

I don't know who is worse, the anti-vaxers or the climate change deniers. Mind you, they are mostly the same people. No education, just googling shit on the internet to dodgy website to back up their POV..

Lol....s0n you still dont get it.

The " scientists are on my side".....

Here the problem.....the science has yet to transcend beyond it's own field. Indeed.... In the real world what the scientists are saying is not mattering. So maybe you're on the side of the scientists but not many other people are. Its a billboards/banner used by progressives and nobody else!! If it is not promoting any climate change action..... which it is not..... then it is not mattering. Clearly Congress could not give a flying f*** about what the scientists are saying about climate change..... for 20 years now.

So you certainly could go on spiking the football......the problem is your side is losing 64 - 7!!! :2up::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:

Spiking the football on symbolic shit is ghey
Can you answer my question?
Show them to us. Back up your ridiculous bullshit for a change. Show us a few real scientists who disagree with me.
Google it
Google says 97% of scientists agree with me.

Your turn
Google LIED just like you!!!

Crap on a crutch you guys are dumb.
Are you saying all scientists that say we are in absolutely no imminent danger of any climate destruction lol are liars??
Nice try asswipe. The danger is NOT imminent. .

The need to act is imminent.

But hey, keep being an ignorant fool & condemn your own children & grandchildren to a more difficult future.
Google it
Google says 97% of scientists agree with me.

Your turn
Google LIED just like you!!!

Crap on a crutch you guys are dumb.
Are you saying all scientists that say we are in absolutely no imminent danger of any climate destruction lol are liars??
Nice try asswipe. The danger is NOT imminent. .

The need to act is imminent.

But hey, keep being an ignorant fool & condemn your own children & grandchildren to a more difficult future.
I’d rather my children die in a natural cause then die in a Democrat concentration camp, because they want to speak freely.
How come it's always the dumb arse Neocons whackadoodles who don't believe climate change is happening

Perhaps it is because dumb arse neocons whackadoodles don't require numbskulls with letters after their names to do their thinking for them.

Is global warming occurring? Of course it is occurring, and has been since the apex of the last ice age. No need for a PHD to figure that out.

Is mankind contributing to global warming? Possibly, but then only on a slim margin of the natural occurrence. Too many other factors to figure mankind's contribution.

Can we 'fix' global warming? No, and it would be idiotic to destroy our economy and our way of life in a vain attempt to do so.

Find another windmill to tilt at.

What a load of fucking shit. Look at the modelling you moron. Seriously, I have no time to play nice with you fucking idiots anymore. You haven't a clue.

Hey Dumb Ass.....

Shit In Shit Out....

The results can be Manipulated by scientist that depend on government

Funding to get the wanted results.....
You have a list of all the scientist in the world ?

No I don't. But the vast majority of those who study climate are on my side. And no, if you think scientists fudge numbers to get money, you don't know anything about scientists. And do you know how many of the thousands of those who specialise in climate science would have to be in on the conspiracy to try and diddle you idiots out of tax-payers money to 'fund' their 'bogus' findings? You couldn't make this shit up.

I don't know who is worse, the anti-vaxers or the climate change deniers. Mind you, they are mostly the same people. No education, just googling shit on the internet to dodgy website to back up their POV..
How do you know if you don’t have a list lol haha
Do you have a democrat grant list haha
You mean like the 10s of millions of dollars given to skeptics by the Koch brothers who actually do have an agenda in the energy industry, especially fossil fuels. Gee, no agenda there...
They are pretending that weather modification is a hoax. But they has been using it in the past , in order to sell products for Big Corporation. They have GMO drought resistance plants and GMO cows and pigs and chicken that produces less greenhouse gases. And they has GMO chickens that are resistance to the bird flu. I guess they are going to spray into the atmosphere, a virus that causes the bird flu or small pox for Big Pharma that is one of George Soros' investments..


You have a list of all the scientist in the world ?

No I don't. But the vast majority of those who study climate are on my side. And no, if you think scientists fudge numbers to get money, you don't know anything about scientists. And do you know how many of the thousands of those who specialise in climate science would have to be in on the conspiracy to try and diddle you idiots out of tax-payers money to 'fund' their 'bogus' findings? You couldn't make this shit up.

I don't know who is worse, the anti-vaxers or the climate change deniers. Mind you, they are mostly the same people. No education, just googling shit on the internet to dodgy website to back up their POV..
How do you know if you don’t have a list lol haha
Do you have a democrat grant list haha
You mean like the 10s of millions of dollars given to skeptics by the Koch brothers who actually do have an agenda in the energy industry, especially fossil fuels. Gee, no agenda there...

Uhm you forget already that the Koch brothers said man contributes?

You have a list of all the scientist in the world ?

No I don't. But the vast majority of those who study climate are on my side. And no, if you think scientists fudge numbers to get money, you don't know anything about scientists. And do you know how many of the thousands of those who specialise in climate science would have to be in on the conspiracy to try and diddle you idiots out of tax-payers money to 'fund' their 'bogus' findings? You couldn't make this shit up.

I don't know who is worse, the anti-vaxers or the climate change deniers. Mind you, they are mostly the same people. No education, just googling shit on the internet to dodgy website to back up their POV..

Lol....s0n you still dont get it.

The " scientists are on my side".....

Here the problem.....the science has yet to transcend beyond it's own field. Indeed.... In the real world what the scientists are saying is not mattering. So maybe you're on the side of the scientists but not many other people are. Its a billboards/banner used by progressives and nobody else!! If it is not promoting any climate change action..... which it is not..... then it is not mattering. Clearly Congress could not give a flying f*** about what the scientists are saying about climate change..... for 20 years now.

So you certainly could go on spiking the football......the problem is your side is losing 64 - 7!!! :2up::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:

Spiking the football on symbolic shit is ghey
Can you answer my question?

Saw no ? s0n.....but my point is not debatable!:2up:
Google it
Google says 97% of scientists agree with me.

Your turn
Google LIED just like you!!!

Crap on a crutch you guys are dumb.
Are you saying all scientists that say we are in absolutely no imminent danger of any climate destruction lol are liars??
Nice try asswipe. The danger is NOT imminent. .

The need to act is imminent.

But hey, keep being an ignorant fool & condemn your own children & grandchildren to a more difficult future.

Yup and you could care less about the poor blacks dying by the thousands of smoke inhalation in Africa TODAY
Yeah.....anybody who thinks the govt isnt fucking with the weather is a deep matrix zombie. For many, the comfy zone is where people like to be, so I get it.
Google it
Google says 97% of scientists agree with me.

Your turn
Google LIED just like you!!!

Crap on a crutch you guys are dumb.
Are you saying all scientists that say we are in absolutely no imminent danger of any climate destruction lol are liars??
Nice try asswipe. The danger is NOT imminent. .

The need to act is imminent.

But hey, keep being an ignorant fool & condemn your own children & grandchildren to a more difficult future.

Wait a minute......

You Tards have told us we only have 12 years......

You told us 20 years ago many of us would be under water by now...

You told us in the 70’s we were all going to freeze to death.

You dumb ass Tards need to make your predictions out 100

years or so it’s not so evident you are full of SHIT...
Google says 97% of scientists agree with me.

Your turn
Google LIED just like you!!!

Crap on a crutch you guys are dumb.
Are you saying all scientists that say we are in absolutely no imminent danger of any climate destruction lol are liars??
Nice try asswipe. The danger is NOT imminent. .

The need to act is imminent.

But hey, keep being an ignorant fool & condemn your own children & grandchildren to a more difficult future.

Yup and you could care less about the poor blacks dying by the thousands of smoke inhalation in Africa TODAY

Indeed, renewable energy makes poor people poorer. Check any UN training manual on - line.....they dont even try to hide the fact that their goal is this sustainable energy. Translation.....keep the poor fuckers of the world stuck in misery and poverty. Duh
Why is it that the left seems to talk about "Climate Change" in the fall/winter/spring,,then come mid-june/July,,all of a sudden we are experiencing "Global Warming". Right?
And don't be surprised if they start this up again once many of the 57 degrees start getting into the 90's soon.
It’s global cooling here... Has been for the last few years.
Stupid SUN
The climate crusaders dont have a leg to stand on with respect to how the science is impacting the real world. After 20 years of bomb throwing, wind and solar combined provide 5% of the electricity in the US!:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

And go check the Obama EIA projection to 2040 released 24 months ago! Even more hystrical!!
The climate crusaders dont have a leg to stand on with respect to how the science is impacting the real world. After 20 years of bomb throwing, wind and solar combined provide 5% of the electricity in the US!:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

And go check the Obama EIA projection to 2040 released 24 months ago! Even more hystrical!!
Even in all 57 states and under sniper fire us?
Why is it that the left seems to talk about "Climate Change" in the fall/winter/spring,,then come mid-june/July,,all of a sudden we are experiencing "Global Warming". Right?
And don't be surprised if they start this up again once many of the 57 degrees start getting into the 90's soon.
You know the term "climate change" only came about because certain people are too stupid to realize global warming can cause cooler temperatures in some places occasionally right?
On the other hand, there are people who are too stupid to realize that the climate has always changed. But this time the Left is blaming humans to use it as yet another ploy to control every aspect of peoples' lives.
Have to understand the fundamental difference between conservatives and progressives on climate change and pretty much everything......

Progressives get giddy and euphoric over words symbols and banners. Conservatives are less interested in theory and more focused on results and behavior which is to say they are more interested in action instead of philosophy.

Climate change action is non-existent in the United States and has been non-existent for 25 years..... it's the only thing that matters to conservatives. The bozos of the world can talk about the science until the cows come home!! Doesn't matter for dick in the real world.:up::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
Why is it that the left seems to talk about "Climate Change" in the fall/winter/spring,,then come mid-june/July,,all of a sudden we are experiencing "Global Warming". Right?
And don't be surprised if they start this up again once many of the 57 degrees start getting into the 90's soon.

You ask a question - but before you do, you self-determine that it must be a 'good' one?

No ego problems there.
It’s common sense Gargoyle......

The state of the climate 2 million years ago is common sense?

Deno, do you ever blush when you say this retarded shit?

Hey Farting Fluck in Indiana....

Please enlighten us some more with your vast knowledge of Science,

Geology and climatology :abgg2q.jpg:

These asshats like Indiana, Pogo, RealDave..... their definition of winning is different than ours. They show up on the playing field and think because their uniforms are more fancy they've won the game before it's even played. If they lose 52-6..... they consider themselves still to be the winners because they were more flashy during the game! It's just a whole different way of thinking!

The whole mantra of "but the science is decided" hasnt added up to a hill of beans in the real world. It's a
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The climate crusaders dont have a leg to stand on with respect to how the science is impacting the real world. After 20 years of bomb throwing, wind and solar combined provide 5% of the electricity in the US!:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

And go check the Obama EIA projection to 2040 released 24 months ago! Even more hystrical!!
Even in all 57 states and under sniper fire us?

:spinner::spinner::spinner:.....progressives still insist that stuff was made up!!:springbed:

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