Good Question.Will Climate Change Back To Global Warming Through September Again?

where did scientist learn?
From doing science...? You know, the very thing you are denying.

Seriously dude, one of the reasons we have local weather records 100's of years ago is from ship logs, local bee keepers and the like, not from "scientist"
And not one of those people could or would have compiled the data and ran experiments and simulations and found signals in the data, then testing their predictive value. We need scientists for that. Your statement is stupid. We also couldn't have disease reports and vector discovery without sick people and nurses. Same thing. You're being silly.

Translation~ you just admitted we don't have the data ..


Interesting...wonder what happened to the records between 1836 and 1856?

Weather records from 1800s prove fairly accurate

CHAMPAIGN — Ink and quill hand-written weather records from nearly 200 years ago have proven to be accurate despite the primitive technology available at the time

While Angel and Graham didn’t see temperatures that would break today’s records, they did find other interesting historical insights:

* On Feb. 8, 1931, the observer reported a temperature of -12 degrees at 7 a.m. and “30 inches of snow on the level.”

* On July 21, 1820, the records referred to a “violent hurricane.” Angel and Graham assume that likely referred to either a tornado or severe thunderstorm with strong winds.

The records also include comments, such as ducks flying south, the condition of crops and other events of everyday life.

“It was like reading someone’s diary,” Graham said.

The records are the oldest ever found in Illinois. The next oldest weather records are in Peoria that has continuous weather reports going back to 1856. The latest find still leaves a weather record gap between 1836 and 1856.

Images of the original records found in Rock Island can be found on the Water Survey website at Fort Armstrong Weather Records (1820-1836), Illinois State Water Survey, U of I
I'm not so sure you quite grasp the meaning of the word,"global".
It’s common sense Gargoyle......

The state of the climate 2 million years ago is common sense?

Deno, do you ever blush when you say this retarded shit?

Farting fluck in Indiana you are the retard......

How old do you think this planet is dumb ass...….

Scientists have calculated that Earth is 4.54 billion years old,

with an error range of 50 million years.

Its got to suck to be a dumb ass cnn watching Tard like you......
Why is it that the left seems to talk about "Climate Change" in the fall/winter/spring,,then come mid-june/July,,all of a sudden we are experiencing "Global Warming". Right?
And don't be surprised if they start this up again once many of the 57 degrees start getting into the 90's soon.
In school they were in Bathrooms 101 class instead of Summer Heat 101.
where did scientist learn?
From doing science...? You know, the very thing you are denying.

Seriously dude, one of the reasons we have local weather records 100's of years ago is from ship logs, local bee keepers and the like, not from "scientist"
And not one of those people could or would have compiled the data and ran experiments and simulations and found signals in the data, then testing their predictive value. We need scientists for that. Your statement is stupid. We also couldn't have disease reports and vector discovery without sick people and nurses. Same thing. You're being silly.

Translation~ you just admitted we don't have the data ..


Interesting...wonder what happened to the records between 1836 and 1856?

Weather records from 1800s prove fairly accurate

CHAMPAIGN — Ink and quill hand-written weather records from nearly 200 years ago have proven to be accurate despite the primitive technology available at the time

While Angel and Graham didn’t see temperatures that would break today’s records, they did find other interesting historical insights:

* On Feb. 8, 1931, the observer reported a temperature of -12 degrees at 7 a.m. and “30 inches of snow on the level.”

* On July 21, 1820, the records referred to a “violent hurricane.” Angel and Graham assume that likely referred to either a tornado or severe thunderstorm with strong winds.

The records also include comments, such as ducks flying south, the condition of crops and other events of everyday life.

“It was like reading someone’s diary,” Graham said.

The records are the oldest ever found in Illinois. The next oldest weather records are in Peoria that has continuous weather reports going back to 1856. The latest find still leaves a weather record gap between 1836 and 1856.

Images of the original records found in Rock Island can be found on the Water Survey website at Fort Armstrong Weather Records (1820-1836), Illinois State Water Survey, U of I
I'm not so sure you quite grasp the meaning of the word,"global".

But climate hysterics have been screaming that for over 10 years! And where has that gotten the climate crusaders? Lol.....absolutely nowhere! Taking bows in front of billboards = ghey. Climate sceptics continue spiking the football because the consensus science is being ignored by the public.....its a banner only. How do we know? Because we havent seen dick in terms of any climate change action, in fact, congress could not possibly be any less interested....the public just doesnt give a shit!:2up::bye1::bye1:

Perhaps those in the right are retard's.....but they're WINNING!:cul2:
Progressives on the whole " but the science says...."

Since were heading to the NBA Finals, a basketball analogy is in order.....

It's like progressives getting beat 110 - 70 in game 7 but are doing chest bumps because their uniforms are flashier!:deal::fu::fu:
where did scientist learn?
From doing science...? You know, the very thing you are denying.

Seriously dude, one of the reasons we have local weather records 100's of years ago is from ship logs, local bee keepers and the like, not from "scientist"
And not one of those people could or would have compiled the data and ran experiments and simulations and found signals in the data, then testing their predictive value. We need scientists for that. Your statement is stupid. We also couldn't have disease reports and vector discovery without sick people and nurses. Same thing. You're being silly.

Translation~ you just admitted we don't have the data ..


Interesting...wonder what happened to the records between 1836 and 1856?

Weather records from 1800s prove fairly accurate

CHAMPAIGN — Ink and quill hand-written weather records from nearly 200 years ago have proven to be accurate despite the primitive technology available at the time

While Angel and Graham didn’t see temperatures that would break today’s records, they did find other interesting historical insights:

* On Feb. 8, 1931, the observer reported a temperature of -12 degrees at 7 a.m. and “30 inches of snow on the level.”

* On July 21, 1820, the records referred to a “violent hurricane.” Angel and Graham assume that likely referred to either a tornado or severe thunderstorm with strong winds.

The records also include comments, such as ducks flying south, the condition of crops and other events of everyday life.

“It was like reading someone’s diary,” Graham said.

The records are the oldest ever found in Illinois. The next oldest weather records are in Peoria that has continuous weather reports going back to 1856. The latest find still leaves a weather record gap between 1836 and 1856.

Images of the original records found in Rock Island can be found on the Water Survey website at Fort Armstrong Weather Records (1820-1836), Illinois State Water Survey, U of I
I'm not so sure you quite grasp the meaning of the word,"global".

You sure as hell don't...

What does this tell you?

We don't have the data from the southern hemisphere....

Just 50 years or less don't mean shit to a planet 4.5 billion years old

How come it's always the dumb arse Neocons whackadoodles who don't believe climate change is happening

Perhaps it is because dumb arse neocons whackadoodles don't require numbskulls with letters after their names to do their thinking for them.

Is global warming occurring? Of course it is occurring, and has been since the apex of the last ice age. No need for a PHD to figure that out.

Is mankind contributing to global warming? Possibly, but then only on a slim margin of the natural occurrence. Too many other factors to figure mankind's contribution.

Can we 'fix' global warming? No, and it would be idiotic to destroy our economy and our way of life in a vain attempt to do so.

Find another windmill to tilt at.

What a load of fucking shit. Look at the modelling you moron. Seriously, I have no time to play nice with you fucking idiots anymore. You haven't a clue.
How come it's always the dumb arse Neocons whackadoodles who don't believe climate change is happening

OH it’s happening.... and it’s been happening for millions of years....

Tards just think man is causing it.....
They are. It's been proven. Again and again. I love it how it is only a certain sector of society (about 5% of the population) and they are the same types of people. Uneducated, neocon, Hillary-hating, "Obama was born in Kenya", I-love-my-guns-and-hate-abortions, fucking morons.
You have a list of all the scientist in the world ?

No I don't. But the vast majority of those who study climate are on my side. And no, if you think scientists fudge numbers to get money, you don't know anything about scientists. And do you know how many of the thousands of those who specialise in climate science would have to be in on the conspiracy to try and diddle you idiots out of tax-payers money to 'fund' their 'bogus' findings? You couldn't make this shit up.

I don't know who is worse, the anti-vaxers or the climate change deniers. Mind you, they are mostly the same people. No education, just googling shit on the internet to dodgy website to back up their POV..
You have a list of all the scientist in the world ?

No I don't. But the vast majority of those who study climate are on my side. And no, if you think scientists fudge numbers to get money, you don't know anything about scientists. And do you know how many of the thousands of those who specialise in climate science would have to be in on the conspiracy to try and diddle you idiots out of tax-payers money to 'fund' their 'bogus' findings? You couldn't make this shit up.

I don't know who is worse, the anti-vaxers or the climate change deniers. Mind you, they are mostly the same people. No education, just googling shit on the internet to dodgy website to back up their POV..
How do you know if you don’t have a list lol haha
Do you have a democrat grant list haha
You have a list of all the scientist in the world ?

No I don't. But the vast majority of those who study climate are on my side. And no, if you think scientists fudge numbers to get money, you don't know anything about scientists. And do you know how many of the thousands of those who specialise in climate science would have to be in on the conspiracy to try and diddle you idiots out of tax-payers money to 'fund' their 'bogus' findings? You couldn't make this shit up.

I don't know who is worse, the anti-vaxers or the climate change deniers. Mind you, they are mostly the same people. No education, just googling shit on the internet to dodgy website to back up their POV..
How do you know if you don’t have a list lol haha
Do you have a democrat grant list haha
You mean like the 10s of millions of dollars given to skeptics by the Koch brothers who actually do have an agenda in the energy industry, especially fossil fuels. Gee, no agenda there...
You have a list of all the scientist in the world ?

No I don't. But the vast majority of those who study climate are on my side. And no, if you think scientists fudge numbers to get money, you don't know anything about scientists. And do you know how many of the thousands of those who specialise in climate science would have to be in on the conspiracy to try and diddle you idiots out of tax-payers money to 'fund' their 'bogus' findings? You couldn't make this shit up.

I don't know who is worse, the anti-vaxers or the climate change deniers. Mind you, they are mostly the same people. No education, just googling shit on the internet to dodgy website to back up their POV..
How do you know if you don’t have a list lol haha
Do you have a democrat grant list haha
You mean like the 10s of millions of dollars given to skeptics by the Koch brothers who actually do have an agenda in the energy industry, especially fossil fuels. Gee, no agenda there...
Hey at least that’s private money lol
How come it's always the dumb arse Neocons whackadoodles who don't believe climate change is happening

OH it’s happening.... and it’s been happening for millions of years....

Tards just think man is causing it.....
They are. It's been proven. Again and again. I love it how it is only a certain sector of society (about 5% of the population) and they are the same types of people. Uneducated, neocon, Hillary-hating, "Obama was born in Kenya", I-love-my-guns-and-hate-abortions, fucking morons.

Dr. Dump...

You are so full of SHIT.....

Tell us what caused the climate to change before man?
You have a list of all the scientist in the world ?

No I don't. But the vast majority of those who study climate are on my side. And no, if you think scientists fudge numbers to get money, you don't know anything about scientists. And do you know how many of the thousands of those who specialise in climate science would have to be in on the conspiracy to try and diddle you idiots out of tax-payers money to 'fund' their 'bogus' findings? You couldn't make this shit up.

I don't know who is worse, the anti-vaxers or the climate change deniers. Mind you, they are mostly the same people. No education, just googling shit on the internet to dodgy website to back up their POV..

Lol....s0n you still dont get it.

The " scientists are on my side".....

Here the problem.....the science has yet to transcend beyond it's own field. Indeed.... In the real world what the scientists are saying is not mattering. So maybe you're on the side of the scientists but not many other people are. Its a billboards/banner used by progressives and nobody else!! If it is not promoting any climate change action..... which it is not..... then it is not mattering. Clearly Congress could not give a flying f*** about what the scientists are saying about climate change..... for 20 years now.

So you certainly could go on spiking the football......the problem is your side is losing 64 - 7!!! :2up::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:

Spiking the football on symbolic shit is ghey
People will start caring about climate change action when they wake up some morning and bikini-clad babes are jet skiing on a lake in the middle of Alaska in January for 3 weeks! But not a moment sooner! Doy:flirtysmile4:

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