Good Question.Will Climate Change Back To Global Warming Through September Again?

and it’s been happening for millions of years...
Really? Are you sure? Who taught you that, Deno?

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Cute crayon drawings, dude.

Your showing how uneducated you are...

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By posting pictures? Wow, that's...adorable.

Pictures are worth a million words and plus when the written language was not around...uhm but you didn't know that did you?

Prove me wrong

he doesn't need to prove anything to you. You're a moron. All intelligent people agree with the scientists. Only conspiracy theorists, Neocon wing nuts and hacks don't believe in it. Which categories do you fall under?

You couldn't prove it, if you wanted to. Anyone who makes the statement that "all intelligent people agree with the scientists", is not one of those intelligent people.

BTW, which is the greater greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, or water vapor?
A science quiz, eh? When you're not here sparring with non scientists, to you go quiz the scientists who taught you the answer to your question? Because that would be interesting.

Who the fuck is a non scientist and where did scientist learn?

Seriously dude, one of the reasons we have local weather records 100's of years ago is from ship logs, local bee keepers and the like, not from "scientist"

Why is it that the left seems to talk about "Climate Change" in the fall/winter/spring,,then come mid-june/July,,all of a sudden we are experiencing "Global Warming". Right?
And don't be surprised if they start this up again once many of the 57 degrees start getting into the 90's soon.

Global warming is real man. Here, look at this chart Al Gore made,


As you can see global warming isn’t something to joke about.
Prove me wrong

he doesn't need to prove anything to you. You're a moron. All intelligent people agree with the scientists. Only conspiracy theorists, Neocon wing nuts and hacks don't believe in it. Which categories do you fall under?

You couldn't prove it, if you wanted to. Anyone who makes the statement that "all intelligent people agree with the scientists", is not one of those intelligent people.

BTW, which is the greater greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, or water vapor?
A science quiz, eh? When you're not here sparring with non scientists, to you go quiz the scientists who taught you the answer to your question? Because that would be interesting.

Who the fuck is a non scientist and where did scientist learn?

Seriously dude, one of the reasons we have local weather records 100's of years ago is from ship logs, local bee keepers and the like, not from "scientist"


British Weather from 1700 to 1849
Martin Rowley has put together a wonderful site bringing together information about the weather in Britain. Of particular interest (to me anyway) is the historical data from 4000BC(!) until the present day. You can find it all at:

With Martin's generous permission I have extracted the weather data from 1700 to 1849 and displayed it here. Given the sometimes informal nature of the historical sources, it is necessarily a little patchy but it makes for fascinating reading.

Hot weather event
Cold weather event
Dry weather event
Wet weather event
Stormy weather event
Foggy weather event
References: hold mouse over the image to view

1700 to 1749
Description Ref
first half of 18th C.
It was 'remarkably dry' overall Britain and near continent. Seems to have been notably dry in the London area. Dry years were common, while wet years were few & far between. Only 5 wet summers during this period compared with 16 during the 2nd half.

A dry summer (London/South).

1701 (January)
29th(NS): Severe southerly gale [after period of severe frost during first-half of month]; many ships wrecked, trees blown down and buildings damaged in southern England (includes East Anglia).

1701 (April)
Very cold: CET=4.7 deg C. Equal coldest April (with 1837) in that series. (Probably also dry as notably cold spring months tend to be anticyclonic).

1701 (Spring & summer)
Little rain for several months before May; warm summer (London/South). In the Upminster record (Essex), the rainfall for March was 0.79 ins / 20 mm, & for April, the figure was 0.29 ins / 7 mm.
One of the 10 warmest Julys in the CET record. The value was 18.3degC, being well in excess of +2C anomaly on the all-series mean.

1702 Waterspout (?) caused damage at Hatfield (Hertfordshire?) on 21st June.
[ Odd report / location for a 'waterspout'! ]

Very wet from April to July.

1703 (November)
The 'Great Storm' of 1703 which commenced on Friday 26th November (old-style, 7th December new-style) was probably the worst ever experienced in England; it is described by Defoe in his work: "The Storm 1703". This storm was associated with a deep secondary depression which swept across Ireland, Wales & central England; it is possible that this secondary developed from a West Indian hurricane which had been off the coast of Florida a few days previously. The gale first blew from the south, then veered to west-south-west and finally to north-west. The southern half of the country felt the full force of the storm and it was worst in London on the nights of Friday 26th November(OS) and Tuesday 30th November(OS), when bricks, tiles
where did scientist learn?
From doing science...? You know, the very thing you are denying.

Seriously dude, one of the reasons we have local weather records 100's of years ago is from ship logs, local bee keepers and the like, not from "scientist"
And not one of those people could or would have compiled the data and ran experiments and simulations and found signals in the data, then testing their predictive value. We need scientists for that. Your statement is stupid. We also couldn't have disease reports and vector discovery without sick people and nurses. Same thing. You're being silly.
You couldn't prove it, if you wanted to. Anyone who makes the statement that "all intelligent people agree with the scientists", is not one of those intelligent people.

BTW, which is the greater greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, or water vapor?
A science quiz, eh? When you're not here sparring with non scientists, to you go quiz the scientists who taught you the answer to your question? Because that would be interesting.

Why would I need a scientist to teach me basic physics?
I want you to think about the absurdity of that question. Take, say, 5 minutes.

The only thing I find absurd, is that you obviously do not know the answer.
Well, professor, scientists taught us "basic" physics. Furthermore, the physics of the answer to your question is actually not so "basic"; i seriously doubt you could explain the correct answer and why it is true, even if your life depended on it.

Point being, you obviously think you and your "basic physics" repertoire can handle the experts. So, i ask again: do you ever quiz them? Surely you have more than one zinger of a question in your repertoire.

Water vapor accounts for about 80% of global greenhouse effect. CO and CO2 account for less than 20%.

Next zinger, how much variability is there in atmospheric water vapor?
where did scientist learn?
From doing science...? You know, the very thing you are denying.

Seriously dude, one of the reasons we have local weather records 100's of years ago is from ship logs, local bee keepers and the like, not from "scientist"
And not one of those people could or would have compiled the data and ran experiments and simulations and found signals in the data, then testing their predictive value. We need scientists for that. Your statement is stupid. We also couldn't have disease reports and vector discovery without sick people and nurses. Same thing. You're being silly.

Translation~ you just admitted we don't have the data ..

where did scientist learn?
From doing science...? You know, the very thing you are denying.

Seriously dude, one of the reasons we have local weather records 100's of years ago is from ship logs, local bee keepers and the like, not from "scientist"
And not one of those people could or would have compiled the data and ran experiments and simulations and found signals in the data, then testing their predictive value. We need scientists for that. Your statement is stupid. We also couldn't have disease reports and vector discovery without sick people and nurses. Same thing. You're being silly.

Translation~ you just admitted we don't have the data ..


Interesting...wonder what happened to the records between 1836 and 1856?

Weather records from 1800s prove fairly accurate

CHAMPAIGN — Ink and quill hand-written weather records from nearly 200 years ago have proven to be accurate despite the primitive technology available at the time

While Angel and Graham didn’t see temperatures that would break today’s records, they did find other interesting historical insights:

* On Feb. 8, 1931, the observer reported a temperature of -12 degrees at 7 a.m. and “30 inches of snow on the level.”

* On July 21, 1820, the records referred to a “violent hurricane.” Angel and Graham assume that likely referred to either a tornado or severe thunderstorm with strong winds.

The records also include comments, such as ducks flying south, the condition of crops and other events of everyday life.

“It was like reading someone’s diary,” Graham said.

The records are the oldest ever found in Illinois. The next oldest weather records are in Peoria that has continuous weather reports going back to 1856. The latest find still leaves a weather record gap between 1836 and 1856.

Images of the original records found in Rock Island can be found on the Water Survey website at Fort Armstrong Weather Records (1820-1836), Illinois State Water Survey, U of I
where did scientist learn?
From doing science...? You know, the very thing you are denying.

Seriously dude, one of the reasons we have local weather records 100's of years ago is from ship logs, local bee keepers and the like, not from "scientist"
And not one of those people could or would have compiled the data and ran experiments and simulations and found signals in the data, then testing their predictive value. We need scientists for that. Your statement is stupid. We also couldn't have disease reports and vector discovery without sick people and nurses. Same thing. You're being silly.

Translation~ you just admitted we don't have the data ..


Interesting...wonder what happened to the records between 1836 and 1856?

Weather records from 1800s prove fairly accurate

CHAMPAIGN — Ink and quill hand-written weather records from nearly 200 years ago have proven to be accurate despite the primitive technology available at the time

While Angel and Graham didn’t see temperatures that would break today’s records, they did find other interesting historical insights:

* On Feb. 8, 1931, the observer reported a temperature of -12 degrees at 7 a.m. and “30 inches of snow on the level.”

* On July 21, 1820, the records referred to a “violent hurricane.” Angel and Graham assume that likely referred to either a tornado or severe thunderstorm with strong winds.

The records also include comments, such as ducks flying south, the condition of crops and other events of everyday life.

“It was like reading someone’s diary,” Graham said.

The records are the oldest ever found in Illinois. The next oldest weather records are in Peoria that has continuous weather reports going back to 1856. The latest find still leaves a weather record gap between 1836 and 1856.

Images of the original records found in Rock Island can be found on the Water Survey website at Fort Armstrong Weather Records (1820-1836), Illinois State Water Survey, U of I

Yup you read it our weather records consist of ducks flying south for the winter in the 1800's

Prove me wrong

he doesn't need to prove anything to you. You're a moron. All intelligent people agree with the scientists. Only conspiracy theorists, Neocon wing nuts and hacks don't believe in it. Which categories do you fall under?

You couldn't prove it, if you wanted to. Anyone who makes the statement that "all intelligent people agree with the scientists", is not one of those intelligent people.

BTW, which is the greater greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, or water vapor?
A science quiz, eh? When you're not here sparring with non scientists, to you go quiz the scientists who taught you the answer to your question? Because that would be interesting.

So would you go to your doctor to learn Algebra or would you??????

Girolamo Cardano

Educated at the universities of Pavia and Padua, Cardano received his medical degree in 1526. In 1534 he moved to Milan, where he lived in great poverty until he became a lecturer in mathematics. Admitted to the college of physicians in 1539, he soon became rector. His fame as a physician grew rapidly, and many of Europe’s crowned heads solicited his services; however, he valued his independence too much to become a court physician. In 1543 he accepted a professorship in medicine in Pavia.

Cardano was the most outstanding mathematician of his time. In 1539 he published two books on arithmetic embodying his popular lectures, the more important being Practica arithmetica et mensurandi singularis(“Practice of Mathematics and Individual Measurements”). His Ars magna (1545) contained the solution of the cubic equation, for which he was indebted to the Venetian mathematician Niccolò Tartaglia, and also the solution of the quartic equation found by Cardano’s former servant, Lodovico Ferrari. His Liber de ludo aleae (The Book on Games of Chance) presents the first systematic computations of probabilities, a century before Blaise Pascaland Pierre de Fermat. Cardano’s popular fame was based largely on books dealing with scientific and philosophical questions, especially De subtilitate rerum(“The Subtlety of Things”), a collection of physical experiments and inventions, interspersed with anecdotes.
Cardano was the most outstanding mathematician of his time. In 1539 he published two books on arithmetic embodying his popular lectures, the more important being Practica arithmetica et mensurandi singularis(“Practice of Mathematics and Individual Measurements”). His Ars magna (1545) contained the solution of the cubic equation, for which he was indebted to the Venetian mathematician Niccolò Tartaglia, and also the solution of the quartic equation found by Cardano’s former servant, Lodovico Ferrari. His Liber de ludo aleae (The Book on Games of Chance) presents the first systematic computations of probabilities, a century before Blaise Pascaland Pierre de Fermat. Cardano’s popular fame was based largely on books dealing with scientific and philosophical questions, especially De subtilitate rerum(“The Subtlety of Things”), a collection of physical experiments and inventions, interspersed with anecdotes.
No, it came about to accommodate inaccurate info in order to perpetuate the AGW propaganda.
AGW is ‘warming’ -only and it’s based on greenhouse effect theory. Not cooling or atmospheric evaporational theory.
I'm sorry, that is incorrect. It was an attempt to get certain less intelligent people to understand what is happening.
Most scientists disagree with you
Lol, 3% is far from most my gullible friend.
Your 3 % are idiots who are bought and paid for whores..

Legates Et Al put it into perspective when Cook lied about the "97%" bull shit...

Out of 11944 papers they took 77 that fit their narrative and ignored the rest that said their narrative was bull shit. Why would you left tards lie like that? Because your fantasy is a lie..

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I just love that left wing propagandist..
Sorry, that's climate denier propaganda. In other words a lie.
Standard Liberal Fuck Tard defense... No facts just screaming at the sky... Nice.....

Next time you want to lose your ass try some of your failed modeling you crybabies say is FACT..
How come it's always the dumb arse Neocons whackadoodles who don't believe climate change is happening

Perhaps it is because dumb arse neocons whackadoodles don't require numbskulls with letters after their names to do their thinking for them.

Is global warming occurring? Of course it is occurring, and has been since the apex of the last ice age. No need for a PHD to figure that out.

Is mankind contributing to global warming? Possibly, but then only on a slim margin of the natural occurrence. Too many other factors to figure mankind's contribution.

Can we 'fix' global warming? No, and it would be idiotic to destroy our economy and our way of life in a vain attempt to do so.

Find another windmill to tilt at.

Even your god the IPCC says what they are doing is a ruse and a scam...

otmar edenhoffer.PNG
Where I live we have the 2nd worst performing schools and the 2nd highest crime in the state and the DC area. Been that way for 35 years.
So our county council recently outlawed fracking.
So, if the council and the federal government decided to pour extra money and resources into addressing both, you would be cool with it?
What was that question for?

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