Good Riddance Guaidó: he was supposed to be appealing, human face of US-backed regime change. His ouster as "interim president" is proof of US failure


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Juan Guaidó is no longer the president of Venezuela

He never was, of course. Ever since 2019, when Guaidó used his position as head of Venezuela’s opposition-led legislature to declare himself president of an “interim” government that never did much actual governing, observers have had a lot of fun sharing memes of the man announcing that he was everything from the UK’s new monarch to the winner of 2020’s dysfunctional Iowa caucus. But as of this week, Guaidó can no longer even use the title of fictional president.

with the opposition failing to get the military on its side and with regime change efforts marked by the kind of incompetence you’d normally see in a Police Academy movie, Guaidó was left treading water, struggling to organize new protests the size of those in 2019 and occasionally reminding the world he still existed — as when he endorsed the far-right incumbent Jair Bolsonaro in this year’s Brazilian elections

Looking like he’d been grown in the same political petri dish as Barack Obama or Emmanuel Macron, Guaidó was meant to give a soft, liberal-ish face to Mike Pompeo and Elliott Abrams’s efforts to topple Maduro and replace him with a pliant, business-friendly government. But as his backing of Bolsonaro hinted at, Guaidó was far from the anodyne crusader for democracy and anti-corruption much of the press portrayed him as.

In reality, it appears that Guaidó was more or less a sock puppet for imprisoned opposition leader Leopoldo López, an (to quote the US State Department) “arrogant, vindictive, and power-hungry” corporate scion who had played a leading role in the failed 2002 coup against Hugo Chávez. According to the Associated Press, López and his “loyal acolyte” Guaidó talked half a dozen times each day and closely coordinated every one of the latter’s moves and speeches

It didn’t help, too, that Guaidó’s “interim government” — to which Donald Trump’s administration had handed control of some US-held Venezuelan assets it had seized — was marred by a corruption scandal, nor that the “president” himself drew all the wrong headlines after being photographed putting his arms around members of a Colombian drug-trafficking paramilitary. The expiry of the five-year terms of opposition legislators in January 2021 and their boycott of legislative elections further undermined his government’s claim to legitimacy, largely the only thing it had going for it. By the time he started a new year as “acting president” in 2022, Guaidó had about as much claim to the Venezuelan presidency as I do

In the end, Maduro clung on to power thanks to the key backing of his military and the support of Turkey, China, and Russia. But what really sealed Guaidó’s fate was the war in Ukraine, with the resulting energy shocks leading Joe Biden’s administration and Europe to begrudgingly soften their opposition to Maduro and start dealing with his government and the sizable oil reserves it controlled out of necessity. The symbolic dagger in the heart of Guaidó’s legitimacy may well have been at the COP27 summit this past November in Egypt, where Maduro had several friendly interactions with US climate envoy John Kerry and European leaders like French president Macron, who pointedly called him “president.”

Venezuela still has serious challenges ahead, including the massive corruption and repression that have marked Maduro’s leadership, the question of what happens to the seized assets granted to the now-dissolved opposition “government,” and the wider political crisis that brought Guaidó to prominence in the first place. But a US-backed effort to overthrow Venezuela’s government and replace it with a friendly, right-wing puppet was, to put it mildly, an inappropriate and destructive way to try alleviate its people’s suffering, much of which is the result of brutal and needless sanctions the US government could lift at any time.

Venezuela has ninety-nine problems, but at least Juan Guaidó is no longer one.

Juan Guaidó is no longer the president of Venezuela

He never was, of course. Ever since 2019, when Guaidó used his position as head of Venezuela’s opposition-led legislature to declare himself president of an “interim” government that never did much actual governing, observers have had a lot of fun sharing memes of the man announcing that he was everything from the UK’s new monarch to the winner of 2020’s dysfunctional Iowa caucus. But as of this week, Guaidó can no longer even use the title of fictional president.

with the opposition failing to get the military on its side and with regime change efforts marked by the kind of incompetence you’d normally see in a Police Academy movie, Guaidó was left treading water, struggling to organize new protests the size of those in 2019 and occasionally reminding the world he still existed — as when he endorsed the far-right incumbent Jair Bolsonaro in this year’s Brazilian elections

Looking like he’d been grown in the same political petri dish as Barack Obama or Emmanuel Macron, Guaidó was meant to give a soft, liberal-ish face to Mike Pompeo and Elliott Abrams’s efforts to topple Maduro and replace him with a pliant, business-friendly government. But as his backing of Bolsonaro hinted at, Guaidó was far from the anodyne crusader for democracy and anti-corruption much of the press portrayed him as.

In reality, it appears that Guaidó was more or less a sock puppet for imprisoned opposition leader Leopoldo López, an (to quote the US State Department) “arrogant, vindictive, and power-hungry” corporate scion who had played a leading role in the failed 2002 coup against Hugo Chávez. According to the Associated Press, López and his “loyal acolyte” Guaidó talked half a dozen times each day and closely coordinated every one of the latter’s moves and speeches

It didn’t help, too, that Guaidó’s “interim government” — to which Donald Trump’s administration had handed control of some US-held Venezuelan assets it had seized — was marred by a corruption scandal, nor that the “president” himself drew all the wrong headlines after being photographed putting his arms around members of a Colombian drug-trafficking paramilitary. The expiry of the five-year terms of opposition legislators in January 2021 and their boycott of legislative elections further undermined his government’s claim to legitimacy, largely the only thing it had going for it. By the time he started a new year as “acting president” in 2022, Guaidó had about as much claim to the Venezuelan presidency as I do

In the end, Maduro clung on to power thanks to the key backing of his military and the support of Turkey, China, and Russia. But what really sealed Guaidó’s fate was the war in Ukraine, with the resulting energy shocks leading Joe Biden’s administration and Europe to begrudgingly soften their opposition to Maduro and start dealing with his government and the sizable oil reserves it controlled out of necessity. The symbolic dagger in the heart of Guaidó’s legitimacy may well have been at the COP27 summit this past November in Egypt, where Maduro had several friendly interactions with US climate envoy John Kerry and European leaders like French president Macron, who pointedly called him “president.”

Venezuela still has serious challenges ahead, including the massive corruption and repression that have marked Maduro’s leadership, the question of what happens to the seized assets granted to the now-dissolved opposition “government,” and the wider political crisis that brought Guaidó to prominence in the first place. But a US-backed effort to overthrow Venezuela’s government and replace it with a friendly, right-wing puppet was, to put it mildly, an inappropriate and destructive way to try alleviate its people’s suffering, much of which is the result of brutal and needless sanctions the US government could lift at any time.

Venezuela has ninety-nine problems, but at least Juan Guaidó is no longer one.

Are you admitting that you support the communist dictatorship of Maduro?
Have you been to Venezuela recently ... or ever? ... Jimmy Story is head-of-state de facto ... do you know nothing of Latin American politics ...
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Have you been to Venezuela recently ... or ever? ... Jimmy Story is head-of-state de facto ... do you know nothing of Latin American politics ...
i've been to Venezuela numerous times. i go all around the world for free. don't ask me how. white privilege!
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the cumulative effects of US sanctions against Venezuela are like Darth Vader’s death grip upon that country. These sanctions are deadly, and they are killing Venezuelans. The US is attempting to starve out the people of Venezuela, as it has the peoples of so many other countries—e.g., Chile, Iran, Nicaragua—until they bend to its will. Meanwhile, the US and its compliant media blame Venezuela for starving.
Good honest article by Reuters. Only lunatic Trump cultists and MAGAnuts would say it supports Maduro’s regime.

I would add:

“In a poll taken by Venezuela’s Andres Bello University in November, only 6% of Venezuelans said they would vote for Guaidó if he participated in presidential primaries next year…”

Also: The amount of money stolen by Guaido and his pals from the foreign Venezuelan assets and funds put under his control by the U.S. will probably never be uncovered. Difficult negotiations over paying debts of the Venezuelan government to past private creditors and guaranteeing more democratic rights to opposition candidates in future elections are going on as we speak.

If these negotiations are successful enough to allow for an end to most remaining U.S. sanctions against Venezuela, the people there will again have a chance to live within their own country, and the massive emigration of Venezuelans to South American countries and the Southern U.S. border should reverse or diminish rapidly. A very similar situation exists with Cubans and Nicaraguans, who together with Venezuelans make up a very large number of those seeking “political refuge” at our Southern borders.
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the US is the Empire in this saga unfolding, not just in Venezuela, but around the world. With its one thousand or so bases around the globe, the US is an empire dwarfing all others that preceded it by a huge magnitude, and yet, unlike all other empires, the US will never consciously admit to its imperial status
Good honest article by Reuters. Only lunatic Trump cultists and MAGAnuts would say it supports Maduro’s regime.

I would add:

“In a poll taken by Venezuela’s Andres Bello University in November, only 6% of Venezuelans said they would vote for Guaidó if he participated in presidential primaries next year…”

Also: The amount of money stolen by Guaido and his pals from the foreign Venezuelan assets and funds put under his control by the U.S. will probably never be uncovered. Difficult negotiations over paying debts of the Venezuelan government to past private creditors and guaranteeing more democratic rights to opposition candidates in future elections are going on as we speak.

If these negotiations are successful enough to allow for an end to most remaining U.S. sanctions against Venezuela, the people there will again have a chance to live within their own country, and the massive emigration of Venezuelans to South American countries and the Southern U.S. border should reverse or diminish rapidly. A very similar situation exists with Cubans and Nicaraguans, who together with Venezuelans make up a very large number of those seeking “political refuge” at our Southern borders.
The negotiations are never going to return Venezuela a market economy and thereby make it prosperous. So long as Maduro and his henchmen are in power, the emigration problem will persist.
the cumulative effects of US sanctions against Venezuela are like Darth Vader’s death grip upon that country. These sanctions are deadly, and they are killing Venezuelans. The US is attempting to starve out the people of Venezuela, as it has the peoples of so many other countries—e.g., Chile, Iran, Nicaragua—until they bend to its will. Meanwhile, the US and its compliant media blame Venezuela for starving.
It's their own government that is killing Venezuelans.
if the US is the Empire in this morality tale, then surely Venezuela and its people are the outgunned rebels. And yet, many Americans who should know better, including many liberals and self-proclaimed “leftists,” find themselves rooting against them and for the Empire and its culture of death. How befitting, meanwhile, that the US’s imperial plans for Venezuela are being led by a real-life villain—Elliott Abrams—a convicted liar and an accomplice in some of the US’s worst crimes in Latin America.
if the US is the Empire in this morality tale, then surely Venezuela and its people are the outgunned rebels. And yet, many Americans who should know better, including many liberals and self-proclaimed “leftists,” find themselves rooting against them and for the Empire and its culture of death. How befitting, meanwhile, that the US’s imperial plans for Venezuela are being led by a real-life villain—Elliott Abrams—a convicted liar and an accomplice in some of the US’s worst crimes in Latin America.
The socialist who run Venezuela are a gang of thugs. They are looting the country and all its people. Maduro is a fat slug
You are guilty.
of being awesome?

A recent article in Foreign Af airs tells us what lay in store for the longsuffering people of Venezuela should the US decide that it can only get what it wants (Venezuela’s rich oil supply) by a military invasion. As Foreign Af airs explains, in a quite disturbingly dispassionate and clinical fashion, one possible scenario would be, and this is their words, “Death from Above.” 1 And “Death from Above” could look something like this:

"In the worst-case scenario, a precision strike operation would last for months, killing possibly thousands of civilians, destroying much of what remains of Venezuela’s economy, and wiping out the state security forces. The result would be anarchy. Militias and other armed criminal groups would roam the streets of major cities unchecked, wreaking havoc. More than eight million Venezuelans would likely flee. The chaos would likely lead the United States to send in ground troops in order either to finally dislodge the regime and its security forces or to provide security once the dictatorship had collapsed."

Foreign Affairs notes that we know this is a very real scenario, as we know from other US regime change operations such as the one that has left Libya a wasteland where slaves are now being sold openly in markets. In quite typical fashion, Foreign Af airs does not advocate such an operation, but only because it would have negative consequences for the US. The suffering of the Venezuelan people is at best an afterthought.

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