Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

And I don't mind a Prez that isn't afraid to ask stupid questions.,. I've been in enough science/tech meetings with stupid questions -- including a few of my own.. And it's PART of having honest, open inquiry.. And SOMETIMES leads to breakthroughs...

And here y'all are going all NIGHT on the political angle.. Like politicians never say stupid things. It's the TRANSPARENT ones ASKING questions that have "leadership" ability...

Now he claims he was just being sarcastic.

Could have been.. I do not GET the reaction to this.. WHAT was suggesting people "inject"?? The discussion was about COvid sensitivity to UV... It's a TRUE game changer for cleaning LARGE open areas effectively without exposing dozens of maintenance workers... Any RATIONAL person believe that Trump was motivating people to go buy a 3 ft UV fiber optic illuminator and EAT IT??

This is just an insane way to BLOW OFF the most important part of this story...
"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether its ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said, that hasn't been checked but you're gonna test it. And then I said, supposing it brought the light inside the body, which you can either do either through the skin or some other way, and I think you said you're gonna test that too, sounds interesting."

Yes ultraviolet light can kill the virus if the exposure is long enough and the light is intense enough but so will chlorine bleach. It certainly could have a use as disinfectant but certainly not as a treatment. You can not disinfect the lungs. UV light damages cells. If somehow you could expose the lungs to high levels of UV, it would most probably kill the patient long before Covid 19 did.

The real damage is not that someone with covid 19 would somehow expose their lungs to UV. The damage comes from pulling researchers off promising treatments to explore a Trump brain fort.

So he publicly was thinking on his feet and asked a dumb question.. Happens in science/tech meetings all the fucking time -- with people who should KNOW the answers.. Sometimes even "sarcastically",... And ya know what???? Some times those dumb questions turn on lightbulbs in peoples heads... Everyone here has their hair on fire because Trump DARED to be nakedly transparent in a public space... The fact that he's ENGAGED is a lot more attractive then the do-nothing ankle biters making shit up... AND the American people are seeing that contrast in leadership laid bare...

I'd worry more about the blazing ruins of party leadership on the OTHER side right now given how little they need to contribute to the Covid solutions...
New York (CNN Business) The company that makes Lysol and Dettol is urging customers not to consume its cleaning products after President Donald Trump suggested the possibility of injecting disinfectants to protect people from coronavirus.

Lysol maker: Please don't drink our cleaning products

No what's unbelievable is that you and these left wing companies THINK people are this dam stupid in life. Only in demoncrat la-la world does people have to be told not to drink Clorox, pine soil etc. Wow.
Lots of people are stupid. Hell look at all the people that voted for Drumpf and still support him. Theyre fucking idiots. Lysol did right by telling them that under no circumstances should any disinfectant be ingested, injected or deposited in the body. Thats what you call responsible. What Drumpf did is what you call idiotic and irresponsible.
And what are you to think that he was suggesting any such thing ? A gullable yet clever diabolical devil stuck on the Democrat plantation ? Yep that bee's you if think in these ways.
I'm a highly intelligent non Drumpf supporter. Why do you ask?
American Thinker

Trump’s idea for “disinfecting” people to fight disease is already being done

By Andrea Widburg

April 25, 2020


If you spent any time on the internet on Thursday and Friday, or read a hard copy of a newspaper, you would undoubtedly have read stories or social media posts saying that President Trump told Americans to inject themselves with bleach or Lysol to cure coronavirus. Of course, that's not true. The media were either stupid or malicious when they misreported Trump's words. What Trump said was straightforward and thoughtful:


Monica Showalter, who knows a great deal, explained in her post that ignoramuses have always laughed at visionaries. In this case, though, Trump wasn’t just a visionary. What he theorized has already been happening.

One of the available treatments for cancer is Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation Therapy. Ultraviolet light has long been understood to be a disinfectant that destroys nucleic acids and disrupts DNA. The sun’s ultraviolet light is why it’s one of the most effective ways to destroy the COVID-19 virus when it’s on objects or aerosolized. The question is whether that same ultraviolet energy can be used inside the human body. Apparently, it can:



Read the rest about the disinfectant part, that has been used intravenously since at least 1989.
Trumps idea was sarcasm, remember? Which makes you the fool for propping up his non-existent idea. :laughing0301: What a fucking idiot.

It is obvious you didn't read the article since it doesn't matter if the President was sarcastic or not, you idiots took it seriously and mocked him for it, even twisting his words to create a false narrative to say it isn't happening, when it has been happening after all.

The article you didn't read shows that UV light has been used for a while:

"One of the available treatments for cancer is Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation Therapy. Ultraviolet light has long been understood to be a disinfectant that destroys nucleic acids and disrupts DNA."


and actually injecting HYDROGEN PEROXIDE intravenously:

Likewise, since 1989, people have been using hydrogen peroxide intravenously to kill bacteria and viruses:

In IV H2O2 therapy, Hydrogen peroxide is infused into the circulatory system through a vein in the arm. It drips in over a ninety-minute period. Five cc of pharmaceutical-grade, three-percent hydrogen peroxide are put in 500 cc five percent glucose in water as a carrier solution. Two grams of magnesium chloride are added along with a small amount of manganese to prevent vein sclerosis.
In the blood, it encounters two enzymes: catalase and cytochrome-C. Catalase drives the above reaction to completion immediately. That part of the hydrogen peroxide that binds with cytochrome-C, however, is not allowed to become water and singlet oxygen for a period of forty minutes. After forty minutes of being bound to cytochrome-C this enzyme begins to act like catalase and breaks down the hydrogen peroxide to water and singlet oxygen. By this time, the hydrogen peroxide/cytochrome-C complex has been spread throughout the body. In this way the benefits of hydrogen peroxide are made available to all cells.
The effect of singlet oxygen in the human body is twofold. It kills, or severely inhibits the growth of, anaerobic organisms (bacteria and viruses that use carbon dioxide for fuel and leave oxygen as a by-product). This action is immediate, on contact with the anaerobic organism. Anaerobic bacteria are pathogens, the organisms which cause disease. All viruses are anaerobic.


From POST One:

"Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please)."


Post 12:

Oh, shit. Talk about drinking fish tank cleaner. Some dopes are going to try a Clorox cocktail. Or Lysol -- with a twist?


Post 17:

Listening to Trump ramble at these pressers is like watching a slow motion train wreck unfold. Unlike a real train wreck, this one gets repeated the day after. And then the next day, and so on.

and Post 18:

best brain evah.

Post 21:

Honestly, the only thing that's missing from these pressers are people in MAGA hats standing behind him. He's completely lost it.


Shall I go on, showing how feeble leftists really are in response to the Presidents statements?

He was not wrong anyway, since they do indeed the very thing he was commenting and questioning about. But he NEVER said drink the stuff, that is one of the false narratives miserable leftist invented because they are scum.

It was so easy to do some simple research, as I did to find they DO use disinfectant and UV light on their patients.
. The common use of disinfectant

Trump is under no obligation to use words commonly!!!!!!!, obviously! Words have many meanings and nuances. Do you think Trump ever drank bleach or Lysol?? What does that teach you about your your TDS??
As a leader your job is to speak where even the dumb ones such as yourself can understand. No one walks around saying they are going to pour some antibiotics in the white laundry or they are going to take some disinfectant to get rid pink eye. Drumpf used the term disinfectant and Bleach. Sorry bud. No matter how much of a pretty pretzel you twist yourself into trying to cover up for his last fuckup he will always be an incompetent fuckup.

The "disinfectant" is a word that any idiot can understand. Yet, for you lefties was way too hard, so you had to change it to "bleach", because that is the only disinfectant your underdeveloped brains could think of.

You see, the reporter is the one who said bleach, not Trump. If reporter said, "colloidal silver" he would probably sound knowledgeable on topic, but noooooo, he said "bleach" and you leftist morons fell for it.

“And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute "

"Disinfectants are meant to kill germs or viruses on hard surfaces. Under no circumstances should they ever be used on one’s skin, ingested or injected internally,”
-The American Cleaning Institute.

There was at least one smart repub.

Rep. Will Hurd of Texas was one of the first Republican lawmakers Friday to break with the White House over Trump’s enthusiasm for disinfectants, saying elected officials should “leave the guidance on health to health professionals.”

You just proved my point.

When Trump said "disinfectant", you lefties thought of "bleach", because you're too shallow.

There are many substances that are disinfectants not used for cleaning hard surfaces. For instance, you could nebulize and inhale iodine, which is safe disinfectant. I don't think it would help for corona virus, but it's the least harmful disinfectant I know of to use on the human body. I also mentioned colloidal silver, that can be absorbed in the body, and it's also been used as a "remedy" for centuries. I don't know its effectiveness or lack of it, just that ingesting too much of it would cause Argyria. Silver is naturally anti-pathogen, and some health application use it (like some bandages have silver in them).

So tell me, why reporter who followed up with the question did not think of any disinfectant other than bleach, that has no use in medicine at all? Further, is there any reason you accepted the lie that Trump said "bleach" other than you've been just plain stupid?
"So tell me, why reporter who followed up with the question did not think of any disinfectant other than bleach, that has no use in medicine at all?"

The reporter thought of "bleach" as a disinfectant
because it was on the slide behind Bill Bryan under the title, "commonly available disinfectants"...


It never ceases to amaze me to see just how retarded you people can be.
YOU JUST ADMITED the reporter is to blame for making up a word not used in the instance he injected into the conversation, that it was used in reference to making buildings/businesses safer, the sunlight joke was about holding your hands to the sunlight to dissinfect your hands and thus MSM Deceptively blended it with injecting (poor choice of words)the building with dissinfectants that had nothing to do with injecting sun light or bleach into the body.
The media needed to do what they always do to make up something to offset Bidens stupid remarks and smokescreen Biden's sexual deviance being outted.
Is it my fault you're a moron? Again... no... the reporter did not just pluck "bleach" out of thin air.

It was presented to reporters as one of the disinfectants used to kill coronavirus virus.

The New York Daily News reported the New York Poison Control Centre received 30 calls about Lysol, bleach and other household cleaners between 9pm on Thursday and 3pm on Friday – compared to 13 calls about the same products taken during the same 18-hour period last year.

Morons be morons.. Don't use the god given noodle on your shoulders to DEFENSIVELY read news or "journalism" cum tabloid bird cage liner.. Let's THINK TOGETHER HERE...

So 17 more people called compared to last year in the same period.. Maybe just a little bit over DOUBLED.. Is this statistic VALID to confirm a causation with the Trump farts? Probably not. But I don't know and neither do you... WHY -- you stupidly ask?????

Because they DID NOT report the increase from the BEGINNINGS of the Covid panic.. The stores have been OUT of bleach, lysol, and medical alcohol for WEEKS.... Shelves have been picked bare by hoarders for over a MONTH in my area.. SO -- COULD IT BE that folks commanded to STAYING AT HOME have been reflexively USING THIS PRODUCTS in TREMENDOUSLY higher volume since say March????

WE DONT KNOW -- because the reporting on this SUCKS wads... And to KNOW -- you'd have to do more than compare ONE 18 hour period in a day to the same ONE 18 hour period a year ago...

BUT -- keep on flinging the poo with your brain in Neutral -- I'm FULLY entertained by the HEROIC EFFORTS you're making to save people during this crisis... :biggrin:

MEANWHILE -- I'm researching and developing 2 new UV based products that will help clean public spaces and save THOUSANDS of lives and change the way some buildings and public transit options get designed for lowering exposure to infectious diseases... I'm gonna be a bit TOO ENGAGED to watch this social anthropology experiment in manufactured outrage. But it's been fun and frightening to watch how society has degraded.
Why did he say injection if he didnt mean inject?

he meant injection of a medicinal disinfectant much like an injection of an antiviral or antibiotic. 1+1=2

Does your TDS tell you that he wanted to inject household bleach??

He said "disinfectant", because it kills the virus so quickly.

Every time Dumb Donald says something truly irredeemably stupid, his staffers, and you fools first try to pretend he didn't say what we just heard him say. Shown the clip, you say "It was taken out of context". We show you the whole interview for context, and it's "He was joking".

He said it. We did't take it out of context. He wasn't joking. He's just that stupid.

And you look like total idiots trying to defend his bullshit.
I think the point that is often missed is that what a president says should not be a subject for interpretation. Trump is first president in memory that needs staff members to explain what he mean to say.
The New York Daily News reported the New York Poison Control Centre received 30 calls about Lysol, bleach and other household cleaners between 9pm on Thursday and 3pm on Friday – compared to 13 calls about the same products taken during the same 18-hour period last year.

Morons be morons.. Don't use the god given noodle on your shoulders to DEFENSIVELY read news or "journalism" cum tabloid bird cage liner.. Let's THINK TOGETHER HERE...

So 17 more people called compared to last year in the same period.. Maybe just a little bit over DOUBLED.. Is this statistic VALID to confirm a causation with the Trump farts? Probably not. But I don't know and neither do you... WHY -- you stupidly ask?????

Because they DID NOT report the increase from the BEGINNINGS of the Covid panic.. The stores have been OUT of bleach, lysol, and medical alcohol for WEEKS.... Shelves have been picked bare by hoarders for over a MONTH in my area.. SO -- COULD IT BE that folks commanded to STAYING AT HOME have been reflexively USING THIS PRODUCTS in TREMENDOUSLY higher volume since say March????

WE DONT KNOW -- because the reporting on this SUCKS wads... And to KNOW -- you'd have to do more than compare ONE 18 hour period in a day to the same ONE 18 hour period a year ago...

BUT -- keep on flinging the poo with your brain in Neutral -- I'm FULLY entertained by the HEROIC EFFORTS you're making to save people during this crisis... :biggrin:

MEANWHILE -- I'm researching and developing 2 new UV based products that will help clean public spaces and save THOUSANDS of lives and change the way some buildings and public transit options get designed for lowering exposure to infectious diseases... I'm gonna be a bit TOO ENGAGED to watch this social anthropology experiment in manufactured outrage. But it's been fun and frightening to watch how society has degraded.
UV based products to clean public spaces? That should be interesting.
So he publicly was thinking on his feet and asked a dumb question.. Happens in science/tech meetings all the fucking time -- with people who should KNOW the answers.. Sometimes even "sarcastically",... And ya know what???? Some times those dumb questions turn on lightbulbs in peoples heads... Everyone here has their hair on fire because Trump DARED to be nakedly transparent in a public space...
Imagine if it was a different situation, with the president surrounded by his generals, and he asks them if nuclear weapons could kill the coronavirus.
And they tell him a single nuke could effectively sterilize everything within three miles of ground zero in half a second.
there was NO "drano or lysol" mentioned except by the mental midget heel nippers in this thread...
But Trump asked about disinfectants being injected to clean the system. You've seen the clip by now, I'm sure. So yeah, there are going to be jokes about Drano etc., but you can stop pretending there is no reason for the hilarity.
Yeah, the subject of the comment is irrelevant to smear machines, or any other facts.

If you can dupe stooges with lies that is all that matters to Libtard Big Lie buttheads.
Yes ultraviolet light can kill the virus if the exposure is long enough and the light is intense enough but so will chlorine bleach. It certainly could have a use as disinfectant but certainly not as a treatment. You can not disinfect the lungs. UV light damages cells. If somehow you could expose the lungs to high levels of UV, it would most probably kill the patient long before Covid 19 did.
Bryan continued by noting that DHS also tested if certain types of disinfectant could kill the coronavirus.

“We’ve tested bleach, we’ve tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus, specifically in saliva or in respiratory fluids, and I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes,” Bryan said. “Isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds, and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing. Just bring it on and leaving it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster.”

Bryan added, “We’re also looking at other disinfectants, specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva.”

Immediately following these remarks, Trump said:

So, I’m going to ask Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing when we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.
A few moments later, ABC News reporter Jon Karl asked Bryan, “The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?”

“No, I’m here to talk about the finds that we had in the study,” Bryan responded. “We don’t do that within that lab at our labs.”

Trump then clarified his remarks: “It wouldn’t be through injections, you’re talking about almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big affect if it’s on a stationary object.”

Trump later raised the possibility of whether UV rays could kill the coronavirus if it was on a person’s skin, in particular if it were on their hands.

“If they’re outside, right, and their hands are exposed to the sun, will that kill it as though it were a piece of metal or something else?” Trump asked.

“I don’t want to say it will at the same rate because it’s a non-porous surface, but what we do know is that we looked at the worst case scenario and the virus lives longer on non-porous surfaces,” Bryan responded. “So porous surfaces, it doesn’t live quite as long, so in theory what you said is correct.”

Left-wing activist Chris D. Jackson wrote that Trump had “urged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectant.”

Why did you not highlight the part of Trump's statement that actually spoke to the argument? THAT is what people are laughing about. You can spin it all you want, but he asked if they had looked into injecting disinfectant yet. He was NOT talking about the UV thing at that point. He was clear about that.

Trump was asking questions about on-going research. How in the world did that get morphed into him recommending injecting anything?

HE didn't recommend it. There are some pretty dumb people out there who would hear those comments and think hey, that's a great idea. And drink more poison, like the fish tank couple. But I have discovered in the past day or so that there is actually a guy out there touting cure by bleach--for everything from autism to now Covid 19. I don't know how the FDA is allowing him to get away with it, but he even admitted publicly that he sent a letter to the President, advising him of this cure. I'm not saying Trump knew anything about this guy, but there are people out there who already believe this shit. Trump's comments about this? Stupid talk for stupid people.

And Trump's comments will only feed those beliefs. This is why presidents should not make comments about things they know nothing about. Trump lacks the knowledge which means he will use the wrong words and phrases to express his ideas. He will be misinterpreted and create confusion among both the public and his administration which forces him to have additional news conferences to try explain what he meant. Along the way, either Trump or his defenders will make questionable statements which will create more controversy for his administration to deal with. A far better path is for the president to speak only about what truly understands and leave the medical science to experts he has hired.

Hey... do you think President Trump just makes these things up?
For example here is a "latest study" regarding Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin
Professor Didier Raoult Releases the Results of a New Hydroxychloroquine Treatment Study on 1061 Patients

Posted on April 9, 2020
by covexit
The new study, of which the abstract was released today, was performed at IHU Méditerranée Infection, Marseille, France. A cohort of 1061 COVID-19 patients, treated for at least 3 days with the Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin (HCQ-AZ) combination and a follow-up of at least 9 days was investigated.
Key findings are:
•No cardiac toxicity was observed.
•A good clinical outcome and virological cure was obtained in 973 patients within 10 days (91.7%).
A poor outcome was observed for 46 patients (4.3%); 10 were transferred to intensive care units,
5 patients died (0.47%) (74-95 years old) and 31 required 10 days of hospitalization or more.

The authors conclude that:

“The HCQ-AZ combination, when started immediately after diagnosis, is a safe and efficient treatment for COVID-19, with a mortality rate of 0.5%, in elderly patients. It avoids worsening and clears virus persistence and contagiosity in most cases.”

Professor Diddle is a know-nothing hack.

The Brazil study is seriously flawed.. And everyone KNOWS it... The 6200 physicians in Europe were mostly all adhering to the protocol of 400mg.. The BRAZIL study used a RANGE of doses ALL HIGHER than anything recommended from the Euro experience and THREEE TIMES as high (at the peak dosage) than what is given to Lupus or RArthritis patients.. They used 450 to 600mg...


Earlier this month, scientists in Brazil stopped part of a study testing chloroquine, an older drug similar to hydroxychloroquine, after heart rhythm problems developed in one-quarter of people given the higher of two doses being tested.

"GIVEN THE HIGHER DOSE" --- ANY US cardiologist could tell you that doses like THAT require an initial baseline EKG and constant monitoring.. And that same monitoring is prescribed for ANY cardiac compromised individuals EVEN on the 400 mg... They PROVED NOTHING but the standard guidelines on prescribing the drug that ALREADY exist...


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So he publicly was thinking on his feet and asked a dumb question.. Happens in science/tech meetings all the fucking time -- with people who should KNOW the answers.. Sometimes even "sarcastically",... And ya know what???? Some times those dumb questions turn on lightbulbs in peoples heads... Everyone here has their hair on fire because Trump DARED to be nakedly transparent in a public space...
Imagine if it was a different situation, with the president surrounded by his generals, and he asks them if nuclear weapons could kill the coronavirus.
And they tell him a single nuke could effectively sterilize everything within three miles of ground zero in half a second.

What? You been watching too many Reptilicus or Godzilla movies?? In this case he got schooled properly... And no -- it's not medically sane..

Now the REAL TEST would be if he suddenly decided to nuke NYCity.... And THEN there would be a problem right???

What IF -------------------- the president asked if "shutting down all international travel" was possible and whether it would drastically slow the Corona virus introduction into the USA BEFORE the 1st person EVEN DIED?? Would THAT sound crazy to you????? And he did it WHILE he was still being impeached... Would that be crazy or leadership?

Now remember -- other than 9-11, that had never been done.. And NEVER have we shut down the entire country to the point where people are pulling their OWN infected teeth and not able to BE at a dying loved one's bedside... So there is a LOT OF CRAZY to watch here. And you're fixated on the minutiae of a nothing burger with no beef in it...
I'm waiting what President Trump says.

Whatever he recommends is ok with me. :thup:

Bless him.
The New York Daily News reported the New York Poison Control Centre received 30 calls about Lysol, bleach and other household cleaners between 9pm on Thursday and 3pm on Friday – compared to 13 calls about the same products taken during the same 18-hour period last year.

Morons be morons.. Don't use the god given noodle on your shoulders to DEFENSIVELY read news or "journalism" cum tabloid bird cage liner.. Let's THINK TOGETHER HERE...

So 17 more people called compared to last year in the same period.. Maybe just a little bit over DOUBLED.. Is this statistic VALID to confirm a causation with the Trump farts? Probably not. But I don't know and neither do you... WHY -- you stupidly ask?????

Because they DID NOT report the increase from the BEGINNINGS of the Covid panic.. The stores have been OUT of bleach, lysol, and medical alcohol for WEEKS.... Shelves have been picked bare by hoarders for over a MONTH in my area.. SO -- COULD IT BE that folks commanded to STAYING AT HOME have been reflexively USING THIS PRODUCTS in TREMENDOUSLY higher volume since say March????

WE DONT KNOW -- because the reporting on this SUCKS wads... And to KNOW -- you'd have to do more than compare ONE 18 hour period in a day to the same ONE 18 hour period a year ago...

BUT -- keep on flinging the poo with your brain in Neutral -- I'm FULLY entertained by the HEROIC EFFORTS you're making to save people during this crisis... :biggrin:

MEANWHILE -- I'm researching and developing 2 new UV based products that will help clean public spaces and save THOUSANDS of lives and change the way some buildings and public transit options get designed for lowering exposure to infectious diseases... I'm gonna be a bit TOO ENGAGED to watch this social anthropology experiment in manufactured outrage. But it's been fun and frightening to watch how society has degraded.
UV based products to clean public spaces? That should be interesting.

It's been in use for decades.. But MISSING in a lot of public spaces where flus of ANY KINDS kill 25,000 a year.. For the LIFE of me -- don't KNOW why it hasn't been done and I'm gonna call my posse network of colleagues to explore some rush projects.. Can't say more. But its potentially massive.,...

Here's one of the latest public space UV cleaning systems below.,. Now consider all the OTHER nooks and crannies that AREN'T being DISINFECTED that way...

If the morons knocking each others brains out over a Trump fart did not MISS the REAL STORY here, they'd be positioned to USE the news to save lives and make some money doing it...

I'm trying to absorb and enjoy the hysteria here... Do me a favor and DONT post 100% personal posts while I'm in the thread... I got to delete them or I lose my mod badge... And you're crushing my playtime...

Post them AFTER I go back to work..,. :auiqs.jpg:
So he publicly was thinking on his feet and asked a dumb question.. Happens in science/tech meetings all the fucking time -- with people who should KNOW the answers.. Sometimes even "sarcastically",... And ya know what???? Some times those dumb questions turn on lightbulbs in peoples heads... Everyone here has their hair on fire because Trump DARED to be nakedly transparent in a public space...
Imagine if it was a different situation, with the president surrounded by his generals, and he asks them if nuclear weapons could kill the coronavirus.
And they tell him a single nuke could effectively sterilize everything within three miles of ground zero in half a second.
"Imagine if" is not reality.
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

Poor...sad....pathetic person you seem to be

But you know what? you don't have to take Hydroxychloroquine at all....well you don't.

Nobody is putting a gun to your head.....nobody

You are all are suffering from TDS.....a very virulent form of TDS.

So ....take nothing. OK with us.
And I don't mind a Prez that isn't afraid to ask stupid questions.,. I've been in enough science/tech meetings with stupid questions -- including a few of my own.. And it's PART of having honest, open inquiry.. And SOMETIMES leads to breakthroughs...

And here y'all are going all NIGHT on the political angle.. Like politicians never say stupid things. It's the TRANSPARENT ones ASKING questions that have "leadership" ability...

Now he claims he was just being sarcastic.

Could have been.. I do not GET the reaction to this.. WHAT was suggesting people "inject"?? The discussion was about COvid sensitivity to UV... It's a TRUE game changer for cleaning LARGE open areas effectively without exposing dozens of maintenance workers... Any RATIONAL person believe that Trump was motivating people to go buy a 3 ft UV fiber optic illuminator and EAT IT??

This is just an insane way to BLOW OFF the most important part of this story...
"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether its ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said, that hasn't been checked but you're gonna test it. And then I said, supposing it brought the light inside the body, which you can either do either through the skin or some other way, and I think you said you're gonna test that too, sounds interesting."

Yes ultraviolet light can kill the virus if the exposure is long enough and the light is intense enough but so will chlorine bleach. It certainly could have a use as disinfectant but certainly not as a treatment. You can not disinfect the lungs. UV light damages cells. If somehow you could expose the lungs to high levels of UV, it would most probably kill the patient long before Covid 19 did.

The real damage is not that someone with covid 19 would somehow expose their lungs to UV. The damage comes from pulling researchers off promising treatments to explore a Trump brain fort.

So he publicly was thinking on his feet and asked a dumb question.. Happens in science/tech meetings all the fucking time -- with people who should KNOW the answers.. Sometimes even "sarcastically",... And ya know what???? Some times those dumb questions turn on lightbulbs in peoples heads... Everyone here has their hair on fire because Trump DARED to be nakedly transparent in a public space... The fact that he's ENGAGED is a lot more attractive then the do-nothing ankle biters making shit up... AND the American people are seeing that contrast in leadership laid bare...

I'd worry more about the blazing ruins of party leadership on the OTHER side right now given how little they need to contribute to the Covid solutions...
Nothing wrong with brainstorming new ideas, just not in a news conference. When a president speaks it should be clear and not subject to interpretation. The public needs to hear real information, not hunches, feelings, and guesses.

Trumps biggest problem with the media is their interpretation of what he says is not what he meant. When Trump said, "And I then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it'd be interesting to check that." The most simple interpretation is he's asking if a disinfection can be injected into the lungs. What he means, I have no idea.
And I don't mind a Prez that isn't afraid to ask stupid questions.,. I've been in enough science/tech meetings with stupid questions -- including a few of my own.. And it's PART of having honest, open inquiry.. And SOMETIMES leads to breakthroughs...

And here y'all are going all NIGHT on the political angle.. Like politicians never say stupid things. It's the TRANSPARENT ones ASKING questions that have "leadership" ability...

Now he claims he was just being sarcastic.

Could have been.. I do not GET the reaction to this.. WHAT was suggesting people "inject"?? The discussion was about COvid sensitivity to UV... It's a TRUE game changer for cleaning LARGE open areas effectively without exposing dozens of maintenance workers... Any RATIONAL person believe that Trump was motivating people to go buy a 3 ft UV fiber optic illuminator and EAT IT??

This is just an insane way to BLOW OFF the most important part of this story...
"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether its ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said, that hasn't been checked but you're gonna test it. And then I said, supposing it brought the light inside the body, which you can either do either through the skin or some other way, and I think you said you're gonna test that too, sounds interesting."

Yes ultraviolet light can kill the virus if the exposure is long enough and the light is intense enough but so will chlorine bleach. It certainly could have a use as disinfectant but certainly not as a treatment. You can not disinfect the lungs. UV light damages cells. If somehow you could expose the lungs to high levels of UV, it would most probably kill the patient long before Covid 19 did.

The real damage is not that someone with covid 19 would somehow expose their lungs to UV. The damage comes from pulling researchers off promising treatments to explore a Trump brain fort.

So he publicly was thinking on his feet and asked a dumb question.. Happens in science/tech meetings all the fucking time -- with people who should KNOW the answers.. Sometimes even "sarcastically",... And ya know what???? Some times those dumb questions turn on lightbulbs in peoples heads... Everyone here has their hair on fire because Trump DARED to be nakedly transparent in a public space... The fact that he's ENGAGED is a lot more attractive then the do-nothing ankle biters making shit up... AND the American people are seeing that contrast in leadership laid bare...

I'd worry more about the blazing ruins of party leadership on the OTHER side right now given how little they need to contribute to the Covid solutions...
Nothing wrong with brainstorming new ideas, just not in a news conference. When a president speaks it should be clear and not subject to interpretation. The public needs to hear real information, not hunches, feelings, and guesses.

Trumps biggest problem with the media is their interpretation of what he says is not what he meant. When Trump said, "And I then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it'd be interesting to check that." The most simple interpretation is he's asking if a disinfection can be injected into the lungs. What he means, I have no idea.
It's not up to you what the President decides to do or say. Run for President otherwise STFU.
Nothing wrong with brainstorming new ideas, just not in a news conference. When a president speaks it should be clear and not subject to interpretation. The public needs to hear real information, not hunches, feelings, and guesses.

Hate to break this to ya -- but hunches and GUESSES is pretty much what SCIENCE DOES under emergency situations like this one.. Having "scienced" most of my life -- I realize the public is NOT aware of much hunches and guesses are passed off as "settled science"...

Let me list them for the Covid crisis and what the NIH/CDC has been using for "guidance"...

1) The models that FAILED initially to have ANY predictive value.. BECAUSE models are TOOLS for science and engineering "what ifs" and guesses.... And they GRADUALLY "dialed into" the right numbers, but needed to revise their parameters almost EVERY DAY at IHME and the other modelers to KEEP UP with reality..

2) The covid "death rate" --- NOBODY including NIH/CDC/WHO KNOWS the covid death rate.. Because that term NEEDS an accurate count of #infected... And we are discovering from early antibody screening that the GUESSES that all those vaunted scientific orgs are INSISTING on STILL USING are WAY too low...

I've got 2 or 3 more -- including the GUESSING at the efficacy of social distancing and massive "lock down" policies... NO ONE had experiments in the real world on this prior to making those decisions. These were ACADEMIC studies not in the realm of REAL DATA or even accurate modeling before this pandemic.

So no --- "guessing in public" in times like these are its OWN epidemic....

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