Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

FALSE! Trump DID plan for a pandemic. He blocked travel from China as far back as January 2020, when there had not been one single COVID-19 death in the US. At the time, scatterbrained, loose lipped liberals castigated him as being "racist" against the Chinese. Luckily, he had the sense to not listen to them.
Why do you think this is funny, LK Eder ?
The Times reports, "The early results of a federal trial showing that treatment with remdesivir, an experimental antiviral drug, can speed recovery in patients infected with the coronavirus, were heralded as “very optimistic” at the White House by Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. That helped the S&P 500 gain nearly 3 percent on a day the Commerce Department reported the worst quarterly contraction in the nation’s gross domestic product since 2008, during the Great Recession.

"The Food and Drug Administration is likely to issue an emergency approval for remdesivir, a senior administration official told The New York Times. The drug, made by Gilead Sciences, could eventually be the first approved treatment for Covid-19, the illness caused by the virus."

It is not a cure, not a vaccine, but it might be helpful for those hospitalized by the coronavirus. When will that be? No one knows yet.
If the country where the first case was identified cause the the disease, then the US caused HIV, Yellow Fever, and Polio.
So you're saying that the US acted the same way with HIV, Yellow Fever, and Polio, that the Chinese did with COVID-19 ?
No responsible Medical Professional has endorsed ingesting/injecting disinfectants into the human body.

Introduction of UV to the human body is dubious at best. It would require opening the body to introduce the UV and doing so to a person suffering from COVID-19 could well kill that person.

You're a partisan hack with a sub-high school education. You vomit out what you are programmed with from the hate sites. You are dumb as a cat turd, but far less pleasant to be around.

No one EVER suggested injecting household cleaners. Your lack of integrity is only exceeded by your lack of intellect.

You're a dumb motherfucker, but you make up for it by being a traitor. :thup:


So traitor, how about a QUOTE OF TRUMP SAYING IT, rather than demagoguery from the vile hate sites?

Yeah, didn't think so.
Hate sites? Trump is on video saying it you mfucking dumb idiot.

NO matter how many times a clip of of 45 saying it, these Dead From The Neck Up, Numb Nuts would still deny the truth.....

There is no clip, you're just a fucking liar.

And a traitor


I served my country in Viet Nam, the lying lowlife scum sucking, belly crawling, yellow belly coward 45 never served.

I love my country,

You love a TRAITOR
No responsible Medical Professional has endorsed ingesting/injecting disinfectants into the human body.

Introduction of UV to the human body is dubious at best. It would require opening the body to introduce the UV and doing so to a person suffering from COVID-19 could well kill that person.

You're a partisan hack with a sub-high school education. You vomit out what you are programmed with from the hate sites. You are dumb as a cat turd, but far less pleasant to be around.

No one EVER suggested injecting household cleaners. Your lack of integrity is only exceeded by your lack of intellect.

You're a dumb motherfucker, but you make up for it by being a traitor. :thup:


So traitor, how about a QUOTE OF TRUMP SAYING IT, rather than demagoguery from the vile hate sites?

Yeah, didn't think so.
Hate sites? Trump is on video saying it you mfucking dumb idiot.

NO matter how many times a clip of of 45 saying it, these Dead From The Neck Up, Numb Nuts would still deny the truth.....

There is no clip, you're just a fucking liar.

And a traitor


I served my country in Viet Nam, the lying lowlife scum sucking, belly crawling, yellow belly coward 45 never served.

I love my country,

You love a TRAITOR


Stupid fucking commie - he NEVER says to inject or drink cleaners - you fucking commie pile of shit.

You served the NVA in vietnam, which was the enemy of my country, you pile of shit.

You hate America, that much is clear. You seek to destroy the United States Constitution. If you weren't a Vietcong soldier, then you were a traitor seeking the destruction of those you swore to defend.
. Tens of thousand of lives gone, a million cases and hundreds billions of dollar spent needless simple because the president decided there was no need to plan for a pandemic because it would never happen and when it did, it was just the common flu and it was under control. In the future, people are going to be reading about this and shaking their heads wondering how in hell did we allow this happen.
FALSE! Trump DID plan for a pandemic. He blocked travel from China as far back as January 2020, when there had not been one single COVID-19 death in the US. At the time, scatterbrained, loose lipped liberals castigated him as being "racist" against the Chinese. Luckily, he had the sense to not listen to them.
In a pandemic, International travel restrictions stopping the flow of people from an infected country will not stop a pandemic. At best it may delay it a few days or weeks but it will not contain it. Coronavirus cases were coming into New York from Europe before and after Trump's travel ban. And no, Trump did not plan for an pandemic. It was well on it's way before trump issued his travel ban. The travel ban was a response to the pandemic not a plan. A plan for a pandemic begins long before the first case arrives. It begins with establishing what is to be done and who is responsible. Resources needed at both federal and the state level are determined and how those resources are to obtained. Etc...

In a nursing home in Kirkland Washington, where the first breakout occurred, two people from the CDC arrive two days after the first suspected cases were report. The CDC had no test kits and no plans to trace contacts. They were there to gather information. The CDC said states needed to put together teams for tracing contacts. However, the state had no teams. Every issue had to go up the chain of command on both state and federal sides. There were hundreds of contacts of infected patents walking around spreading the virus and nothing was done for at least a week. By then there had to be thousands of contacts. Finally, more CDC people arrive and teams were put together but there still were no test kits. When test kits arrive, most of them were defective. There was no PPE supplies available for the dozens of workers in the nursing who had to continue working with infected patients with no protection at all. After a few days a local hospital gave them a supply of PPEs. Over half the staff was infected and over a dozen died.

I suppose it was it was just a coincidence but the day the CDC first arrived, Donald Trump was at his South Carolina rally proclaiming this was all just a democrat hoax. Just the common flu. A few days latter he said for second time, it was all under control when nothing was under control.
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Exactly. Trump kept us safe because of the China travel ban.
Nevertheless, leftist loons bombarded by anti-Trump propaganda, keep repeating their issued talking points, that Trump did nothing to keep us safe. Funny how they blabber stuff like that, even when the opposite is obvious. :rolleyes:
It's been proven. The chronology of his incompetence, irresponsibility, and lies have been documented as a record of fact. There are the intelligence briefings, and we have him on video lying the whole way. There is no propaganda. All the facts are there. Your denial isn't going to change anything.
If the country where the first case was identified cause the the disease, then the US caused HIV, Yellow Fever, and Polio.
So you're saying that the US acted the same way with HIV, Yellow Fever, and Polio, that the Chinese did with COVID-19 ?
No, I said just because the first cases of a disease comes from a country does not make that country the cause of the disease. China acted exactly the way they acted when other epidemics occurred. They only release information that is supported by scientific evidence. Thus they reported in early January they had no scientific evidence that the virus was being transmitted between humans. However, you had to be pretty stupid to think it was being spread any other way. China released the genome, I believe on Jan 7th. This gave other countries all they needed to start designing test kits. Other countries such as South Korea immediately jumped on designing test kits but the US for some reason, decided to wait for confirmation before starting, a big mistake.
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Because your so called "game changer", has no relationship with being a "game changer."
And the Democrats miracle drug is???
Not injecting disinfectant.
No one said anyone should.
Impeached Trump suggested it's something we should look into.
Lying isn't your strong point, so why do it ? Do you always take your marching orders from the demoncrats ????
Dumbfuck... I'm not lying..

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning." ~ Impeached Trump
Be honest... And you believed him to be saying what ??? I'll help... If you took that to mean that Trump was saying that people should try Clorox or to inject themselves with any kind of surface chemical, then you have severe TDS, the un-treatable kind.
Impeached Trump suggested it's something we should look into.

Yes he did, but it was aimed at the scientist, and not at the Faun just so you can continue to play your little unintelligent game that you love to keep playing. No one is impressed.
"Yes he did"

Of course he did -- and when I said he did, you called me a liar.

You're fucked in the head, con. :cuckoo:

You're still repeating bullshit 10 pages after your fellow TDS'er moron posted a video of the prez's exact words.. He STARTED AND ENDED by mentioning the UV light part of Bryan's presentation.. NOT the bleach or isopropyl alcohol... I then REPOSTED that video about 3 times.. AND STILL -- you're making stuff up... Read post 3173 -- just above..

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning." ~ Impeached Trump

... and what disinfectant was he speaking of...?

UV light.
Who is the dumb fuck here? (you)

You! Trump said it was just sarcasm. Now who's the dumb fuck?

My guess would be the dumbfuck who's only repeated the "sarcasm angle" about 20 times in this thread and pretty much ignored the meatier discussions of HCQuine or UV killing Covid because it bores them...
The meatier discussions are those of the FDA non-approved methods of curing Coronavirus that you speak of, that mix around in your head like a bad cocktail. No one listens to your rambling about things that are not approved or spoken about. If they were, there would be serious publications, and the media would be all over it. You are like Trump who got high off of pedaling Hydroxychloroquine, and now we hear no more about it. Get a grip dude. No one is buying your snake oil.
Trump is musing that is there a way to make a cleansing aerosol into another form that could be injected.
There is nothing absurd about that. The only absurdity is liberals turning what he said into yet another FAKE.
Great idea. Trump should be first to give it a try.
If I had the virus, I would certainly give it a try. I think Trump is coming up with some good ideas. It has been shown by DHS scientists that sunlight, heat and humidity all have a "powerful" and significant effect on the virus, in weakening it.

As for Trump's idea of getting these 3 agents inside the body to the spot of the infection, that's hardly different than a broncosopy, or a lung needle biopsy. Things that hospitals do every day.
Trump came up with Hydroxychloroquine because he has stock in the drug, and it was proven to have deadly side effects. He also gave us the idea that it was only one person coming out of China, or it's totally contained idea, or the fifteen cases would go to zero idea, or the idea that anyone could get a test, or it goes away in warm weather idea, or the miracle idea, and I could go on and on, with his retarded ideas. Please tell me you aren't that fucking dumb to have believed all those ideas right?
Trump is musing that is there a way to make a cleansing aerosol into another form that could be injected.
There is nothing absurd about that. The only absurdity is liberals turning what he said into yet another FAKE.
Great idea. Trump should be first to give it a try.
If I had the virus, I would certainly give it a try. I think Trump is coming up with some good ideas. It has been shown by DHS scientists that sunlight, heat and humidity all have a "powerful" and significant effect on the virus, in weakening it.

As for Trump's idea of getting these 3 agents inside the body to the spot of the infection, that's hardly different than a broncosopy, or a lung needle biopsy. Things that hospitals do every day.
Trump came up with Hydroxychloroquine because he has stock in the drug, and it was proven to have deadly side effects. He also gave us the idea that it was only one person coming out of China, or it's totally contained idea, or the fifteen cases would go to zero idea, or the idea that anyone could get a test, or it goes away in warm weather idea, or the miracle idea, and I could go on and on, with his retarded ideas. Please tell me you aren't that fucking dumb to have believed all those ideas right?

Ohhh, look at you lie, you little ChiCom fuck.

Even radical leftist hate site Snopes says;


Hey, you're a lying fuck, but you're also a pile of shit with no redeeming qualities...
. Tens of thousand of lives gone, a million cases and hundreds billions of dollar spent needless simple because the president decided there was no need to plan for a pandemic because it would never happen and when it did, it was just the common flu and it was under control. In the future, people are going to be reading about this and shaking their heads wondering how in hell did we allow this happen.
FALSE! Trump DID plan for a pandemic. He blocked travel from China as far back as January 2020, when there had not been one single COVID-19 death in the US. At the time, scatterbrained, loose lipped liberals castigated him as being "racist" against the Chinese. Luckily, he had the sense to not listen to them.
Trump had a dozen briefings from his intelligence about Coronavirus , and told the world it was a hoax. And he didn't block China. He still let people in. Blocking China did nothing because he was too stupid to figure out that people traveling to China from Europe, could have already been infected if they went back to Europe, then to the US. The ban on China was useless.
Trump is musing that is there a way to make a cleansing aerosol into another form that could be injected.
There is nothing absurd about that. The only absurdity is liberals turning what he said into yet another FAKE.
Great idea. Trump should be first to give it a try.
If I had the virus, I would certainly give it a try. I think Trump is coming up with some good ideas. It has been shown by DHS scientists that sunlight, heat and humidity all have a "powerful" and significant effect on the virus, in weakening it.

As for Trump's idea of getting these 3 agents inside the body to the spot of the infection, that's hardly different than a broncosopy, or a lung needle biopsy. Things that hospitals do every day.
Trump came up with Hydroxychloroquine because he has stock in the drug, and it was proven to have deadly side effects. He also gave us the idea that it was only one person coming out of China, or it's totally contained idea, or the fifteen cases would go to zero idea, or the idea that anyone could get a test, or it goes away in warm weather idea, or the miracle idea, and I could go on and on, with his retarded ideas. Please tell me you aren't that fucking dumb to have believed all those ideas right?

Ohhh, look at you lie, you little ChiCom fuck.

Even radical leftist hate site Snopes says;

View attachment 329864

Hey, you're a lying fuck, but you're also a pile of shit with no redeeming qualities...
Look at how fucking stupid you are. Posting his stock portfolio, but if everyone had bought the snake oil Trump was selling, he would have profited big time. That was the whole point you retarded moron. He wanted that stock to explode for him. And when it exploded he would have cashed out before anyone realized it was a flop. People like you are too gd retarded. m
Trump is musing that is there a way to make a cleansing aerosol into another form that could be injected.
There is nothing absurd about that. The only absurdity is liberals turning what he said into yet another FAKE.
Great idea. Trump should be first to give it a try.
If I had the virus, I would certainly give it a try. I think Trump is coming up with some good ideas. It has been shown by DHS scientists that sunlight, heat and humidity all have a "powerful" and significant effect on the virus, in weakening it.

As for Trump's idea of getting these 3 agents inside the body to the spot of the infection, that's hardly different than a broncosopy, or a lung needle biopsy. Things that hospitals do every day.

bleach and alcohol "in the lungs" would cause breathing spasms, coughing, severe shortness of breath and systemic issues.. Would make an asthma spasm look like a minor sneeze.. Effects probably lasting for hours. And with a delivery tube in there -- the involuntary coughing would likely create physical damage... Best stick to what ANYONE responsible has even DISCUSSED.. Neither of those were discussed as "internal cleaners"...
Trump is musing that is there a way to make a cleansing aerosol into another form that could be injected.
There is nothing absurd about that. The only absurdity is liberals turning what he said into yet another FAKE.
Great idea. Trump should be first to give it a try.
If I had the virus, I would certainly give it a try. I think Trump is coming up with some good ideas. It has been shown by DHS scientists that sunlight, heat and humidity all have a "powerful" and significant effect on the virus, in weakening it.

As for Trump's idea of getting these 3 agents inside the body to the spot of the infection, that's hardly different than a broncosopy, or a lung needle biopsy. Things that hospitals do every day.

bleach and alcohol "in the lungs" would cause breathing spasms, coughing, severe shortness of breath and systemic issues.. Would make an asthma spasm look like a minor sneeze.. Effects probably lasting for hours. And with a delivery tube in there -- the involuntary coughing would likely create physical damage... Best stick to what ANYONE responsible has even DISCUSSED.. Neither of those were discussed as "internal cleaners"...
So when William was talking about using Bleach and alcohol on surfaces why did Drumpf verify with him if they could be used inside the body....sort of like a cleaning?

"We are also testing disinfectants, readily available. We have tested bleach, we have tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus specifically in saliva or respiratory fluids -- I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes, isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds and that is with no manipulation no rubbing, just spring it on and leaving it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster. We are also looking at other disinfectants specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva. "
-William Bryan

"Thank you very much. So I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of if you are totally into that world which I find to be very interesting. So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you are going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body which you can do either through the skin or in some other way and I think you said you were going to test that too. It sounds interesting.

Right. And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number (INAUDIBLE) interesting to check that so that you are going to have to use medical doctors with but it sounds interesting to me so we will see but the whole concept of the light the way it kills it in one minute that's--that's pretty powerful."
-Drumpf (Dumbest Mother Fucker Ever)
No one listens to your rambling about things that are not approved or spoken about.

Of course people listen to stuff like that. In fact, that Cedars Sinai affiliated company developing the technique WAS REQUIRED BY SEC LAW to announce it.. Since they are registered public stock and that's how ALL announcements are made so nobody has an "inside trading" position...

But the dicktators at Twitter, Youtube, ect --- choose to BAN their accounts for DARING to make the legally required announcement and off we went... Suppressing NORMAL flow of science/tech/trade.

You don't know this apparently.. So you just make it about me.. I'm only in here because of the horrid misunderstandings of science/tech/medicine that a lot of leftists seem to have..
Trump is musing that is there a way to make a cleansing aerosol into another form that could be injected.
There is nothing absurd about that. The only absurdity is liberals turning what he said into yet another FAKE.
Great idea. Trump should be first to give it a try.
If I had the virus, I would certainly give it a try. I think Trump is coming up with some good ideas. It has been shown by DHS scientists that sunlight, heat and humidity all have a "powerful" and significant effect on the virus, in weakening it.

As for Trump's idea of getting these 3 agents inside the body to the spot of the infection, that's hardly different than a broncosopy, or a lung needle biopsy. Things that hospitals do every day.

bleach and alcohol "in the lungs" would cause breathing spasms, coughing, severe shortness of breath and systemic issues.. Would make an asthma spasm look like a minor sneeze.. Effects probably lasting for hours. And with a delivery tube in there -- the involuntary coughing would likely create physical damage... Best stick to what ANYONE responsible has even DISCUSSED.. Neither of those were discussed as "internal cleaners"...
So when William was talking about using Bleach and alcohol on surfaces why did Drumpf verify with him if they could be used inside the body....sort of like a cleaning?

"We are also testing disinfectants, readily available. We have tested bleach, we have tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus specifically in saliva or respiratory fluids -- I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes, isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds and that is with no manipulation no rubbing, just spring it on and leaving it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster. We are also looking at other disinfectants specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva. "
-William Bryan

"Thank you very much. So I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of if you are totally into that world which I find to be very interesting. So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you are going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body which you can do either through the skin or in some other way and I think you said you were going to test that too. It sounds interesting.

Right. And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number (INAUDIBLE) interesting to check that so that you are going to have to use medical doctors with but it sounds interesting to me so we will see but the whole concept of the light the way it kills it in one minute that's--that's pretty powerful."
-Drumpf (Dumbest Mother Fucker Ever)

He never did that. That was SHORT EDITED to CUT OUT the qualification Trump made about UV light.. Some one is feeding you purposely edited shit and making you look and act stupid.,.

He turned to W. Bryan and STARTED and ENDED his questions about the "internal use" stuff by qualifying it and restricting his questions to UV LIGHT.. I'll post the vid.. Clear as day.. SO ALSO were Bryan's answers.. When Trump asked him if UV light would be "tried on humans" -- Bryan AFFIRMINATELY answered yes.. Probably because the 2 of them had discussed in the earlier "non-press" briefing some of the "internal use" apps for UV sanitizing..

Mentioned "the light" or UV light 3 times in that 2 minute follow-up with Bryan.. NEVER mentioned bleach or alcohol... Bryan had the 3 things all listed as "disinfectants" because UV light is a KNOWN and widely used disinfectant for decades.

Don't be stupid just because someone FED YOU a conveniently edited propaganda sound bite to help your TDS grow... I'd never go back to phony media sources that burned me and made me look stupid....

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