Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Trump is musing that is there a way to make a cleansing aerosol into another form that could be injected.
There is nothing absurd about that. The only absurdity is liberals turning what he said into yet another FAKE.
Great idea. Trump should be first to give it a try.
If I had the virus, I would certainly give it a try. I think Trump is coming up with some good ideas. It has been shown by DHS scientists that sunlight, heat and humidity all have a "powerful" and significant effect on the virus, in weakening it.

As for Trump's idea of getting these 3 agents inside the body to the spot of the infection, that's hardly different than a broncosopy, or a lung needle biopsy. Things that hospitals do every day.

bleach and alcohol "in the lungs" would cause breathing spasms, coughing, severe shortness of breath and systemic issues.. Would make an asthma spasm look like a minor sneeze.. Effects probably lasting for hours. And with a delivery tube in there -- the involuntary coughing would likely create physical damage... Best stick to what ANYONE responsible has even DISCUSSED.. Neither of those were discussed as "internal cleaners"...
So when William was talking about using Bleach and alcohol on surfaces why did Drumpf verify with him if they could be used inside the body....sort of like a cleaning?

"We are also testing disinfectants, readily available. We have tested bleach, we have tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus specifically in saliva or respiratory fluids -- I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes, isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds and that is with no manipulation no rubbing, just spring it on and leaving it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster. We are also looking at other disinfectants specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva. "
-William Bryan

"Thank you very much. So I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of if you are totally into that world which I find to be very interesting. So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you are going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body which you can do either through the skin or in some other way and I think you said you were going to test that too. It sounds interesting.

Right. And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number (INAUDIBLE) interesting to check that so that you are going to have to use medical doctors with but it sounds interesting to me so we will see but the whole concept of the light the way it kills it in one minute that's--that's pretty powerful."
-Drumpf (Dumbest Mother Fucker Ever)

He never did that. That was SHORT EDITED to CUT OUT the qualification Trump made about UV light.. Some one is feeding you purposely edited shit and making you look and act stupid.,.

He turned to W. Bryan and STARTED and ENDED his questions about the "internal use" stuff by qualifying it and restricting his questions to UV LIGHT.. I'll post the vid.. Clear as day.. SO ALSO were Bryan's answers.. When Trump asked him if UV light would be "tried on humans" -- Bryan AFFIRMINATELY answered yes.. Probably because the 2 of them had discussed in the earlier "non-press" briefing some of the "internal use" apps for UV sanitizing..

Mentioned "the light" or UV light 3 times in that 2 minute follow-up with Bryan.. NEVER mentioned bleach or alcohol... Bryan had the 3 things all listed as "disinfectants" because UV light is a KNOWN and widely used disinfectant for decades.

Don't be stupid just because someone FED YOU a conveniently edited propaganda sound bite to help your TDS grow... I'd never go back to phony media sources that burned me and made me look stupid....



You really think the chief research scientist at DHS would answer YES to a prez asking him about injecting BLEACH into the body??? That just exceeds credulity of any reasonable person.. But not anyone with advanced TDS.. OR most of the media.. Because they are all BEYOND reality and reason now...

Can you explain this Faun ?? You can't.. Your conspiracy theory is fake news..
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Trump is musing that is there a way to make a cleansing aerosol into another form that could be injected.
There is nothing absurd about that. The only absurdity is liberals turning what he said into yet another FAKE.
Great idea. Trump should be first to give it a try.
If I had the virus, I would certainly give it a try. I think Trump is coming up with some good ideas. It has been shown by DHS scientists that sunlight, heat and humidity all have a "powerful" and significant effect on the virus, in weakening it.

As for Trump's idea of getting these 3 agents inside the body to the spot of the infection, that's hardly different than a broncosopy, or a lung needle biopsy. Things that hospitals do every day.

bleach and alcohol "in the lungs" would cause breathing spasms, coughing, severe shortness of breath and systemic issues.. Would make an asthma spasm look like a minor sneeze.. Effects probably lasting for hours. And with a delivery tube in there -- the involuntary coughing would likely create physical damage... Best stick to what ANYONE responsible has even DISCUSSED.. Neither of those were discussed as "internal cleaners"...
So when William was talking about using Bleach and alcohol on surfaces why did Drumpf verify with him if they could be used inside the body....sort of like a cleaning?

"We are also testing disinfectants, readily available. We have tested bleach, we have tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus specifically in saliva or respiratory fluids -- I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes, isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds and that is with no manipulation no rubbing, just spring it on and leaving it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster. We are also looking at other disinfectants specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva. "
-William Bryan

"Thank you very much. So I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of if you are totally into that world which I find to be very interesting. So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you are going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body which you can do either through the skin or in some other way and I think you said you were going to test that too. It sounds interesting.

Right. And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number (INAUDIBLE) interesting to check that so that you are going to have to use medical doctors with but it sounds interesting to me so we will see but the whole concept of the light the way it kills it in one minute that's--that's pretty powerful."
-Drumpf (Dumbest Mother Fucker Ever)

He never did that. That was SHORT EDITED to CUT OUT the qualification Trump made about UV light.. Some one is feeding you purposely edited shit and making you look and act stupid.,.

He turned to W. Bryan and STARTED and ENDED his questions about the "internal use" stuff by qualifying it and restricting his questions to UV LIGHT.. I'll post the vid.. Clear as day.. SO ALSO were Bryan's answers.. When Trump asked him if UV light would be "tried on humans" -- Bryan AFFIRMINATELY answered yes.. Probably because the 2 of them had discussed in the earlier "non-press" briefing some of the "internal use" apps for UV sanitizing..

Mentioned "the light" or UV light 3 times in that 2 minute follow-up with Bryan.. NEVER mentioned bleach or alcohol... Bryan had the 3 things all listed as "disinfectants" because UV light is a KNOWN and widely used disinfectant for decades.

Don't be stupid just because someone FED YOU a conveniently edited propaganda sound bite to help your TDS grow... I'd never go back to phony media sources that burned me and made me look stupid....




Why did you only post 1/3 of the poster?? You AFRAID of the OTHER 2/3 that were there? Or are you just following the media moron frenzy here. Bryan had UV in the 1st slot of that poster. And UV IS a disinfectant.. You cannot comprehend that?

U win the moron prize for making up fake news. Or just regurgitating it --- most likely. Not sure you're capable of spinning a good made up story all by your wittle self..;,. Grow up...
The concern is not time but the level of UVL that is needed to kill the virus.

DOSE of ANY radiation is measured by BOTH time of exposure and level of power.. Also wavelength dependent. These are science/medical FACTS.. Don't care what you THOUGHT you read, the facilities cleaning is perfectly harmless if done without personnel present..

And the possible uses for UV used INTERNALLY CAN be made safe... Cedars Sinai Hospital knows this better than you do.. And I UNDERSTAND all the parameters to UV that would affect the safety of a few (less than chronic exposure) blasts of UV light used on the body.. I've helped to research and design several available X-ray products for imaging. Breast, cardiac cath lab machines, etc... I'm not winging this...
lol. why are you humiliating yourself then by trying to polish that turd. some trumptards less informed than you managed to recognize trumps ramblings to be unhelpful.

Having a hard time recognizing anything in THIS rambling above. ^^^^

You're all political.. I'm more concerned about the epidemic than the POLITICS of the epidemic.. And thrashing a bunch of leftist "science deniers"..

But I'd say -- you do a mighty good "Biden on a good day" imitation man... LOL....

You are political because you have to defend Trump at all costs.

having a hard time, I can believe that because you think you know something but you really don't

Your point of " Don't care what you THOUGHT you read, the facilities cleaning is perfectly harmless if done without personnel present."

Duh is that your professional opinion stating the obvious

Yet you said - The DANGER to the body is based on wavelengths and exposure times. Just like the billions of X-rays that are used in ROUTINE medical/dental screening and cancer treatments -- Exposures times in seconds and minutes with NARROW BAND UV light are NOT necessarily harmful at all to most tissues,

But it is harmful to eye tissue and skin tissue but let not talk about those and talk about the tissue that it does not harm. That is your MO

You full of misdirection by talking about something that else. You talk about cleaning is perfectly harmless but it is know that they use it for disinfect inanimate objects

Keen scientific observation , by stating the obvious

I talked about the limitations of it,. But you fail to realize there are limitations or you do not want to talk about the limitations because you like to change the subject to the obvious.

If you do not hit the target it will not kill the target. Pretty simple but if you cannot grasp it then it is not my problem.

And the possible uses for UV used INTERNALLY CAN be made safe - That is such a generic term that does not mean something UV

So know we get to your true point CAN be made safe -

Meaning that it is not safe currently or maybe you are optimistic. The future is a possibility and not a certainty.
If any Con out there was wants to be so absolutely fucking Dead From The Neck Dumb enough to inject/ingest a disinfectant, please by all means do so.

But those of us who know better will laugh our asses as you kill yourself.

Why would an American follow the fucking lies of you Stalinist vermin who are just trying to smear your intellectual and moral superior?

That Tide Pod Challenge fucked you up, Comrade traitor.

First off, I am NOT a Communist. The only person who thinks a Communist is good guy is 45, Putin is after a former KGB Colonel.

Next, I'm not Dead From The Neck Up Fuck Wad Con dumb enough to swallow a tide pod OR ingest or inject disinfectants, I leave to the Seig Heil Shouting, GooseStepping, Bult UnBoden Shouting, Tiki Torch , Carrying, Shit For Brains Con Jobs.

Nor have I ever believe anyone of the now over 18,000 Lies told by 45, that is all you.
Yeah but you're a fucktard TDS there is that....
But it is harmful to eye tissue and skin tissue but let not talk about those and talk about the tissue that it does not harm. That is your MO

Eyes YES.. I've already stated that twice.. But exposures in the seconds and short MINUTES can be tolerated if the power levels are correct. And for ANY KIND of therapeutic application for bacteria or flu -- it's a one time deal and you're done.. No problem...

ALL EMagnetic radiation effects from microwave to Light to X-ray and beyond is based on total exposure times..
And the possible uses for UV used INTERNALLY CAN be made safe - That is such a generic term that does not mean something UV

So know we get to your true point CAN be made safe -

Meaning that it is not safe currently or maybe you are optimistic. The future is a possibility and not a certainty.

Oh man.. I'm excited here. We're getting SOOO close to you understanding this whole UV "disinfectant" thing... YEAH -- the future is the future. Not jumpin any guns. I've told Trumpers in this thread that the Ayla Biosciences project has STATISTICALLY a very small chance of making it too market.. MAINLY because by the time they've determined it's USEFUL -- Covid wont be a market big enough to launch a product..

But KUDOS on the progress..

You really think the chief research scientist at DHS would answer YES to a prez asking him about injecting BLEACH into the body??? That just exceeds credulity of any reasonable person.. But not anyone with advanced TDS.. OR most of the media.. Because they are all BEYOND reality and reason now...

Can you explain this Faun ?? You can't.. Your conspiracy theory is fake news..
Of course I can explain it. You're lying. Bryan didn't say, "yes," in response to Impeached Trump suggesting we inject disinfectant into the body.
You really think the chief research scientist at DHS would answer YES to a prez asking him about injecting BLEACH into the body??? That just exceeds credulity of any reasonable person.. But not anyone with advanced TDS.. OR most of the media.. Because they are all BEYOND reality and reason now...

Can you explain this Faun ?? You can't.. Your conspiracy theory is fake news..
Of course I can explain it. You're lying. Bryan didn't say, "yes," in response to Impeached Trump suggesting we inject disinfectant into the body.

He didn't say no.. Because Trump went on with other questions.. But the MAIN point is -- he PREFACED that brain fart with "UV light".. And ended those remarks specifically mentioning the "light" part of Bryans presentation.. You've been abused by what ever deranged media you are reading and the jerks feeding you HIGHLY EDITED transcripts of the whole deal..

Go be mad at THOSE morons... Not me... They are setting y'all up to fail over and over again.,. Making you look ridiculous and you KEEP going back them for more..
You really think the chief research scientist at DHS would answer YES to a prez asking him about injecting BLEACH into the body??? That just exceeds credulity of any reasonable person.. But not anyone with advanced TDS.. OR most of the media.. Because they are all BEYOND reality and reason now...

Can you explain this Faun ?? You can't.. Your conspiracy theory is fake news..
Of course I can explain it. You're lying. Bryan didn't say, "yes," in response to Impeached Trump suggesting we inject disinfectant into the body.

He didn't say no.. Because Trump went on with other questions.. But the MAIN point is -- he PREFACED that brain fart with "UV light".. And ended those remarks specifically mentioning the "light" part of Bryans presentation.. You've been abused by what ever deranged media you are reading and the jerks feeding you HIGHLY EDITED transcripts of the whole deal..

Go be mad at THOSE morons... Not me... They are setting y'all up to fail over and over again.,. Making you look ridiculous and you KEEP going back them for more..

He didn't say, "no??"

Fucking liar, you implied he said, "yes."

You really think the chief research scientist at DHS would answer YES to a prez asking him about injecting BLEACH into the body???

No kindly go fuck yourself until you learn to debate honestly.
But it is harmful to eye tissue and skin tissue but let not talk about those and talk about the tissue that it does not harm. That is your MO

Eyes YES.. I've already stated that twice.. But exposures in the seconds and short MINUTES can be tolerated if the power levels are correct. And for ANY KIND of therapeutic application for bacteria or flu -- it's a one time deal and you're done.. No problem...

ALL EMagnetic radiation effects from microwave to Light to X-ray and beyond is based on total exposure times..
View attachment 330022View attachment 330023View attachment 330027

I can't understand what the confusion is, Dr. pussygrabber specifically said IV detergents, and a light bulb up your ass...



for the 999999th time -

if uv was a viable treatment for virus HIV would have been cured YEARS AGO -

You really think the chief research scientist at DHS would answer YES to a prez asking him about injecting BLEACH into the body??? That just exceeds credulity of any reasonable person.. But not anyone with advanced TDS.. OR most of the media.. Because they are all BEYOND reality and reason now...

Can you explain this Faun ?? You can't.. Your conspiracy theory is fake news..
Of course I can explain it. You're lying. Bryan didn't say, "yes," in response to Impeached Trump suggesting we inject disinfectant into the body.

He didn't say no.. Because Trump went on with other questions.. But the MAIN point is -- he PREFACED that brain fart with "UV light".. And ended those remarks specifically mentioning the "light" part of Bryans presentation.. You've been abused by what ever deranged media you are reading and the jerks feeding you HIGHLY EDITED transcripts of the whole deal..

Go be mad at THOSE morons... Not me... They are setting y'all up to fail over and over again.,. Making you look ridiculous and you KEEP going back them for more..

He didn't say, "no??"

Fucking liar, you implied he said, "yes."

You really think the chief research scientist at DHS would answer YES to a prez asking him about injecting BLEACH into the body???

No kindly go fuck yourself until you learn to debate honestly.

Obviously Trump and Bryan knew MORE about UV light as a disinfectant for use INTERNALLY, than you ever will... That's what mattered.. And when Trump fed Byran those questions -- indicates to ME that they had discussed all this at a HIGHER level briefing before the Press Event.. Bryan did not challenge him on ANY of questions Trump asked -- did he???

You don't need to fuck yourself.. Your derangement and the crap you're dumpster diving for already fucks you daily when you vomit it out everyday and get laughed at...
for the 999999th time -

if uv was a viable treatment for virus HIV would have been cured YEARS AGO -


HIV is a SYNDROME. It cause changes in the blood cells and immune system.. The virus doesn't "live" locally to be attacked in the blood stream.. HOWEVER -- there ARE blood treatment systems that harvest white blood cells that are then TUNED to activate with UV light. This is how much of moron you are... Used to treat a special type of skin cancer,...

Tune to about 3 minutes in and wait for UV activation part...

UV is used INTERNALLY on "tissues" EVERY TIME you have a cavity filled or a crown glued. The dentist hands you a pair of glasses and blasts the cement or almalgums with a UV gun to cure the materials,

The Ayla Bioscience UV project for COvid uses UV to kill Covid in the trachea to STOP the migration into the lungs on intubated patients. It's a LIMITED tool, but could be STANDARD on ventillators in the future IF it pans out.. Pretty sure the Bryan KNOWS about this project. And it's a company that is fully associated with Cedars Sinai hospital.... I TRUST their enthusiasm for ANNOUNCING this and their scientific judgements.
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I am going to you knuckle draggers a favor.


At 2:09 Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.

At 48-Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.


Denying the fact that 45 did in fact suggest injecting disinfectants does not in anyway, shape and or form alter the fact that he did suggest injecting/ingesting disinfectants.

He said it. Denying he said does not change that fact at all.
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. Tens of thousand of lives gone, a million cases and hundreds billions of dollar spent needless simple because the president decided there was no need to plan for a pandemic because it would never happen and when it did, it was just the common flu and it was under control. In the future, people are going to be reading about this and shaking their heads wondering how in hell did we allow this happen.
FALSE! Trump DID plan for a pandemic. He blocked travel from China as far back as January 2020, when there had not been one single COVID-19 death in the US. At the time, scatterbrained, loose lipped liberals castigated him as being "racist" against the Chinese. Luckily, he had the sense to not listen to them.
Trump had a dozen briefings from his intelligence about Coronavirus , and told the world it was a hoax. And he didn't block China. He still let people in. Blocking China did nothing because he was too stupid to figure out that people traveling to China from Europe, could have already been infected if they went back to Europe, then to the US. The ban on China was useless.
I saw a presentation he made many years ago to investors promoting a new Trump Tower in Florida. Today, it's the same load of crap, gross exaggerations, sprinkled with lies, and pipe dreams.

I don't agree that Trump is stupid. Yes, he says a lot of stupid shit, but it's part of his spiel to get attention and appeal to people that don't trust the talking heads and intellectuals. He's a successful billionaire who's about as sophisticated as Joe the bartender at the local tavern, at least that is the persona he wants followers to believe. There's a huge segment of the population that just doesn't trust anyone that appears polished, well spoken, gracious, and clever.
. Tens of thousand of lives gone, a million cases and hundreds billions of dollar spent needless simple because the president decided there was no need to plan for a pandemic because it would never happen and when it did, it was just the common flu and it was under control. In the future, people are going to be reading about this and shaking their heads wondering how in hell did we allow this happen.
FALSE! Trump DID plan for a pandemic. He blocked travel from China as far back as January 2020, when there had not been one single COVID-19 death in the US. At the time, scatterbrained, loose lipped liberals castigated him as being "racist" against the Chinese. Luckily, he had the sense to not listen to them.
Trump had a dozen briefings from his intelligence about Coronavirus , and told the world it was a hoax. And he didn't block China. He still let people in. Blocking China did nothing because he was too stupid to figure out that people traveling to China from Europe, could have already been infected if they went back to Europe, then to the US. The ban on China was useless.
I saw a presentation he made many years ago to investors promoting a new Trump Tower in Florida. Today, it's the same load of crap, gross exaggerations, sprinkled with lies, and pipe dreams.

I don't agree that Trump is stupid. Yes, he says a lot of stupid shit, but it's part of his spiel to get attention and appeal to people that don't trust the talking heads and intellectuals. He's a successful billionaire who's about as sophisticated as Joe the bartender at the local tavern, at least that is the persona he wants followers to believe. There's a huge segment of the population that just doesn't trust anyone that appears polished, well spoken, gracious, and clever.

I'll venture a guess theres more people who expect their president to know his fat ass from Alabama -
But it is harmful to eye tissue and skin tissue but let not talk about those and talk about the tissue that it does not harm. That is your MO

Eyes YES.. I've already stated that twice.. But exposures in the seconds and short MINUTES can be tolerated if the power levels are correct. And for ANY KIND of therapeutic application for bacteria or flu -- it's a one time deal and you're done.. No problem...

ALL EMagnetic radiation effects from microwave to Light to X-ray and beyond is based on total exposure times..
How can there be a one time application? The coronavirus moves rapidly through the upper respiratory system to the lungs and the blood stream. If you're using UV, how would know where to apply it. It just doesn't make any sense.
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