Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

You really think the chief research scientist at DHS would answer YES to a prez asking him about injecting BLEACH into the body??? That just exceeds credulity of any reasonable person.. But not anyone with advanced TDS.. OR most of the media.. Because they are all BEYOND reality and reason now...

Can you explain this Faun ?? You can't.. Your conspiracy theory is fake news..
Of course I can explain it. You're lying. Bryan didn't say, "yes," in response to Impeached Trump suggesting we inject disinfectant into the body.

He didn't say no.. Because Trump went on with other questions.. But the MAIN point is -- he PREFACED that brain fart with "UV light".. And ended those remarks specifically mentioning the "light" part of Bryans presentation.. You've been abused by what ever deranged media you are reading and the jerks feeding you HIGHLY EDITED transcripts of the whole deal..

Go be mad at THOSE morons... Not me... They are setting y'all up to fail over and over again.,. Making you look ridiculous and you KEEP going back them for more..

He didn't say, "no??"

Fucking liar, you implied he said, "yes."

You really think the chief research scientist at DHS would answer YES to a prez asking him about injecting BLEACH into the body???

No kindly go fuck yourself until you learn to debate honestly.

Obviously Trump and Bryan knew MORE about UV light as a disinfectant for use INTERNALLY, than you ever will... That's what mattered.. And when Trump fed Byran those questions -- indicates to ME that they had discussed all this at a HIGHER level briefing before the Press Event.. Bryan did not challenge him on ANY of questions Trump asked -- did he???

You don't need to fuck yourself.. Your derangement and the crap you're dumpster diving for already fucks you daily when you vomit it out everyday and get laughed at...
You lied to protect your BF and got caught. Deal with it.
How can there be a one time application? The coronavirus moves rapidly through the upper respiratory system to the lungs and the blood stream. If you're using UV, how would know where to apply it. It just doesn't make any sense.

Flus migrate from upper to lower respiratory.. So if you have already INTUBATED a patient -- the established infections in the throat are constantly ADDING to the load in the lungs.. (probably, but I dont KNOW -- aggravated by the mechanical friction of the tube and the fact that the sedated intubated patient can't cough stuff up) If you can create a barrier that goes deep into the trachea with UV treatments -- you get what Aytu and Cedars Sinai calls -- prevention of secondary covid infections in the deep portions of the lungs..

It's like cutting off the battlefield.. Body immune system only has to fight 1/2 the battle... That's why I think Aytu has a chance with this product to CHANGE the way critical care ventilators are designed -- maybe eventually.,.,. Useful for probably a LOT of flus...
Might not be a "one time" application.. MIGHT be once a day or so.. HAven't read their published paper but probably will... But STILL -- in the big scheme of UV radiation exposures, I have every reason to believe it can be safe when used on critical patients that have LITTLE chance of surviving Covid or other severe infectious resp. diseases, or EVER coming off that ventilator alive..
I am going to you knuckle draggers a favor.


At 2:09 Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.

At 48-Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.


Denying the fact that 45 did in fact suggest injecting disinfectants does not in anyway, shape and or form alter the fact that he did suggest injecting/ingesting disinfectants.

He said it. Denying he said does not change that fact at all.

You are SO far behind.. UV LIGHT was part of Bryan's presentations. UV IS a disinfectant... I just posted the ENTIRE prez comments in a video above. ALL of his "suggestions and questions to Bryan was QUALIFIED - both AT the beginning and at the end of those remarks to be SOLELY ABOUT "using UV light as the "disinfectant"... I've posted that unedited vid SEVERAL times in this thread.

Continue to be a mental midget and repeat the talking points that your fake media set you up with to fail---- OR FIND that video just a page or two back and DISCUSS THIS with me like an adult....

Tell me HE DID NOT qualify those brain farts to be about UV light...
I am going to you knuckle draggers a favor.


At 2:09 Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.

At 48-Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.


Denying the fact that 45 did in fact suggest injecting disinfectants does not in anyway, shape and or form alter the fact that he did suggest injecting/ingesting disinfectants.

He said it. Denying he said does not change that fact at all.

You are SO far behind.. UV LIGHT was part of Bryan's presentations. UV IS a disinfectant... I just posted the ENTIRE prez comments in a video above. ALL of his "suggestions and questions to Bryan was QUALIFIED - both AT the beginning and at the end of those remarks to be SOLELY ABOUT "using UV light as the "disinfectant"... I've posted that unedited vid SEVERAL times in this thread.

Continue to be a mental midget and repeat the talking points that your fake media set you up with to fail---- OR FIND that video just a page or two back and DISCUSS THIS with me like an adult....

Tell me HE DID NOT qualify those brain farts to be about UV light...

yeah - they treat mattresses in hotel rooms with uv to disinfect them -

internal applications in humans NOT SO MUCH
I am going to you knuckle draggers a favor.


At 2:09 Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.

At 48-Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.


Denying the fact that 45 did in fact suggest injecting disinfectants does not in anyway, shape and or form alter the fact that he did suggest injecting/ingesting disinfectants.

He said it. Denying he said does not change that fact at all.

In FACT -- you deranged clown -- In your MIDDLE VIDEO -- Trump's comments are QUALIFIED at the beginning, the middle and the end -- to be SOLELY about UV light as an disinfectant"... And you're (and the entire resistance media") science understanding is SOOOO damn poor -- you just can't understand that UV IS a disinfectant. In LARGE use for public spaces and NOW is being proposed as a system to fight Covid in the trachea by INJECTING UV light in there..

Tell me that he DID NOT QUALIFY all that to BE about UV light....
I am going to you knuckle draggers a favor.


At 2:09 Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.

At 48-Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.


Denying the fact that 45 did in fact suggest injecting disinfectants does not in anyway, shape and or form alter the fact that he did suggest injecting/ingesting disinfectants.

He said it. Denying he said does not change that fact at all.

You are SO far behind.. UV LIGHT was part of Bryan's presentations. UV IS a disinfectant... I just posted the ENTIRE prez comments in a video above. ALL of his "suggestions and questions to Bryan was QUALIFIED - both AT the beginning and at the end of those remarks to be SOLELY ABOUT "using UV light as the "disinfectant"... I've posted that unedited vid SEVERAL times in this thread.

Continue to be a mental midget and repeat the talking points that your fake media set you up with to fail---- OR FIND that video just a page or two back and DISCUSS THIS with me like an adult....

Tell me HE DID NOT qualify those brain farts to be about UV light...

yeah - they treat mattresses in hotel rooms with uv to disinfect them -

internal applications in humans NOT SO MUCH

Every time you weigh in with your screeds you show more ignorance.. MASSIVE UV cleaning like in hospitals, airplanes, ect -- ONLY works on hard surfaces.. Has little effect on porous surfaces..

People are out there right now saving lives with UV and you're just a waste of bandwidth...

LEARN something...

I am going to you knuckle draggers a favor.


At 2:09 Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.

At 48-Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.


Denying the fact that 45 did in fact suggest injecting disinfectants does not in anyway, shape and or form alter the fact that he did suggest injecting/ingesting disinfectants.

He said it. Denying he said does not change that fact at all.

You are SO far behind.. UV LIGHT was part of Bryan's presentations. UV IS a disinfectant... I just posted the ENTIRE prez comments in a video above. ALL of his "suggestions and questions to Bryan was QUALIFIED - both AT the beginning and at the end of those remarks to be SOLELY ABOUT "using UV light as the "disinfectant"... I've posted that unedited vid SEVERAL times in this thread.

Continue to be a mental midget and repeat the talking points that your fake media set you up with to fail---- OR FIND that video just a page or two back and DISCUSS THIS with me like an adult....

Tell me HE DID NOT qualify those brain farts to be about UV light...


Here are the "disinfectants" they were discussing....


  • Love
Reactions: BWK
I am going to you knuckle draggers a favor.


At 2:09 Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.

At 48-Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.


Denying the fact that 45 did in fact suggest injecting disinfectants does not in anyway, shape and or form alter the fact that he did suggest injecting/ingesting disinfectants.

He said it. Denying he said does not change that fact at all.

You are SO far behind.. UV LIGHT was part of Bryan's presentations. UV IS a disinfectant... I just posted the ENTIRE prez comments in a video above. ALL of his "suggestions and questions to Bryan was QUALIFIED - both AT the beginning and at the end of those remarks to be SOLELY ABOUT "using UV light as the "disinfectant"... I've posted that unedited vid SEVERAL times in this thread.

Continue to be a mental midget and repeat the talking points that your fake media set you up with to fail---- OR FIND that video just a page or two back and DISCUSS THIS with me like an adult....

Tell me HE DID NOT qualify those brain farts to be about UV light...


Here are the "disinfectants" they were discussing....



What part of UV LIGHT IS a disinfectant --- dont you understand after watching the C/Net vid I just posted or LISTENING to Bryan's presentation??? How dense are you ACTUALLY??

President's remarks were QUALIFIED 3 or more times to be ABOUT using the UV light portion of Bryan's presentation... Do you dispute that? Or are you uselessly just trolling?
I am going to you knuckle draggers a favor.


At 2:09 Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.

At 48-Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.


Denying the fact that 45 did in fact suggest injecting disinfectants does not in anyway, shape and or form alter the fact that he did suggest injecting/ingesting disinfectants.

He said it. Denying he said does not change that fact at all.

You are SO far behind.. UV LIGHT was part of Bryan's presentations. UV IS a disinfectant... I just posted the ENTIRE prez comments in a video above. ALL of his "suggestions and questions to Bryan was QUALIFIED - both AT the beginning and at the end of those remarks to be SOLELY ABOUT "using UV light as the "disinfectant"... I've posted that unedited vid SEVERAL times in this thread.

Continue to be a mental midget and repeat the talking points that your fake media set you up with to fail---- OR FIND that video just a page or two back and DISCUSS THIS with me like an adult....

Tell me HE DID NOT qualify those brain farts to be about UV light...


Here are the "disinfectants" they were discussing....



What part of UV LIGHT IS a disinfectant --- dont you understand after watching the C/Net vid I just posted or LISTENING to Bryan's presentation??? How dense are you ACTUALLY??

President's remarks were QUALIFIED 3 or more times to be ABOUT using the UV light portion of Bryan's presentation... Do you dispute that? Or are you uselessly just trolling?


I just showed you what disinfectants they were discussing. If the meant UV light as a "disinfectant," why didn't they include UV light as a "disinfectant" along with "bleach" and "isopropyl aclohol?"

I am going to you knuckle draggers a favor.


At 2:09 Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.

At 48-Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.


Denying the fact that 45 did in fact suggest injecting disinfectants does not in anyway, shape and or form alter the fact that he did suggest injecting/ingesting disinfectants.

He said it. Denying he said does not change that fact at all.

You are SO far behind.. UV LIGHT was part of Bryan's presentations. UV IS a disinfectant... I just posted the ENTIRE prez comments in a video above. ALL of his "suggestions and questions to Bryan was QUALIFIED - both AT the beginning and at the end of those remarks to be SOLELY ABOUT "using UV light as the "disinfectant"... I've posted that unedited vid SEVERAL times in this thread.

Continue to be a mental midget and repeat the talking points that your fake media set you up with to fail---- OR FIND that video just a page or two back and DISCUSS THIS with me like an adult....

Tell me HE DID NOT qualify those brain farts to be about UV light...


Here are the "disinfectants" they were discussing....



What part of UV LIGHT IS a disinfectant --- dont you understand after watching the C/Net vid I just posted or LISTENING to Bryan's presentation??? How dense are you ACTUALLY??

President's remarks were QUALIFIED 3 or more times to be ABOUT using the UV light portion of Bryan's presentation... Do you dispute that? Or are you uselessly just trolling?


I just showed you what disinfectants they were discussing. If the meant UV light as a "disinfectant," why didn't they include UV light as a "disinfectant" along with "bleach" and "isopropyl aclohol?"

Because folks that UNDERSTAND science don't NEED that explanation.. It's clear by definition and BEYOND the audience of journalistic morons they were speaking with.. And APPARENTLY you also...
I am going to you knuckle draggers a favor.


At 2:09 Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.

At 48-Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.


Denying the fact that 45 did in fact suggest injecting disinfectants does not in anyway, shape and or form alter the fact that he did suggest injecting/ingesting disinfectants.

He said it. Denying he said does not change that fact at all.

You are SO far behind.. UV LIGHT was part of Bryan's presentations. UV IS a disinfectant... I just posted the ENTIRE prez comments in a video above. ALL of his "suggestions and questions to Bryan was QUALIFIED - both AT the beginning and at the end of those remarks to be SOLELY ABOUT "using UV light as the "disinfectant"... I've posted that unedited vid SEVERAL times in this thread.

Continue to be a mental midget and repeat the talking points that your fake media set you up with to fail---- OR FIND that video just a page or two back and DISCUSS THIS with me like an adult....

Tell me HE DID NOT qualify those brain farts to be about UV light...


Here are the "disinfectants" they were discussing....



What part of UV LIGHT IS a disinfectant --- dont you understand after watching the C/Net vid I just posted or LISTENING to Bryan's presentation??? How dense are you ACTUALLY??

President's remarks were QUALIFIED 3 or more times to be ABOUT using the UV light portion of Bryan's presentation... Do you dispute that? Or are you uselessly just trolling?


I just showed you what disinfectants they were discussing. If the meant UV light as a "disinfectant," why didn't they include UV light as a "disinfectant" along with "bleach" and "isopropyl aclohol?"

Because folks that UNDERSTAND science don't NEED that explanation.. It's clear by definition and BEYOND the audience of journalistic morons they were speaking with.. And APPARENTLY you also...

The point Bryan made on the 1st section of that chart is that direct sunlight UV can DISINFECT the covid virus in about 1.5 minutes... It's HIGHLY effective. I wouldn't even attempt to explain to you what a "half-life" is -- but that unit of measure is used to be INDEPENDENT of volume.. So 1/2 the volume of covid is KILLED DEAD by UV in 1.5 minutes...
I am going to you knuckle draggers a favor.


At 2:09 Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.

At 48-Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.


Denying the fact that 45 did in fact suggest injecting disinfectants does not in anyway, shape and or form alter the fact that he did suggest injecting/ingesting disinfectants.

He said it. Denying he said does not change that fact at all.

You are SO far behind.. UV LIGHT was part of Bryan's presentations. UV IS a disinfectant... I just posted the ENTIRE prez comments in a video above. ALL of his "suggestions and questions to Bryan was QUALIFIED - both AT the beginning and at the end of those remarks to be SOLELY ABOUT "using UV light as the "disinfectant"... I've posted that unedited vid SEVERAL times in this thread.

Continue to be a mental midget and repeat the talking points that your fake media set you up with to fail---- OR FIND that video just a page or two back and DISCUSS THIS with me like an adult....

Tell me HE DID NOT qualify those brain farts to be about UV light...

yeah - they treat mattresses in hotel rooms with uv to disinfect them -

internal applications in humans NOT SO MUCH

Every time you weigh in with your screeds you show more ignorance.. MASSIVE UV cleaning like in hospitals, airplanes, ect -- ONLY works on hard surfaces.. Has little effect on porous surfaces..

People are out there right now saving lives with UV and you're just a waste of bandwidth...

LEARN something...

hard surfaces huh -

dumbass trumpdrones crack me up
Although "disinfecting" blood with "injected UV" went out of fashion in the 50s due to the burgeoning spectrum of new antibiotics -- it's being RECONSIDERED to "inject UV light" into the blood stream to kill bacteria and possibly viruses... Here's a paper from 2017 listed on NIH website discussing Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation.. (UBI)

This chapter discusses the potential of UBI as an alternative approach to current methods used to treat infections, as an immune-modulating therapy and as a method for normalizing blood parameters. No resistance of microorganisms to UV irradiation has been reported, and multi- antibiotic resistant strains are as susceptible as their wild-type counterparts. Low and mild doses of UV kill microorganisms by damaging the DNA, while any DNA damage in host cells can be rapidly repaired by DNA repair enzymes. However the use of UBI to treat septicemia cannot be solely due to UV-mediated killing of bacteria in the blood-stream, as only 5–7% of blood volume needs to be treated with UV to produce the optimum benefit. UBI may enhance the phagocytic capacity of various phagocytic cells (neutrophils and dendritic cells), inhibit lymphocytes, and oxidize blood lipids.
I am going to you knuckle draggers a favor.


At 2:09 Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.

At 48-Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.


Denying the fact that 45 did in fact suggest injecting disinfectants does not in anyway, shape and or form alter the fact that he did suggest injecting/ingesting disinfectants.

He said it. Denying he said does not change that fact at all.

You are SO far behind.. UV LIGHT was part of Bryan's presentations. UV IS a disinfectant... I just posted the ENTIRE prez comments in a video above. ALL of his "suggestions and questions to Bryan was QUALIFIED - both AT the beginning and at the end of those remarks to be SOLELY ABOUT "using UV light as the "disinfectant"... I've posted that unedited vid SEVERAL times in this thread.

Continue to be a mental midget and repeat the talking points that your fake media set you up with to fail---- OR FIND that video just a page or two back and DISCUSS THIS with me like an adult....

Tell me HE DID NOT qualify those brain farts to be about UV light...

yeah - they treat mattresses in hotel rooms with uv to disinfect them -

internal applications in humans NOT SO MUCH

Every time you weigh in with your screeds you show more ignorance.. MASSIVE UV cleaning like in hospitals, airplanes, ect -- ONLY works on hard surfaces.. Has little effect on porous surfaces..

People are out there right now saving lives with UV and you're just a waste of bandwidth...

LEARN something...

hard surfaces huh -

dumbass trumpdrones crack me up

People buy a lot of crap.. I can't fix stupid or stop them.. Did ya watch the C/Net video?? Apparently not....
I am going to you knuckle draggers a favor.


At 2:09 Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.

At 48-Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.


Denying the fact that 45 did in fact suggest injecting disinfectants does not in anyway, shape and or form alter the fact that he did suggest injecting/ingesting disinfectants.

He said it. Denying he said does not change that fact at all.

You are SO far behind.. UV LIGHT was part of Bryan's presentations. UV IS a disinfectant... I just posted the ENTIRE prez comments in a video above. ALL of his "suggestions and questions to Bryan was QUALIFIED - both AT the beginning and at the end of those remarks to be SOLELY ABOUT "using UV light as the "disinfectant"... I've posted that unedited vid SEVERAL times in this thread.

Continue to be a mental midget and repeat the talking points that your fake media set you up with to fail---- OR FIND that video just a page or two back and DISCUSS THIS with me like an adult....

Tell me HE DID NOT qualify those brain farts to be about UV light...


Here are the "disinfectants" they were discussing....



What part of UV LIGHT IS a disinfectant --- dont you understand after watching the C/Net vid I just posted or LISTENING to Bryan's presentation??? How dense are you ACTUALLY??

President's remarks were QUALIFIED 3 or more times to be ABOUT using the UV light portion of Bryan's presentation... Do you dispute that? Or are you uselessly just trolling?


I just showed you what disinfectants they were discussing. If the meant UV light as a "disinfectant," why didn't they include UV light as a "disinfectant" along with "bleach" and "isopropyl aclohol?"

Because folks that UNDERSTAND science don't NEED that explanation.. It's clear by definition and BEYOND the audience of journalistic morons they were speaking with.. And APPARENTLY you also...


If that were true, then why'd they list "bleach" and "isopropyl aclohol" as "disinfectants?"

Little by little, your lunacy is exposed by light. :lmao:
  • Love
Reactions: BWK
just think, with internal uv treatments for virus patients they can get OZONE deodorized at the same time !

I am going to you knuckle draggers a favor.


At 2:09 Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.

At 48-Seconds 45 "Suggests" injecting disinfectants.


Denying the fact that 45 did in fact suggest injecting disinfectants does not in anyway, shape and or form alter the fact that he did suggest injecting/ingesting disinfectants.

He said it. Denying he said does not change that fact at all.

You are SO far behind.. UV LIGHT was part of Bryan's presentations. UV IS a disinfectant... I just posted the ENTIRE prez comments in a video above. ALL of his "suggestions and questions to Bryan was QUALIFIED - both AT the beginning and at the end of those remarks to be SOLELY ABOUT "using UV light as the "disinfectant"... I've posted that unedited vid SEVERAL times in this thread.

Continue to be a mental midget and repeat the talking points that your fake media set you up with to fail---- OR FIND that video just a page or two back and DISCUSS THIS with me like an adult....

Tell me HE DID NOT qualify those brain farts to be about UV light...


Here are the "disinfectants" they were discussing....



What part of UV LIGHT IS a disinfectant --- dont you understand after watching the C/Net vid I just posted or LISTENING to Bryan's presentation??? How dense are you ACTUALLY??

President's remarks were QUALIFIED 3 or more times to be ABOUT using the UV light portion of Bryan's presentation... Do you dispute that? Or are you uselessly just trolling?


I just showed you what disinfectants they were discussing. If the meant UV light as a "disinfectant," why didn't they include UV light as a "disinfectant" along with "bleach" and "isopropyl aclohol?"

Because folks that UNDERSTAND science don't NEED that explanation.. It's clear by definition and BEYOND the audience of journalistic morons they were speaking with.. And APPARENTLY you also...


If that were true, then why'd they list "bleach" and "isopropyl aclohol" as "disinfectants?"

Little by little, your lunacy is exposed by light. :lmao:


Trump came up with Hydroxychloroquine because he has stock in the drug, and it was proven to have deadly side effects. He also gave us the idea that it was only one person coming out of China, or it's totally contained idea, or the fifteen cases would go to zero idea, or the idea that anyone could get a test, or it goes away in warm weather idea, or the miracle idea, and I could go on and on, with his retarded ideas. Please tell me you aren't that fucking dumb to have believed all those ideas right?
Where are you getting this "information", and do you believe it all to be true ?
Ohhh, look at you lie, you little ChiCom fuck.

Even radical leftist hate site Snopes says;

View attachment 329864

Hey, you're a lying fuck, but you're also a pile of shit with no redeeming qualities...
Liberals use any slightest excuse to bash Trump, no matter how peripheral, fringe, or downright stupid.

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