Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

I expected him to have the country prepared for an epidemic before the first death occurred.
Like maybe a vaccine, or a billion ppe’s, 300 hundred thousand ventilators with each citizens name on it?

Except for the vaccine the rest of that is state and local responsibility

but trump is doing the best he can to overcome their lack of preparedness
I would have been happy if there were just enough N95 masks for everyone. There would have been no need for stay at homes orders nor business shutdowns nor the hundreds of billion in goverment subsidies. Just a billion dollars would have provided enough masks for the whole country. It could have been included in the pandemic response plan if Trump had ever seen fit to have one.
They would have been available if Obama had replenished the national stock.

He didn't.

It's hard to credibly blame Trump for something that happened before he was President, but damned if you leftists don't keep trying.
No, there has never been enough masks stockpiled, not even enough for all of our healthcare worker must less the whole country. If Trump had not disbanded the Pandemic Response Team in 2018, they most probably would have included it in the plan. He ignored the 2019 report from Homeland Security highlighting the countries lack of preparedness for a pandemic. Not even in early January when his security people warned him of the danger coronavirus posed to country did he act. Trump has tried to blame China, the World Health Organization, Obama, the CDC, the governors, and even our hospitals for the poor response to the pandemic in January and February but come November, he's not going to be able to pass the buck on this one.
Do you people believe history began when Trump was inaugurated?

Or is it just that you believe Obama is not responsible for his failures?

We have a pandemic the whole country in crisis caused by this incompetent president. Trump is a total failure. On top of that we have to deal with his regular lying bullshit.
Obama was well respected around the world. Trump made us a laughing stock, ignorant and stupid around the world.
Hmmm, so you actually are standing here saying that Trump is at fault for it all eh ?? This tells me that you Democrats are attempting to use this situation as another attempt to unseat Trump.

After so many failed attempts by the leftist Democrats to unseat Trump now, and even worse costing this nation in the billions or maybe even trillions of dollars, then I'd say that if it is found that the left was in kahoots with China somehow, and they were trying to over throw the U.S. government as a last ditch effort, then the Nuremberg trial's should look like a kindergarten court in comparison to what a treason trial should look like in regards to this possible act of desperation against America by it's own.
Because your so called "game changer", has no relationship with being a "game changer."
And the Democrats miracle drug is???
Not injecting disinfectant.
No one said anyone should.
Impeached Trump suggested it's something we should look into.
Lying isn't your strong point, so why do it ? Do you always take your marching orders from the demoncrats ????
Dumbfuck... I'm not lying..

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning." ~ Impeached Trump
Be honest... And you believed him to be saying what ??? I'll help... If you took that to mean that Trump was saying that people should try Clorox or to inject themselves with any kind of surface chemical, then you have severe TDS, the un-treatable kind.

One more time the room temperature IQ types like you.

Here is the video where the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing 45 said exactly that.


Quit making a fool of yourself please.
I expected him to have the country prepared for an epidemic before the first death occurred.
Like maybe a vaccine, or a billion ppe’s, 300 hundred thousand ventilators with each citizens name on it?

Except for the vaccine the rest of that is state and local responsibility

but trump is doing the best he can to overcome their lack of preparedness
I would have been happy if there were just enough N95 masks for everyone. There would have been no need for stay at homes orders nor business shutdowns nor the hundreds of billion in goverment subsidies. Just a billion dollars would have provided enough masks for the whole country. It could have been included in the pandemic response plan if Trump had ever seen fit to have one.
Hindsight is always 20/20.

Yes there is enough blame to go around sure, but that doesn't always apply correctly... Having everyone working together to fix things going foward is the best way. If you got a sale going on a crystal ball, then do tell because the nation needs one in order to make you happy.
Of course having everyone work together is the best way. However, before that can happen there has to be a plan and that plan has to be in place before the first case is discovered because those first few months are critical if the virus is be controlled. You can't start planning for an atomic attack when the missiles are in air and you can't start planning for an epidemic after it is already in the country and spreading.

Trump bears most of the responsibility for American's lack of preparedness and response but some responsibility lies with previous presidents including Obama. When Trump pulled together a response team on Jan 30th. One of the first questions asked was do we have a plan. What they got was a document created by the Bush administration, that was 15 years old. To give you an idea what the US should have been doing in January, all you need to do is look at South Korea. The South Korean government had test kits designed and on order and teams ready to go with prototype test kits before the first case was reported. Meanwhile the CDC was trying to decide the best approach to creating kits. By the end of March South Korea had reduced the number new cases by 90% and the number of new cases in the US had increased by 4600%. Unlike the US, most businesses and factories have remained open in South Korea. Preparedness and a fast response is the difference between success and failure in an epidemic.
These folks are cultists. They will never work together. Their brains are programmed, based on a tunnel vision logic.
Actually I can’t believe what I’m reading.

Trump mentioned UV ......... OMG OMG OMG Look like we just discover the moon. Look honey the moon is round. Trump is right the moon is round. WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?

Trump mentioned disinfectant. Trump didn’t say that or that is not what Trump means followed by TDS defense. WTH.
Injecting disinfectant is probably the dumbest and most dangerous thing a President could say
If it leads to libs shooting up with Clorox instead of heroin you might blame trump

but surely libs would not do so unless fauci says its alright
Very childish, but you could care less right ?
I expected him to have the country prepared for an epidemic before the first death occurred.
Like maybe a vaccine, or a billion ppe’s, 300 hundred thousand ventilators with each citizens name on it?

Except for the vaccine the rest of that is state and local responsibility

but trump is doing the best he can to overcome their lack of preparedness
I would have been happy if there were just enough N95 masks for everyone. There would have been no need for stay at homes orders nor business shutdowns nor the hundreds of billion in goverment subsidies. Just a billion dollars would have provided enough masks for the whole country. It could have been included in the pandemic response plan if Trump had ever seen fit to have one.
They would have been available if Obama had replenished the national stock.

He didn't.

It's hard to credibly blame Trump for something that happened before he was President, but damned if you leftists don't keep trying.
No, there has never been enough masks stockpiled, not even enough for all of our healthcare worker must less the whole country. If Trump had not disbanded the Pandemic Response Team in 2018, they most probably would have included it in the plan. He ignored the 2019 report from Homeland Security highlighting the countries lack of preparedness for a pandemic. Not even in early January when his security people warned him of the danger coronavirus posed to country did he act. Trump has tried to blame China, the World Health Organization, Obama, the CDC, the governors, and even our hospitals for the poor response to the pandemic in January and February but come November, he's not going to be able to pass the buck on this one.
Do you people believe history began when Trump was inaugurated?

Or is it just that you believe Obama is not responsible for his failures?

We have a pandemic the whole country in crisis caused by this incompetent president. Trump is a total failure. On top of that we have to deal with his regular lying bullshit.
Obama was well respected around the world. Trump made us a laughing stock, ignorant and stupid around the world.
Hmmm, so you actually are standing here saying that Trump is at fault for it all eh ?? This tells me that you Democrats are attempting to use this situation as another attempt to unseat Trump.

After so many failed attempts by the leftist Democrats to unseat Trump now, and even worse costing this nation in the billions or maybe even trillions of dollars, then I'd say that if it is found that the left was in kahoots with China somehow, and they were trying to over throw the U.S. government as a last ditch effort, then the Nuremberg trial's should look like a kindergarten court in comparison to what a treason trial should look like in regards to this possible act of desperation against America by it's own.

So I put a video of 5-Deferment Lying Orange Shit Stain suggesting ingesting/injecting disinfectants and you don't like it....truth hurt much?
Unfortunately, this UV light is also harmful to human tissue and can lead to skin cancer and cataracts in the eye, says study leader David J. Brenner, PhD, the Higgins Professor of Radiation Biophysics, professor of environmental health sciences, and director of the Center for Radiological Research at CUMC. UV light is almost never used in the operating room during surgery, as these health hazards necessitate the use of cumbersome protective equipment for both surgical staff and patients.

The concern THERE is for CHRONIC exposure.. You would not want personnel routinely in a room using UV cleansing.. Nor would you want personnel using UV wands to be cleaning a dozen airplanes a day.. SO -- a lot of robots have been developed to DO these tasks. Including the airplane cleansing.

That weak canard about "using it in the operating room DURING surgery" is just some ammunition for the POLITICAL angle of all this.. It just doesn't happen.. At least in the US.. And unless it's part of self contained cleaning machines that DONT expose the personnel... That's just a stupid statement.

And ya gotta admit -- it will save MORE LIVES than having 100s or a thousand "metro subway/bus" staff running around HAND CLEANING with toxic chemicals -- public transportation during an influenza outbreak...

Currently it is used on inanimate objects as a disinfectant. In space with no people they can blast that light and it does kill them at high enough levels. There are some limitations. Distance and angle is critical for success, glass, plastic, and vinyl cannot be penetrated , it only works if its a direct hit and if you miss to bad, poor reflective on many surfaces. I am sure the sellers of these products will talk it up.

Still my only concern is on a flight that might be anywhere from 10 to 20 hours and someone infected on the plane could spread the disease to others. In fact that is there selling point with airplanes is that people get sick on flights due to some virus. Disinfectant works for after the flight but during the flight if a carrier brings it on the plane then there is the loop hole. Once they leave that plane, there is the loop hole.

airplane, hospitals and whomever can afford these items probably do like it. Machine replacing people. Oh well that is another story.

It does have limitation and whether its better than humans doing hand cleaning is an argument between those who sell these products and those who hire people to do cleaning.

Still when the president makes statements he has a legion of followers hanging on his very words. It is best to be precise and correct when speaking instead of just riffing and saying nonsensical stuff especially when the virus is on peoples mind .
I think some times we lose track of what we actually know about the virus versus ideas, guesses, hunches, and what seems plausible. We do know as a fact that people contract the virus through the air, primary when they are close to an infected person. It makes sense that it could also be by transmitted through touching a surface and picking up the virus particles and then touching membrane in the noise mouth or eyes thus giving the virus a place of entry issues into the body. This is common method of transmission for viruses and bacteria that are not spread through the air. There has been no study that shows surface transmission of an airborne virus is a major method of transmission. It just makes sense that it is possible. IMHO, all the hand washing and hand sterilizing is recommended out of an abundance of caution. It will not hurt your chances of avoiding the virus and certainly improve your chances of avoiding many bacterial and viral infections that are transmitted by touch.

UV as a sterilizer has limited applications. Where there are many surface with different compositions such as fabric as we have in airplanes cabins, using traditional disinfectants can be very time consuming and often ineffective so it might seem that waving a magic wand spraying out uv light might be the answer. However, there are some serious drawbacks as explained in the link below.
I expected him to have the country prepared for an epidemic before the first death occurred.
Like maybe a vaccine, or a billion ppe’s, 300 hundred thousand ventilators with each citizens name on it?

Except for the vaccine the rest of that is state and local responsibility

but trump is doing the best he can to overcome their lack of preparedness
I would have been happy if there were just enough N95 masks for everyone. There would have been no need for stay at homes orders nor business shutdowns nor the hundreds of billion in goverment subsidies. Just a billion dollars would have provided enough masks for the whole country. It could have been included in the pandemic response plan if Trump had ever seen fit to have one.
They would have been available if Obama had replenished the national stock.

He didn't.

It's hard to credibly blame Trump for something that happened before he was President, but damned if you leftists don't keep trying.
No, there has never been enough masks stockpiled, not even enough for all of our healthcare worker must less the whole country. If Trump had not disbanded the Pandemic Response Team in 2018, they most probably would have included it in the plan. He ignored the 2019 report from Homeland Security highlighting the countries lack of preparedness for a pandemic. Not even in early January when his security people warned him of the danger coronavirus posed to country did he act. Trump has tried to blame China, the World Health Organization, Obama, the CDC, the governors, and even our hospitals for the poor response to the pandemic in January and February but come November, he's not going to be able to pass the buck on this one.
Do you people believe history began when Trump was inaugurated?

Or is it just that you believe Obama is not responsible for his failures?

We have a pandemic the whole country in crisis caused by this incompetent president. Trump is a total failure. On top of that we have to deal with his regular lying bullshit.
Obama was well respected around the world. Trump made us a laughing stock, ignorant and stupid around the world.
1. China caused this pandemic. But you don't dare criticize your masters.

2. Trump says things you don't like. Put on your big girl panties and deal with it.

3. Obama wasn't respected. Obama's weakness and hatred for America were exploited by those who would do us harm.

4. They hate Trump because he's made it plain America will look out for her interests and not put the interests of nations who hate us first.
1) it was caused by Trump breaking the agencies assigned with handling pandemics

2) seems like youre the one who cant deal with it.

3) youre only projecting your hatred

4) In a New York Times op-ed, Michael Morell, who worked under Presidents George W. Bush and Obama, called Trump an "unwitting agent" of Russia.
Lessee, one untrustworthy leftist source and three opinions.

Less than compelling.
I expected him to have the country prepared for an epidemic before the first death occurred.
Like maybe a vaccine, or a billion ppe’s, 300 hundred thousand ventilators with each citizens name on it?

Except for the vaccine the rest of that is state and local responsibility

but trump is doing the best he can to overcome their lack of preparedness
I would have been happy if there were just enough N95 masks for everyone. There would have been no need for stay at homes orders nor business shutdowns nor the hundreds of billion in goverment subsidies. Just a billion dollars would have provided enough masks for the whole country. It could have been included in the pandemic response plan if Trump had ever seen fit to have one.
They would have been available if Obama had replenished the national stock.

He didn't.

It's hard to credibly blame Trump for something that happened before he was President, but damned if you leftists don't keep trying.
No, there has never been enough masks stockpiled, not even enough for all of our healthcare worker must less the whole country. If Trump had not disbanded the Pandemic Response Team in 2018, they most probably would have included it in the plan. He ignored the 2019 report from Homeland Security highlighting the countries lack of preparedness for a pandemic. Not even in early January when his security people warned him of the danger coronavirus posed to country did he act. Trump has tried to blame China, the World Health Organization, Obama, the CDC, the governors, and even our hospitals for the poor response to the pandemic in January and February but come November, he's not going to be able to pass the buck on this one.
Do you people believe history began when Trump was inaugurated?

Or is it just that you believe Obama is not responsible for his failures?

We have a pandemic the whole country in crisis caused by this incompetent president. Trump is a total failure. On top of that we have to deal with his regular lying bullshit.
Obama was well respected around the world. Trump made us a laughing stock, ignorant and stupid around the world.
1. China caused this pandemic. But you don't dare criticize your masters.

2. Trump says things you don't like. Put on your big girl panties and deal with it.

3. Obama wasn't respected. Obama's weakness and hatred for America were exploited by those who would do us harm.

4. They hate Trump because he's made it plain America will look out for her interests and not put the interests of nations who hate us first.
1) it was caused by Trump breaking the agencies assigned with handling pandemics

2) seems like youre the one who cant deal with it.

3) youre only projecting your hatred

4) In a New York Times op-ed, Michael Morell, who worked under Presidents George W. Bush and Obama, called Trump an "unwitting agent" of Russia.
Lessee, one untrustworthy leftist source and three opinions.

Less than compelling.
Politico is the least biased.
But even though you can get the same thing from AP news.
Its just objective truth.

Is there any evidence Obama hated anything?
I cant find it.
Trump is musing that is there a way to make a cleansing aerosol into another form that could be injected.
There is nothing absurd about that. The only absurdity is liberals turning what he said into yet another FAKE.
I expected him to have the country prepared for an epidemic before the first death occurred.
Like maybe a vaccine, or a billion ppe’s, 300 hundred thousand ventilators with each citizens name on it?

Except for the vaccine the rest of that is state and local responsibility

but trump is doing the best he can to overcome their lack of preparedness
I would have been happy if there were just enough N95 masks for everyone. There would have been no need for stay at homes orders nor business shutdowns nor the hundreds of billion in goverment subsidies. Just a billion dollars would have provided enough masks for the whole country. It could have been included in the pandemic response plan if Trump had ever seen fit to have one.
They would have been available if Obama had replenished the national stock.

He didn't.

It's hard to credibly blame Trump for something that happened before he was President, but damned if you leftists don't keep trying.
No, there has never been enough masks stockpiled, not even enough for all of our healthcare worker must less the whole country. If Trump had not disbanded the Pandemic Response Team in 2018, they most probably would have included it in the plan. He ignored the 2019 report from Homeland Security highlighting the countries lack of preparedness for a pandemic. Not even in early January when his security people warned him of the danger coronavirus posed to country did he act. Trump has tried to blame China, the World Health Organization, Obama, the CDC, the governors, and even our hospitals for the poor response to the pandemic in January and February but come November, he's not going to be able to pass the buck on this one.
Do you people believe history began when Trump was inaugurated?

Or is it just that you believe Obama is not responsible for his failures?

We have a pandemic the whole country in crisis caused by this incompetent president. Trump is a total failure. On top of that we have to deal with his regular lying bullshit.
Obama was well respected around the world. Trump made us a laughing stock, ignorant and stupid around the world.
Hmmm, so you actually are standing here saying that Trump is at fault for it all eh ?? This tells me that you Democrats are attempting to use this situation as another attempt to unseat Trump.

After so many failed attempts by the leftist Democrats to unseat Trump now, and even worse costing this nation in the billions or maybe even trillions of dollars, then I'd say that if it is found that the left was in kahoots with China somehow, and they were trying to over throw the U.S. government as a last ditch effort, then the Nuremberg trial's should look like a kindergarten court in comparison to what a treason trial should look like in regards to this possible act of desperation against America by it's own.

So I put a video of 5-Deferment Lying Orange Shit Stain suggesting ingesting/injecting disinfectants and you don't like it....truth hurt much?
Only that's not what he was suggesting. Only in la la leftist world do you interpret Trump the way that you do. The rest of the nation has common sense to know the difference, and knows that Trump wasn't even remotely saying what you people are trying your darndest to say that he was. Good grief, get over it (2016), and move on in your lives. No one is fooled by the bullcrap narrative that the left is attempting to pedal as being real when people know better.
So now you admit Trump is a total retard. Thanks! And that includes you.
Only a retard would ignore these possible cures.

No responsible Medical Professional has endorsed ingesting/injecting disinfectants into the human body.

Introduction of UV to the human body is dubious at best. It would require opening the body to introduce the UV and doing so to a person suffering from COVID-19 could well kill that person.
I say's hilarious how suddenly every leftist is a medical expert.
Medical expert? :laughing0301: When was there a need to be an expert on injecting disinfectants? Why are you people talking stupid talk?

The American Medical Association came out saying injecting/ingest disinfectants will kill a person. Lancet, the Journal of British Medical Association also said injecting/ingesting disinfectants is going to kill a person.

But let some lame ass RWNJ Bible Thumping MAGA Ass Hat say the exact opposite and 45 jumps on it.
I'm convinced natural selection is our only hope, and I never wish bad on anyone. But for these folks who cheerlead for opening everything back up with no real plan for protection, is the same as legalizing drunk driving. I see no difference. Without precautions, everyone of these assholes should be locked up for manslaughter.

I know this has nothing to do with injecting disinfectants, but it goes along with the same line of retarded thinking. I never dreamt that in my wildest of imaginations, that such a large population of people could be this fucking stupid.
Trump is musing that is there a way to make a cleansing aerosol into another form that could be injected.
There is nothing absurd about that. The only absurdity is liberals turning what he said into yet another FAKE.
Sure there is. Trump said it was sarcasm. He sure made a fool out of you now didn't he?
Because your so called "game changer", has no relationship with being a "game changer."
And the Democrats miracle drug is???
Not injecting disinfectant.
No one said anyone should.
Impeached Trump suggested it's something we should look into.
Lying isn't your strong point, so why do it ? Do you always take your marching orders from the demoncrats ????
Dumbfuck... I'm not lying..

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning." ~ Impeached Trump
Be honest... And you believed him to be saying what ??? I'll help... If you took that to mean that Trump was saying that people should try Clorox or to inject themselves with any kind of surface chemical, then you have severe TDS, the un-treatable kind.
Impeached Trump suggested it's something we should look into.

Yes he did, but it was aimed at the scientist, and not at the Faun just so you can continue to play your little unintelligent game that you love to keep playing. No one is impressed.
"Yes he did"

Of course he did -- and when I said he did, you called me a liar.

You're fucked in the head, con. :cuckoo:

You're still repeating bullshit 10 pages after your fellow TDS'er moron posted a video of the prez's exact words.. He STARTED AND ENDED by mentioning the UV light part of Bryan's presentation.. NOT the bleach or isopropyl alcohol... I then REPOSTED that video about 3 times.. AND STILL -- you're making stuff up... Read post 3173 -- just above..

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning." ~ Impeached Trump

... and what disinfectant was he speaking of...?

UV light.
Who is the dumb fuck here? (you)

You! Trump said it was just sarcasm. Now who's the dumb fuck?
While gargling with Hydrogen Peroxide in a 3% solution of water is safe, swallowing Peroxide will kill you.

If you swallow Clorox, you are swallowing poison.

If you swallow Pinesol, you are swallowing poison.

If you swallow Iisopropyl Alcohol you are swallowing poison.

Disinfectants are NOT for internal use.
Peroxide is not lethal
While gargling with Hydrogen Peroxide in a 3% solution of water is safe, swallowing Peroxide will kill you.

If you swallow Clorox, you are swallowing poison.

If you swallow Pinesol, you are swallowing poison.

If you swallow Iisopropyl Alcohol you are swallowing poison.

Disinfectants are NOT for internal use.
Peroxide is not lethal

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