Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Liberals owned again

What miserable liars

It talks about using UV rays to sanitize surfaces. Nothing wrong with that

To which Trump theorizes.....Why can’t we shove one of those UV rods up someone’s ass?

Medical science shoves other things up our ass, so why the hell not? colonoscopes, sigmoidoscopes, prostrate biopsies get shoved up people's keisters every day of the week. They would probably want to grease up a UV Rod before insertion, IMHO.

Liberals owned again

What miserable liars

It talks about using UV rays to sanitize surfaces. Nothing wrong with that

To which Trump theorizes.....Why can’t we shove one of those UV rods up someone’s ass?

Medical science shoves other things up our ass, so why the hell not? colonoscopes, sigmoidoscopes, prostrate biopsies get shoved up people's keisters every day of the week. They would probably want to grease up a UV Rod before insertion, IMHO.

exactly. why the hell not. lungs to be transplanted are perfused while irradiated to lower possible or manifest virus load prior to transplanting.
why not autotransplant lungs of covid-19 patients. remove lung, perfuse, irradiate, reintroduce. do the same with all other organs likely to be virus-infested.

Liberals owned again

What miserable liars

It talks about using UV rays to sanitize surfaces. Nothing wrong with that

To which Trump theorizes.....Why can’t we shove one of those UV rods up someone’s ass?

Medical science shoves other things up our ass, so why the hell not? colonoscopes, sigmoidoscopes, prostrate biopsies get shoved up people's keisters every day of the week. They would probably want to grease up a UV Rod before insertion, IMHO.

I'm sorry, your hobby of sticking random objects up your ass (lightbulbs in this case) is not the cure. I also don't believe COVID or anything else for that matter is really that into you.
You should ask an actual doctor sometime when you have two brain cells in near proximation to one another - about how many POISONS are already being used for BENEFICIAL medical purposes, every day.
OMG, that has NOTHING TO DO with what Trump said. Stop trying to defend the indefensible.
Maybe he is the Messiah after all.
And this thread is a perfect example of TDS,
Maybe you'd like to explain how. This should be good. Cuz.......................................

"Trump asked Bryan if raising our hands in the sunlight could kill the virus, and then followed up with a series of questions about the power of sunlight and disinfectants, wondering if the latter could also be injected inside people’s bodies to kill COVID-19."

Exactly why this is a great example of TDS. You just repeated it again, showing again, that you have TDS.

If anyone actually believes that Trump thinks you can inject disinfectants into the bloodstream... or inject sunlight. Don't repeat what he said, I don't care what he said - AGAIN - if you actually believe he thinks that they you have TDS.
Trump is a PR nightmare on steroids. He bloviates, exaggerates - says outrageous things for effect all the time. He indeed has a strange style.
So why he said what he said who knows... most likely a joke. I don't know. But I am not so gullible and deranged to actually believe he thinks that.

And P.S. - did you catch the interview Biden did where he paused, forgetting the word "America" ..paused again?
I don't actually believe Biden doesn't know what country he is in, but forgetting the word is a REAL indication of dementia and or Alzheimers

Have you watched the press conference?
Yes. I know what he said, what is so difficult about this?
It isn't what he said, it is what you believe.
Again - if you actually he believe he thinks you can "inject sunlight" into people's veins - then you suffer from TDS. It is that simple.
The man says oddball things with regularity. He has a unique, strange style that is a PR persons nightmare.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he said this just to watch CNN go bananas. I hate that about him, it doesn't help his cause... but I am intelligent enough to know he doesn't actually believe it.
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

If this does not finally wake up the tard herd to just how stupid Donald Trump is, nothing will.

If Trump told them a turd was chocolate cake, they would gobble it down.

But this! This has got to wake them up that we have the dumbest person in the White House in American history.

Anyone who does not wake up is hopelessly stupid forever.
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

Actually the human body turns sunlight into vitamin d something cave dwellers like you need
Wow..................I knew Trump was ignorant, but this is the most stupidity displayed in a single afternoon.
Doctors always inject dangerous substances into humans to save them.
Sometimes MDs actually remove parts of the human anatomy to save the human.
I would advise you not to drink or inject any Lysol. In addition, do not swallow any light bulbs, flashlights, or LED mini-lights.
My body, my abortion and my favorite drug clinic!
In a sane world when the PRESIDENT suggests injecting disinfectant
The press would gasp.

The stock market would collapse.

The nightly news would only be talking about this crazy ass nonsense that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES just said on TV. Did you hear that? Let’s play it again.

The PRESIDENT just suggested - seriously and not as some sarcastic humorous aside - but seriously suggested human beings inject themselves with a goddamned DISINFECTANT. This is absolutely insane.

We have failed. All of us. You. Me. The person sitting next to you. Everyone. As a society we have failed because we have normalized this utterly batshit crazy insanity.

This is not normal.

This is not ACCEPTABLE.

People need to call every news man and woman, every congressional staffer and scream at them THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.





Go right ahead, dumbass! Go ahead and believe the lies and you will wind up in prison!
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

If this does not finally wake up the tard herd to just how stupid Donald Trump is, nothing will.

If Trump told them a turd was chocolate cake, they would gobble it down.

But this! This has got to wake them up that we have the dumbest person in the White House in American history.

Anyone who does not wake up is hopelessly stupid forever.

They are by definition a sheep, a lemming, a herd animal.

Make sure you got the volume up for this video! Hilarious.
Dr. Birx while Trump was "suggesting" disinfectant injections.

Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected 'Inside the Body' to Kill Coronavirus

During the White House press briefing on April 23, Donald Trump brought up the topic of warmer weather helping stop the pandemic spread of coronavirus. It’s a subject the President has brought up numerous times, but on Thursday, he stood before the briefing room and asked Dr. Deborah Birx to look into possible injecting sunlight into people to kill coronavirus.

Trump compared sunlight to being a “disinfectant” in the way in can knock out COVID-19 “in a minute.”

Trump said, “I wonder if there’s a way to do something where it knocks it out in one minute,” Trump said. “Is there was we can do something like that? By injection inside or almost a cleaning. As you know it gets inside the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”

Read more: WATCH: Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Be Injected ‘Inside the Body’ to Kill Coronavirus

This man is a f@*king moron!
Not to quibble
"So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just a very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked because of the testing," Trump said, speaking to Bryan during the briefing. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or some other way, and I think you said you're going to test that, too."

Full coverage of the coronavirus outbreak

He added: "I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."

Layman speak.

I got his intended point.
Even as the fuktarded TDS lemmings were first starting to go into reflexive convulsions.
please share trumps intended point with the board.

Let's see, (grabbing a crayon for you)

1. He knows that UV light and disinfectant kills the virus.

2. He is hoping that actual medical doctors can find a way to use those two facts, to fight the virus.

Basic mother fucking rocket surgery.
aka introducing agents known to disinfect surfaces into a human body. thx 4 shring.

You should ask an actual doctor sometime when you have two brain cells in near proximation to one another - about how many POISONS are already being used for BENEFICIAL medical purposes, every day.

You might actually fucking avoid looking like such an idiot, the next time the subject is discussed.
ah, and i thought we were friends.

btw, if a substance is beneficial, it is not a poison. ask paracelsus.

Two words


Proof of earlier concept;

Although arsenic can be poisonous, and chronic arsenic exposure from industrial or natural sources can cause serious toxicity, arsenic has been used therapeutically for more than 2,400 years. Link- Error - Cookies Turned Off
Goofy tea bagger trumpoholics compare vitamin C to disinfectant. Ya, vitamin C is just like Lysol or bleach.
Don’t be a doofus.
Oregon State University researcher: Vitamins C, D can help prevent COVID-19
Yep. We already know these things WILL help.

People, especially those at risk, SHOULD be getting supplemental vitamin C and zinc.

Is vItamin C a disinfectant?
It’s an antioxidant. Does that count?

H.L. Mencken, exactly 100 years ago:

The larger the mob, the harder the test. In small areas, before small electorates, a first-rate man occasionally fights his way through, carrying even the mob with him by the force of his personality. But when the field is nationwide, and the fight must be waged chiefly at second and third hand, and the force of personality cannot so readily make itself felt, then all the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre—the man who can most adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum.

The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

Actually the human body turns sunlight into vitamin d something cave dwellers like you need

And vitiamin D is a proven killah of the virus! It's true! It's a gamechanger, it's better than a game changer …. it's wonderful. LOL
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

If this does not finally wake up the tard herd to just how stupid Donald Trump is, nothing will.

If Trump told them a turd was chocolate cake, they would gobble it down.

But this! This has got to wake them up that we have the dumbest person in the White House in American history.

Anyone who does not wake up is hopelessly stupid forever.

Why doesn't this wake up librads to the fact that they are functionally illiterate?
Maybe he is the Messiah after all.
And this thread is a perfect example of TDS,
Maybe you'd like to explain how. This should be good. Cuz.......................................

"Trump asked Bryan if raising our hands in the sunlight could kill the virus, and then followed up with a series of questions about the power of sunlight and disinfectants, wondering if the latter could also be injected inside people’s bodies to kill COVID-19."

Exactly why this is a great example of TDS. You just repeated it again, showing again, that you have TDS.

If anyone actually believes that Trump thinks you can inject disinfectants into the bloodstream... or inject sunlight. Don't repeat what he said, I don't care what he said - AGAIN - if you actually believe he thinks that they you have TDS.
Trump is a PR nightmare on steroids. He bloviates, exaggerates - says outrageous things for effect all the time. He indeed has a strange style.
So why he said what he said who knows... most likely a joke. I don't know. But I am not so gullible and deranged to actually believe he thinks that.

And P.S. - did you catch the interview Biden did where he paused, forgetting the word "America" ..paused again?
I don't actually believe Biden doesn't know what country he is in, but forgetting the word is a REAL indication of dementia and or Alzheimers

Have you watched the press conference?
Yes. I know what he said, what is so difficult about this?
It isn't what he said, it is what you believe.
Again - if you actually he believe he thinks you can "inject sunlight" into people's veins - then you suffer from TDS. It is that simple.
The man says oddball things with regularity. He has a unique, strange style that is a PR persons nightmare.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he said this just to watch CNN go bananas. I hate that about him, it doesn't help his cause... but I am intelligent enough to know he doesn't actually believe it.

If you watched the presser, you know that he was not joking nor saying it to get CNN upset.

He was riffing on live TV the way a moron kid whos's been doing edibles all night rifs with his stoner pals.

He thinks that he will come up with an idea for treating this virus that doctors haven't thought of because he's a narcissistic idiot.

If you were an honest person, you'd admit this and declare that you could never vote for a moron like that.

Instead, you pretend that he didn't mean it. Or that he meant it as a joke of some kind.

Fuck off.
Goofy tea bagger trumpoholics compare vitamin C to disinfectant. Ya, vitamin C is just like Lysol or bleach.
Don’t be a doofus.
Oregon State University researcher: Vitamins C, D can help prevent COVID-19
Yep. We already know these things WILL help.

People, especially those at risk, SHOULD be getting supplemental vitamin C and zinc.

Is vItamin C a disinfectant?
It’s an antioxidant. Does that count?


Vitamin C is not a cure, idiot. Nor is it a disinfectant.

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