Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.
If only Trump had said, "I want to make it clear that no one should try injecting or swallowing disinfectants! This is something the doctors and scientists may look at, but it won't be cleaning products from the store. Do not try curing yourself with bleach, rubbing alcohol or anything else not prescribed by your doctor!"

Instead he first defended his idea, then lied and said it was a "joke"--sarcasm.

What would it have cost him to make it clear to the people what he meant?
To him its a sign of weakness to be clear. This is why he will never be a leader. He is small and I dont just mean physically. He has all the signs of someone that was bullied as a kid or abused by his father and made to feel inadequate. He is vindictive and vicious and demands people cater to him. He cant attract other strong leaders to work with him. He can only attract yes men looking for a free ride.

No actually to be clear... Trump assumes people in that room and a vast majority of Americans are smart enough
not to drink bleach. It evidently is true for most people, but for the MSM and people that believe the MSM maybe don't have any common sense. Really you believe Trump wanted Americans to drink bleach? Either Trump underestimated people like you and the MSM or you just hate Trump. Admit it! That's ok. Keep digging the hole deeper for intelligent discussions disappearing with people like you that truly think Trump meant for you to drink bleach!
Wow... I guess he over estimated the intelligence of people like you and the MSM! Truly sad.

"Trump assumes .."
You know what they say about assuming right? Again assuming is the opposite of a intelligent, thoughtful, and strong leader. Drumpf is a major league fuckup and liar to boot. He doesnt have the qualities of a great leader. If he wasnt born with a silver spoon he wouldnt be shit. He can only survive in a role where he has involuntary leadership. Hes the owner of the company thats an asswipe but people have to do what he says or find work elsewhere. The thing about people voluntarily following you is that it brings all your flaws to the forefront. It exposes your weaknesses. Some people learn from that and others are broken and bitter from the experience.

President Trump is the best president in history. Did we not already go through this?

You on the other hand confirm your status as a low IQ unproductive loser with each stupid post you make.
Yes we went through this and I did compromise and admit that to idiots he probably is the best president in history. However, to intelligent people he is a pathetic, incompetent fuckup.

I challenge you to an IQ test any day of the week.

These sub 100 IQ cretins thinking they are smart are the lamest of all.

President Trump is handling the virus situation very well, Europe has approximately twice as many deaths.
Why would you challenge me to an IQ test? You do realize IQ tests dont work right? You cant measure someones intelligence unless youre smart enough to know what intelligence is.

Drumpf is cataclysmic fuck up beyond compare. He has already caused thousands of people to die from being a fucking fool.
I dont need to know how smart you are, because anyone who voted for Obama twice or Hitlery once, has an IQ of below 70...

its kind of obvious you need to know how smart I am. Youre the one that challenged me to an IQ test remember? Whatever the results thats not going to change the fact that Drumpf is a pathetic fuckup now is it?
I know how smart you are....I just look at who you vote for...just another fucking dumbass liberal....

Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.
If only Trump had said, "I want to make it clear that no one should try injecting or swallowing disinfectants! This is something the doctors and scientists may look at, but it won't be cleaning products from the store. Do not try curing yourself with bleach, rubbing alcohol or anything else not prescribed by your doctor!"

Instead he first defended his idea, then lied and said it was a "joke"--sarcasm.

What would it have cost him to make it clear to the people what he meant?
To him its a sign of weakness to be clear. This is why he will never be a leader. He is small and I dont just mean physically. He has all the signs of someone that was bullied as a kid or abused by his father and made to feel inadequate. He is vindictive and vicious and demands people cater to him. He cant attract other strong leaders to work with him. He can only attract yes men looking for a free ride.

No actually to be clear... Trump assumes people in that room and a vast majority of Americans are smart enough
not to drink bleach. It evidently is true for most people, but for the MSM and people that believe the MSM maybe don't have any common sense. Really you believe Trump wanted Americans to drink bleach? Either Trump underestimated people like you and the MSM or you just hate Trump. Admit it! That's ok. Keep digging the hole deeper for intelligent discussions disappearing with people like you that truly think Trump meant for you to drink bleach!
Wow... I guess he over estimated the intelligence of people like you and the MSM! Truly sad.

"Trump assumes .."
You know what they say about assuming right? Again assuming is the opposite of a intelligent, thoughtful, and strong leader. Drumpf is a major league fuckup and liar to boot. He doesnt have the qualities of a great leader. If he wasnt born with a silver spoon he wouldnt be shit. He can only survive in a role where he has involuntary leadership. Hes the owner of the company thats an asswipe but people have to do what he says or find work elsewhere. The thing about people voluntarily following you is that it brings all your flaws to the forefront. It exposes your weaknesses. Some people learn from that and others are broken and bitter from the experience.

President Trump is the best president in history. Did we not already go through this?

You on the other hand confirm your status as a low IQ unproductive loser with each stupid post you make.
Yes we went through this and I did compromise and admit that to idiots he probably is the best president in history. However, to intelligent people he is a pathetic, incompetent fuckup.

I challenge you to an IQ test any day of the week.

These sub 100 IQ cretins thinking they are smart are the lamest of all.

President Trump is handling the virus situation very well, Europe has approximately twice as many deaths.
Why would you challenge me to an IQ test? You do realize IQ tests dont work right? You cant measure someones intelligence unless youre smart enough to know what intelligence is.

Drumpf is cataclysmic fuck up beyond compare. He has already caused thousands of people to die from being a fucking fool.
I dont need to know how smart you are, because anyone who voted for Obama twice or Hitlery once, has an IQ of below 70...

its kind of obvious you need to know how smart I am. Youre the one that challenged me to an IQ test remember? Whatever the results thats not going to change the fact that Drumpf is a pathetic fuckup now is it?

Did you not read the post? We don't need to know how smart you are because we already know - dumb. That's why you should not tell us how smart people vote - as smart people we know very well how we voted. We also can check the demographic data and observe - the lowest IQ idiots without exception did not vote for Trump.

If you already knew why did you challenge me to an IQ test? Did you think it would change the subject because I was hurting you by pointing out what a pathetic fuckup Drumpf is?
You know that everything you just said was thrown under the bus. Trump admitted on friday that what he said on thursday, was "sarcasm" It was a joke, he was just yanking peoples chains to see their reaction.

And everybody fell for it.

Enjoy the bus that just ran you over.
You just wasted your typing fingers.
I can't hear you. There's a bus on top of you.
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.
If only Trump had said, "I want to make it clear that no one should try injecting or swallowing disinfectants! This is something the doctors and scientists may look at, but it won't be cleaning products from the store. Do not try curing yourself with bleach, rubbing alcohol or anything else not prescribed by your doctor!"

Instead he first defended his idea, then lied and said it was a "joke"--sarcasm.

What would it have cost him to make it clear to the people what he meant?
To him its a sign of weakness to be clear. This is why he will never be a leader. He is small and I dont just mean physically. He has all the signs of someone that was bullied as a kid or abused by his father and made to feel inadequate. He is vindictive and vicious and demands people cater to him. He cant attract other strong leaders to work with him. He can only attract yes men looking for a free ride.

No actually to be clear... Trump assumes people in that room and a vast majority of Americans are smart enough
not to drink bleach. It evidently is true for most people, but for the MSM and people that believe the MSM maybe don't have any common sense. Really you believe Trump wanted Americans to drink bleach? Either Trump underestimated people like you and the MSM or you just hate Trump. Admit it! That's ok. Keep digging the hole deeper for intelligent discussions disappearing with people like you that truly think Trump meant for you to drink bleach!
Wow... I guess he over estimated the intelligence of people like you and the MSM! Truly sad.

"Trump assumes .."
You know what they say about assuming right? Again assuming is the opposite of a intelligent, thoughtful, and strong leader. Drumpf is a major league fuckup and liar to boot. He doesnt have the qualities of a great leader. If he wasnt born with a silver spoon he wouldnt be shit. He can only survive in a role where he has involuntary leadership. Hes the owner of the company thats an asswipe but people have to do what he says or find work elsewhere. The thing about people voluntarily following you is that it brings all your flaws to the forefront. It exposes your weaknesses. Some people learn from that and others are broken and bitter from the experience.

President Trump is the best president in history. Did we not already go through this?

You on the other hand confirm your status as a low IQ unproductive loser with each stupid post you make.
Yes we went through this and I did compromise and admit that to idiots he probably is the best president in history. However, to intelligent people he is a pathetic, incompetent fuckup.

I challenge you to an IQ test any day of the week.

These sub 100 IQ cretins thinking they are smart are the lamest of all.

President Trump is handling the virus situation very well, Europe has approximately twice as many deaths.
Why would you challenge me to an IQ test? You do realize IQ tests dont work right? You cant measure someones intelligence unless youre smart enough to know what intelligence is.

Drumpf is cataclysmic fuck up beyond compare. He has already caused thousands of people to die from being a fucking fool.
I dont need to know how smart you are, because anyone who voted for Obama twice or Hitlery once, has an IQ of below 70...

its kind of obvious you need to know how smart I am. Youre the one that challenged me to an IQ test remember? Whatever the results thats not going to change the fact that Drumpf is a pathetic fuckup now is it?

Did you not read the post? We don't need to know how smart you are because we already know - dumb. That's why you should not tell us how smart people vote - as smart people we know very well how we voted. We also can check the demographic data and observe - the lowest IQ idiots without exception did not vote for Trump.

If you already knew why did you challenge me to an IQ test? Did you think it would change the subject because I was hurting you by pointing out what a pathetic fuckup Drumpf is?

Isn't that obvious? To teach you a lesson.
Why did this pathological, lying smear get stickied to the top when it belongs in the BadLands?

This is just more stupidity.
Why is posting what Trump says a lying smear?
Again sunlight is needed for health, locking people at home because they have a .03 chance of dying when the flu poses a .1 chance of dying Is dumb
Where in the fuck do you live that you dont have windows?
quit being a dumbass,,,
I'm not a Drumpf supporter. You got the wrong guy.
thats not the only criteria for being a dumbass,,,

thinking all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move can also prove it,,,

not the mention those that live in apartments have limited windows or none at all,,,
The only criteria for being a dumbass is to be a Drumpf jockstrap supporter like yourself.

Who told you all windows face the sun or that the sun doesnt move? I know I didnt say that.

All you need is one window. You dont need sunlight and disinfectant injected into your ass.
not if that window faces north and its all dark,,,and you also need several hrs of sun a day for full effect, I dont see me standing in front of a window for 4 hrs or the sun staying in one spot ,,,

and when did I mention trump??? we're talking about windows,,,
Most people dont live in a place with one window that faces north and is blacked out. You dont have to see it. All you have to see is the question I asked that you first responded to. What place do you live in that has no windows?

I mentioned Drumpf because you mentioned dumbasses and he immediately came to mind.
I've worked on dozens of apartments that had a ft door a bk door and one window in the bedroom,,that means that 25-50% of that complex had windows only faces north,,,

I also worked on many that had no windows at all and the door went into a it had no outside source of light,,,

you are aware that its a scientific fact that sunlight helps with many of the issues we face from health to sanitizing what youre wearing and touching and killing any airborn droplets,,,
I'm Black so of course I know the benefits of the sun. I didnt need science to tell me that. However, only a dunce will think that the sun is going to prevent or cure the virus. How fucking stupid are you to believe that?
Actually doofy the flu disappears every year when people open the windows and spend more time outside

But you be a goody boy and stay inside like uber told
I'm not talking about the flu goofy. Keep up. Didnt you know we are talking about Covid 19?

No we are discussing coronavirus which is the common cold not the flu

Lol u have no clue snowflake
So why did you say the flu goofy? No one said anything about the flu except you. :)
Because both the flu and common cold and the chink virus all die in the sun

Next dumb cement
Sure that's why there is never the flu, common cold or Trump-45 virus in sunny Florida! :cuckoo:

Yawn I have not worn a mask yet, my entire family had this and now we are immune

There is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from COVID-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection.
So as a result you will choose to live the rest of your life as a germaphobe, never leaving your home and wearing a bubble suit when if you ever do.

The great thing about this is you will never breed

Your choice moron

You're a special kind of idiot. You make assumptions about me that are unfounded and have no basis in fact. All I did was point out to your ignorant ass that there is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from COVID-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection.

I have not changed my life one iota. I go to work everyday. I go shopping as needed, just like before. I have not and will not wear a mask. I am not and never have been a "germaphobe," quite the opposite in fact.

As for "breeding," sorry, I have three kids and three grandkids.

You, on the other hand, should avoid passing your stupidity on to another generation at all cost. Do the future a favor, go get yourself fixed.
Actually there is evidence that people like my entire family that have recovered from the new common cold covid 19 can get not get re-infected, as taking antibodies from the blood of people like me is one of the treatments for covid 19

LOL but you stay there and fester in your ignorance

Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.
If only Trump had said, "I want to make it clear that no one should try injecting or swallowing disinfectants! This is something the doctors and scientists may look at, but it won't be cleaning products from the store. Do not try curing yourself with bleach, rubbing alcohol or anything else not prescribed by your doctor!"

Instead he first defended his idea, then lied and said it was a "joke"--sarcasm.

What would it have cost him to make it clear to the people what he meant?
To him its a sign of weakness to be clear. This is why he will never be a leader. He is small and I dont just mean physically. He has all the signs of someone that was bullied as a kid or abused by his father and made to feel inadequate. He is vindictive and vicious and demands people cater to him. He cant attract other strong leaders to work with him. He can only attract yes men looking for a free ride.

No actually to be clear... Trump assumes people in that room and a vast majority of Americans are smart enough
not to drink bleach. It evidently is true for most people, but for the MSM and people that believe the MSM maybe don't have any common sense. Really you believe Trump wanted Americans to drink bleach? Either Trump underestimated people like you and the MSM or you just hate Trump. Admit it! That's ok. Keep digging the hole deeper for intelligent discussions disappearing with people like you that truly think Trump meant for you to drink bleach!
Wow... I guess he over estimated the intelligence of people like you and the MSM! Truly sad.

"Trump assumes .."
You know what they say about assuming right? Again assuming is the opposite of a intelligent, thoughtful, and strong leader. Drumpf is a major league fuckup and liar to boot. He doesnt have the qualities of a great leader. If he wasnt born with a silver spoon he wouldnt be shit. He can only survive in a role where he has involuntary leadership. Hes the owner of the company thats an asswipe but people have to do what he says or find work elsewhere. The thing about people voluntarily following you is that it brings all your flaws to the forefront. It exposes your weaknesses. Some people learn from that and others are broken and bitter from the experience.

President Trump is the best president in history. Did we not already go through this?

You on the other hand confirm your status as a low IQ unproductive loser with each stupid post you make.
Yes we went through this and I did compromise and admit that to idiots he probably is the best president in history. However, to intelligent people he is a pathetic, incompetent fuckup.

I challenge you to an IQ test any day of the week.

These sub 100 IQ cretins thinking they are smart are the lamest of all.

President Trump is handling the virus situation very well, Europe has approximately twice as many deaths.
Why would you challenge me to an IQ test? You do realize IQ tests dont work right? You cant measure someones intelligence unless youre smart enough to know what intelligence is.

Drumpf is cataclysmic fuck up beyond compare. He has already caused thousands of people to die from being a fucking fool.
I dont need to know how smart you are, because anyone who voted for Obama twice or Hitlery once, has an IQ of below 70...

its kind of obvious you need to know how smart I am. Youre the one that challenged me to an IQ test remember? Whatever the results thats not going to change the fact that Drumpf is a pathetic fuckup now is it?
I know how smart you are....I just look at who you vote for...just another fucking dumbass liberal....

Again if you knew why did you challenge me to an IQ test? It obvious that you are drowning and any life raft will do.
Hitlery was colluding with Russia...
Just another Tramp LIE swallowed by fools like his LIE that the military had no ammo under Obama!!!
Want to put 10,000 dollars on that?

The Only Real Russian Collusion Was on Steele Dossier: Source Tied to Kremlin, Supported Hillary
The document — an opposition research piece paid for by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign, assembled by former British spy Christopher Steele at the behest of the political intelligence firm Fusion GPS and used by the FBI as part of its request for a warrant to surveil Trump adviser Carter Page for potential ties to Russia — already took some lumps when several newly unredacted footnotes from an inspector general’s investigation revealed the FBI knew some key parts of it could be Russian disinformation even as the bureau was using it to obtain a surveillance warrant.
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.
If only Trump had said, "I want to make it clear that no one should try injecting or swallowing disinfectants! This is something the doctors and scientists may look at, but it won't be cleaning products from the store. Do not try curing yourself with bleach, rubbing alcohol or anything else not prescribed by your doctor!"

Instead he first defended his idea, then lied and said it was a "joke"--sarcasm.

What would it have cost him to make it clear to the people what he meant?
To him its a sign of weakness to be clear. This is why he will never be a leader. He is small and I dont just mean physically. He has all the signs of someone that was bullied as a kid or abused by his father and made to feel inadequate. He is vindictive and vicious and demands people cater to him. He cant attract other strong leaders to work with him. He can only attract yes men looking for a free ride.

No actually to be clear... Trump assumes people in that room and a vast majority of Americans are smart enough
not to drink bleach. It evidently is true for most people, but for the MSM and people that believe the MSM maybe don't have any common sense. Really you believe Trump wanted Americans to drink bleach? Either Trump underestimated people like you and the MSM or you just hate Trump. Admit it! That's ok. Keep digging the hole deeper for intelligent discussions disappearing with people like you that truly think Trump meant for you to drink bleach!
Wow... I guess he over estimated the intelligence of people like you and the MSM! Truly sad.

"Trump assumes .."
You know what they say about assuming right? Again assuming is the opposite of a intelligent, thoughtful, and strong leader. Drumpf is a major league fuckup and liar to boot. He doesnt have the qualities of a great leader. If he wasnt born with a silver spoon he wouldnt be shit. He can only survive in a role where he has involuntary leadership. Hes the owner of the company thats an asswipe but people have to do what he says or find work elsewhere. The thing about people voluntarily following you is that it brings all your flaws to the forefront. It exposes your weaknesses. Some people learn from that and others are broken and bitter from the experience.

President Trump is the best president in history. Did we not already go through this?

You on the other hand confirm your status as a low IQ unproductive loser with each stupid post you make.
Yes we went through this and I did compromise and admit that to idiots he probably is the best president in history. However, to intelligent people he is a pathetic, incompetent fuckup.

I challenge you to an IQ test any day of the week.

These sub 100 IQ cretins thinking they are smart are the lamest of all.

President Trump is handling the virus situation very well, Europe has approximately twice as many deaths.
Why would you challenge me to an IQ test? You do realize IQ tests dont work right? You cant measure someones intelligence unless youre smart enough to know what intelligence is.

Drumpf is cataclysmic fuck up beyond compare. He has already caused thousands of people to die from being a fucking fool.
I dont need to know how smart you are, because anyone who voted for Obama twice or Hitlery once, has an IQ of below 70...

its kind of obvious you need to know how smart I am. Youre the one that challenged me to an IQ test remember? Whatever the results thats not going to change the fact that Drumpf is a pathetic fuckup now is it?

Did you not read the post? We don't need to know how smart you are because we already know - dumb. That's why you should not tell us how smart people vote - as smart people we know very well how we voted. We also can check the demographic data and observe - the lowest IQ idiots without exception did not vote for Trump.

If you already knew why did you challenge me to an IQ test? Did you think it would change the subject because I was hurting you by pointing out what a pathetic fuckup Drumpf is?

Isn't that obvious? To teach you a lesson.
Youre too dumb to teach me a lesson. Youre a fucking idiot. I didnt need to challenge you to an IQ test to figure that one out. :)
Hitlery was colluding with Russia...
Just another Tramp LIE swallowed by fools like his LIE that the military had no ammo under Obama!!!
Want to put 10,000 dollars on that?

The Only Real Russian Collusion Was on Steele Dossier: Source Tied to Kremlin, Supported Hillary
The document — an opposition research piece paid for by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign, assembled by former British spy Christopher Steele at the behest of the political intelligence firm Fusion GPS and used by the FBI as part of its request for a warrant to surveil Trump adviser Carter Page for potential ties to Russia — already took some lumps when several newly unredacted footnotes from an inspector general’s investigation revealed the FBI knew some key parts of it could be Russian disinformation even as the bureau was using it to obtain a surveillance warrant.
Stop trying to change subject. Get back on topic. :)
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.
If only Trump had said, "I want to make it clear that no one should try injecting or swallowing disinfectants! This is something the doctors and scientists may look at, but it won't be cleaning products from the store. Do not try curing yourself with bleach, rubbing alcohol or anything else not prescribed by your doctor!"

Instead he first defended his idea, then lied and said it was a "joke"--sarcasm.

What would it have cost him to make it clear to the people what he meant?
To him its a sign of weakness to be clear. This is why he will never be a leader. He is small and I dont just mean physically. He has all the signs of someone that was bullied as a kid or abused by his father and made to feel inadequate. He is vindictive and vicious and demands people cater to him. He cant attract other strong leaders to work with him. He can only attract yes men looking for a free ride.

No actually to be clear... Trump assumes people in that room and a vast majority of Americans are smart enough
not to drink bleach. It evidently is true for most people, but for the MSM and people that believe the MSM maybe don't have any common sense. Really you believe Trump wanted Americans to drink bleach? Either Trump underestimated people like you and the MSM or you just hate Trump. Admit it! That's ok. Keep digging the hole deeper for intelligent discussions disappearing with people like you that truly think Trump meant for you to drink bleach!
Wow... I guess he over estimated the intelligence of people like you and the MSM! Truly sad.

"Trump assumes .."
You know what they say about assuming right? Again assuming is the opposite of a intelligent, thoughtful, and strong leader. Drumpf is a major league fuckup and liar to boot. He doesnt have the qualities of a great leader. If he wasnt born with a silver spoon he wouldnt be shit. He can only survive in a role where he has involuntary leadership. Hes the owner of the company thats an asswipe but people have to do what he says or find work elsewhere. The thing about people voluntarily following you is that it brings all your flaws to the forefront. It exposes your weaknesses. Some people learn from that and others are broken and bitter from the experience.

President Trump is the best president in history. Did we not already go through this?

You on the other hand confirm your status as a low IQ unproductive loser with each stupid post you make.
Yes we went through this and I did compromise and admit that to idiots he probably is the best president in history. However, to intelligent people he is a pathetic, incompetent fuckup.

I challenge you to an IQ test any day of the week.

These sub 100 IQ cretins thinking they are smart are the lamest of all.

President Trump is handling the virus situation very well, Europe has approximately twice as many deaths.
Why would you challenge me to an IQ test? You do realize IQ tests dont work right? You cant measure someones intelligence unless youre smart enough to know what intelligence is.

Drumpf is cataclysmic fuck up beyond compare. He has already caused thousands of people to die from being a fucking fool.
I dont need to know how smart you are, because anyone who voted for Obama twice or Hitlery once, has an IQ of below 70...

its kind of obvious you need to know how smart I am. Youre the one that challenged me to an IQ test remember? Whatever the results thats not going to change the fact that Drumpf is a pathetic fuckup now is it?
I know how smart you are....I just look at who you vote for...just another fucking dumbass liberal....

Again if you knew why did you challenge me to an IQ test? It obvious that you are drowning and any life raft will do.

I never challenged you to an IQ test for i already knew...
Hitlery was colluding with Russia...
Just another Tramp LIE swallowed by fools like his LIE that the military had no ammo under Obama!!!
Want to put 10,000 dollars on that?

The Only Real Russian Collusion Was on Steele Dossier: Source Tied to Kremlin, Supported Hillary
The document — an opposition research piece paid for by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign, assembled by former British spy Christopher Steele at the behest of the political intelligence firm Fusion GPS and used by the FBI as part of its request for a warrant to surveil Trump adviser Carter Page for potential ties to Russia — already took some lumps when several newly unredacted footnotes from an inspector general’s investigation revealed the FBI knew some key parts of it could be Russian disinformation even as the bureau was using it to obtain a surveillance warrant.
Stop trying to change subject. Get back on topic. :)
Wow., i post some facts on why you are stupid, then you get defensive....Go away little girl..
there was NO "drano or lysol" mentioned except by the mental midget heel nippers in this thread...
But Trump asked about disinfectants being injected to clean the system. You've seen the clip by now, I'm sure. So yeah, there are going to be jokes about Drano etc., but you can stop pretending there is no reason for the hilarity.
Yeah, the subject of the comment is irrelevant to smear machines, or any other facts.

If you can dupe stooges with lies that is all that matters to Libtard Big Lie buttheads.
Yes ultraviolet light can kill the virus if the exposure is long enough and the light is intense enough but so will chlorine bleach. It certainly could have a use as disinfectant but certainly not as a treatment. You can not disinfect the lungs. UV light damages cells. If somehow you could expose the lungs to high levels of UV, it would most probably kill the patient long before Covid 19 did.
Bryan continued by noting that DHS also tested if certain types of disinfectant could kill the coronavirus.

“We’ve tested bleach, we’ve tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus, specifically in saliva or in respiratory fluids, and I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes,” Bryan said. “Isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds, and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing. Just bring it on and leaving it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster.”

Bryan added, “We’re also looking at other disinfectants, specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva.”

Immediately following these remarks, Trump said:

So, I’m going to ask Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing when we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.
A few moments later, ABC News reporter Jon Karl asked Bryan, “The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?”

“No, I’m here to talk about the finds that we had in the study,” Bryan responded. “We don’t do that within that lab at our labs.”

Trump then clarified his remarks: “It wouldn’t be through injections, you’re talking about almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big affect if it’s on a stationary object.”

Trump later raised the possibility of whether UV rays could kill the coronavirus if it was on a person’s skin, in particular if it were on their hands.

“If they’re outside, right, and their hands are exposed to the sun, will that kill it as though it were a piece of metal or something else?” Trump asked.

“I don’t want to say it will at the same rate because it’s a non-porous surface, but what we do know is that we looked at the worst case scenario and the virus lives longer on non-porous surfaces,” Bryan responded. “So porous surfaces, it doesn’t live quite as long, so in theory what you said is correct.”

Left-wing activist Chris D. Jackson wrote that Trump had “urged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectant.”

Why did you not highlight the part of Trump's statement that actually spoke to the argument? THAT is what people are laughing about. You can spin it all you want, but he asked if they had looked into injecting disinfectant yet. He was NOT talking about the UV thing at that point. He was clear about that.

Trump was asking questions about on-going research. How in the world did that get morphed into him recommending injecting anything?

HE didn't recommend it. There are some pretty dumb people out there who would hear those comments and think hey, that's a great idea. And drink more poison, like the fish tank couple. But I have discovered in the past day or so that there is actually a guy out there touting cure by bleach--for everything from autism to now Covid 19. I don't know how the FDA is allowing him to get away with it, but he even admitted publicly that he sent a letter to the President, advising him of this cure. I'm not saying Trump knew anything about this guy, but there are people out there who already believe this shit. Trump's comments about this? Stupid talk for stupid people.

And Trump's comments will only feed those beliefs. This is why presidents should not make comments about things they know nothing about. Trump lacks the knowledge which means he will use the wrong words and phrases to express his ideas. He will be misinterpreted and create confusion among both the public and his administration which forces him to have additional news conferences to try explain what he meant. Along the way, either Trump or his defenders will make questionable statements which will create more controversy for his administration to deal with. A far better path is for the president to speak only about what truly understands and leave the medical science to experts he has hired.
Don't have an IQ contest with Trump He has a big brain or so he said

You absolutely should not. He came from nowhere and took an entire election for the job of the most powerful man in the world as an outsider, against a "guaranteed choice". Very high IQ individual.
To him its a sign of weakness
That's the narcissism talking. He can't admit being wrong. Narcissism is sad, really. As infants we learn who we are and construct a stable sense of self from our interactions with our caregivers. Most narcissists had an attachment disruption with their primary caregiver(s)--orphans, mother depressed or unresponsive, etc--leaving them very insecure and constantly seeking affirmation they didn't get when their personality was forming. THAT is why they can't cope with being "wrong" and take any whiff of criticism as serious stuff. Underneath, there is a yawning emptiness, a fear; they are always at risk of losing their identity. However, after years of coping with that lack, narcissists learn to protect themselves admirably with defense strategies, such as never being wrong. And they don't even realize they're doing it after awhile.

At least that is what I understand about those with the personality disorder.

He can only attract yes men
He can only tolerate "yes" men. And women.
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.
If only Trump had said, "I want to make it clear that no one should try injecting or swallowing disinfectants! This is something the doctors and scientists may look at, but it won't be cleaning products from the store. Do not try curing yourself with bleach, rubbing alcohol or anything else not prescribed by your doctor!"

Instead he first defended his idea, then lied and said it was a "joke"--sarcasm.

What would it have cost him to make it clear to the people what he meant?
To him its a sign of weakness to be clear. This is why he will never be a leader. He is small and I dont just mean physically. He has all the signs of someone that was bullied as a kid or abused by his father and made to feel inadequate. He is vindictive and vicious and demands people cater to him. He cant attract other strong leaders to work with him. He can only attract yes men looking for a free ride.

No actually to be clear... Trump assumes people in that room and a vast majority of Americans are smart enough
not to drink bleach. It evidently is true for most people, but for the MSM and people that believe the MSM maybe don't have any common sense. Really you believe Trump wanted Americans to drink bleach? Either Trump underestimated people like you and the MSM or you just hate Trump. Admit it! That's ok. Keep digging the hole deeper for intelligent discussions disappearing with people like you that truly think Trump meant for you to drink bleach!
Wow... I guess he over estimated the intelligence of people like you and the MSM! Truly sad.

"Trump assumes .."
You know what they say about assuming right? Again assuming is the opposite of a intelligent, thoughtful, and strong leader. Drumpf is a major league fuckup and liar to boot. He doesnt have the qualities of a great leader. If he wasnt born with a silver spoon he wouldnt be shit. He can only survive in a role where he has involuntary leadership. Hes the owner of the company thats an asswipe but people have to do what he says or find work elsewhere. The thing about people voluntarily following you is that it brings all your flaws to the forefront. It exposes your weaknesses. Some people learn from that and others are broken and bitter from the experience.

President Trump is the best president in history. Did we not already go through this?

You on the other hand confirm your status as a low IQ unproductive loser with each stupid post you make.
Yes we went through this and I did compromise and admit that to idiots he probably is the best president in history. However, to intelligent people he is a pathetic, incompetent fuckup.

I challenge you to an IQ test any day of the week.

These sub 100 IQ cretins thinking they are smart are the lamest of all.

President Trump is handling the virus situation very well, Europe has approximately twice as many deaths.
Why would you challenge me to an IQ test? You do realize IQ tests dont work right? You cant measure someones intelligence unless youre smart enough to know what intelligence is.

Drumpf is cataclysmic fuck up beyond compare. He has already caused thousands of people to die from being a fucking fool.
I dont need to know how smart you are, because anyone who voted for Obama twice or Hitlery once, has an IQ of below 70...

its kind of obvious you need to know how smart I am. Youre the one that challenged me to an IQ test remember? Whatever the results thats not going to change the fact that Drumpf is a pathetic fuckup now is it?
I know how smart you are....I just look at who you vote for...just another fucking dumbass liberal....

Again if you knew why did you challenge me to an IQ test? It obvious that you are drowning and any life raft will do.

I never challenged you to an IQ test for i already knew...

What does me being smart have to do with Drumpf being a fuckup? Youre just trying to change the topic because your leader is such a pathetic fuckup you cant find a good way to support him.
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.
If only Trump had said, "I want to make it clear that no one should try injecting or swallowing disinfectants! This is something the doctors and scientists may look at, but it won't be cleaning products from the store. Do not try curing yourself with bleach, rubbing alcohol or anything else not prescribed by your doctor!"

Instead he first defended his idea, then lied and said it was a "joke"--sarcasm.

What would it have cost him to make it clear to the people what he meant?
To him its a sign of weakness to be clear. This is why he will never be a leader. He is small and I dont just mean physically. He has all the signs of someone that was bullied as a kid or abused by his father and made to feel inadequate. He is vindictive and vicious and demands people cater to him. He cant attract other strong leaders to work with him. He can only attract yes men looking for a free ride.

No actually to be clear... Trump assumes people in that room and a vast majority of Americans are smart enough
not to drink bleach. It evidently is true for most people, but for the MSM and people that believe the MSM maybe don't have any common sense. Really you believe Trump wanted Americans to drink bleach? Either Trump underestimated people like you and the MSM or you just hate Trump. Admit it! That's ok. Keep digging the hole deeper for intelligent discussions disappearing with people like you that truly think Trump meant for you to drink bleach!
Wow... I guess he over estimated the intelligence of people like you and the MSM! Truly sad.

"Trump assumes .."
You know what they say about assuming right? Again assuming is the opposite of a intelligent, thoughtful, and strong leader. Drumpf is a major league fuckup and liar to boot. He doesnt have the qualities of a great leader. If he wasnt born with a silver spoon he wouldnt be shit. He can only survive in a role where he has involuntary leadership. Hes the owner of the company thats an asswipe but people have to do what he says or find work elsewhere. The thing about people voluntarily following you is that it brings all your flaws to the forefront. It exposes your weaknesses. Some people learn from that and others are broken and bitter from the experience.

President Trump is the best president in history. Did we not already go through this?

You on the other hand confirm your status as a low IQ unproductive loser with each stupid post you make.
Yes we went through this and I did compromise and admit that to idiots he probably is the best president in history. However, to intelligent people he is a pathetic, incompetent fuckup.

I challenge you to an IQ test any day of the week.

These sub 100 IQ cretins thinking they are smart are the lamest of all.

President Trump is handling the virus situation very well, Europe has approximately twice as many deaths.
Why would you challenge me to an IQ test? You do realize IQ tests dont work right? You cant measure someones intelligence unless youre smart enough to know what intelligence is.

Drumpf is cataclysmic fuck up beyond compare. He has already caused thousands of people to die from being a fucking fool.
I dont need to know how smart you are, because anyone who voted for Obama twice or Hitlery once, has an IQ of below 70...

its kind of obvious you need to know how smart I am. Youre the one that challenged me to an IQ test remember? Whatever the results thats not going to change the fact that Drumpf is a pathetic fuckup now is it?
I know how smart you are....I just look at who you vote for...just another fucking dumbass liberal....

Again if you knew why did you challenge me to an IQ test? It obvious that you are drowning and any life raft will do.

I never challenged you to an IQ test for i already knew...

What does me being smart have to do with Drumpf being a fuckup? Youre just trying to change the topic because your leader is such a pathetic fuckup you cant find a good way to support him.

First, because you were so stupid that you inserted bleach to your ass cavity, because that's what MSM told you to do.

Second, because you claimed intelligent people do not like Trump - which is incorrect. Then you started back pedaling and claiming that IQ is not even a valid concept also (no doubt, because the score was not what you expected).

Kind of a stupid person move to start talking about what smart people do, and then complain that being smart has nothing to do with the subject. President Trump will be remembered as the BEST American president.

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