Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Liberals cannot allow a solution to be presented. Liberals don’t seek solutions in general but rather reparations.
A solution would end this shutdown farce and right now they are having too much fun throwing obsessive health stones at Trump and rational, want to be productive, Americans.
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Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

What first comes to your mind when someone says word "disinfectant"?

Bleach. But I am evidently smarter than the MSM and obviously a lot people on this board... I would never drink it!!!
GEEZ how stupid are people like you! I bet you drank it and that's why you have shit for brains!
Hey, if the liberals elected leaders(whom these dumbasses vote for would eat a Tide Pod) tell their constituents to drink bleach, those lemmings would do it in a NY minute.
Chuck Schumer Predicted the Tide Pod Phenomenon Back in 2012
According to a report from the New York Daily News, the Senate Democratic leader held a September 2012 press conference to warn of the risks associated with the colorful appearance of the detergent capsules. “The incidents are skyrocketing,” he said. “These pods were supposed to make household chores easier, not tempt our children to swallow harmful chemicals. I saw one on my staffer’s desk and I wanted to eat it.”
Such stupid idiots the left have become..

We have seen the video.
No where does he suggest spraying Lysol up you ass nor the ingestion of any disinfectant in any way shape of form
He was off the cuff speaking to a doctor about different ways to try and “cleanse” the body.
Liberals are so emotionally distraught that this bogus lockdown is Not Destroying Trump that they are resorting to fantasy language and word interpretation
Actually he does.

He marvels at how effective disinfectants are at killing viruses “in minutes” and suggests we should try them internally

ls that why you wash chickens in chlorine?
US farms are allowed to dip or wash chicken carcasses in water containing chlorine dioxide in order to kill potentially harmful organisms such as E coli, campylobacter and Salmonella on the surface of the meat. The process is known as pathogen reduction treatment (PRT) in the industry.M
sounds interesting. let's try it on humans, prior to eating them, tastes like chicken
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A clear sign that somebody reminded President Trump of what he said, and he realized he screwed the pooch with his inject disinfectant suggestion.
Of course it is a "clear sign" to sign and voodoo readers like you! Trump was wrong for sure. He assumed most Americans weren't idiots obviously like YOU that would have to be told oh by the way don't drink bleach!
How dumb you must be if you have to be reminded of that!
President Trump should have said "don't take hydroxychloroquine", because the latest study suggests a higher mortality rate by taking it. Was President Trump kidding about hydroxychloroquine? Was he being sarcastic when he said a friend of his made a remarkable recovery after taking it?
A LOT of doctors have reported positive results using hydoxychloroquine. That's why there are so many studies happening right now--thousands of people are being prescribed it and their progress documented. I don't know if it's going to prove to be effective or not, but that one study that is being brought up over and over is not the end of the story. Be fair and be patient. Just because Trump thought it sounded good doesn't mean you have to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Yeah, most of those receiving it would have recovered anyway. The ONLY test that had control groups was the VA. That didn't go well. Which is of course why Dr Dotard stopped touting it.
How do you know they would have recovered anyway?
This time pussygrabber went too far; IV detergents, and intra-anal light bulbs?. viral all over the world, even pussygrabber is embarrassed, ja, ja, ja.....

At Thursday’s coronavirus press briefing,

Trump’s response was to say that he doesn’t listen to his economists in the first place — and that he believes he knows at least as much about the matter as they do.

He then says "
“I know a lot about economists and the answer is they have no idea,” said Trump. “I think I have as good of an idea as anybody.”

So he knows at least as much about the matter, as economist who actually have no idea "about the matter" so he also really has no idea about the matter and admits it.

That really should be his new campaign slogan as people will understand that.

Of course you can't show he actually said that......

That what he was told to hear, not what actually Trump said.

Trump said "disinfectant", they all heard "bleach".

Uhmmm, which "disinfectant" would you suggest injecting? :heehee:

The article is an Op-Ed piece. As I have said before in this thread multiple times, please point to anything in the transcript where Trump recommended injecting anything. He was asking questions and the TDS dweebs decided to say he was actually recommending medical procedures...Which he most certainly didn't. bTW, most Americans understood what Trump was saying it's just the TDS haters that can't seem to get past their vapid hatred.

If you win in November, I cannot wait to destroy your president like you have treated ours.

I mean that. Total nuclear destruction.

If its Joe Biden it will be easy
Oh please. Trump is doing that to himself. We never told him to promote chloroquine. We never told him to inject disinfectant. He did that to him self.
we have a very big chance of kicking that dumb moron, corrupted, inept and unfit little boy out of WH.
At Thursday’s coronavirus press briefing,

Trump’s response was to say that he doesn’t listen to his economists in the first place — and that he believes he knows at least as much about the matter as they do.

He then says "
“I know a lot about economists and the answer is they have no idea,” said Trump. “I think I have as good of an idea as anybody.”

So he knows at least as much about the matter, as economist who actually have no idea "about the matter" so he also really has no idea about the matter and admits it.

That really should be his new campaign slogan as people will understand that.

Of course you can't show he actually said that......

That what he was told to hear, not what actually Trump said.

Trump said "disinfectant", they all heard "bleach".

Uhmmm, which "disinfectant" would you suggest injecting? :heehee:

The article is an Op-Ed piece. As I have said before in this thread multiple times, please point to anything in the transcript where Trump recommended injecting anything. He was asking questions and the TDS dweebs decided to say he was actually recommending medical procedures...Which he most certainly didn't. bTW, most Americans understood what Trump was saying it's just the TDS haters that can't seem to get past their vapid hatred.

The TDSers are beyond reason. They have to be dealt with in other ways now that they have advanced to stage VI: total desperation.
A clear sign that somebody reminded President Trump of what he said, and he realized he screwed the pooch with his inject disinfectant suggestion.
Of course it is a "clear sign" to sign and voodoo readers like you! Trump was wrong for sure. He assumed most Americans weren't idiots obviously like YOU that would have to be told oh by the way don't drink bleach!
How dumb you must be if you have to be reminded of that!
President Trump should have said "don't take hydroxychloroquine", because the latest study suggests a higher mortality rate by taking it. Was President Trump kidding about hydroxychloroquine? Was he being sarcastic when he said a friend of his made a remarkable recovery after taking it?
A LOT of doctors have reported positive results using hydoxychloroquine. That's why there are so many studies happening right now--thousands of people are being prescribed it and their progress documented. I don't know if it's going to prove to be effective or not, but that one study that is being brought up over and over is not the end of the story. Be fair and be patient. Just because Trump thought it sounded good doesn't mean you have to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Yeah, most of those receiving it would have recovered anyway. The ONLY test that had control groups was the VA. That didn't go well. Which is of course why Dr Dotard stopped touting it.
How do you know they would have recovered anyway?
This time pussygrabber went too far; IV detergents, and intra-anal light bulbs?. viral all over the world, even pussygrabber is embarrassed, ja, ja, ja.....

View attachment 327970
Bernie: Medicare For All

Biden: Protect and Expand Obamacare

Trump: Drink Bleach
Trump never told anyone to drink bleach.
There is no suggestion to inject disinfectants to your
We have seen the video.
No where does he suggest spraying Lysol up you ass nor the ingestion of any disinfectant in any way shape of form
He was off the cuff speaking to a doctor about different ways to try and “cleanse” the body.
Liberals are so emotionally distraught that this bogus lockdown is Not Destroying Trump that they are resorting to fantasy language and word interpretation
Actually he does.

He marvels at how effective disinfectants are at killing viruses “in minutes” and suggests we should try them internally

ls that why you wash chickens in chlorine?
US farms are allowed to dip or wash chicken carcasses in water containing chlorine dioxide in order to kill potentially harmful organisms such as E coli, campylobacter and Salmonella on the surface of the meat. The process is known as pathogen reduction treatment (PRT) in the industry.M
sounds interesting. let's try it on humans, prior to eating them, tastes like chicken
You rang?
sorry. i have no idea how that happened. i will try to fix it.
A clear sign that somebody reminded President Trump of what he said, and he realized he screwed the pooch with his inject disinfectant suggestion.
Of course it is a "clear sign" to sign and voodoo readers like you! Trump was wrong for sure. He assumed most Americans weren't idiots obviously like YOU that would have to be told oh by the way don't drink bleach!
How dumb you must be if you have to be reminded of that!
President Trump should have said "don't take hydroxychloroquine", because the latest study suggests a higher mortality rate by taking it. Was President Trump kidding about hydroxychloroquine? Was he being sarcastic when he said a friend of his made a remarkable recovery after taking it?
A LOT of doctors have reported positive results using hydoxychloroquine. That's why there are so many studies happening right now--thousands of people are being prescribed it and their progress documented. I don't know if it's going to prove to be effective or not, but that one study that is being brought up over and over is not the end of the story. Be fair and be patient. Just because Trump thought it sounded good doesn't mean you have to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Yeah, most of those receiving it would have recovered anyway. The ONLY test that had control groups was the VA. That didn't go well. Which is of course why Dr Dotard stopped touting it.
How do you know they would have recovered anyway?
This time pussygrabber went too far; IV detergents, and intra-anal light bulbs?. viral all over the world, even pussygrabber is embarrassed, ja, ja, ja.....

View attachment 327970
Where you feelings delusionals are in a lot of trouble is Trump merely said that “they just let you do it” while Biden actually did it and was not being let do it.

If you win in November, I cannot wait to destroy your president like you have treated ours.

I mean that. Total nuclear destruction.

If its Joe Biden it will be easy
Oh please. Trump is doing that to himself. We never told him to promote chloroquine. We never told him to inject disinfectant. He did that to him self.
we have a very big chance of kicking that dumb moron, corrupted, inept and unfit little boy out of WH.
true, but I think you are too nice to dr pussygrabber...

A LOT of doctors have reported positive results using hydoxychloroquine. That's why there are so many studies happening right now--thousands of people are being prescribed it and their progress documented. I don't know if it's going to prove to be effective or not, but that one study that is being brought up over and over is not the end of the story. Be fair and be patient. Just because Trump thought it sounded good doesn't mean you have to throw out the baby with the bathwater.
I'm quoting the study which says that it should only be used in a hospital setting, since the therapeutic dosage for the coronavirus is at least 5-10 times that used for people suffering from Lupus.
What about Tramp's Bullets lie, do you have a FAKE NEWS source for that whopper?????
This is NOT Fake News.
Of course it is and even YOU know it!
From Tramp's March 29, 2020 Trump-45 virus hate rally passed off as a briefing.
THE PRESIDENT: And we inherited a system which was broken. Just like — I’ll never forget the day when a general came and said, “Sir” — my first week in office — “we have no ammunition.” That was in the military.
Interesting how Trump claims we were so short of ammunition when Obama was criticized for supposedly buying 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition

And the Wing-nuts on this board claimed it was to deprive gun owners of ammo!!!
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.

No, it wasn't. My wife and I looked at each other after he said it and both of us busted out laughing. Pay attention to the words, "brought the light inside the body"....and we then both had the same idea when said "some other way"....hence the uproarious laughter. And it's precious that you covidiots think he's some sort of genius or that we were fools for paying attention to him. The gifts just keep on giving. Each time I think Trump supporters can't take stupid to any greater heights, they exceed my expectations.

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting."

Trump suggests using light, heat as coronavirus treatment
Uh huh. You know phototherapy is a thing, right? I'm not claiming it'd work against COVID-19...and neither is Trump.

But you hear what you want to hear -- or, more likely, what you're told to hear.

Uh oh, one of the sycophants hasn't heard...Trump is saying he was just kidding now.
Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

Don't run from my question. Can you prove Trump didn't say "inject disinfectant?"
You wont get an answer. Drumpf fucked them up pretty badly when he lied and claimed he was kidding. His supporters dont seem to know how to handle that one.
Yea, Trump has created the proverbial army of chickens with the heads cut off, after he threw them all under the bus. They never even thought about it until it was brought to their attention yesterday. They were like, "HUH?" Lol! That blindsided the shit out of them. Like how could he right? But he did. And even after they were told, some of these idiots are pretending the shit was real. We could literally write a book about pitiful Trump supporters.

President Trump is making men out of cucks. As they see the winning that is possible to achieve, but was kept away but their single mothers, soy and other leftist nonsense, they are immediately hooked.
Trump can't get out of his own way he's so incompetent, wreckless, and stupid . Backpedaling on his retarded injections and UV lights nonsense, to retract, and call it sarcasm, while throwing his entire base under the bus. You can't be more of a loser than that, and I proved it. You are totally out of your element. Get back under that bus where Trump put you to begin with. The only thing Trump is winning is the best clown show in the circus.
If only Trump had said, "I want to make it clear that no one should try injecting or swallowing disinfectants! This is something the doctors and scientists may look at, but it won't be cleaning products from the store. Do not try curing yourself with bleach, rubbing alcohol or anything else not prescribed by your doctor!"

Instead he first defended his idea, then lied and said it was a "joke"--sarcasm.

What would it have cost him to make it clear to the people what he meant?
To him its a sign of weakness to be clear. This is why he will never be a leader. He is small and I dont just mean physically. He has all the signs of someone that was bullied as a kid or abused by his father and made to feel inadequate. He is vindictive and vicious and demands people cater to him. He cant attract other strong leaders to work with him. He can only attract yes men looking for a free ride.

No actually to be clear... Trump assumes people in that room and a vast majority of Americans are smart enough
not to drink bleach. It evidently is true for most people, but for the MSM and people that believe the MSM maybe don't have any common sense. Really you believe Trump wanted Americans to drink bleach? Either Trump underestimated people like you and the MSM or you just hate Trump. Admit it! That's ok. Keep digging the hole deeper for intelligent discussions disappearing with people like you that truly think Trump meant for you to drink bleach!
Wow... I guess he over estimated the intelligence of people like you and the MSM! Truly sad.

"Trump assumes .."
You know what they say about assuming right? Again assuming is the opposite of a intelligent, thoughtful, and strong leader. Drumpf is a major league fuckup and liar to boot. He doesnt have the qualities of a great leader. If he wasnt born with a silver spoon he wouldnt be shit. He can only survive in a role where he has involuntary leadership. Hes the owner of the company thats an asswipe but people have to do what he says or find work elsewhere. The thing about people voluntarily following you is that it brings all your flaws to the forefront. It exposes your weaknesses. Some people learn from that and others are broken and bitter from the experience.

President Trump is the best president in history. Did we not already go through this?

You on the other hand confirm your status as a low IQ unproductive loser with each stupid post you make.
We did, but you forgot to show us documented evidence of all that? All I've seen from being great from Trump, is his ability to steal, lie, hurt, self congratulate, show his ignorance, cheat in elections, and send the wrong messages about Coronavirus. If that menu is a menu for Trumps greatness, you should be hospitalized because of an overdose to stupid.

All these stupid memes about things he didn't even say, they just convince me more and more, and all kinds of people like me, you dullard

That IF your guy wins in November, there's no more playing fair. We will destroy him. There will be no "fair chance" anymore. You have done this. You have destroyed it
Since when you people play fair? Trumpy incite violence against his own people. You people supported it. A corrupted POTUS and you supported it. This dude is against his own people the democratsYou supported him.
And you are talking about fair?

Bur we know Biden is by far is not that stupid and dumb as Trump.
We have seen the video.
No where does he suggest spraying Lysol up you ass nor the ingestion of any disinfectant in any way shape of form
He was off the cuff speaking to a doctor about different ways to try and “cleanse” the body.
Liberals are so emotionally distraught that this bogus lockdown is Not Destroying Trump that they are resorting to fantasy language and word interpretation
Actually he does.

He marvels at how effective disinfectants are at killing viruses “in minutes” and suggests we should try them internally

ls that why you wash chickens in chlorine?
Yup, as the water is chlorinated


You do weird things to eggs.
You shower in chlorinated water as well.

Face it Trump trolled you to the bone

So you’re looking for a brawl?

FYI, I don’t shower in chlorinated water.
Most people that do not have well water or live in a trailer do..........................

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