Goodbye NFL.

It should also be said that the 70% of NFL are made up of African Americans, and that the reason the NFL is 70% African Americans is because of Affirmative Action and Universities giving nearly all of their Athletic Scholarships to Minorities.

So you have privileged asshole millionaires who are the beneficiaries of Affirmative Action who are claiming America is Racist.

Let me ask you all something. Why doesn't THE NFL look like America?

Why doesn't The NBA look like America?

We go out of our way to not only give minorities a level playing field in America, but to give them exclusive privileges above other people to the detriment of true equality, and deprive others of opportunities in the name of social promotion.

If you are a black athlete who gets an athletic scholarship an you are equal in athletic skill to your white counterpart both being considered NFL material you are 8 times more likely be drafted in the NFL than your equal white counterpart.

That's not racist to say. And I am glad we can help certain members of The African American community become millionaires, but it needs to be said, that America seeks to help minorities and socially promote them and lift them out of poverty MORE THAN ANY NATION ON THE FACE OF EARTH.

You can even be president so called RACIST AMERICA!
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In a stupefied society many citizens get their political views from comedians and entertainers. Now professional sports piles on for the great dumbing down. Granted, most citizens pay little attention to the traditional playing of the National Anthem before a pro football game, but it makes a great platform for rich athletes afraid of being labeled “house negroes” to demonstrate their solidarity with the government-issued oppressed masses.

The pampered cowards lock hands and go down on one knee to show that they are with the people. Going down on one knee is tough-but they’re keeping their money. Actually taking a knee isn’t all that hard if you are being showered with millions to play a game at a time when your “people” are killing each other at a rate higher than at any time in recorded history.

Professional football is big money and it’s no secret that about seventy percent of the players are African American. You might call pro football with its plethora of black participants a very well-paid form of modern slavery. They are indeed the ultimate personification of Uncle Toms-and they know it. So do the owners who rake in the profits.

No one denies that colleges and universities lower their academic standards so athletes that are good at running and jumping can represent the schools which are a training ground for the NFL. Viewers cringed as Odell Beckham, a pass receiver for the New York Giants, scored a touchdown and then launched into a creepy, atavistic pantomime of dog urinating on a fire hydrant. This embarrassing display was preceded by an earlier event in another game where Beckham nearly decapitated himself on the sidelines with a kicking net-his team was losing.

Viewers have become used to African American players going into gyrating dances after making plays when their team is 20 points behind with no time left and no hope of salvaging a victory. What this says about higher education and critical thinking is a question every American should consider. Most conclude that it’s all about the money and the game has changed to accommodate the greed of the owners and the sponsors.

It’s more show business than a sport-like professional wrestling. But this new paradigm of trashing the American Flag and the cowardice of the NFL could be the death knell of the sport as we know it. People are only just so dumb.

People aren't going to stop watching football, you racist moron.
Libtard cries racist. LOL! I don't watch it and haven't in over 20 years. So to your pea sized brain I must be a racist too.

That much is clear.
I decided yesterday I'm boycotting. Jerry Jones taking a knee was the straw that broke the camels back. I'm better off without watching football anyway.
It should also be said that the 70% of NFL are made up of African Americans, and that the reason the NFL is 70% African Americans is because of Affirmative Action and Universities giving nearly all of their Athletic Scholarships to Minorities.

So you have privileged asshole millionaires who are the beneficiaries of Affirmative Action who are claiming America is Racist.

Let me ask you all something. Why doesn't THE NFL look like America?

Why doesn't The NBA look like America?

We go out of our way to not only give minorities a level playing field in America, but to give them exclusive privileges above other people to the detriment of true equality, and deprive others of opportunities in the name of social promotion.

Hey, you go tell Alabama to play more white guys and let other schools win national championships.
I decided yesterday I'm boycotting. Jerry Jones taking a knee was the straw that broke the camels back. I'm better off without watching football anyway.

The league doesn't need you anyway. Besides, you will be happier with bubba games.
I decided yesterday I'm boycotting. Jerry Jones taking a knee was the straw that broke the camels back. I'm better off without watching football anyway.

The league doesn't need you anyway. Besides, you will be happier with bubba games.

I have no idea what bubba games are. Is that some gay sex thing you're into? Sorry I'm not interested in that pal.
If players are going to protest, last night the Dallas Cowboys and Arizona Cardinals showed the rest of the NFL how to do so with class, honor, respect, and dignity.

The Dallas Cowboys, linked arm-in-arm with owner Jerry Jones, came out minutes early for the National Anthem...and took a knee for a few seconds BEFORE the playing of the Anthem. They then rose to their feet, and the Dallas Cowboys and the Arizona Cardinals stood, linked arm-in-arm on their respective sides of the field for the National Anthem.

If you / anyone thinks pissing people off, disrespecting this country / the flag / the national anthem is going to UNITE / BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER to solve a problem then they / you are as dumb as a sack full of shit. DIVISION does not bring people together. Standing together, unified in a cause, is what brings people together and solves problems.

The 'Boys and Cardinals protested a cultural problem BEFORE the National Anthem then stood for the Anthem to demonstrate that we are united together as a nation to fight, committed to face these problems together.

Kudos to the Cowboys and the cardinals.

And to the rest of the NFL who showed their asses this past Sunday...

Jerry Jones will do anything for a buck including pandering to the racist NFL Kneelers
The problem is, you people become emotionally involved in the entertainment industry, now who is the sucker and who is the player?
except the players are losing money and endorsements.

hollywood theaters are empty.

any other questions?
If players are going to protest, last night the Dallas Cowboys and Arizona Cardinals showed the rest of the NFL how to do so with class, honor, respect, and dignity.

The Dallas Cowboys, linked arm-in-arm with owner Jerry Jones, came out minutes early for the National Anthem...and took a knee for a few seconds BEFORE the playing of the Anthem. They then rose to their feet, and the Dallas Cowboys and the Arizona Cardinals stood, linked arm-in-arm on their respective sides of the field for the National Anthem.

If you / anyone thinks pissing people off, disrespecting this country / the flag / the national anthem is going to UNITE / BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER to solve a problem then they / you are as dumb as a sack full of shit. DIVISION does not bring people together. Standing together, unified in a cause, is what brings people together and solves problems.

The 'Boys and Cardinals protested a cultural problem BEFORE the National Anthem then stood for the Anthem to demonstrate that we are united together as a nation to fight, committed to face these problems together.

Kudos to the Cowboys and the cardinals.

And to the rest of the NFL who showed their asses this past Sunday...

Jerry Jones will do anything for a buck including pandering to the racist NFL Kneelers
i took it as flipping off trump. they also did not disrespect the flag or anthem.
What forces are in play that can make entire teams, including owners and coaches takes sides against law enforcement?

They need the protection more than the average joe on the street.

We can't give in to the thugs and savages. I'm still not watching.
It should also be said that the 70% of NFL are made up of African Americans, and that the reason the NFL is 70% African Americans is because of Affirmative Action and Universities giving nearly all of their Athletic Scholarships to Minorities.

Actually, if you can play football, you don't need affirmative action.

Maybe it's time we stopped pretending these kids are "student athletes" and just pay them for their services.
In a stupefied society many citizens get their political views from comedians and entertainers.

Quite right. Only a stupid country would reject a dozen qualified statesmen to elect the host of a fake game show with D-List celebrities.

Oh, wait.
Oh, wait, for what? For you to stop hating America? Never going to happen.
The National Anthem Protesters are just pure racist cretins
the NFL will lose fans
the NFL owners will lose sponsors
the NFL owners will lose money
the NFL players will lose Money
Left Wing hate has ruined the NFL
Boycott the NFL and its sponsors
The National Anthem Protesters are just pure racist cretins
the NFL will lose fans
the NFL owners will lose sponsors
the NFL owners will lose money
the NFL players will lose Money
Left Wing hate has ruined the NFL
Boycott the NFL and its sponsors

EVERYTHING the left touches turns to shit
Jerry Jones will do anything for a buck including pandering to the racist NFL Kneelers
One might call that 'compromising' to come up with an 'acceptable solution'.

I don't mind players kneeling BEFORE the National Anthem as a gesture / symbol, just as I do not mind players from both teams kneeling together after the game to pray. I do mind when they kneel during the National Anthem, as does a LOT of other Americans / fans.
I believe this is just one more manifestation of a problem in our society that I have been shaking my head in dismay over for some time now.
A fundamental lack of respect....
No one has any to give, while at the same time demanding it from all else.
I've noticed it in almost every aspect of our modern culture.
If you're in college on a football scholarship and have dreams of playing in the NFL, take my advice and go to the library instead of football practice.
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