Goodbye NFL.

In a stupefied society many citizens get their political views from comedians and entertainers. Now professional sports piles on for the great dumbing down. Granted, most citizens pay little attention to the traditional playing of the National Anthem before a pro football game, but it makes a great platform for rich athletes afraid of being labeled “house negroes” to demonstrate their solidarity with the government-issued oppressed masses.

The pampered cowards lock hands and go down on one knee to show that they are with the people. Going down on one knee is tough-but they’re keeping their money. Actually taking a knee isn’t all that hard if you are being showered with millions to play a game at a time when your “people” are killing each other at a rate higher than at any time in recorded history.

Professional football is big money and it’s no secret that about seventy percent of the players are African American. You might call pro football with its plethora of black participants a very well-paid form of modern slavery. They are indeed the ultimate personification of Uncle Toms-and they know it. So do the owners who rake in the profits.

No one denies that colleges and universities lower their academic standards so athletes that are good at running and jumping can represent the schools which are a training ground for the NFL. Viewers cringed as Odell Beckham, a pass receiver for the New York Giants, scored a touchdown and then launched into a creepy, atavistic pantomime of dog urinating on a fire hydrant. This embarrassing display was preceded by an earlier event in another game where Beckham nearly decapitated himself on the sidelines with a kicking net-his team was losing.

Viewers have become used to African American players going into gyrating dances after making plays when their team is 20 points behind with no time left and no hope of salvaging a victory. What this says about higher education and critical thinking is a question every American should consider. Most conclude that it’s all about the money and the game has changed to accommodate the greed of the owners and the sponsors.

It’s more show business than a sport-like professional wrestling. But this new paradigm of trashing the American Flag and the cowardice of the NFL could be the death knell of the sport as we know it. People are only just so dumb.
Bullshit No one is trashing the flag
thinking NFL players were protesting the flag is like thinking Rosa Parks was protesting Public Transportation
Um, sorry, guy, the minute Trump stuck his nose into it. the advantage went to the players.
It did...right until the NFL gave a big 'F* YOU' on Sunday not only to Trump but also to every American out there who finds it disrespectful to kneel during the National Anthem. That just pissed people off even more and drove more further from their cause.

The Cowboys and the Cardinals, as I opined, did a great deal to 'mend the burning bridges' by showing how to do it right if you're going to do it...again, IMO.
In a stupefied society many citizens get their political views from comedians and entertainers. Now professional sports piles on for the great dumbing down. Granted, most citizens pay little attention to the traditional playing of the National Anthem before a pro football game, but it makes a great platform for rich athletes afraid of being labeled “house negroes” to demonstrate their solidarity with the government-issued oppressed masses.

The pampered cowards lock hands and go down on one knee to show that they are with the people. Going down on one knee is tough-but they’re keeping their money. Actually taking a knee isn’t all that hard if you are being showered with millions to play a game at a time when your “people” are killing each other at a rate higher than at any time in recorded history.

Professional football is big money and it’s no secret that about seventy percent of the players are African American. You might call pro football with its plethora of black participants a very well-paid form of modern slavery. They are indeed the ultimate personification of Uncle Toms-and they know it. So do the owners who rake in the profits.

No one denies that colleges and universities lower their academic standards so athletes that are good at running and jumping can represent the schools which are a training ground for the NFL. Viewers cringed as Odell Beckham, a pass receiver for the New York Giants, scored a touchdown and then launched into a creepy, atavistic pantomime of dog urinating on a fire hydrant. This embarrassing display was preceded by an earlier event in another game where Beckham nearly decapitated himself on the sidelines with a kicking net-his team was losing.

Viewers have become used to African American players going into gyrating dances after making plays when their team is 20 points behind with no time left and no hope of salvaging a victory. What this says about higher education and critical thinking is a question every American should consider. Most conclude that it’s all about the money and the game has changed to accommodate the greed of the owners and the sponsors.

It’s more show business than a sport-like professional wrestling. But this new paradigm of trashing the American Flag and the cowardice of the NFL could be the death knell of the sport as we know it. People are only just so dumb.

Meh ... No great loss ... There is still NCAA College Football worth watching ... :thup:

In a stupefied society many citizens get their political views from comedians and entertainers. Now professional sports piles on for the great dumbing down. Granted, most citizens pay little attention to the traditional playing of the National Anthem before a pro football game, but it makes a great platform for rich athletes afraid of being labeled “house negroes” to demonstrate their solidarity with the government-issued oppressed masses.

The pampered cowards lock hands and go down on one knee to show that they are with the people. Going down on one knee is tough-but they’re keeping their money. Actually taking a knee isn’t all that hard if you are being showered with millions to play a game at a time when your “people” are killing each other at a rate higher than at any time in recorded history.

Professional football is big money and it’s no secret that about seventy percent of the players are African American. You might call pro football with its plethora of black participants a very well-paid form of modern slavery. They are indeed the ultimate personification of Uncle Toms-and they know it. So do the owners who rake in the profits.

No one denies that colleges and universities lower their academic standards so athletes that are good at running and jumping can represent the schools which are a training ground for the NFL. Viewers cringed as Odell Beckham, a pass receiver for the New York Giants, scored a touchdown and then launched into a creepy, atavistic pantomime of dog urinating on a fire hydrant. This embarrassing display was preceded by an earlier event in another game where Beckham nearly decapitated himself on the sidelines with a kicking net-his team was losing.

Viewers have become used to African American players going into gyrating dances after making plays when their team is 20 points behind with no time left and no hope of salvaging a victory. What this says about higher education and critical thinking is a question every American should consider. Most conclude that it’s all about the money and the game has changed to accommodate the greed of the owners and the sponsors.

It’s more show business than a sport-like professional wrestling. But this new paradigm of trashing the American Flag and the cowardice of the NFL could be the death knell of the sport as we know it. People are only just so dumb.

Meh ... No great loss ... There is still NCAA College Football worth watching ... :thup:


Go see a high school game. Enthusiasm, spirit and lots of fun
it's about time the rest of the league forfeit and genuflect to tom brady, anyway. :coffee:

"I am deeply disappointed by the tone of the comments made by the President on Friday. I am proud to be associated with so many players who make such tremendous contributions in positively impacting our communities. Their efforts, both on and off the field, help bring people together and make our community stronger. There is no greater unifier in this country than sports, and unfortunately, nothing more divisive than politics. I think our political leaders could learn a lot from the lessons of teamwork and the importance of working together toward a common goal. Our players are intelligent, thoughtful and care deeply about our community and I support their right to peacefully affect social change and raise awareness in a manner that they feel is most impactful."

i took it as flipping off trump. they also did not disrespect the flag or anthem.
In YOUR opinion. If you have been paying attention to the media reports from across the country the last 2 days, there are a LOT of Americans who disagree, especially the Veterans Groups.

Many NFL players don't 'get it' - what the flag means to millions of Americans, to vets, serving military members, their families, and to the loved ones who have lost military members. The flag is something our military have dedicated their lives to, served, bled, and sacrificed for. It represent freedom, the Constitution, and those Rights they are exercising by choosing to take a knee...and they see it as disrespect for all those who died and are still fighting to give them those rights.

You pissed at some racist a-hole, one who is not America but is only one of the many people who live here. Protest them. Do so like the Cowboys and Cardinals did...but don't disrespect the Flag or those who died for it...which is how many people other than you see it.

And just how they can't tell you how to feel and interpret players taking a knee, you can't tell them how they should feel or interpret it.

If the players don't get that...or if they do...and still insist on protesting this way, there will be backlash...which is every Americans' right as well.
A reality television star was elected President of the United States, but people in show business should keep their political opinions to themselves. :lol:
Go see a high school game. Enthusiasm, spirit and lots of fun

I don't have a kid in high school ... But I have paid season tickets and seats for our local team.
Even go to away games when I can schedule it ... Went to the playoffs in New Orleans last season ... Had a blast.

The problem is, you people become emotionally involved in the entertainment industry, now who is the sucker and who is the player?

Emotionally involved in the entertainment industry?

They're a bunch of ill informed assholes and it's leftists who idolize the twits.
It's not a political representation since the problem is more demographics than politics..

moonie-----the foot-BALLS are doing the knee thing for the same reason YOU do the MOONIE
thing------they would love to do the BALL thing-----but that could get them fired. All of you
The National Anthem Protesters are just pure racist cretins
the NFL will lose fans
the NFL owners will lose sponsors
the NFL owners will lose money
the NFL players will lose Money
Left Wing hate has ruined the NFL
Boycott the NFL and its sponsors

Um, sorry, guy, the minute Trump stuck his nose into it. the advantage went to the players.

Trump is just saying what everyone is thinking.
The dumb racist national anthem protesters have given themselves a pay-cut and the greedy NFL owners will also lose money.
The problem is, you people become emotionally involved in the entertainment industry, now who is the sucker and who is the player?
Many get emotionally involved in football. Especially Eddiew37.
Their efforts, both on and off the field, help bring people together and make our community stronger.

Yeah, not so much when you disrespect the nation's flag, anthem, and vets who died for them and who are still serving and sacrificing for them.

I have the utmost respect for Brady, but going 'all in' to defend the actions of the NFL players as if they did nothing wrong?! I disagree, and so do a lot of Americans.

I fully support the players' right to do what they did while disagreeing with it. I also support fans' responses, whatever they may be.
One might call that 'compromising' to come up with an 'acceptable solution'.

I don't mind players kneeling BEFORE the National Anthem as a gesture / symbol, just as I do not mind players from both teams kneeling together after the game to pray. I do mind when they kneel during the National Anthem, as does a LOT of other Americans / fans.

so they can only do things you like. Right.

Hey, here's the thing, instead of whining about the protest, how about addressing their concerns?
Thing is, If John Wilkes Booth wouldn't have assassinated Lincoln, we wouldn't be having all these problems in our country because Lincoln intended to deport the negroes out of this country to Senegal and other places. Damn you John Wilkes Booth.
Would not have worked. The country already attempted the recolonization act under President James Monroe.

The logistics of such an endeavor would have been way too much to handle.

BTW, the country of Liberia is called Monrovia. Named after that President James Monroe for that Recolonization Act where he was successful with shipping a number of slaves back to Africa.

The only country in the world who's capital is named after an ex American President.

What Lincoln would have done was unify the country by not crushing the south. He allowed the confederates to keep their flag and their arms. He was going to show great tolerance and it may have worked with the difficult reconstruction.

However, after the assassination, the North crushed the south. Making the reconstruction slow and messed up. Still feeling the affects of that struggle today.

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