Goodbye NFL.

it's all stupid. but what trump did was divisive and works against him in trying to get people to work with him. but that's how trump rolls.
I agree. I also believe what the players are doing is divisive and is working against what they are trying to do.
Yeah...let these players see if they can play their game in Britain or Cuba or Iran and make the kind of money they do here....LMFAO.

They are a bunch of very rich dumb asses.
they can't do what they do here and make this money in any other country. NO OTHER COUNTRY. yet, this one is keeping them down.

yes we have problem and yes they need attention and focus. but to heal, not to bitch and call the other nazis.
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The National Anthem Protesters are just pure racist cretins
the NFL will lose fans
the NFL owners will lose sponsors
the NFL owners will lose money
the NFL players will lose Money
Left Wing hate has ruined the NFL
Boycott the NFL and its sponsors

EVERYTHING the left touches turns to shit

Yea, damn that 40-hour work week.

40 hour weeks are for people who settle on mediocrity

Or people that don't like their family.

Or people who want their family my husband

I would be concerned about the time that she says that she is at work.
it's all stupid. but what trump did was divisive and works against him in trying to get people to work with him. but that's how trump rolls.
I agree. I also believe what the players are doing is divisive and is working against what they are trying to do.
100% agreed. i wish they'd spend the time/energy and lost $$$ on endorsements to promote their cause within their cities. work with the police to help fix this. kneeling doesn't do a thing to make it better. it just makes people bitch more.
I am willing to bet that many of these kneeling NFL players give little to nothing to charity.
i took it as flipping off trump. they also did not disrespect the flag or anthem.
In YOUR opinion. If you have been paying attention to the media reports from across the country the last 2 days, there are a LOT of Americans who disagree, especially the Veterans Groups.

Many NFL players don't 'get it' - what the flag means to millions of Americans, to vets, serving military members, their families, and to the loved ones who have lost military members. The flag is something our military have dedicated their lives to, served, bled, and sacrificed for. It represent freedom, the Constitution, and those Rights they are exercising by choosing to take a knee...and they see it as disrespect for all those who died and are still fighting to give them those rights.

You pissed at some racist a-hole, one who is not America but is only one of the many people who live here. Protest them. Do so like the Cowboys and Cardinals did...but don't disrespect the Flag or those who died for it...which is how many people other than you see it.

And just how they can't tell you how to feel and interpret players taking a knee, you can't tell them how they should feel or interpret it.

If the players don't get that...or if they do...and still insist on protesting this way, there will be backlash...which is every Americans' right as well.
let's back that truck up for a bit.

(insert annoying beeping here)

i took what the NFL did as yes, flipping off trump. while you still had pockets of kneelers running around there was no coordinated movement til trump popped off where he simply didn't need to do it.

obama didn't need to chime into the professor locked out of his house to belittle the police, he didn't need to chime in on clock boy, nor any of the police shootings. those are social issues that if our president picks a side, it causes divide worse than what we had.

trump did the same thing, to me, in my opinion.

the NFL *had* to make a statement and counter. stupid? yes. but so was trump.

are people mad and tired of this? HELL YES. and we're showing it with watching it less and less and sponsors are bailing all over. as it should.

the players i suppose have a *right* to protest. but they're dragging a lot of people with them who don't care and don't see it how they do. they also have a right to speak out against them. damn skippy.

and i am *ONLY* referring to how the cowboys/cardinals did it which i thought was fine but still flipped off trump. in last nights game no anthem was dis'd and no one dis'd the flag.

all i'm saying. please don't make it something else.
Obama clearly is responsible for much of this.
he did take the "minority" side each and every time and seldom w/o the full story.

to me, that's where a lot of this began, or at least got kicked up another notch.
In a stupefied society many citizens get their political views from comedians and entertainers. Now professional sports piles on for the great dumbing down. Granted, most citizens pay little attention to the traditional playing of the National Anthem before a pro football game, but it makes a great platform for rich athletes afraid of being labeled “house negroes” to demonstrate their solidarity with the government-issued oppressed masses.

The pampered cowards lock hands and go down on one knee to show that they are with the people. Going down on one knee is tough-but they’re keeping their money. Actually taking a knee isn’t all that hard if you are being showered with millions to play a game at a time when your “people” are killing each other at a rate higher than at any time in recorded history.

Professional football is big money and it’s no secret that about seventy percent of the players are African American. You might call pro football with its plethora of black participants a very well-paid form of modern slavery. They are indeed the ultimate personification of Uncle Toms-and they know it. So do the owners who rake in the profits.

No one denies that colleges and universities lower their academic standards so athletes that are good at running and jumping can represent the schools which are a training ground for the NFL. Viewers cringed as Odell Beckham, a pass receiver for the New York Giants, scored a touchdown and then launched into a creepy, atavistic pantomime of dog urinating on a fire hydrant. This embarrassing display was preceded by an earlier event in another game where Beckham nearly decapitated himself on the sidelines with a kicking net-his team was losing.

Viewers have become used to African American players going into gyrating dances after making plays when their team is 20 points behind with no time left and no hope of salvaging a victory. What this says about higher education and critical thinking is a question every American should consider. Most conclude that it’s all about the money and the game has changed to accommodate the greed of the owners and the sponsors.

It’s more show business than a sport-like professional wrestling. But this new paradigm of trashing the American Flag and the cowardice of the NFL could be the death knell of the sport as we know it. People are only just so dumb.

Well the NFL has no relegation or promotion, it's a Communist structure to benefit the rich, so they don't have to really try that hard to make loads of money. Personally I hate the sport, but sport is about entertainment, and people seemed to be entertained by it. Adding another layer of entertainment, seeing as politics has turned into entertainment too, shouldn't be a shock.
The racist NFL Players and greedy NFL Owners are dishonoring our Soldiers and Policemen who sacrificed everything, screw the NFL
I quit watching NFL games after the 1980 season.

Great! You've had plenty of time to attend all those klan rallies...
Instead of making asinine assumptions, perhaps it would do more good to ask me why I quit watching. This is a discussion forum correct? It had nothing to do with any one's race you fool.

I quit watching because no sooner than the champion Chicago Bears won the Superbowl, their management traded away all the players that took them there. Proving to me once and for all that the NFL does not care about the fans at all.
i took it as flipping off trump. they also did not disrespect the flag or anthem.
In YOUR opinion. If you have been paying attention to the media reports from across the country the last 2 days, there are a LOT of Americans who disagree, especially the Veterans Groups.

Many NFL players don't 'get it' - what the flag means to millions of Americans, to vets, serving military members, their families, and to the loved ones who have lost military members. The flag is something our military have dedicated their lives to, served, bled, and sacrificed for. It represent freedom, the Constitution, and those Rights they are exercising by choosing to take a knee...and they see it as disrespect for all those who died and are still fighting to give them those rights.

You pissed at some racist a-hole, one who is not America but is only one of the many people who live here. Protest them. Do so like the Cowboys and Cardinals did...but don't disrespect the Flag or those who died for it...which is how many people other than you see it.

And just how they can't tell you how to feel and interpret players taking a knee, you can't tell them how they should feel or interpret it.

If the players don't get that...or if they do...and still insist on protesting this way, there will be backlash...which is every Americans' right as well.
let's back that truck up for a bit.

(insert annoying beeping here)

i took what the NFL did as yes, flipping off trump. while you still had pockets of kneelers running around there was no coordinated movement til trump popped off where he simply didn't need to do it.

obama didn't need to chime into the professor locked out of his house to belittle the police, he didn't need to chime in on clock boy, nor any of the police shootings. those are social issues that if our president picks a side, it causes divide worse than what we had.

trump did the same thing, to me, in my opinion.

the NFL *had* to make a statement and counter. stupid? yes. but so was trump.

are people mad and tired of this? HELL YES. and we're showing it with watching it less and less and sponsors are bailing all over. as it should.

the players i suppose have a *right* to protest. but they're dragging a lot of people with them who don't care and don't see it how they do. they also have a right to speak out against them. damn skippy.

and i am *ONLY* referring to how the cowboys/cardinals did it which i thought was fine but still flipped off trump. in last nights game no anthem was dis'd and no one dis'd the flag.

all i'm saying. please don't make it something else.
Obama clearly is responsible for much of this.
he did take the "minority" side each and every time and seldom w/o the full story.

to me, that's where a lot of this began, or at least got kicked up another notch.
Agreed and the MSM and the entire Left refused to criticize him in any way, yet they shit on Trump nonstop.
Say what you want, but Jerry Jones looks and acts the part of a 2 faced con man...

I refrained from applauding him until I saw what he would do last night and sure enough he kneeled. Now you can argue he didn't do it during the anthem, but the message he's been sending was the field was no place to protest...

The average NFL salary is $1.9 MM per year, the average NFL career is anywhere between 3.3 to 6 years, that translates into about $8.8 MM, not bad for playing a game. So how is it that a league who's personnel is 70%+ African American feels that they're oppressed? It's 2017 folks, they're is very little that gets overlooked in today's world of instant internet messaging, what else can honestly be done to help African Americans out of their current position? Seriously...

You can call President Trump what ever you want to, but the man has no problem calling it like most of us see it...
That's sad and hilarious the the NFL is a non-profit when it exists to make players into millionaires and all the rich people involved even richer.

The race-whipped NFL has protected itself by calling this "free speech" for the players. And, these protests are non-partisan (wink, wink).

Anyway, Congress needs to get busy and strip the NFL of federal tax breaks. But, remember rule #1: Republicans are worthless, and Democrats are worse.
it's all stupid. but what trump did was divisive and works against him in trying to get people to work with him. but that's how trump rolls.
I agree. I also believe what the players are doing is divisive and is working against what they are trying to do.
100% agreed. i wish they'd spend the time/energy and lost $$$ on endorsements to promote their cause within their cities. work with the police to help fix this. kneeling doesn't do a thing to make it better. it just makes people bitch more.
I am willing to bet that many of these kneeling NFL players give little to nothing to charity.
well i do know many are active in community events we just never hear about so i'd not take that bet. i know many on the cowboys who do in fact dive into their communities and help. but stories on that don't cause flame wars and increase clicks.

but i would imagine many kneeling are just doing it cause they support one side over another. nothing to do with actually trying to make a change, just telling other people THEY need to do something about it.
In a stupefied society many citizens get their political views from comedians and entertainers. Now professional sports piles on for the great dumbing down. Granted, most citizens pay little attention to the traditional playing of the National Anthem before a pro football game, but it makes a great platform for rich athletes afraid of being labeled “house negroes” to demonstrate their solidarity with the government-issued oppressed masses.

The pampered cowards lock hands and go down on one knee to show that they are with the people. Going down on one knee is tough-but they’re keeping their money. Actually taking a knee isn’t all that hard if you are being showered with millions to play a game at a time when your “people” are killing each other at a rate higher than at any time in recorded history.

Professional football is big money and it’s no secret that about seventy percent of the players are African American. You might call pro football with its plethora of black participants a very well-paid form of modern slavery. They are indeed the ultimate personification of Uncle Toms-and they know it. So do the owners who rake in the profits.

No one denies that colleges and universities lower their academic standards so athletes that are good at running and jumping can represent the schools which are a training ground for the NFL. Viewers cringed as Odell Beckham, a pass receiver for the New York Giants, scored a touchdown and then launched into a creepy, atavistic pantomime of dog urinating on a fire hydrant. This embarrassing display was preceded by an earlier event in another game where Beckham nearly decapitated himself on the sidelines with a kicking net-his team was losing.

Viewers have become used to African American players going into gyrating dances after making plays when their team is 20 points behind with no time left and no hope of salvaging a victory. What this says about higher education and critical thinking is a question every American should consider. Most conclude that it’s all about the money and the game has changed to accommodate the greed of the owners and the sponsors.

It’s more show business than a sport-like professional wrestling. But this new paradigm of trashing the American Flag and the cowardice of the NFL could be the death knell of the sport as we know it. People are only just so dumb.
makes a great platform for rich athletes afraid of being labeled “house negroes”

Please provide credible evidence that establishes the plausibility and probability that being "afraid of being labeled “house negroes” is a fear held by a material share of black NFL athletes.

You might call pro football with its plethora of black participants a very well-paid form of modern slavery.

One might, for people will say damn near anything as long as they think it sounds good, but one would be patently incorrect to do so for chattel slavery, by and large, left unpaid the enslaved.

You might call pro football with its plethora of black participants a very well-paid form of modern slavery. They are indeed the ultimate personification of Uncle Toms-and they know it. So do the owners who rake in the profits.
  1. What, in your mind, are the defining characteristics of the relationship between black NFL players and NFL team owners that makes them be "the ultimate personification of Uncle Toms?
  2. How, in your mind, would that relationship need to change so that, while retaining their jobs, black NFL players would not by you be construed as "the ultimate personification of Uncle Toms?"

This embarrassing display

One might, for people will say damn near anything as long as they think it sounds good, but one would be patently incorrect to do so for chattel slavery, by and large, left unpaid the enslaved.

adrian peterson said it. google it.
I'm not sure why it's bad for Tim Tebow to take a knee, but not Capernick and the rest for the NFL.

The obvious reason is very pathetic.
Make them an example for all. Slam them hard.

As a non-profit 501(c)3 organization beholden to IRS restrictions on political campaigning, the NFL cannot endorse a political candidate, nor campaigns nor political issues.

Didn't you all whine when the Obama people did this to the Teabaggers?

Look, if Trump were smart, he'd walk away from this one.
End of the NFL? No way. The NFL will take a hit and will be shocked to the core for a few seasons. But Americans love football.

It will have a rebound in a few years when people forget the controversy and move on to the next social media crisis.

I personally am glad to have an excuse to skip the Bears games. The tix are well over priced to sit out on the freezing cold knock snow off your seat!

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That's sad and hilarious the the NFL is a non-profit when it exists to make players into millionaires and all the rich people involved even richer.

The race-whipped NFL has protected itself by calling this "free speech" for the players. And, these protests are non-partisan (wink, wink).

Anyway, Congress needs to get busy and strip the NFL of federal tax breaks. But, remember rule #1: Republicans are worthless, and Democrats are worse.
Heck yeah. The NFL has no business being tax exempt. Period.
I'm not sure why this shit is in politics.

Who gives a fuck what these players do? If the owners don't care then it's a non issue.
If it bothers you that much don't watch. But for God's sake stop flooding the forum with this shit.
If players are going to protest, last night the Dallas Cowboys and Arizona Cardinals showed the rest of the NFL how to do so with class, honor, respect, and dignity.

The Dallas Cowboys, linked arm-in-arm with owner Jerry Jones, came out minutes early for the National Anthem...and took a knee for a few seconds BEFORE the playing of the Anthem. They then rose to their feet, and the Dallas Cowboys and the Arizona Cardinals stood, linked arm-in-arm on their respective sides of the field for the National Anthem.

If you / anyone thinks pissing people off, disrespecting this country / the flag / the national anthem is going to UNITE / BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER to solve a problem then they / you are as dumb as a sack full of shit. DIVISION does not bring people together. Standing together, unified in a cause, is what brings people together and solves problems.

The 'Boys and Cardinals protested a cultural problem BEFORE the National Anthem then stood for the Anthem to demonstrate that we are united together as a nation to fight, committed to face these problems together.

Kudos to the Cowboys and the cardinals.

And to the rest of the NFL who showed their asses this past Sunday...

Jerry Jones will do anything for a buck including pandering to the racist NFL Kneelers
i took it as flipping off trump. they also did not disrespect the flag or anthem.
let me ask you, do you think the 60,000 in the stadium really give a rats ass what their protest is about, did they pay 100 dollars a ticket to watch that or football? Play fking football, it is a sport played in a stadium funded by the tax payers. And if there was so much to protest about, why didn't they all do this last week? This was all about flipping off trump. so the protest is a lie. hahahahaahha what a bunch of fking morons.

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