Goodbye NFL.

The National Anthem Protesters are just pure racist cretins
the NFL will lose fans
the NFL owners will lose sponsors
the NFL owners will lose money
the NFL players will lose Money
Left Wing hate has ruined the NFL
Boycott the NFL and its sponsors

Um, sorry, guy, the minute Trump stuck his nose into it. the advantage went to the players.

Trump is just saying what everyone is thinking.
The dumb racist national anthem protesters have given themselves a pay-cut and the greedy NFL owners will also lose money.
NFL is dead, it just doesn't know it yet.
so they can only do things you like. Right.
You went to public school didn't you? I can tell by your reading comprehension deficiency.

I said I 'do' / 'do not mind'. They can do whatever the hell they want. No one is stopping them, especially me.

As far as addressing their problem - I have spent 30 years serving my country, defending this country's freedom, its Constitution, its National Anthem, and the very RIGHTS the players are exercising when they take a knee. I have fought and stood up against racism my whole life. In the military every where I have served and with the people with who I have served Racism does not exist / was not tolerated. We are all equal - I have put my life in other people's hands - despite race, color, sex, creed, religion - and asked them to do the same with me.

I never 'took a knee'. I have REMAINED ON MY FEET and 'in the fight'.

WTF have you done?
The National Anthem Protesters are just pure racist cretins
the NFL will lose fans
the NFL owners will lose sponsors
the NFL owners will lose money
the NFL players will lose Money
Left Wing hate has ruined the NFL
Boycott the NFL and its sponsors

EVERYTHING the left touches turns to shit

Yea, damn that 40-hour work week.

40 hour weeks are for people who settle on mediocrity

Or people that don't like their family.
The National Anthem Protesters are just pure racist cretins
the NFL will lose fans
the NFL owners will lose sponsors
the NFL owners will lose money
the NFL players will lose Money
Left Wing hate has ruined the NFL
Boycott the NFL and its sponsors

EVERYTHING the left touches turns to shit

Yea, damn that 40-hour work week.

40 hour weeks are for people who settle on mediocrity

Or people that don't like their family.

Or people who want their family my husband
The National Anthem Protesters are just pure racist cretins
the NFL will lose fans
the NFL owners will lose sponsors
the NFL owners will lose money
the NFL players will lose Money
Left Wing hate has ruined the NFL
Boycott the NFL and its sponsors

Um, sorry, guy, the minute Trump stuck his nose into it. the advantage went to the players.

Trump is just saying what everyone is thinking.
The dumb racist national anthem protesters have given themselves a pay-cut and the greedy NFL owners will also lose money.
NFL is dead, it just doesn't know it yet.
Agreed...if they keep this up. The NBA might be next.

This clearly is a made up problem to further divide Americans. The Left is pushing a non-stop agenda of constant divisiveness. Then they accuse Trump of being divisive, when he responds.

It is all so very disgusting...and truly disheartening that so many Americans are duped by it all.
so they can only do things you like. Right.
You went to public school didn't you? I can tell by your reading comprehension deficiency.

I said I 'do' / 'do not mind'. They can do whatever the hell they want. No one is stopping them, especially me.

As far as addressing their problem - I have spent 30 years serving my country, defending this country's freedom, its Constitution, its National Anthem, and the very RIGHTS the players are exercising when they take a knee. I have fought and stood up against racism my whole life. In the military every where I have served and with the people with who I have served Racism does not exist / was not tolerated. We are all equal - I have put my life in other people's hands - despite race, color, sex, creed, religion - and asked them to do the same with me.

I never 'took a knee'. I have REMAINED ON MY FEET and 'in the fight'.

WTF have you done?

You defended this countries constitution not the whims of an authoritarian leader.
so they can only do things you like. Right.
You went to public school didn't you? I can tell by your reading comprehension deficiency.

I said I 'do' / 'do not mind'. They can do whatever the hell they want. No one is stopping them, especially me.

As far as addressing their problem - I have spent 30 years serving my country, defending this country's freedom, its Constitution, its National Anthem, and the very RIGHTS the players are exercising when they take a knee. I have fought and stood up against racism my whole life. In the military every where I have served and with the people with who I have served Racism does not exist / was not tolerated. We are all equal - I have put my life in other people's hands - despite race, color, sex, creed, religion - and asked them to do the same with me.

I never 'took a knee'. I have REMAINED ON MY FEET and 'in the fight'.

WTF have you done?

You defended this countries constitution not the whims of an authoritarian leader.
Yeah, I didn't think you did anything except whine and bitch.....
“NEW YORK DAILY NEWS: In 179 fatalities involving on-duty NYPD cops in 15 years, only 3 cases led to indictments — and just 1 conviction.”

So this means that only .005% of police shooting of suspects are actual cases of murder. The other 99.95% are cases of self-defense.
This is what the dumb racist NFL national anthem protesters are so enraged about.

There are on average about 7000 Black victims of murder per year. So this means that about .00001% of Black victims of murder are people murdered by policemen.
Can you see the yoooge imbalance of outrage yet?
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The National Anthem Protesters are just pure racist cretins
the NFL will lose fans
the NFL owners will lose sponsors
the NFL owners will lose money
the NFL players will lose Money
Left Wing hate has ruined the NFL
Boycott the NFL and its sponsors

Um, sorry, guy, the minute Trump stuck his nose into it. the advantage went to the players.

Trump is just saying what everyone is thinking.
The dumb racist national anthem protesters have given themselves a pay-cut and the greedy NFL owners will also lose money.
NFL is dead, it just doesn't know it yet.
Agreed...if they keep this up. The NBA might be next.

This clearly is a made up problem to further divide Americans. The Left is pushing a non-stop agenda of constant divisiveness. Then they accuse Trump of being divisive, when he responds.

It is all so very disgusting...and truly disheartening that so many Americans are duped by it all.
I think the leftists that control the NFL and NBA are like all the others - they lack the self awareness to correct their mistakes. How did we get Trump? Crazy talk and actions from the left. What does the left do after the election? They ramp up the crazy talk and actions.
i took it as flipping off trump. they also did not disrespect the flag or anthem.
In YOUR opinion. If you have been paying attention to the media reports from across the country the last 2 days, there are a LOT of Americans who disagree, especially the Veterans Groups.

Many NFL players don't 'get it' - what the flag means to millions of Americans, to vets, serving military members, their families, and to the loved ones who have lost military members. The flag is something our military have dedicated their lives to, served, bled, and sacrificed for. It represent freedom, the Constitution, and those Rights they are exercising by choosing to take a knee...and they see it as disrespect for all those who died and are still fighting to give them those rights.

You pissed at some racist a-hole, one who is not America but is only one of the many people who live here. Protest them. Do so like the Cowboys and Cardinals did...but don't disrespect the Flag or those who died for it...which is how many people other than you see it.

And just how they can't tell you how to feel and interpret players taking a knee, you can't tell them how they should feel or interpret it.

If the players don't get that...or if they do...and still insist on protesting this way, there will be backlash...which is every Americans' right as well.
let's back that truck up for a bit.

(insert annoying beeping here)

i took what the NFL did as yes, flipping off trump. while you still had pockets of kneelers running around there was no coordinated movement til trump popped off where he simply didn't need to do it.

obama didn't need to chime into the professor locked out of his house to belittle the police, he didn't need to chime in on clock boy, he didn't need to call trayvon his son, nor any of the police shootings didn't need his 1 sided input. those are social issues that if our president picks a side, it causes divide worse than what we had.

trump did the same thing, to me, in my opinion.

the NFL *had* to make a statement and counter. stupid? yes. but so was trump.

are people mad and tired of this? HELL YES. and we're showing it with watching it less and less and sponsors are bailing all over. as it should.

the players i suppose have a *right* to protest. but they're dragging a lot of people with them who don't care and don't see it how they do. they also have a right to speak out against them. damn skippy.

and i am *ONLY* referring to how the cowboys/cardinals did it which i thought was fine but still flipped off trump. in last nights game no anthem was dis'd and no one dis'd the flag.

all i'm saying. please don't make it something else.
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let's back that truck up for a bit.

(insert annoying beeping here)

i took what the NFL did as yes, flipping off trump. while you still had pockets of kneelers running around there was no coordinated movement til trump popped off where he simply didn't need to do it.

obama didn't need to chime into the professor locked out of his house to belittle the police, he didn't need to chime in on clock boy, nor any of the police shootings. those are social issues that if our president picks a side, it causes divide worse than what we had.

trump did the same thing, to me, in my opinion.

the NFL *had* to make a statement and counter. stupid? yes. but so was trump.

are people mad and tired of this? HELL YES. and we're showing it with watching it less and less and sponsors are bailing all over. as it should.

the players i suppose have a *right* to protest. but they're dragging a lot of people with them who don't care and don't see it how they do. they also have a right to speak out against them. damn skippy.

and i am *ONLY* referring to how the cowboys/cardinals did it which i thought was fine but still flipped off trump. in last nights game no anthem was dis'd and no one dis'd the flag.

all i'm saying. please don't make it something else.
I see your point, but I think disrespecting the flag / country / national anthem / vets just to get back at Trump is dumb as hell.... IMO.
Make them an example for all. Slam them hard.

As a non-profit 501(c)3 organization beholden to IRS restrictions on political campaigning, the NFL cannot endorse a political candidate, nor campaigns nor political issues.

The players are walking a fine line with their very public #TakeAKnee political protest.

The IRS tax code clearly states that while it is perfectly appropriate for the NFL to encourage citizens to vote, their actions must not cross the line of favoring or encouraging their fan base to go against a candidate or group of candidates in the future.

Flag on the play? The NFL might get in trouble with taxpayers for getting political
let's back that truck up for a bit.

(insert annoying beeping here)

i took what the NFL did as yes, flipping off trump. while you still had pockets of kneelers running around there was no coordinated movement til trump popped off where he simply didn't need to do it.

obama didn't need to chime into the professor locked out of his house to belittle the police, he didn't need to chime in on clock boy, nor any of the police shootings. those are social issues that if our president picks a side, it causes divide worse than what we had.

trump did the same thing, to me, in my opinion.

the NFL *had* to make a statement and counter. stupid? yes. but so was trump.

are people mad and tired of this? HELL YES. and we're showing it with watching it less and less and sponsors are bailing all over. as it should.

the players i suppose have a *right* to protest. but they're dragging a lot of people with them who don't care and don't see it how they do. they also have a right to speak out against them. damn skippy.

and i am *ONLY* referring to how the cowboys/cardinals did it which i thought was fine but still flipped off trump. in last nights game no anthem was dis'd and no one dis'd the flag.

all i'm saying. please don't make it something else.
I see your point, but I think disrespecting the flag / country / national anthem / vets just to get back at Trump is dumb as hell.... IMO.
it's all stupid. but what trump did was divisive and works against him in trying to get people to work with him. but that's how trump rolls.
“NEW YORK DAILY NEWS: In 179 fatalities involving on-duty NYPD cops in 15 years, only 3 cases led to indictments — and just 1 conviction.” So this means that only .005% of police shooting of suspects are actual cases of murder. The other 99.95% are cases of self-defense.
This is what the dumb racist NFL national anthem protesters are so enraged about.
If they had any sense, they would be engaged by the black-on-black genocide going on in many inner Chicago for instance, where dozens of shooting occur every weekend.
it's all stupid. but what trump did was divisive and works against him in trying to get people to work with him. but that's how trump rolls.
I agree. I also believe what the players are doing is divisive and is working against what they are trying to do.
i took it as flipping off trump. they also did not disrespect the flag or anthem.
In YOUR opinion. If you have been paying attention to the media reports from across the country the last 2 days, there are a LOT of Americans who disagree, especially the Veterans Groups.

Many NFL players don't 'get it' - what the flag means to millions of Americans, to vets, serving military members, their families, and to the loved ones who have lost military members. The flag is something our military have dedicated their lives to, served, bled, and sacrificed for. It represent freedom, the Constitution, and those Rights they are exercising by choosing to take a knee...and they see it as disrespect for all those who died and are still fighting to give them those rights.

You pissed at some racist a-hole, one who is not America but is only one of the many people who live here. Protest them. Do so like the Cowboys and Cardinals did...but don't disrespect the Flag or those who died for it...which is how many people other than you see it.

And just how they can't tell you how to feel and interpret players taking a knee, you can't tell them how they should feel or interpret it.

If the players don't get that...or if they do...and still insist on protesting this way, there will be backlash...which is every Americans' right as well.
let's back that truck up for a bit.

(insert annoying beeping here)

i took what the NFL did as yes, flipping off trump. while you still had pockets of kneelers running around there was no coordinated movement til trump popped off where he simply didn't need to do it.

obama didn't need to chime into the professor locked out of his house to belittle the police, he didn't need to chime in on clock boy, nor any of the police shootings. those are social issues that if our president picks a side, it causes divide worse than what we had.

trump did the same thing, to me, in my opinion.

the NFL *had* to make a statement and counter. stupid? yes. but so was trump.

are people mad and tired of this? HELL YES. and we're showing it with watching it less and less and sponsors are bailing all over. as it should.

the players i suppose have a *right* to protest. but they're dragging a lot of people with them who don't care and don't see it how they do. they also have a right to speak out against them. damn skippy.

and i am *ONLY* referring to how the cowboys/cardinals did it which i thought was fine but still flipped off trump. in last nights game no anthem was dis'd and no one dis'd the flag.

all i'm saying. please don't make it something else.
Obama clearly is responsible for much of this.
it's all stupid. but what trump did was divisive and works against him in trying to get people to work with him. but that's how trump rolls.
I agree. I also believe what the players are doing is divisive and is working against what they are trying to do.
100% agreed. i wish they'd spend the time/energy and lost $$$ on endorsements to promote their cause within their cities. work with the police to help fix this. kneeling doesn't do a thing to make it better. it just makes people bitch more.
it's all stupid. but what trump did was divisive and works against him in trying to get people to work with him. but that's how trump rolls.
I agree. I also believe what the players are doing is divisive and is working against what they are trying to do.
Yeah...let these players see if they can play their game in Britain or Cuba or Iran and make the kind of money they do here....LMFAO.

They are a bunch of very rich dumb asses.

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