Goodbye NFL.

Didn't you all whine when the Obama people did this to the Teabaggers?

Are you really so stupid as to compare the Tea Party to the NFL? Tea Party groups are legitimate non-profits. They don't charge families a few hundred dollars to attend nor do they collect millions from TV contracts. The NFL gets massive taxpayer subsides on the state level, federal tax breaks, and special exemptions from federal laws such as antitrust laws. The Tea Party never got special treatment from the government.
Make them an example for all. Slam them hard.

As a non-profit 501(c)3 organization beholden to IRS restrictions on political campaigning, the NFL cannot endorse a political candidate, nor campaigns nor political issues.

Didn't you all whine when the Obama people did this to the Teabaggers?

Look, if Trump were smart, he'd walk away from this one.

Just like the fans are walking away from the NFL.
Trump did not tell them to stop protesting. He told them to stop disrespecting the National Anthem / country / vets.
If players are going to protest, last night the Dallas Cowboys and Arizona Cardinals showed the rest of the NFL how to do so with class, honor, respect, and dignity.

The Dallas Cowboys, linked arm-in-arm with owner Jerry Jones, came out minutes early for the National Anthem...and took a knee for a few seconds BEFORE the playing of the Anthem. They then rose to their feet, and the Dallas Cowboys and the Arizona Cardinals stood, linked arm-in-arm on their respective sides of the field for the National Anthem.

If you / anyone thinks pissing people off, disrespecting this country / the flag / the national anthem is going to UNITE / BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER to solve a problem then they / you are as dumb as a sack full of shit. DIVISION does not bring people together. Standing together, unified in a cause, is what brings people together and solves problems.

The 'Boys and Cardinals protested a cultural problem BEFORE the National Anthem then stood for the Anthem to demonstrate that we are united together as a nation to fight, committed to face these problems together.

Kudos to the Cowboys and the cardinals.

And to the rest of the NFL who showed their asses this past Sunday...

Jerry Jones will do anything for a buck including pandering to the racist NFL Kneelers
i took it as flipping off trump. they also did not disrespect the flag or anthem.
let me ask you, do you think the 60,000 in the stadium really give a rats ass what their protest is about, did they pay 100 dollars a ticket to watch that or football? Play fking football, it is a sport played in a stadium funded by the tax payers. And if there was so much to protest about, why didn't they all do this last week? This was all about flipping off trump. so the protest is a lie. hahahahaahha what a bunch of fking morons.
let me ask you this -

you read any of my other many posts on this today or did you just focus on this sentence so you can get a shot back in?
Make them an example for all. Slam them hard.

As a non-profit 501(c)3 organization beholden to IRS restrictions on political campaigning, the NFL cannot endorse a political candidate, nor campaigns nor political issues.

Didn't you all whine when the Obama people did this to the Teabaggers?

Look, if Trump were smart, he'd walk away from this one.
You love being the guy in the comedy act who always looks stupid, don't you?
Their efforts, both on and off the field, help bring people together and make our community stronger.

Yeah, not so much when you disrespect the nation's flag, anthem, and vets who died for them and who are still serving and sacrificing for them.

I have the utmost respect for Brady, but going 'all in' to defend the actions of the NFL players as if they did nothing wrong?! I disagree, and so do a lot of Americans.

I fully support the players' right to do what they did while disagreeing with it. I also support fans' responses, whatever they may be.

according to YOU and the rest of the emo parrots, nfl players have been "disrespectful".

doesn't matter how many times they state their honorable intentions, dishonest emos continue to MELT. :eusa_clap:

“We were all obviously conflicted. We knew our message would be perceived by a lot of people in a way that wasn't what we were trying to put out," said McCourty, wearing a black and white t-shirt with the phrase, "No Place for Racism, Facism, Sexism and Hate."

“We wanted to come together first and foremost,” McCourty said. “We hate that people are going to see it as we don't respect the military and the men and women that are way braver than us, that go and put their life on the line every day for us to have the right to play football.

“Guys have family members – fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters that serve – and they were really conflicted about it. But we just wanted to send a message of unity and being together and not standing for the disrespect and different ways guys felt. So many different things going through a lot of guys heads and it was unique to see guys kind of come together and bond together as a group before the game, and do that.

“It was great to be a part of a lot of guys trying to do the right thing. Obviously it won't be seen as the right thing to everybody, but I think in our hearts, what we focused on the most, was that we were trying to do the right thing today. I'm proud of our guys and I'm proud of the group and the guys I get to go out and play football with.

“They are better people than they are football players."

Devin McCourty explains why Patriots knelt during national anthem



“We came to the conclusion that we should kneel, rather than sit, during the anthem as a peaceful protest,” “We chose to kneel because it’s a respectful gesture. I remember thinking our posture was like a flag flown at half-mast to mark a tragedy.” In light of President Trump suggesting NFL owners should fire any “son of a bitch” who protests the national anthem, Reid added: “It baffles me that our protest is still being misconstrued as disrespectful to the country, flag and military personnel. We chose it because it’s exactly the opposite. It has always been my understanding that the brave men and women who fought and died for our country did so to ensure that we could live in a fair and free society, which includes the right to speak out in protest.”
Their efforts, both on and off the field, help bring people together and make our community stronger.

Yeah, not so much when you disrespect the nation's flag, anthem, and vets who died for them and who are still serving and sacrificing for them.

I have the utmost respect for Brady, but going 'all in' to defend the actions of the NFL players as if they did nothing wrong?! I disagree, and so do a lot of Americans.

I fully support the players' right to do what they did while disagreeing with it. I also support fans' responses, whatever they may be.

according to YOU and the rest of the emo parrots, nfl players have been "disrespectful".

doesn't matter how many times they state their honorable intentions, dishonest emos continue to MELT. :eusa_clap:

“We were all obviously conflicted. We knew our message would be perceived by a lot of people in a way that wasn't what we were trying to put out," said McCourty, wearing a black and white t-shirt with the phrase, "No Place for Racism, Facism, Sexism and Hate."

“We wanted to come together first and foremost,” McCourty said. “We hate that people are going to see it as we don't respect the military and the men and women that are way braver than us, that go and put their life on the line every day for us to have the right to play football.

“Guys have family members – fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters that serve – and they were really conflicted about it. But we just wanted to send a message of unity and being together and not standing for the disrespect and different ways guys felt. So many different things going through a lot of guys heads and it was unique to see guys kind of come together and bond together as a group before the game, and do that.

“It was great to be a part of a lot of guys trying to do the right thing. Obviously it won't be seen as the right thing to everybody, but I think in our hearts, what we focused on the most, was that we were trying to do the right thing today. I'm proud of our guys and I'm proud of the group and the guys I get to go out and play football with.

“They are better people than they are football players."

Devin McCourty explains why Patriots knelt during national anthem



“We came to the conclusion that we should kneel, rather than sit, during the anthem as a peaceful protest,” “We chose to kneel because it’s a respectful gesture. I remember thinking our posture was like a flag flown at half-mast to mark a tragedy.” In light of President Trump suggesting NFL owners should fire any “son of a bitch” who protests the national anthem, Reid added: “It baffles me that our protest is still being misconstrued as disrespectful to the country, flag and military personnel. We chose it because it’s exactly the opposite. It has always been my understanding that the brave men and women who fought and died for our country did so to ensure that we could live in a fair and free society, which includes the right to speak out in protest.”
Typical leftard feel good but accomplish nothing act.
I'm not sure why it's bad for Tim Tebow to take a knee, but not Capernick and the rest for the NFL.

The obvious reason is very pathetic.

Tim Tebow kind of trivialized his faith, didn't he? God can't cure war or famine or racism or disease, but he can rig the outcome of a football game?

He is protected by the same first ammendment that supposedly protects all of the other players.

....which, by the way, has not one fucking thing to do with private business.

The first ammendment affords no free speech for employees of private businesses.

The first ammendment prevents CONGRESS from passing laws to stop free speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press.

Lots of stupid fucking people opining on this issue who don't have a fucking clue what they are talking about.

These players are cornball activists who should be in the community making an actual difference, like Jim Brown.

Taking a knee protest police violence is nothing.
If players are going to protest, last night the Dallas Cowboys and Arizona Cardinals showed the rest of the NFL how to do so with class, honor, respect, and dignity.

The Dallas Cowboys, linked arm-in-arm with owner Jerry Jones, came out minutes early for the National Anthem...and took a knee for a few seconds BEFORE the playing of the Anthem. They then rose to their feet, and the Dallas Cowboys and the Arizona Cardinals stood, linked arm-in-arm on their respective sides of the field for the National Anthem.

If you / anyone thinks pissing people off, disrespecting this country / the flag / the national anthem is going to UNITE / BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER to solve a problem then they / you are as dumb as a sack full of shit. DIVISION does not bring people together. Standing together, unified in a cause, is what brings people together and solves problems.

The 'Boys and Cardinals protested a cultural problem BEFORE the National Anthem then stood for the Anthem to demonstrate that we are united together as a nation to fight, committed to face these problems together.

Kudos to the Cowboys and the cardinals.

And to the rest of the NFL who showed their asses this past Sunday...

Jerry Jones will do anything for a buck including pandering to the racist NFL Kneelers
i took it as flipping off trump. they also did not disrespect the flag or anthem.
let me ask you, do you think the 60,000 in the stadium really give a rats ass what their protest is about, did they pay 100 dollars a ticket to watch that or football? Play fking football, it is a sport played in a stadium funded by the tax payers. And if there was so much to protest about, why didn't they all do this last week? This was all about flipping off trump. so the protest is a lie. hahahahaahha what a bunch of fking morons.
let me ask you this -

you read any of my other many posts on this today or did you just focus on this sentence so you can get a shot back in?
they perhaps didn't so much disrespect the flag as they did flip off the 60,000 in the stands. a majority of those give two shits about a bunch of whiny football players personal beefs. How are the wife/ women beaters doing? I mean let's call a spade a spade.
He is protected by the same first ammendment that supposedly protects all of the other players.

....which, by the way, has not one fucking thing to do with private business.

The first ammendment affords no free speech for employees of private businesses.

Except nobody fired Tebow for bringing his religion onto the field.

Tebow got cut because he was overrated. He couldnt' win games WITH God's help.
If players are going to protest, last night the Dallas Cowboys and Arizona Cardinals showed the rest of the NFL how to do so with class, honor, respect, and dignity.

The Dallas Cowboys, linked arm-in-arm with owner Jerry Jones, came out minutes early for the National Anthem...and took a knee for a few seconds BEFORE the playing of the Anthem. They then rose to their feet, and the Dallas Cowboys and the Arizona Cardinals stood, linked arm-in-arm on their respective sides of the field for the National Anthem.

If you / anyone thinks pissing people off, disrespecting this country / the flag / the national anthem is going to UNITE / BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER to solve a problem then they / you are as dumb as a sack full of shit. DIVISION does not bring people together. Standing together, unified in a cause, is what brings people together and solves problems.

The 'Boys and Cardinals protested a cultural problem BEFORE the National Anthem then stood for the Anthem to demonstrate that we are united together as a nation to fight, committed to face these problems together.

Kudos to the Cowboys and the cardinals.

And to the rest of the NFL who showed their asses this past Sunday...

Jerry Jones will do anything for a buck including pandering to the racist NFL Kneelers
i took it as flipping off trump. they also did not disrespect the flag or anthem.
let me ask you, do you think the 60,000 in the stadium really give a rats ass what their protest is about, did they pay 100 dollars a ticket to watch that or football? Play fking football, it is a sport played in a stadium funded by the tax payers. And if there was so much to protest about, why didn't they all do this last week? This was all about flipping off trump. so the protest is a lie. hahahahaahha what a bunch of fking morons.
let me ask you this -

you read any of my other many posts on this today or did you just focus on this sentence so you can get a shot back in?
they perhaps didn't so much disrespect the flag as they did flip off the 60,000 in the stands. a majority of those give two shits about a bunch of whiny football players personal beefs. How are the wife/ women beaters doing. I mean let's call a spade a spade.
and i have. you're picking this one sentence to kinda lump everything i've said into and it's not that simple.
Their efforts, both on and off the field, help bring people together and make our community stronger.

Yeah, not so much when you disrespect the nation's flag, anthem, and vets who died for them and who are still serving and sacrificing for them.

I have the utmost respect for Brady, but going 'all in' to defend the actions of the NFL players as if they did nothing wrong?! I disagree, and so do a lot of Americans.

I fully support the players' right to do what they did while disagreeing with it. I also support fans' responses, whatever they may be.

according to YOU and the rest of the emo parrots, nfl players have been "disrespectful".

doesn't matter how many times they state their honorable intentions, dishonest emos continue to MELT. :eusa_clap:

“We were all obviously conflicted. We knew our message would be perceived by a lot of people in a way that wasn't what we were trying to put out," said McCourty, wearing a black and white t-shirt with the phrase, "No Place for Racism, Facism, Sexism and Hate."

“We wanted to come together first and foremost,” McCourty said. “We hate that people are going to see it as we don't respect the military and the men and women that are way braver than us, that go and put their life on the line every day for us to have the right to play football.

“Guys have family members – fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters that serve – and they were really conflicted about it. But we just wanted to send a message of unity and being together and not standing for the disrespect and different ways guys felt. So many different things going through a lot of guys heads and it was unique to see guys kind of come together and bond together as a group before the game, and do that.

“It was great to be a part of a lot of guys trying to do the right thing. Obviously it won't be seen as the right thing to everybody, but I think in our hearts, what we focused on the most, was that we were trying to do the right thing today. I'm proud of our guys and I'm proud of the group and the guys I get to go out and play football with.

“They are better people than they are football players."

Devin McCourty explains why Patriots knelt during national anthem



“We came to the conclusion that we should kneel, rather than sit, during the anthem as a peaceful protest,” “We chose to kneel because it’s a respectful gesture. I remember thinking our posture was like a flag flown at half-mast to mark a tragedy.” In light of President Trump suggesting NFL owners should fire any “son of a bitch” who protests the national anthem, Reid added: “It baffles me that our protest is still being misconstrued as disrespectful to the country, flag and military personnel. We chose it because it’s exactly the opposite. It has always been my understanding that the brave men and women who fought and died for our country did so to ensure that we could live in a fair and free society, which includes the right to speak out in protest.”
Typical leftard feel good but accomplish nothing act.
It's all a lie.
it's all stupid. but what trump did was divisive and works against him in trying to get people to work with him. but that's how trump rolls.
I agree. I also believe what the players are doing is divisive and is working against what they are trying to do.
100% agreed. i wish they'd spend the time/energy and lost $$$ on endorsements to promote their cause within their cities. work with the police to help fix this. kneeling doesn't do a thing to make it better. it just makes people bitch more.
I am willing to bet that many of these kneeling NFL players give little to nothing to charity.

Yea, it's more of a racial justice issue.
Jerry Jones will do anything for a buck including pandering to the racist NFL Kneelers
i took it as flipping off trump. they also did not disrespect the flag or anthem.
let me ask you, do you think the 60,000 in the stadium really give a rats ass what their protest is about, did they pay 100 dollars a ticket to watch that or football? Play fking football, it is a sport played in a stadium funded by the tax payers. And if there was so much to protest about, why didn't they all do this last week? This was all about flipping off trump. so the protest is a lie. hahahahaahha what a bunch of fking morons.
let me ask you this -

you read any of my other many posts on this today or did you just focus on this sentence so you can get a shot back in?
they perhaps didn't so much disrespect the flag as they did flip off the 60,000 in the stands. a majority of those give two shits about a bunch of whiny football players personal beefs. How are the wife/ women beaters doing. I mean let's call a spade a spade.
and i have. you're picking this one sentence to kinda lump everything i've said into and it's not that simple.
well first, I agreed with you that it was a flip off trump, correct? Next I merely wanted to point out that the 60,000 didn't come to that stadium to watch a protest.
He is protected by the same first ammendment that supposedly protects all of the other players.

....which, by the way, has not one fucking thing to do with private business.

The first ammendment affords no free speech for employees of private businesses.

Except nobody fired Tebow for bringing his religion onto the field.

Tebow got cut because he was overrated. He couldnt' win games WITH God's help.
nobody fired anyone on this subject. your point?
I quit watching NFL games after the 1980 season.

Great! You've had plenty of time to attend all those klan rallies...
Instead of making asinine assumptions, perhaps it would do more good to ask me why I quit watching. This is a discussion forum correct? It had nothing to do with any one's race you fool.

I quit watching because no sooner than the champion Chicago Bears won the Superbowl, their management traded away all the players that took them there. Proving to me once and for all that the NFL does not care about the fans at all.

Well, since the Chicago Bears won the SB in 1986 and your quitting the NFL in 1980 because they traded those players kinda makes you a liar.
If players are going to protest, last night the Dallas Cowboys and Arizona Cardinals showed the rest of the NFL how to do so with class, honor, respect, and dignity.

The Dallas Cowboys, linked arm-in-arm with owner Jerry Jones, came out minutes early for the National Anthem...and took a knee for a few seconds BEFORE the playing of the Anthem. They then rose to their feet, and the Dallas Cowboys and the Arizona Cardinals stood, linked arm-in-arm on their respective sides of the field for the National Anthem.

If you / anyone thinks pissing people off, disrespecting this country / the flag / the national anthem is going to UNITE / BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER to solve a problem then they / you are as dumb as a sack full of shit. DIVISION does not bring people together. Standing together, unified in a cause, is what brings people together and solves problems.

The 'Boys and Cardinals protested a cultural problem BEFORE the National Anthem then stood for the Anthem to demonstrate that we are united together as a nation to fight, committed to face these problems together.

Kudos to the Cowboys and the cardinals.

And to the rest of the NFL who showed their asses this past Sunday...

Jerry Jones will do anything for a buck including pandering to the racist NFL Kneelers
i took it as flipping off trump. they also did not disrespect the flag or anthem.
let me ask you, do you think the 60,000 in the stadium really give a rats ass what their protest is about, did they pay 100 dollars a ticket to watch that or football? Play fking football, it is a sport played in a stadium funded by the tax payers. And if there was so much to protest about, why didn't they all do this last week? This was all about flipping off trump. so the protest is a lie. hahahahaahha what a bunch of fking morons.

If it's about flipping off trump I'm even more for it!
The racist NFL Players and greedy NFL Owners are dishonoring our Soldiers and Policemen who sacrificed everything so that they could be ungrateful spoiled multi-millionaire entertainers.

Screw the NFL, there is plenty of other entertainment that is not tainted by dumb liberal bigot hate.

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