Goodbye NFL.

It's hilarious to watch the Trump Cultists now decide they hate the NFL because they made their Cheetoh Jesus look bad.

MOST hilarious how the dumbos will "boycott" the NFL but still carry on with all their fantasy leagues. :laugh2:

i mean, how apropos is THAT. :clap2:
Ok, so the non-political, strict anti-promotion / anti-protest NFL has united to knee down during the National Anthem.

It's hilarious to watch the Trump Cultists now decide they hate the NFL because they made their Cheetoh Jesus look bad.
no, they made our game look like a protest, and it isn't what people pay 100 dollars a ticket to watch. get it straight ahole.
BTW, I stand with no person who feels our country did them injustice while promoting their talent and paying them millions for a game. I call that ungrateful, and I remove myself from their existence.
let me ask you what have anyone of those athletes done to stop violence against blacks?

Does THIS count?

Plaxico Burress Shoots Himself Accidentally While At Night Club
--- Giants’ Burress Shoots Himself Accidentally in the Thigh

Plaxico Goes To Jail: Ex-NFL player Burress enters prison
--- Ex-NFL player Burress enters prison -

how about Aaron Hernandez of the Pats?

Aaron Hernandez was diagnosed with one concussion while playing for New England Patriots

"Former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez, center, stands at the defense table during his double murder trial of at Suffolk Superior Court in Boston, Mass., Monday, March 27, 2017. Hernandez is charged in the July 2012 killings of Daniel de Abreu and Safiro Furtado who he encountered in a Boston nightclub. The former NFL football player already is serving a life sentence in the 2013 killing of semi-professional football player Odin Lloyd. (Keith Bedford/The Boston Globe via AP)(Keith Bedford)"
look at all that injustice.
let me ask you what have anyone of those athletes done to stop violence against blacks?

Does THIS count?

Plaxico Burress Shoots Himself Accidentally While At Night Club
--- Giants’ Burress Shoots Himself Accidentally in the Thigh

Plaxico Goes To Jail: Ex-NFL player Burress enters prison
--- Ex-NFL player Burress enters prison -

how about Aaron Hernandez of the Pats?

Aaron Hernandez was diagnosed with one concussion while playing for New England Patriots

"Former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez, center, stands at the defense table during his double murder trial of at Suffolk Superior Court in Boston, Mass., Monday, March 27, 2017. Hernandez is charged in the July 2012 killings of Daniel de Abreu and Safiro Furtado who he encountered in a Boston nightclub. The former NFL football player already is serving a life sentence in the 2013 killing of semi-professional football player Odin Lloyd. (Keith Bedford/The Boston Globe via AP)(Keith Bedford)"
look at all that injustice.
how about this injustice?

Ray Rice cut by Ravens, suspended by NFL indefinitely

"OWINGS MILLS, Md. – Ray Rice won't get another chance with the Baltimore Ravens after all. There's no guarantee he gets another chance from the NFL either.

The Ravens announced they've terminated Rice's contract Monday afternoon, hours after posted video of the embattled running back punching his then-fiancée during an altercation at an Atlantic City hotel in February."
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."


Patriotism is not Nationalism, and everyone gets it, Christian Voters are not welcomed in the Democratic party.

everyone gets that what you claim is FAKE NEWS. :eusa_liar:

You've probably been told "You can't be a Christian and a Liberal!"

You're in the right place! Conservative "Christians" have turned their back on one of the central tenets of the Bible. The tenet that Jesus said was "The sum of the Law and all the prophets," to Love God and Love your neighbor as you do yourself! And who is our neighbor? Jesus taught us it was a stranger … A stranger, of a foreign belief system, who stopped to help another stranger beat up and left for dead on the roadside while religious types passed him by! The Bible is full of instruction that this teaching isn't “just for individuals.” It's a universal teaching. It applies to individuals, governments, and businesses.

Welcome home. You have found your tribe. Conservative "Christians" are wrong, and you've been right about Jesus all along!

Actions have consequences....

Broncos player takes a knee - and loses endorsement over it

"Miller lost an endorsement from Phil Long Dealerships, who has asked TV stations to stop airing ads including the star linebacker.

Miller focused on
Trump’s controversial comments when explaining why he protested after the game."

Idiot players like Miller did not choose a specific protest that was unique and uniquely perceived as a protest of what Trump said. They took part in a protest of the National Anthem. WRONG MOVE, as evident by his loss of his endorsement.

Again, the Cowboys did it the right was - take a knee before the Anthem, making it clear they are protesting a cause and NOT the country, the flag, the anthem, vets, etc.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."


Patriotism is not Nationalism, and everyone gets it, Christian Voters are not welcomed in the Democratic party.

everyone gets that what you claim is FAKE NEWS. :eusa_liar:

You've probably been told "You can't be a Christian and a Liberal!" You've probably been ostracized by churches, and conservative "Christian" friends and family. You've probably doubted your own viewpoint at times.

You're in the right place! Conservative "Christians" have turned their back on one of the central tenets of the Bible. The tenet that Jesus said was "The sum of the Law and all the prophets," to Love God and Love your neighbor as you do yourself! And who is our neighbor? Jesus taught us it was a stranger … A stranger, of a foreign belief system, who stopped to help another stranger beat up and left for dead on the roadside while religious types passed him by! The Bible is full of instruction that this teaching isn't “just for individuals.” It's a universal teaching. It applies to individuals, governments, and businesses.

Welcome home. You have found your tribe. Conservative "Christians" are wrong, and you've been right about Jesus all along!

so, I'm unclear, but the folks in that organization in your link, do they believe in abortions? just asking, cause usually that is a qualifier.

this is about as silly as silly gets. more made up fakey lefties trying to look legit. hilarious.
I shall boycott the NFL .... until Sunday. (I hate Thurs games, assuming there is one)

My wife made pulled pork while I sat last Sunday. I'm gonna ask her to set aside enough to freeze so she can make me pulled pork nachos on Sunday. I found some barely expired white velvetta under my bed.
how about this injustice?

Ray Rice cut by Ravens, suspended by NFL indefinitely

"OWINGS MILLS, Md. – Ray Rice won't get another chance with the Baltimore Ravens after all. There's no guarantee he gets another chance from the NFL either.

The Ravens announced they've terminated Rice's contract Monday afternoon, hours after posted video of the embattled running back punching his then-fiancée during an altercation at an Atlantic City hotel in February."
Was Rice getting canned for brutally knocking out his girlfriend, caught on camera an 'injustice' ... or is it that Ezekiel Elliot, the Cowboys RB, is still playing football after a 6-game suspension for engaging in physical violence against his girlfriend?

Not making a statement / case either way - just asking.....
i took it as flipping off trump. they also did not disrespect the flag or anthem.
let me ask you, do you think the 60,000 in the stadium really give a rats ass what their protest is about, did they pay 100 dollars a ticket to watch that or football? Play fking football, it is a sport played in a stadium funded by the tax payers. And if there was so much to protest about, why didn't they all do this last week? This was all about flipping off trump. so the protest is a lie. hahahahaahha what a bunch of fking morons.
let me ask you this -

you read any of my other many posts on this today or did you just focus on this sentence so you can get a shot back in?
they perhaps didn't so much disrespect the flag as they did flip off the 60,000 in the stands. a majority of those give two shits about a bunch of whiny football players personal beefs. How are the wife/ women beaters doing. I mean let's call a spade a spade.
and i have. you're picking this one sentence to kinda lump everything i've said into and it's not that simple.
well first, I agreed with you that it was a flip off trump, correct? Next I merely wanted to point out that the 60,000 didn't come to that stadium to watch a protest.
most were not wanting to watch it on tv for free either.
These kneeling players are suffering from "Black Guilt". They are getting a fantastic gift that suffering poor blacks will never see. If they really wanted to help their "people" they would donate 99 percent of their salaries to the cause and live modestly on what was left. Do you see them doing that? They are going to a knee to disrespect the flag. Anyone can do that. Nothing is put on the line. They are exactly what Harry Belafonte was talking about.
how about this injustice?

Ray Rice cut by Ravens, suspended by NFL indefinitely

"OWINGS MILLS, Md. – Ray Rice won't get another chance with the Baltimore Ravens after all. There's no guarantee he gets another chance from the NFL either.

The Ravens announced they've terminated Rice's contract Monday afternoon, hours after posted video of the embattled running back punching his then-fiancée during an altercation at an Atlantic City hotel in February."
Was Rice getting canned for brutally knocking out his girlfriend, caught on camera an 'injustice' ... or is it that Ezekiel Elliot, the Cowboys RB, is still playing football after a 6-game suspension for engaging in physical violence against his girlfriend?

Not making a statement / case either way - just asking.....
LOL, I'm merely pointing out non whites of the sport protesting injustice when they cause violence. They cause the vision of injustice, their routines lead to violence. Look at the Minnesota Vikings about ten years ago.

"So, hey, anybody else actually dug into these whole Vikings criminal complaints, the ones The Smoking Gun grabbed? If you haven't yet, we suggest you do, because it's even more entertaining than you thought. But, we understand, you're very busy at work today. So allow us to help you out. We've dug through, and here's the highlights, on each player. And it's all written in legalese, which somehow makes it funnier.

Fred Smoot: Was seen holding a double-headed dildo and moving the dildo while each end was inserted into the vagina of two women who were lying on the floor near the lounge area of the charter boat. After a period of time, one of the women got up and Mr. Smoot continued to manipulate the dildo inside the other woman."

Here is how some of this trash on the field behave in public.
Didn't you all whine when the Obama people did this to the Teabaggers?

Are you really so stupid as to compare the Tea Party to the NFL? Tea Party groups are legitimate non-profits. They don't charge families a few hundred dollars to attend nor do they collect millions from TV contracts. The NFL gets massive taxpayer subsides on the state level, federal tax breaks, and special exemptions from federal laws such as antitrust laws. The Tea Party never got special treatment from the government.

The tea party was an astroturf group of white Koch inspired goofs protesting a Black President while the NFL has Black Athletes playing on yeah, it's the same....
Didn't you all whine when the Obama people did this to the Teabaggers?

Are you really so stupid as to compare the Tea Party to the NFL? Tea Party groups are legitimate non-profits. They don't charge families a few hundred dollars to attend nor do they collect millions from TV contracts. The NFL gets massive taxpayer subsides on the state level, federal tax breaks, and special exemptions from federal laws such as antitrust laws. The Tea Party never got special treatment from the government.

The tea party was an astroturf group of white Koch inspired goofs protesting a Black President while the NFL has Black Athletes playing on yeah, it's the same....
the tea party actually happened two hundred plus years ago. D'OH!
so, I'm unclear, but the folks in that organization in your link, do they believe in abortions? just asking, cause usually that is a qualifier.

what does it mean to "believe in abortions" ??

incidence of abortion has been a fact of life since the beginning of time, sorry snowflake. :lol:

(the high priest in the biblical Book of Numbers even prescribed abortion in cases of infidelity.)

yes, the true Christians at 'The Christian Left' do not seek big daddy government oppression over human reproduction.


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