Goodbye NFL.

so, I'm unclear, but the folks in that organization in your link, do they believe in abortions? just asking, cause usually that is a qualifier.

what does it mean to "believe in abortions" ??

incidence of abortion has been a fact of life since the beginning of time, sorry snowflake. :lol:

(the high priest in the biblical Book of Numbers even prescribed abortion in cases of infidelity.)

yes, true Christians at 'The Christian Left' do not seek big daddy government oppression over human reproduction.
you should look up Roe vs Wade then, and who supports it and who doesn't. how fking stupid are you?
so, I'm unclear, but the folks in that organization in your link, do they believe in abortions? just asking, cause usually that is a qualifier.

what does it mean to "believe in abortions" ??

incidence of abortion has been a fact of life since the beginning of time, sorry snowflake. :lol:

(the high priest in the biblical Book of Numbers even prescribed abortion in cases of infidelity.)

yes, true Christians at 'The Christian Left' do not seek big daddy government oppression over human reproduction.
you should look up Roe vs Wade then, and who supports it and who doesn't. how fking stupid are you?
irony alert
The tea party was an astroturf group of white Koch inspired goofs protesting a Black President while the NFL has Black Athletes playing on yeah, it's the same....
Actually you are wrong. The Taxed Enough Already (TEA) party was a grassroots movement that, once it spread and became extremely popular, was hijacked by the Washington Establishment / Professional politicians.

Michele Bachmann was officially the 1st Washington Politician who jump on board and claimed SHE was / represented the TEA party....despite them not claiming her at the time.
so, I'm unclear, but the folks in that organization in your link, do they believe in abortions? just asking, cause usually that is a qualifier.

what does it mean to "believe in abortions" ??

incidence of abortion has been a fact of life since the beginning of time, sorry snowflake. :lol:

(the high priest in the biblical Book of Numbers even prescribed abortion in cases of infidelity.)

yes, true Christians at 'The Christian Left' do not seek big daddy government oppression over human reproduction.
you should look up Roe vs Wade then, and who supports it and who doesn't. how fking stupid are you?

not stupid enough to go on about abortion in an NFL/racial justice thread. run along now, emo. :itsok:
Make them an example for all. Slam them hard.

As a non-profit 501(c)3 organization beholden to IRS restrictions on political campaigning, the NFL cannot endorse a political candidate, nor campaigns nor political issues.

Didn't you all whine when the Obama people did this to the Teabaggers?

Look, if Trump were smart, he'd walk away from this one.

If the players had any brain cells, they wouldn't piss on the flag and Americans who pay their extravagant salaries.
The racist NFL Players and greedy NFL Owners are dishonoring our Soldiers and Policemen who sacrificed everything so that they could be ungrateful spoiled multi-millionaire entertainers.

Screw the NFL, there is plenty of other entertainment that is not tainted by dumb liberal bigot hate.

The NFL doesn't exist to honor police or the military.

So you can go to those Sunday klan meetings guilt free.
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Their efforts, both on and off the field, help bring people together and make our community stronger.

Yeah, not so much when you disrespect the nation's flag, anthem, and vets who died for them and who are still serving and sacrificing for them.

I have the utmost respect for Brady, but going 'all in' to defend the actions of the NFL players as if they did nothing wrong?! I disagree, and so do a lot of Americans.

I fully support the players' right to do what they did while disagreeing with it. I also support fans' responses, whatever they may be.

according to YOU and the rest of the emo parrots, nfl players have been "disrespectful".

doesn't matter how many times they state their honorable intentions, dishonest emos continue to MELT. :eusa_clap:

“We were all obviously conflicted. We knew our message would be perceived by a lot of people in a way that wasn't what we were trying to put out," said McCourty, wearing a black and white t-shirt with the phrase, "No Place for Racism, Facism, Sexism and Hate."

“We wanted to come together first and foremost,” McCourty said. “We hate that people are going to see it as we don't respect the military and the men and women that are way braver than us, that go and put their life on the line every day for us to have the right to play football.

“Guys have family members – fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters that serve – and they were really conflicted about it. But we just wanted to send a message of unity and being together and not standing for the disrespect and different ways guys felt. So many different things going through a lot of guys heads and it was unique to see guys kind of come together and bond together as a group before the game, and do that.

“It was great to be a part of a lot of guys trying to do the right thing. Obviously it won't be seen as the right thing to everybody, but I think in our hearts, what we focused on the most, was that we were trying to do the right thing today. I'm proud of our guys and I'm proud of the group and the guys I get to go out and play football with.

“They are better people than they are football players."

Devin McCourty explains why Patriots knelt during national anthem



“We came to the conclusion that we should kneel, rather than sit, during the anthem as a peaceful protest,” “We chose to kneel because it’s a respectful gesture. I remember thinking our posture was like a flag flown at half-mast to mark a tragedy.” In light of President Trump suggesting NFL owners should fire any “son of a bitch” who protests the national anthem, Reid added: “It baffles me that our protest is still being misconstrued as disrespectful to the country, flag and military personnel. We chose it because it’s exactly the opposite. It has always been my understanding that the brave men and women who fought and died for our country did so to ensure that we could live in a fair and free society, which includes the right to speak out in protest.”
let me ask you what have anyone of those athletes done to stop violence against blacks? do they go to the neighborhoods and listen to the issues, do they visit police stations to find out the issues? do they hold meetings in towns to learn what is what and help remove the issue? the answer is mostly no. where were they last week? do you think people paying 100 dollars a ticked really care about their bullshit fued with trump? how childish it is all me, me, me with them. they are disrespectful bunch accept a few. JJ Watt stepped up. And we know these big ass buffoons beat women. they have parties and rape women and hit them and treat them like scum. fk them and their beef. play the game they came to the stadium to play or go home.

Oh and one more thing, are they presuming there isn't any police issues with whites? LOL what a bunch of losers.

Wow, racist much.
Ok, so the non-political, strict anti-promotion / anti-protest NFL has united to knee down during the National Anthem.


This is the same NFL that refused to allow the Dallas Cowboys wear decals on their helmets honoring 'fallen' / murdered Dallas Policemen.
-- NFL won't let Cowboys wear decals supporting Dallas police in regular season

This is the same NFL who threatened to fire a Tennessee Titans linebacker for wearing patriotic cleats in honor of the 3,000 Americans killed on 9/11/01

This is the same NFL that fined a player for wearing 'Find the Cure' strips under his eyes after his mother died of cancer.

This is the same NFL that fined a Steelers Cornerback for wearing purple cleats in honor of his mother, who was shot dead in a domestic violence incident.

This is the same NFL that fined a Steeler DE for eye-black in honor of his father who died from cancer.
-- Steelers: DE Cameron Heyward fined for eye-black tribute to late father

How do you spell 'HYPOCRITE'?


The NFL has rules agreed to by both players and owners regarding uniforms.

Your lame arse protests about violating those rules compared with no rules regarding standing or kneeling for national anthem is stupid.
These kneeling players are suffering from "Black Guilt". They are getting a fantastic gift that suffering poor blacks will never see. If they really wanted to help their "people" they would donate 99 percent of their salaries to the cause and live modestly on what was left. Do you see them doing that? They are going to a knee to disrespect the flag. Anyone can do that. Nothing is put on the line. They are exactly what Harry Belafonte was talking about.

Just how much have you donationed to less advantaged white people in the poor rural areas and how much white guilt do you have seeing them in run down trailer parks?

Would somebody think of the white cracker children.
Jmo, Dallas got it right. It was always stupid to kneel during the natl anthem. People want to kneel before a game to make a point, have at it.
Ok, so the non-political, strict anti-promotion / anti-protest NFL has united to knee down during the National Anthem.


This is the same NFL that refused to allow the Dallas Cowboys wear decals on their helmets honoring 'fallen' / murdered Dallas Policemen.
-- NFL won't let Cowboys wear decals supporting Dallas police in regular season

This is the same NFL who threatened to fire a Tennessee Titans linebacker for wearing patriotic cleats in honor of the 3,000 Americans killed on 9/11/01

This is the same NFL that fined a player for wearing 'Find the Cure' strips under his eyes after his mother died of cancer.

This is the same NFL that fined a Steelers Cornerback for wearing purple cleats in honor of his mother, who was shot dead in a domestic violence incident.

This is the same NFL that fined a Steeler DE for eye-black in honor of his father who died from cancer.
-- Steelers: DE Cameron Heyward fined for eye-black tribute to late father

How do you spell 'HYPOCRITE'?


The NFL has rules agreed to by both players and owners regarding uniforms.

Your lame arse protests about violating those rules compared with no rules regarding standing or kneeling for national anthem is stupid.

  1. Easy brings nothing. That said, the players would be better served by taking a knee BEFORE the anthem.
I do not see how it's in anybody's interest for the NFL to sponsor a racist protest before the start of the game.

That spectacle put on by the Dallas Cowboys last night was absurd.
it's all stupid. but what trump did was divisive and works against him in trying to get people to work with him. but that's how trump rolls.
I agree. I also believe what the players are doing is divisive and is working against what they are trying to do.
100% agreed. i wish they'd spend the time/energy and lost $$$ on endorsements to promote their cause within their cities. work with the police to help fix this. kneeling doesn't do a thing to make it better. it just makes people bitch more.
I am willing to bet that many of these kneeling NFL players give little to nothing to charity.

Yea, it's more of a racial justice issue.
Yeah...because you think blacks don't get justice in America, which only proves what a dupe you are.
I quit watching NFL games after the 1980 season.

Great! You've had plenty of time to attend all those klan rallies...
Instead of making asinine assumptions, perhaps it would do more good to ask me why I quit watching. This is a discussion forum correct? It had nothing to do with any one's race you fool.

I quit watching because no sooner than the champion Chicago Bears won the Superbowl, their management traded away all the players that took them there. Proving to me once and for all that the NFL does not care about the fans at all.

Well, since the Chicago Bears won the SB in 1986 and your quitting the NFL in 1980 because they traded those players kinda makes you a liar.
It kinda makes me forgetful. And your reply makes you a typical democrat. Cause all you have is name calling.

It kinda makes you forgetful? First, you missed the date by 6 years. Second, you make up some crap about trading/releasing those players by management (which also didn't happen) like the Chuck Finley World Series 1973 A's.

Both those falsehoods make you a republic liar.

Which like our cheeto president is typical of the new fact less conservative wing of the GOP.
What exactly about taking a knee while NFL players are on the job at a private company is them exercising their first amendment rights?


What has been the most amazing to me out of this entire thing is how fucking stupid people are about what the first amendment is.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

What the fuck does that have to do with NFL players taking a knee while on the job at a private company?

Can I stand up in my office and scream something like, "I HATE DONALD TRUMP!!! I can, but I might get's up to my employer and has ABSOLUTELY DICK to do with the first amendment.
What exactly about taking a knee while NFL players are on the job at a private company is them exercising their first amendment rights?


What has been the most amazing to me out of this entire thing is how fucking stupid people are about what the first amendment is.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

What the fuck does that have to do with NFL players taking a knee while on the job at a private company?

Can I stand up in my office and scream something like, "I HATE DONALD TRUMP!!! I can, but I might get's up to my employer and has ABSOLUTELY DICK to do with the first amendment.

Because you have very little unique value to your employer where NFL players do.
What exactly about taking a knee while NFL players are on the job at a private company is them exercising their first amendment rights?


What has been the most amazing to me out of this entire thing is how fucking stupid people are about what the first amendment is.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

What the fuck does that have to do with NFL players taking a knee while on the job at a private company?

Can I stand up in my office and scream something like, "I HATE DONALD TRUMP!!! I can, but I might get's up to my employer and has ABSOLUTELY DICK to do with the first amendment.

Because you have very little unique value to your employer where NFL players do.

Nope...its that the first amendment does not apply to private companies, only the US Congress.

Did any of you go to school? How do you not drown when it's raining?

You guys must be the 75% of Americans who can't name the 3 branches of government.


I quit watching NFL games after the 1980 season.

Great! You've had plenty of time to attend all those klan rallies...
Instead of making asinine assumptions, perhaps it would do more good to ask me why I quit watching. This is a discussion forum correct? It had nothing to do with any one's race you fool.

I quit watching because no sooner than the champion Chicago Bears won the Superbowl, their management traded away all the players that took them there. Proving to me once and for all that the NFL does not care about the fans at all.

Well, since the Chicago Bears won the SB in 1986 and your quitting the NFL in 1980 because they traded those players kinda makes you a liar.
It kinda makes me forgetful. And your reply makes you a typical democrat. Cause all you have is name calling.

It kinda makes you forgetful? First, you missed the date by 6 years. Second, you make up some crap about trading/releasing those players by management (which also didn't happen) like the Chuck Finley World Series 1973 A's.

Both those falsehoods make you a republic liar.

Which like our cheeto president is typical of the new fact less conservative wing of the GOP.
Yes, the hypocrisy of the Oranguton's supporters is ... pathetic. Only I am patriotic. LOL

The NFL has draped the flag all over itself. Flyovers, for God's sake (-: So complaining that the players are somehow injecting politics into patriotism is a bit rich. The NFL injected patriotism into profits. With the approval of both parties. But the problem with Kapernicks' protest is that he's an idiot. Of course society's racist, what's new. But the anthem supposedly represents MLKjr as much as anything else. If you want to accept what's good about America, you cannot just divorce the bad. it may be different when the symbol itself is inherently racist in the motivation for making it a symbol - like the Jim Crow statues of Lee and his "ilk."
it's all stupid. but what trump did was divisive and works against him in trying to get people to work with him. but that's how trump rolls.
I agree. I also believe what the players are doing is divisive and is working against what they are trying to do.
100% agreed. i wish they'd spend the time/energy and lost $$$ on endorsements to promote their cause within their cities. work with the police to help fix this. kneeling doesn't do a thing to make it better. it just makes people bitch more.
I am willing to bet that many of these kneeling NFL players give little to nothing to charity.

Yea, it's more of a racial justice issue.
Yeah...because you think blacks don't get justice in America, which only proves what a dupe you are.

A dupe would assume that Blacks in America do receive equal justice when every statistic about it shows differently.

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