Goodbye NFL.

Lambeau field will always be sold out....waiting list is a long way out. I suppose all those people are anti American...lmao
What many do not understand is that the bottom line is not bulletproof. Ratings don't have to sink much to threaten it. Especially if a trend is detected. Sponsors want big ratings to sell beer, trucks and chainsaws. A little dip here and a little dip there and they will go elsewhere.
In a stupefied society many citizens get their political views from comedians and entertainers. Now professional sports piles on for the great dumbing down. Granted, most citizens pay little attention to the traditional playing of the National Anthem before a pro football game, but it makes a great platform for rich athletes afraid of being labeled “house negroes” to demonstrate their solidarity with the government-issued oppressed masses.

The pampered cowards lock hands and go down on one knee to show that they are with the people. Going down on one knee is tough-but they’re keeping their money. Actually taking a knee isn’t all that hard if you are being showered with millions to play a game at a time when your “people” are killing each other at a rate higher than at any time in recorded history.

Professional football is big money and it’s no secret that about seventy percent of the players are African American. You might call pro football with its plethora of black participants a very well-paid form of modern slavery. They are indeed the ultimate personification of Uncle Toms-and they know it. So do the owners who rake in the profits.

No one denies that colleges and universities lower their academic standards so athletes that are good at running and jumping can represent the schools which are a training ground for the NFL. Viewers cringed as Odell Beckham, a pass receiver for the New York Giants, scored a touchdown and then launched into a creepy, atavistic pantomime of dog urinating on a fire hydrant. This embarrassing display was preceded by an earlier event in another game where Beckham nearly decapitated himself on the sidelines with a kicking net-his team was losing.

Viewers have become used to African American players going into gyrating dances after making plays when their team is 20 points behind with no time left and no hope of salvaging a victory. What this says about higher education and critical thinking is a question every American should consider. Most conclude that it’s all about the money and the game has changed to accommodate the greed of the owners and the sponsors.

It’s more show business than a sport-like professional wrestling. But this new paradigm of trashing the American Flag and the cowardice of the NFL could be the death knell of the sport as we know it. People are only just so dumb.

Meh ... No great loss ... There is still NCAA College Football worth watching ... :thup:


Wait 'till the controversy spills over to the NCAA ranks. It's coming
It should also be said that the 70% of NFL are made up of African Americans, and that the reason the NFL is 70% African Americans is because of Affirmative Action and Universities giving nearly all of their Athletic Scholarships to Minorities.

So you have privileged asshole millionaires who are the beneficiaries of Affirmative Action who are claiming America is Racist.

Let me ask you all something. Why doesn't THE NFL look like America?

Why doesn't The NBA look like America?

We go out of our way to not only give minorities a level playing field in America, but to give them exclusive privileges above other people to the detriment of true equality, and deprive others of opportunities in the name of social promotion.

Hey, you go tell Alabama to play more white guys and let other schools win national championships.

Absolutely not! I'd only tell Alabama and other Division 3 Schools to drop their Scholarship Quotas for minorities, and remove RACE & Sex qualifiers on any College Application.

Scholarships should be granted blindly without the grantors knowing anything about the Scholarship winner's race.

Meritocracy should be the primary way we grant scholarships.

There are no differences between the races, other than skin color.

So what we need to do is re-emphasize Martin Luther King's call to judge people soley on The Content of Their Character.

If you want to truly wipe out whatever is left of racism, you have to then create true equality, and eradicate quotas, social promotion and affirmative action.

Those programs create resentment in some people who are discriminated against in order to implement such programs.

I see you have created your 2,000th ghost account after being placed on IGNORE 2000 times.
Wait 'till the controversy spills over to the NCAA ranks. It's coming

It is the NCAA and the whole team can be suspended instead of individual payers if the regulations are violated.

You already see NFL and even High School teams on the news ... That's why NCAA teams are praying it will just blow over them.
The NCAA is kind of like the military ... They have their own regulations and a pseudo judiciary process.

They tried to talk me out of it. I reminded them that my house is still wired for cable.
i would cancel not just the football package but the whole system

in fact i did sometime back

Same here ... I have HD Antennas, a Roku(s) and several streaming channels.
Some people are still in the Stone Age and haven't figured out you can subscribe to the channels you want to watch and stop paying high prices for channels you never watch.

The problem is, you people become emotionally involved in the entertainment industry, now who is the sucker and who is the player?

Not really. For me I just like football. Or did any way. I stick to pop Warner and highschool ball now for every reason mentioned in the OP. A good deal of Americans do to according to flash polls. There just has to be a a place where the political idiots don't go. Football was one of those. So you know, in pop Warner games, at least here the whole team sings the national anthem with the other team before they start. Coach already said any kid who kneels go's home for the season. Shouldn't be an issue.
People turn to football on Sunday to escape politics. It's always been a safety valve to let loose and yell for your team. Now it's steeped in politics with symbolic lectures designed to cram subliminal, indoctrinating ideological sermons down our throats. Football is a basic sport where strategy plays a role. It is not a pulpit for hypothetical, philosophical belief systems. The greed of the owners and players has created a national disaster. It is destruction of their own making. It's pretty much the end because the poison has invaded one of the last bastions of enjoyment the people have.
The NY Giants are 0-3 so I won't miss my Sunday Ticket. I'll always have fond memories of being at Super Bowl parties twice as the only NYG fan and watching Eli Manning take a ring away from Tom Brady. Nobody was protesting anything in 2007 or 2012. But Trump was not the President then and the political establishment had yet to called on its selling out of the people. Trump is so hated by the establishment that all hands are on deck to undermine his agenda of putting America first. They've managed to drag us back to the 1960's and are in the process of erasing history. And the dumb just go right along with it. Now suddenly those rich athletes have gotten religion about black lives matter. None of them seem to be refusing to get paid though. Oh well, football was fun while it lasted.

One after another @ Weak 13: Empty Seats Greatly Outnumber Spectators As NFL Attendance Crisis Continues - Breitbart
It should also be said that the 70% of NFL are made up of African Americans, and that the reason the NFL is 70% African Americans is because of Affirmative Action and Universities giving nearly all of their Athletic Scholarships to Minorities.

So you have privileged asshole millionaires who are the beneficiaries of Affirmative Action who are claiming America is Racist.

Let me ask you all something. Why doesn't THE NFL look like America?

Why doesn't The NBA look like America?

We go out of our way to not only give minorities a level playing field in America, but to give them exclusive privileges above other people to the detriment of true equality, and deprive others of opportunities in the name of social promotion.

Hey, you go tell Alabama to play more white guys and let other schools win national championships.

Absolutely not! I'd only tell Alabama and other Division 3 Schools to drop their Scholarship Quotas for minorities, and remove RACE & Sex qualifiers on any College Application.

Scholarships should be granted blindly without the grantors knowing anything about the Scholarship winner's race.

Meritocracy should be the primary way we grant scholarships.

There are no differences between the races, other than skin color.

So what we need to do is re-emphasize Martin Luther King's call to judge people soley on The Content of Their Character.

If you want to truly wipe out whatever is left of racism, you have to then create true equality, and eradicate quotas, social promotion and affirmative action.

Those programs create resentment in some people who are discriminated against in order to implement such programs.

I see you have created your 2,000th ghost account after being placed on IGNORE 2000 times.

I agree....however..athletic scholarships are granted for high school performance...if more blacks perform highly...more blacks will get athletic scholarships...tell the white boys to step up..and they too will get more scholarships. Although, in truth, plenty of white athletes get scholarships. Baseball, Lacrosse, tennis, golf..etc., etc., etc..

Athletic scholarships may be the best example of exactly what you are proposing..a pure meritocracy..based on physical talent.
The NFL - a billion dollars a year - goodbye.



not a chance in hell - EVER

Are we still crying about this fucking insignificant shit?

Next time you use the term SNOWFLAKE look in the fucking mirror.

It's a child's game played for the amusement of adults, get over it.

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