Goodbye NFL.

I decided yesterday I'm boycotting. Jerry Jones taking a knee was the straw that broke the camels back. I'm better off without watching football anyway.
The Cowboy organization took a knee BEFORE the National anthem was played you idiot. I hate the Cowboys but facts are facts
Trump had a good day. Had a nice lunch and then made enemies of every pro athlete in America.
What exactly about taking a knee while NFL players are on the job at a private company is them exercising their first amendment rights?


What has been the most amazing to me out of this entire thing is how fucking stupid people are about what the first amendment is.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

What the fuck does that have to do with NFL players taking a knee while on the job at a private company?

Can I stand up in my office and scream something like, "I HATE DONALD TRUMP!!! I can, but I might get's up to my employer and has ABSOLUTELY DICK to do with the first amendment.

Because you have very little unique value to your employer where NFL players do.

Nope...its that the first amendment does not apply to private companies, only the US Congress.

Did any of you go to school? How do you not drown when it's raining?

You guys must be the 75% of Americans who can't name the 3 branches of government.



Well, have you signed a contract with your employer that does not restrict kneeling during the anthem?
What are Americans going to watch? Baseball?

Haven't watched a full inning, let alone game, of PRO baseball since those spoiled rich babies sat out and cost Americans a World Series.
Easy brings nothing. That said, the players would be better served by taking a knee BEFORE the anthem.

...which is exactly what I 'brought' when I was the 1st one to bring up how Dallas took a knee before last night's game and then stood for the National Anthem. Glad you agree with me.

Something's gone horribly wrong with the country......and eventually we're ALL gonna pay the the price. Some more than others.
You can't have a nation this divided and remain standing. You just can't.

Where do you think all this is headed? Unity? Happy brotherhood from sea to shining sea?

BTW...CBS is reporting that so far, ratings are off the charts and viewership is at record highs.....

I wonder if they got their information from the same polls that showed Hillary in a landslide last November by any chance?
So far this year 97 Police Officers died in the line of duty to insure the right of these rich kids to hate them. Go figure. You almost gotta laugh that they would be banned from the field if they were on one knee praying.
What exactly about taking a knee while NFL players are on the job at a private company is them exercising their first amendment rights?


What has been the most amazing to me out of this entire thing is how fucking stupid people are about what the first amendment is.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

What the fuck does that have to do with NFL players taking a knee while on the job at a private company?

Can I stand up in my office and scream something like, "I HATE DONALD TRUMP!!! I can, but I might get's up to my employer and has ABSOLUTELY DICK to do with the first amendment.

Because you have very little unique value to your employer where NFL players do.

Nope...its that the first amendment does not apply to private companies, only the US Congress.

Did any of you go to school? How do you not drown when it's raining?

You guys must be the 75% of Americans who can't name the 3 branches of government.



Well, have you signed a contract with your employer that does not restrict kneeling during the anthem?

Employer can fire most people at any time for any reason.

Ask CNN about Donna Brazile and Kathy Griffin and their reporters who got fired for lying about Scaramucci.

The first amendment has nothing to do with private employment.

In a stupefied society many citizens get their political views from comedians and entertainers. Now professional sports piles on for the great dumbing down. Granted, most citizens pay little attention to the traditional playing of the National Anthem before a pro football game, but it makes a great platform for rich athletes afraid of being labeled “house negroes” to demonstrate their solidarity with the government-issued oppressed masses.

The pampered cowards lock hands and go down on one knee to show that they are with the people. Going down on one knee is tough-but they’re keeping their money. Actually taking a knee isn’t all that hard if you are being showered with millions to play a game at a time when your “people” are killing each other at a rate higher than at any time in recorded history.

Professional football is big money and it’s no secret that about seventy percent of the players are African American. You might call pro football with its plethora of black participants a very well-paid form of modern slavery. They are indeed the ultimate personification of Uncle Toms-and they know it. So do the owners who rake in the profits.

No one denies that colleges and universities lower their academic standards so athletes that are good at running and jumping can represent the schools which are a training ground for the NFL. Viewers cringed as Odell Beckham, a pass receiver for the New York Giants, scored a touchdown and then launched into a creepy, atavistic pantomime of dog urinating on a fire hydrant. This embarrassing display was preceded by an earlier event in another game where Beckham nearly decapitated himself on the sidelines with a kicking net-his team was losing.

Viewers have become used to African American players going into gyrating dances after making plays when their team is 20 points behind with no time left and no hope of salvaging a victory. What this says about higher education and critical thinking is a question every American should consider. Most conclude that it’s all about the money and the game has changed to accommodate the greed of the owners and the sponsors.

It’s more show business than a sport-like professional wrestling. But this new paradigm of trashing the American Flag and the cowardice of the NFL could be the death knell of the sport as we know it. People are only just so dumb.

the NFL for sure is more like pro wrestling than a sport,i been saying that for ages,the playoffs and superbowls are all scripted.people dont get that. I woke up to that fact a couple years ago. the players are not trashing the american flag though,what people like you dont understand is they are trashing our corrupt GOVERNMENT annd kudos to them because we need change,i am sick of all these criminal politicians in washington getting away wwith crimes including murder and going unpunished for it.
Let's say, for example, you worked for the Hillary Clinton campaign...and your husband is a pedophile who was busted Skyping with a 15 year old girl...and that laptop had 2,000 classified e-mails from Hillary can fire Huma any fucking time she wants to.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."


Patriotism is not Nationalism, and everyone gets it, Christian Voters are not welcomed in the Democratic party.

everyone gets that what you claim is FAKE NEWS. :eusa_liar:

You've probably been told "You can't be a Christian and a Liberal!"

You're in the right place! Conservative "Christians" have turned their back on one of the central tenets of the Bible. The tenet that Jesus said was "The sum of the Law and all the prophets," to Love God and Love your neighbor as you do yourself! And who is our neighbor? Jesus taught us it was a stranger … A stranger, of a foreign belief system, who stopped to help another stranger beat up and left for dead on the roadside while religious types passed him by! The Bible is full of instruction that this teaching isn't “just for individuals.” It's a universal teaching. It applies to individuals, governments, and businesses.

Welcome home. You have found your tribe. Conservative "Christians" are wrong, and you've been right about Jesus all along!

But when did the left wing bigots stop hating Christians?
NFL fines players for ANYTHING...they can certainly make players stand for the anthem.

This is all such stupid bullshit.

There is no first amendment in the NFL.

The free market will eventually take care of this.
The racist NFL Players and greedy NFL Owners are dishonoring our Soldiers and Policemen who sacrificed everything so that they could be ungrateful spoiled multi-millionaire entertainers.

Screw the NFL, there is plenty of other entertainment that is not tainted by dumb liberal bigot hate.

The NFL doesn't exist to honor police or the military.

So you can go to those Sunday klan meetings guilt free.
Otto, everyone gets it. Democrat Bigots hate our country.

The Democratic Party is fighting racism, hate and violence…..well except for the racist Nation of Islam Democrats, racist Klan Democrats, racist La Raza Democrats, racist BLM Democrats, Muslim Brotherhood Democrat bigots, racist LULAC Democrats, CAIR Democrat bigots, racist Black Panther Democrats, racist Aztlan Nationalist Democrats, racist Affirmative Action advocate Democrats, racist Sanctuary City Democrats, violent Antifa Rioter Democrat bigots, and all of the racist demagogue Democrat Politicians, Pundits and Entertainers………well actually voting Democrat IS HATE
NFL fines players for ANYTHING...they can certainly make players stand for the anthem.

This is all such stupid bullshit.

There is no first amendment in the NFL.

The free market will eventually take care of this.
Yep. Dress codes when in travel is one. Teams require at least business casual, Most jacket and tie.


They should be able to travel in nothing but jock straps. The NFL can't tell them what to do!!
NFL fines players for ANYTHING...they can certainly make players stand for the anthem.

This is all such stupid bullshit.

There is no first amendment in the NFL.

The free market will eventually take care of this.
Yep. Dress codes when in travel is one. Teams require at least business casual, Most jacket and tie.


They should be able to travel in nothing but jock straps. The NFL can't tell them what to do!!
Make them an example for all. Slam them hard.

As a non-profit 501(c)3 organization beholden to IRS restrictions on political campaigning, the NFL cannot endorse a political candidate, nor campaigns nor political issues.

The players are walking a fine line with their very public #TakeAKnee political protest.

The IRS tax code clearly states that while it is perfectly appropriate for the NFL to encourage citizens to vote, their actions must not cross the line of favoring or encouraging their fan base to go against a candidate or group of candidates in the future.

Flag on the play? The NFL might get in trouble with taxpayers for getting political
I'm 100% in on removing the tax exempt status.


5 years and let them reapply.
For all the idiots saying that the kneeling of NFL players during the National Anthem is NOT disrespecting the country / flag - and this includes the actual players who are saying this, you are either fooling yourself.


"Lebron James: "It’s not about the disrespect of our flag and the military that’s made this world free."

Sports CEO Scott O’Neill: "I’m not sure we should make this about the flag as much as dialogue. … They’re not disrespecting the flag."

on and on and on

You want proof this is a lie? How about this…

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color."

Do you want to know who said that? None other than Colin Kaepernick

Contempt and disrespect for America is, according to the founder and father of these protests, the very foundation and basis of these protests."

Nolte: Defenders Say NFL Protests 'Not About Disrespecting' America -- Kaepernick Disagrees

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