Goodbye Oreos

That marketing campaign was such a disaster for Gillette’s their stock is up over 20% YTD. When will they ever learn! :mad.
That marketing campaign was such a disaster for Gillette’s their stock is up over 20% YTD. When will they ever learn! :mad.

Actually that's P&G stock. Sales of Gillette slipped after that ill fated advertising campaign
That marketing campaign was such a disaster for Gillette’s their stock is up over 20% YTD. When will they ever learn! :mad.

Actually that's P&G stock. Sales of Gillette slipped after that ill fated advertising campaign

Does anyone know by what percentage?

Wasn't catastrophic, like 1 or 2% according to Forbes. Never the less you go woke you may go broke

Yeah, there appears to be a bit of hyperbole in this case. P&G has done us right the last couple years, though.
That marketing campaign was such a disaster for Gillette’s their stock is up over 20% YTD. When will they ever learn! :mad.

Actually that's P&G stock. Sales of Gillette slipped after that ill fated advertising campaign

Does anyone know by what percentage?

Wasn't catastrophic, like 1 or 2% according to Forbes. Never the less you go woke you may go broke

Yeah, there appears to be a bit of hyperbole in this case. P&G has done us right the last couple years, though.

Sound holding. Look at ENB, it's a gem. It'd be better if the goofy environmentalists would stop their nonsense
Personally I never got what is so great about an Oreo cookie.

They're dry, the cream tastes like plastic and the cookies taste burnt.

All in all they are quite disgusting.
Interesting Nabisco partnered with the NCTE on this.

The correct pronoun is fruit loops

Special’ LGBT-Edition Oreos Indoctrinate Kids About Trans Pronouns

“We’re proud to celebrate inclusivity for all gender identities and expressions,” the company wrote in its Facebook post announcing the change. “In partnership with NCTE, we’re giving away special edition Pronoun Packs and encouraging everybody to share their pronouns with Pride today and every day.”

NCTE is the National Council of Teachers of English. While it sounds benign, this massive organization that affects millions of teachers all over the country—and helped write Common Core—has been politically far leftist for decades.

'Special' LGBT-Edition Oreos Indoctrinate Kids About Trans Pronouns

The same crap they pulled in Canada and then Jordan Peterson happened.

No one should accept being forced to change their language to appease some radical loons.
Mmmm, can't wait to try me some of these Oreo cookies and learn me some pronouns!
Public service announcement.........

By chance, found some Oreo's in the cabinet last night.......of course, kids left only 3 or them. But they were "Birthday Cake" flavor in the middle. I was like, "WTF?!!" I thought they sucked.
I am tired of large corporations bringing Left Wing politics into their advertising, packaging, and promotional efforts. They are USING these causes to SELL STUFF. How condescending.
I am tired of large corporations bringing Left Wing politics into their advertising, packaging, and promotional efforts. They are USING these causes to SELL STUFF. How condescending.

lol.......yeah I get it.......but the way I look at it, its kinda sad. Let these people take bows in front of their ghey oreo cookies. To most Americans, it just highlights the level of weird.:113:. Fringe will always be fringe.........will effect a very small number of people. A sliver of the population.
Interesting Nabisco partnered with the NCTE on this.

The correct pronoun is fruit loops

Special’ LGBT-Edition Oreos Indoctrinate Kids About Trans Pronouns

“We’re proud to celebrate inclusivity for all gender identities and expressions,” the company wrote in its Facebook post announcing the change. “In partnership with NCTE, we’re giving away special edition Pronoun Packs and encouraging everybody to share their pronouns with Pride today and every day.”

NCTE is the National Council of Teachers of English. While it sounds benign, this massive organization that affects millions of teachers all over the country—and helped write Common Core—has been politically far leftist for decades.

'Special' LGBT-Edition Oreos Indoctrinate Kids About Trans Pronouns

Well I hopefully have some good news:

1. All of these 'professional organizations' for teachers are optional and, if teachers join, they mostly do so for discounts to workshops and other activities which are not political. Perhaps this organization DID help write Common Core; that I don't know. But thank God that's mostly being phased out in many places.

2. My daughter went through school heavily into the arts and, therefore, has more than a couple gay friends. None of them--not one--is into the "gay pride movement". I thought this might be an anomaly until I saw the latest survey about how young people's attitudes have cooled toward the "movement". Her gay friends don't want to shove all of this at people. They just want to live their lives. I tend to think this is the backlash.

I'll look around and see if I can find that survey....

I saw the survey.

LBGT pushed too hard and people of weary of the whines

I mean it didn't take too much to see this coming. I think homosexuality is a sin but I don't want gay people to be barred from housing, jobs and public life. Etc. Most gay people just wanted the freedom to live their lives---fine. No problem. But here comes the "gay pride movement" with their Oreos and everything else--and even many gays are thinking, okay, give it a rest.

And the younger ones seem to be the most averse to it. From what I've seen. BTW, our daughter is 20
I don't give a flying fuck what people do with their genitals. Just don't shove them in my face and DEMAND!!!!! that I ought to like it!
Prance and mince around all you want if that makes you happy.
Interesting Nabisco partnered with the NCTE on this.

The correct pronoun is fruit loops

Special’ LGBT-Edition Oreos Indoctrinate Kids About Trans Pronouns

“We’re proud to celebrate inclusivity for all gender identities and expressions,” the company wrote in its Facebook post announcing the change. “In partnership with NCTE, we’re giving away special edition Pronoun Packs and encouraging everybody to share their pronouns with Pride today and every day.”

NCTE is the National Council of Teachers of English. While it sounds benign, this massive organization that affects millions of teachers all over the country—and helped write Common Core—has been politically far leftist for decades.

'Special' LGBT-Edition Oreos Indoctrinate Kids About Trans Pronouns

It's funny how the left-wing claims all the rich and wealthy CEOs and corporations are all evil... and then we see constantly that those same evil rich wealthy CEO corporations, are all left-wing... proving they are somewhat correct.
Don't worry, I'm pretty sure that you're still allowed to discriminate against the LGBT community.

I don't...I ignore them. Try coming up with something a tad more original, troll
You ignore them by starting a thread hating on them. :clap:

Cease the trolling. Nobody is interested in your thread derailment toad and you do it constantly
But why do you hate them so much? Do you have those kinds of feelings and it scares you?

I hate them because they try to shove their disgusting lifestyle in my face and try to normalize this sick behavior in the eyes of children. You don't see straight dudes walking around like Yeah I'm straight whats up but you see fags prancing around in their rainbow clothes talking like they still have a dick in their ass.

Sick fucking people.
You must harbour some of those kinds of feelings inside you, otherwise you wouldn't be so afraid of them.
Interesting Nabisco partnered with the NCTE on this.

The correct pronoun is fruit loops

Special’ LGBT-Edition Oreos Indoctrinate Kids About Trans Pronouns

“We’re proud to celebrate inclusivity for all gender identities and expressions,” the company wrote in its Facebook post announcing the change. “In partnership with NCTE, we’re giving away special edition Pronoun Packs and encouraging everybody to share their pronouns with Pride today and every day.”

NCTE is the National Council of Teachers of English. While it sounds benign, this massive organization that affects millions of teachers all over the country—and helped write Common Core—has been politically far leftist for decades.

'Special' LGBT-Edition Oreos Indoctrinate Kids About Trans Pronouns

It's funny how the left-wing claims all the rich and wealthy CEOs and corporations are all evil... and then we see constantly that those same evil rich wealthy CEO corporations, are all left-wing... proving they are somewhat correct.

Most of the large corporation today are Leftist Progressive, and their leadership solely support DEMOCRATS. They are all PC and "Woke" now. They are the playgrounds and supporters of Democrats, yet lefties still call corporations "Evil, Greedy, and Republican".

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