Goodbye Sessions lol. How far does this go?

They have accused the Russians of hacking the election, and therefore robbing Hillary's chances of winning in which was a lie. This made the Russians toxic to anyone talking to them in the regular context of normal business, and if anyone so much as communicated with them, then they must be guilty of something or even guilty of a crime. If Obama accused the Russians of something they didnot do (hack or influence) the election, and has caused all of this trouble, then he should be brought up on charges. The Demon-crats used the word INFLUENCE because they know that such a word would be broad in scope, and in interpretation.. They (the Dem accusers for political purposes), figure by way of such a word that it would be impossible for them to be accused of a crime by way of this word used if it all backfired on them. They are carefully choosing such words in so that they can get away with what they are up to, and yet escape justice if their game is figured out. Watch the words they use, and then think about what is going on here.
That's it true. There is clear evidence that the Russians interfered with our election. There are plenty, even on the Right, that want it investigated, not because they think it changed the results of the election but because it's important to know exactly to what extent they interfered to provide an appropriate response.

Yes many in the left are completely politicizing the Russia situation to deligitimize Trump, but that doesn't take away from the reality of the situation.

So then Obama has to be appropriately charged with abuse of power for interfering with the Israeli elections. And CNN for our elections. :)
. Yes, Netanyahu should call for Obama's extradition to Israel so he can stand trial there for trying to undermine that election. Egypt should also call for his extradition for attempting to undermine it's reaction to the brotherhood trying to take over Egypt, and calling for Egypt to place Morsi back into power as the new democratically elected leader there. And he wanted this no matter what the Egyptians new about the situation in their own nation ? On and on it goes.
On it goes indeed.
Obama also interefered with Syria's removal of Hassad which resulted in the mass refugees and attrocities. He conveniently hid the fact on where some of those chemical weapons they had Syria destroy originated from, because they spent all those years propagating that there were none in Iraq they dare not disclose that these were some of the cache smuggled into the Syrian border from Iraq.
You're thinking too hard.

Franken never asked Sessions if he met with Russians.

Absolutely true. But Sessions decided to answer Franken by denying he met with the Russians, and he said that under oath. oops...

Franken asked that:

If the rumored dossier exists, and you found that the trump campaign had contacts with the Russians, what would you do?

HIs answer clearly was:

"I can't answer that"

Any attorney knows they can't answer a hypothetical question.

It's really that easy.

If only Sessions stopped there. Instead he expanded on his answer.

Any good lawyer advises his client to just answer the question, and not volunteer any extra information.
Sessions admitted to being a Trump adviser, but not a surrogate.

Think you got that backwards... Sessions alluded to saying he was a surrogate in his statement. Didn't say it directly but he said that he had been called a surrogate and he hadn't had communications with Russia.

Session admitted being called a Trump surrogate, but never admitted being a Trump surrogate. It may have been denial, but it meant Sessions never considered himself to be a Trump surrogate, and therefore wouldn't answer questions based on him being something he was in denial of.

Picture Trump saying he was speaking for the narcissistic megalomaniacs.
Dude, listen to it again, it's plain English. "I've been called a surrogate once or twice and I've had no communications with Russia." That isn't denying that he is a surrogate it is conceeding that he is.
Dude, listen to it again, it's plain English. "I've been called a surrogate once or twice and I've had no communications with Russia." That isn't denying that he is a surrogate it is conceeding that he is.

Slade3200 said - Dude, i've been called an idiot once or twice and I had no communication with the Russians.

Are you admitting you're an idiot?
They have accused the Russians of hacking the election, and therefore robbing Hillary's chances of winning in which was a lie. This made the Russians toxic to anyone talking to them in the regular context of normal business, and if anyone so much as communicated with them, then they must be guilty of something or even guilty of a crime. If Obama accused the Russians of something they didnot do (hack or influence) the election, and has caused all of this trouble, then he should be brought up on charges. The Demon-crats used the word INFLUENCE because they know that such a word would be broad in scope, and in interpretation.. They (the Dem accusers for political purposes), figure by way of such a word that it would be impossible for them to be accused of a crime by way of this word used if it all backfired on them. They are carefully choosing such words in so that they can get away with what they are up to, and yet escape justice if their game is figured out. Watch the words they use, and then think about what is going on here.
That's it true. There is clear evidence that the Russians interfered with our election. There are plenty, even on the Right, that want it investigated, not because they think it changed the results of the election but because it's important to know exactly to what extent they interfered to provide an appropriate response.

Yes many in the left are completely politicizing the Russia situation to deligitimize Trump, but that doesn't take away from the reality of the situation.

So then Obama has to be appropriately charged with abuse of power for interfering with the Israeli elections. And CNN for our elections. :)
. Yes, Netanyahu should call for Obama's extradition to Israel so he can stand trial there for trying to undermine that election. Egypt should also call for his extradition for attempting to undermine it's reaction to the brotherhood trying to take over Egypt, and calling for Egypt to place Morsi back into power as the new democratically elected leader there. And he wanted this no matter what the Egyptians new about the situation in their own nation ? On and on it goes.
Democracy is not a crime. Too bad the Brotherhood blew it. So did Maliki.
. So did Obama, who was a wanta be leader of the Muslim brotherhood in his own mind I believe.:booze:
Dude, listen to it again, it's plain English. "I've been called a surrogate once or twice and I've had no communications with Russia." That isn't denying that he is a surrogate it is conceeding that he is.

Slade3200 said - Dude, i've been called an idiot once or twice and I had no communication with the Russians.

Are you admitting you're an idiot?
If the question asked of me was what would I do if I had evidence that idiots were talking to Russians. And I said " I've been called an idiot and I haven't spoken to the russians" then yeah I'm pretty much saying that I'm an idiot and I'm saying I haven't spoken to the Russians.
The thing is, it doesn't matter what it appears he talked to them about. He said he hadn't talked to the Russians, when if it was innocent conversations all he had to do was explain himself. Him lying, then backing up his lies by saying the reports are lies, just tells me his meetings were not innocent ones.
According to the article, Sessions was asked in his confirmation hearing about meetings with the Trump campaign, not meetings that were the normal condition of his job in the Senate.

Your lying tells me you are biased....... but we already knew that.

What lie? He was asked if he had any contact with the Russians. He said NO. He was working a two pronged role as a Senator AND Trump campaign advisor at the time. All he had to do was say was "Yes it had to do with business related to my role as a Senator." He didn't. He lied.

You're calling someone a liar for giving an opinion on something tells me you don't even know what a lie is.
Our Commerce Clause covers this; our defense clause, does not.
If the question asked of me was what would I do if I had evidence that idiots were talking to Russians. And I said " I've been called an idiot and I haven't spoken to the russians" then yeah I'm pretty much saying that I'm an idiot and I'm saying I haven't spoken to the Russians.

Then we can agree from that line of reasoning, that you're an idiot.

As I said, Sessions never admitted he was a Trump surrogate. Show us a quote from sessions where he admits it.

Does it matter if he admitted it? It's on record straight from Trump that he was an advisor to his campaign. Are you human? If you deny you are human does that make you not human?

1) Sessions never admitted being a Trump surrogate.

2) Sessions couldn't therefore answer Frankens question in the context of being a Trump surrogate.

WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU? He was given the position of Trump's National Security Advisor during his campaign. CAN YOU READ? OR do you have bad eyesight? Do I need to make the font larger?


There is no denying to it... it's true. It's right there in black and white. You're little argument holds no water yet you try to beat that dead horse. Are you fucking retarded?
. What part of ADVISOR don't you understand ??
1) Sessions never admitted being a Trump surrogate.

WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU? He was given the position of Trump's National Security Advisor during his campaign. CAN YOU READ? OR do you have bad eyesight? Do I need to make the font larger?


A surrogate speaks FOR a candidate, an adviser speaks TO a candidate.

Those are two different roles. Someone can be one and not the other, or someone can be both.

Sessions admitted to being a Trump adviser, but not a surrogate.
Think you got that backwards... Sessions alluded to saying he was a surrogate in his statement. Didn't say it directly but he said that he had been called a surrogate and he hadn't had communications with Russia.

. You are trying to read something into something that isn't there, but it explains the desperation here by you folks.
They have accused the Russians of hacking the election, and therefore robbing Hillary's chances of winning in which was a lie. This made the Russians toxic to anyone talking to them in the regular context of normal business, and if anyone so much as communicated with them, then they must be guilty of something or even guilty of a crime. If Obama accused the Russians of something they didnot do (hack or influence) the election, and has caused all of this trouble, then he should be brought up on charges. The Demon-crats used the word INFLUENCE because they know that such a word would be broad in scope, and in interpretation.. They (the Dem accusers for political purposes), figure by way of such a word that it would be impossible for them to be accused of a crime by way of this word used if it all backfired on them. They are carefully choosing such words in so that they can get away with what they are up to, and yet escape justice if their game is figured out. Watch the words they use, and then think about what is going on here.
That's it true. There is clear evidence that the Russians interfered with our election. There are plenty, even on the Right, that want it investigated, not because they think it changed the results of the election but because it's important to know exactly to what extent they interfered to provide an appropriate response.

Yes many in the left are completely politicizing the Russia situation to deligitimize Trump, but that doesn't take away from the reality of the situation.

So then Obama has to be appropriately charged with abuse of power for interfering with the Israeli elections. And CNN for our elections. :)
. Yes, Netanyahu should call for Obama's extradition to Israel so he can stand trial there for trying to undermine that election. Egypt should also call for his extradition for attempting to undermine it's reaction to the brotherhood trying to take over Egypt, and calling for Egypt to place Morsi back into power as the new democratically elected leader there. And he wanted this no matter what the Egyptians new about the situation in their own nation ? On and on it goes.
Democracy is not a crime. Too bad the Brotherhood blew it. So did Maliki.
. So did Obama, who was a wanta be leader of the Muslim brotherhood in his own mind I believe.:booze:
Sure lol. The other side boycotted the election, another mistake...
If the question asked of me was what would I do if I had evidence that idiots were talking to Russians. And I said " I've been called an idiot and I haven't spoken to the russians" then yeah I'm pretty much saying that I'm an idiot and I'm saying I haven't spoken to the Russians.

Then we can agree from that line of reasoning, that you're an idiot.

Ok, cause you say so :cuckoo:
1) Sessions never admitted being a Trump surrogate.

WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU? He was given the position of Trump's National Security Advisor during his campaign. CAN YOU READ? OR do you have bad eyesight? Do I need to make the font larger?


A surrogate speaks FOR a candidate, an adviser speaks TO a candidate.

Those are two different roles. Someone can be one and not the other, or someone can be both.

Sessions admitted to being a Trump adviser, but not a surrogate.
Think you got that backwards... Sessions alluded to saying he was a surrogate in his statement. Didn't say it directly but he said that he had been called a surrogate and he hadn't had communications with Russia.

. You are trying to read something into something that isn't there, but it explains the desperation here by you folks.

I have no reason to be desperate, sounds like you just say that to avoid having to make an intelligent arguement
You're thinking too hard.

Franken never asked Sessions if he met with Russians.

Absolutely true. But Sessions decided to answer Franken by denying he met with the Russians, and he said that under oath. oops...

Franken asked that:

If the rumored dossier exists, and you found that the trump campaign had contacts with the Russians, what would you do?

HIs answer clearly was:

"I can't answer that"

Any attorney knows they can't answer a hypothetical question.

It's really that easy.

If only Sessions stopped there. Instead he expanded on his answer.

Any good lawyer advises his client to just answer the question, and not volunteer any extra information.
. The question if a judge would have been present would have been denide of Franken to ask based upon speculation, yet even so Sessions answered it correctly.
1) Sessions never admitted being a Trump surrogate.

WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU? He was given the position of Trump's National Security Advisor during his campaign. CAN YOU READ? OR do you have bad eyesight? Do I need to make the font larger?


A surrogate speaks FOR a candidate, an adviser speaks TO a candidate.

Those are two different roles. Someone can be one and not the other, or someone can be both.

Sessions admitted to being a Trump adviser, but not a surrogate.
Think you got that backwards... Sessions alluded to saying he was a surrogate in his statement. Didn't say it directly but he said that he had been called a surrogate and he hadn't had communications with Russia.

. You are trying to read something into something that isn't there, but it explains the desperation here by you folks.

I have no reason to be desperate, sounds like you just say that to avoid having to make an intelligent arguement
. There is no intelligent argument with you folks, and that has been proven over and over again.
Jeff Sessions should get an Emmy for his TV performance today. He played a spot-on old man with early onset Alzheimer's.
WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU? He was given the position of Trump's National Security Advisor during his campaign. CAN YOU READ? OR do you have bad eyesight? Do I need to make the font larger?


A surrogate speaks FOR a candidate, an adviser speaks TO a candidate.

Those are two different roles. Someone can be one and not the other, or someone can be both.

Sessions admitted to being a Trump adviser, but not a surrogate.
Think you got that backwards... Sessions alluded to saying he was a surrogate in his statement. Didn't say it directly but he said that he had been called a surrogate and he hadn't had communications with Russia.

. You are trying to read something into something that isn't there, but it explains the desperation here by you folks.

I have no reason to be desperate, sounds like you just say that to avoid having to make an intelligent arguement
. There is no intelligent argument with you folks, and that has been proven over and over again.

Hey dumbshit, if everything was hunky dory then Flynn would still be NSA and Sessions wouldn't have revised himself. Wake up and join reality
You're thinking too hard.

Franken never asked Sessions if he met with Russians.

Absolutely true. But Sessions decided to answer Franken by denying he met with the Russians, and he said that under oath. oops...

Franken asked that:

If the rumored dossier exists, and you found that the trump campaign had contacts with the Russians, what would you do?

HIs answer clearly was:

"I can't answer that"

Any attorney knows they can't answer a hypothetical question.

It's really that easy.

If only Sessions stopped there. Instead he expanded on his answer.

Any good lawyer advises his client to just answer the question, and not volunteer any extra information.
. The question if a judge would have been present would have been denide of Franken to ask based upon speculation, yet even so Sessions answered it correctly.

And Franken had every right to ask a clarifying question. He did not. Without it, any perjury case is without a basis.
I watched the confirmation hearings the questions he was asked were about the alleged Russian hacking of the election, not about his duties as a sitting Senator, or a member of the US armed services committee. So He answered the questions truthfully. There were OTHER country's ambassadors at one meeting AND there were staff members at the other. So your lies are as always just another try to stick some shit to the Trump administration. GUESS the hell what People are getting really tired of your piles of shit, and the tables are about to turn. I hear the pile of dogshit ex president has been up to some espionage and treasonous activity, and also is working behind the scenes to overthrow a duly elected us government meaning he is planning to take over by incursion, and it seems that all of the dimshits are involved meaning they are planning an act of incursion, and WILL be tried by Military tribunal, and executed along with everyone who supported their activities, Press, staffers, financiers, and especially any military persons involved. DEMOCRAT TREASONISTS EXECUTED will be the Fox news report since they will be about the only one left. I am ready to see the end of the shitscum myself. I need a really good laugh as they turn Christian all of a sudden and beg God to help them!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
For those who missed the doddering old man's presser, here is a paraphrasing of his statements:

"I was dazzled and confuddlebobbulated by Senator Franken's question. I sure wish I could have a do-over."

"I forgot I met with the Russian guy twice, but I can tell you he was a real old time Soviet bastard."

"I can't member what me and the Russian talked about."

"Does anyone know where my Aricept is?"

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